英语九年级上册 Module 9质量评估试卷

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英语九年级上册 Module 9质量评估试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空A man walked into a restaurant. The restaurant advertised (宣传) that it had the _menu in the world. The manager was very proud of being able to provide any dish, no matter how (无论怎样) _ it was. At the bottom of the _, there was a notice that said, “If you do not see the dish you need on this menu, please tell us and we will _ it to the menu at once.”The man _ the menu and decided to make sure if it was true. He would order (点菜) _ that was very unusual.When a waiter came up to take his order, he said, “You say you can serve _ dish, even if its not your longest menu in the world.”“Thats right, sir. We are able to meet everyones requirements (要求).”“Well,” the man said, “Bring me a sandwich with two elephant ears. _, not African.”The waiter wrote down on his paper: Two Indian elephant ears on bread.“Very good, sir,” he said. “That shouldnt _ long.”The waiter walked away quickly. The man was very surprised. Then he smiled _ the waiter returned with a very unhappy look on his face. “Ah!” the man said. “You cant _ it to me, can you?”The waiter made an apology (道歉).“Im very _, sir, and this is the most embarrassing (令人尴尬的),” he said, “but Im afraid we cant because weve run out of bread.”1 . AbiggestBthickestCheaviestDlongest2 . AunfairBunusualCbeautifulDimportant3 . AmenuBdishCrestaurantDtable4 . AaddBbuyCsellDmake5 . Alooked forBtook outClooked atDpicked up6 . AanythingBnothingCeverythingDsomething7 . AanyBsomeCeachDevery8 . AAmericanBIndianCCanadianDAustralian9 . ApayBcostCtakeDspend10 . AasBanyCsoDthough11 . AcatchBtakeCfetch (去拿)Dbring12 . AhappyBsorryCexcitedDright二、阅读单选Do you want to help China become a more beautiful country? Now, you can do this on your smart phone(智能手机).Ant Financial(蚂蚁金服) is an Internet financial service(服务) company. In August 2016, it started an interesting project on Alipay(支付宝). The name of the project is “Ant Forest.”. According to(根据) Ant Financial, “Ant Forest” can help make the environment(环境) better.But how does the project actually work? And what effects(效果) does it have? In “Ant Forest”, people start by planting a virtual tree. The project will then give people “green energy” if they do low-carbon(低碳) activities. These activities include walking, buying tickets on the Internet, taking public transportant(公共交通设施) and so on. With “green energy”, the virtual tree will grow up slowly. When there is enough “green enough”, Ant Financial will plant a real tree.The Ant Financial company is working with lots of green charities(慈善机构). Together, they help farmers in desert(沙漠) areas in China plant trees. “Ant Forest”is very popular now. More than 250,000,000 people have planted virtual trees on their phones. And Ant Financial has planted more than 10,000,000 real trees.Bai Xue is a worker of Ant Financial.She says the company believes everyone wants to make the environment better. She and her workmates are happy that they can help people make their wishes come true. According to Bai, Ant Financial will do more in the future so that we can make China a greener country together.13 . What does the underlined word “virtual” mean?A真实的B高大的C虚拟的D贵重的14 . According to the article, Ant Financia will plant a real tree when .Aa user collects enough “green energy”Ba green charity asks it to plant a treeCa user plants a virtual tree in “Ant Forest”Da user use Alipay15 . Which of the following things can people do to get “green energy”?.walk to the office.drive a car to work buy tickets on the Internet.take an underground.help parents do some houseworkABCD16 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?AThe virtual tree will grow into a big tree just in a few days.BThe Ant Financial company helps farmers plant a real tree in some poor areas.CBai Xue works for Ant Financial.DOver 25000000 people have planted virtual trees on phones.17 . From the passage, we can learn that “Ant Forest”.Ais an Internet Internet financial serviceBworks to make our country more beautifulCcan help people make their life betterDwill make a lot of money by planting treesMy friend John has got a restaurant in a big city. It is near a supermarket. He gets ten robots for the restaurant. Each robot costs (价钱为) 20,000 yuan. The restaurant is not big, but very popular. Now more and more people come here for dinner.The robots have different jobs in the restaurant. Two robots cook different kinds of food; one washes the dishes; one cleans the floor and the others give food to the guests (客人). Although robots do most of the jobs in the restaurant, John is still very busy. He must do many things to keep the robots working well. Luckily, John is good at studying robots and he knows robots very well. I think in the future, there will be a lot of robot themed restaurants (机器人主题餐厅) around the world.18 . How many robots give food to the guests in the restaurant?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.19 . What is John good at?APlaying games.BStudying robots.CCooking food.DMaking robots.20 . From the passage we can learn _.AJohns restaurant is in a small cityBJohn is always free because of the robotsCthe robots cost John 200,000 yuanDthere are two robots sweeping the floor in the restaurant21 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe restaurant is big and clean.BIt is expensive to eat in the restaurant.CThere are three robot cooks (厨师) in the restaurant.DThe restaurant is popular in Johns city.Whole Wheat (小麦) Apple Pancakes What you need:2 cups of whole wheat flour 1/2 teaspoon of salt 2 eggs 1/4 cup of vegetable oil2 large apples1 cup of butter DIRECTIONS:In a large bowl, stir (搅拌) the flour and salt. Put eggs, oil and apples into the flour. Heat(加热) a large pan over medium heat. Put a large teaspoon of batter (面糊) onto the pan and cook until the batter becomes dry. Then flip(45) the pancake and cook till it becomes brown on the other side. When both sides have a light brown color, the pancake is ready. Heat the butter over medium heat and add it to the pancake. It makes the pancake taste more delicious. pancakes wheat flour pan butter Whole Wheat (小麦) Apple Pancakes What you need:2 cups of whole wheat flour 1/2 teaspoon of salt 2 eggs 1/4 cup of vegetable oil2 large apples1 cup of butter DIRECTIONS:In a large bowl, stir (搅拌) the flour and salt. Put eggs, oil and apples into the flour. Heat(加热) a large pan over medium heat. Put a large teaspoon of batter (面糊) onto the pan and cook until the batter becomes dry. Then flip(45) the pancake and cook till it becomes brown on the other side. When both sides have a light brown color, the pancake is ready. Heat the butter over medium heat and add it to the pancake. It makes the pancake taste more delicious. pancakes wheat flour pan butter 22 . The passage tells us how to make _.AbreadBdumplingsCpancakesDhamburgers23 . How much vegetable oil do you need?A1 cup of itB1/2 teaspoon of it.C2 cups of it.D1/4 cup of it.24 . To make whole wheat apple pancakes, you need the following things EXCEPT _.AsaltBmilkCflourDbutter25 . Whats the right order of making pancakes?Put eggs, oil and apples into the flour.Add some butter Stir the flour and salt.Heat the pan.ABCD26 . Which of the following pictures shows “flip”?ABCDA recent study found peoples lives are made shorter in North China. It is showed the life expectancy(平均寿命) had been cut down by 5.5 years there. Researchers(研究者)think that the heavy air pollution in China should be to blame(承担责任). Its really the truth. Our government has already done something. However, it doesnt seem to work so well.“Air pollution in China is doing harm to peoples health. The harm is much more serious than we can imagine,” said Chen Yuyu of Beijing University, one of researchers of this study.Dirty air brings serious problems in North China. In January this year, the air pollution was worse than that in other places. That was caused by rising temperature and waste gas(气体)from coal heating(燃煤).Chinese government should strongly fight with air pollution. They should think of more proper ways to deal with the problem. People should be encouraged to take buses, ride bicycles or walk, instead of driving cars. The factories that pollute heavily should be closed.“We need to improve our environment, although it might be expensive. Protecting our environment means protecting ourselves,” Li Hongbin, another researcher of the study said.27 . The passage above may come from a(n) _.AstoryBadvertisementCreportDdiary28 . Which of the following is Li Hongbins idea?AThe life expectancy had been cut by 5.5 years.BChinese government should close some factories that pollute heavily.CPeople need to make pollution less, although it might cost a lot.DThe air problem brings us serious problems.29 . What should people do to protect the environment?AThey should take buses.BThey should ride bikes.CThey should go on foot.DAll of the above.30 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AAir pollution in North China is caused by waste gas.BTo save the environment, our government should do something more.CThe temperature becomes higher and higher in North China.DHow air pollution in North China is caused.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空。once in a while, shut off, depend on, plenty of, in time31 . I think I shouldnt always _ my parents since Ive grown up.32 . There are _ vegetables in the market.33 . He _ the washing machine after washing the clothes.34 . _, I dont like listening to loud music.35 . Youd better review what you have learned_.四、单词填空根据首字母提示补全短文。Knowing how to use a computer is an essential skill for everyone w36 . wants to succeed in todays world. One basic computer program that everyone should learn to use is the word processing program. Most types of writing are e37 . produced with a word processing program. For e38 . , everyone must sometimes write a business letter. Using a computer allows you to arrange and rearrange information easily, making your writing more c39 . and exactly correct. Word processing programs can help you check your s40 . and grammar. A computer makes it easy to correct m41 . .Computers can be u42 . for much more than word processing, however. Other areas are picture design, processing, however. Other areas are picture design, programming, and creating new g43 . . Jobs i44 . the computer can s45 . you well now and into the future.综合填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。If you pay a visit to Liu Hashengs restaurant in Harbin, you will find 18 robots there. They are ready to serve you and make sure that your dining e46 . is perfect. After the visit, you can tell others that the robots serving customers isnt a dream any more.Its wonderful to see h47 . the 18 robots work in the restaurant. The wonder s48 . when you walk in. Youll see a robot come up and say, Earth person, hello! Welcome to the Robot Restaurant. When you have ordered your m49 . , the robots in the kitchen begin to do the cooking. After the food is p50 . , a robot waiter will glide (滑行) out of the kitchen to serve you with the meal youve ordered. And as customers enjoy their d51 . food, a robot sings lovely songs for them.You may ask, Where did all these robots come from? Liu said they were designed (设计) and m52 . by the Harbin Haohai Robot Company. Liu said he invested (投资) 5 million yuan in the restaurant, with each robot costing 200,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan. And the w53 . robot team is managed by the workers in the computer room.After a busy day, all the robots will go for a meal, which is e54 . . After 5 hours, the robots can continue their work for a day. The restaurant now provides a menu with more than 30 dishes (菜肴), and the average (平均) cost for a dinner is a55 . 40 to 50 yuan. Do you want to go and have a try in this restaurant?五、回答问题Traffic jams(堵塞)is a big problem in many big cities. Now, people use a “super bus”to solve the problem. The“super bus”is 40 meters long and 6 meters wide. It has two floors. Passengers(乘客)sit on the upper floor. A“super bus”can hold 1,200 to 1,400 people. That is the work of about 40 ordinary(普通的)buses. When the“super bus”runs on the road, the other cars and buses can run through from its low floor. That is just like boatsor ships go through a bridge. So the“super bus”hardly(几乎不)takes any room of the roads. So we can say using the“super bus”is the best way to solve the traffic problem.Answer the questions according to what you read.56 . Why do many big cities use the“super bus”?57 . How wide is the“super bus”58 . Which part of the“super bus”do passengers sit on?59 . Why does the “super bus”hardly take any room?60 . How many people can an super bus hold?六、话题作文61 . 老师和家长对中学生上网聊天持有不同的看法,有的认为是一件好事,有的认为是一件坏事。请就此话题谈谈你的看法。字数:60-80词。提示词:popular, chat online, learn from, waste time, benefit(收益)_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、2、五、回答问题1、六、话题作文1、


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