英语七年级下册Module 6 Unit 3同步测试卷

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英语七年级下册Module 6 Unit 3同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There is a shop _ the bottom of the mountain.AonBatCinDfor2 . - How soon will Mr Li come back from Beijing?-three days.AInBForCFrom3 . -You shouldyour teachers advice if you want to improve your science.-That sounds great.AgetBcatchCfollowDhear4 . Nanjing is _ the south of China and China is _ the west of Japan. Ain;toBin;onCon;toDon;in5 . We should eatto keep in goodthan before.Amore healthy; healthBmore healthily; healthChealthilier; healthyDhealthilier; health6 . There was a heavy storm_ thunder and lightning. But he had to get there _ the dark.Ahad; inBwith; throughChad; throughDwith; on7 . Wheres my schoolbag? Its _ the table.AwithBunderCofDFor8 . China has a large population and it is _ the east of Asia.AinBtoCofDon9 . The boy sometimes makes some mistakes in his work. But _, hes a good boy. He is willing to help others.Ain a wayBin this wayCin that wayDin some ways10 . The great Chinese writer, Ba Jin died in October 2005. He will be remembered ushis great works.Afor; byBby; forCby; withDwith; for11 . Actually, he broke the window yesterday.ARecentlyBThat isCIn fact二、补全对话7选5补全对话Please read the following incomplete dialogue, and fill in the blanks with five of the seven sentences given.(请阅读下面不完整的对话,并从所给的7个句子中选出5个,补全对话。)Cathy: Hi, Eric!Eric: Hi, Cathy! You look nice in this T-shirt.Cathy: Oh, thank you, Eric. 12 . Eric: You know Im a member of Love Animal Club, so I usually go to the zoo and look after the animals.Cathy: Thats great. Whats your favourite animal?Eric: 13 . Cathy: Monkeys? Why?Eric: Because theyre clever. 14 . Cathy: I like koalas best.Eric: 15 . Cathy: Oh, theyre from Australia.Eric: 16 . Cathy: Theyre lazy. They like to sleep and stay in the trees.AHow do you go to the zoo?BWhat do you usually do on Sundays?CWhere are koalas from?DI love monkeys best.EDo they eat grass and leaves?FWhat about you?GWhat do they like to do?从A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)A: Excuse me, is there a bookstore around here?B: Yes, there is. 17 . A: Could you tell me where it is?B: Certainly. Go along the street and turn right at the third turning. Then walk until you see Qiulin Shopping Mall. 18 . A: You mean its across from Qiulin Shopping Mall?B: Exactly.A: 19 . B: One kilometer.A: 20 . B: Yes. Youd better take the subway. Its fast and convenient.A: Great! Oh, and one more thing. What time does the bookstore close?B: 21 . Youd better as for detailed information in the bookstore.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.ACan I go there by subway?BHow far is it from here?CIts next to Qiulin Shopping Mall.DThe nearest one is Xinhua Bookstore.EIts opposite Qiulin Shopping Mall.FPerhaps at 8 p. m.GHow can I get there?三、阅读单选AWelcome to the Art Museum!Youve just stepped into one of the worlds greatest collections of art, covering centuries of human creativity from all over the world. With thousands of works on show, you may wonder how to start your visit, so we are here to help. Click (点击) on the “dont miss” list, and youll find introductions of the must-see works in our collections in different museum rooms. They are great choices to start if you are new to the museum.The overlook below shows a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections. Enjoy your visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.PS:1.Tickets can be bought online at www.artmuseum.org/tickets or at the ticket office at $10 per person. Children under 16 can get a half price. Family package (for 3-4 people) is $18.2.A guide can be arranged (安排) for you for $40 for a 2-hour tour, giving you introductions of the must-see artworks and the interesting stories behind them. But it needs to be booked (预订) 1 day before your visit at (212) 769-5100.22 . The passage probably comes from a(n) _.Atour mapBguide bookCmuseum websiteDart magazine23 . In the “dont miss” list for the Art Museum, we can know about the _.Afree paintingsBmust-see worksCnew collectionsDmuseum buildings24 . Which part of the museum shows Chinese art?AThe “Bridge”.BRice Building.CMichigan Avenue Building.DMckinlock Court.25 . To visit the museum with his 9-year-old twins, Mr. Smith should at least pay _.A$15B$18C$20D$4026 . We can know that the guide in the museum _.Awill show you around for a whole dayBwill guide you to see every artworkCcan be booked when you arriveDneeds to be booked on the phone四、填写适当的单词补全句子27 . Mikes keys are _ the room.28 . His baseball is _ the bed.29 . His schoolbag and some books are _ the sofa.30 . This is a set _ keys.31 . Thanks _ your watch. I can know the time(时间).五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)32 . My mother _(很少)watches football games.33 . We can see some _ (英雄的) pictures on the wall. We should learn from them.34 . We all think our dreams can come_.(真实的)35 . There is a_(现代化的) library in our school.36 . _(地理)is so interesting that we all like it.37 . One of the boys often_(fly )kites on Sundays.38 . Thank you for _(swim) with me today.39 . Our teacher often asks us to do after-school_(activity).40 . I usually visit the Slender West Lake _(one ) a year.41 . She goes to the_ (dance) lesson on Tuesday afternoon.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空,每空不限一词。42 . Jack,_(bring)todays newspaper to me.43 . You must remember_(wear)the school uniform tomorrow.44 . Come and join us! We need some_(music)for the school music festival.45 . Look! One of the children_(read)a story book.46 . Its easy for me to get_(lose)in big cities.七、完成句子根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。47 . 世界上从来没有人未经努力就取得成功。No one in the world has_ without making an _.48 . 你曾经考虑过出国深造吗?Have you ever_going abroad for further study?49 . 我们要坚持奋斗而不是放弃。We should fight on_giving up.50 . 许多人认为短片豹值得一看。_people thought the short film Bao was worth seeing.51 . 事实胜于雄辩。Action _ louder _ words.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其适当形式填空(有两个多余)。little; although; body; program; two; together; Internet; Hardly; junk; almost; relax; suchHello! Im John. Im in a health club now. Im interviewing(采访) four students. Here are the results.My name is David. I 52 . did any exercise in the past. So, I felt tired. Then I come here to exercise myself, Good health makes my 53 . and mind great and helps me study well. I come here 54 . a week. I exercise for thirty minutes each time.Im Alice. I was fat half a year ago. I liked eating 55 . food with a cup of coffee. Because of my large body, 56 . no one wanted to make friends with me. So I come here to lose weight(减肥). I have many good friends in the club now. We often exercise 57 . . Look! Im so healthy now.Im Ann. I have lots of homework to do every day. I think exercise can make me58 . and help me study well.59 . I am very busy every day, I spend at 60 . forty minutes here. Im Bill. I always sat before a computer and played on the 61 . . So I didnt feel well. The doctor asked me to do more exercise. So I come here. I find that Im healthy now.them, too, match, easy, team, run, thin, player, role, stopPeter, Jack, Sam, Bob and John are on our school basketball team. It is one of the most popular 62 . in our city. Next Sunday, 63 . are going to play against No. 1 Middle School basketball team. Let me introduce(介绍)the five 64 . .Sam is the 65 . , but he runs the fastest. Peter is the tallest. He can jump the highest, 66 . . He can throw(投)the ball into the basket 67 . . Bob is a new player, but he is also a great player. Of the five boys, Jack is the best player. In the last basketball 68 . , he got twenty points for his team. John is the heaviest. He is 65 kg. He 69 . slower than any other boy. But he is good at 70 . the players of the other team from getting near the basket. Everyone plays an important 71 . in the team. Are they going to win? Lets wait and see!根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。December, clothes, happy, month, favorite, time, music, need Cara has a brother. His name is Tommy. He is ten 72 . old.Caras dad says, “Mom doesnt have too much 73 . for Tommy. She74 . help.”Cara wants to help her mother.It s 75 . and its cold, so Cara helps Tommy to put on his 76 . . Cara holds (拿着)the trousers. Mom holds Tommy. Then they succeed in dressing Tommy (成功地给Tommy穿上裤子).Sometimes Tommy cant sleep (睡觉)in the evening. Cara takes a CD player and plays 77 . for Tommy. She plays the ABC song. Then Tommy goes to sleep.Cara also knows Tommy s78 . thing a toy. She always plays with the toy with Tommy to make (使得)him 79 . .Mom says, “Cara, you are a great sister.” And Dad says, “You are a great helper, too.”九、单词填空短文填空根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Dear Jane,Thanks for your letter.Now let me80 . (告诉) you something about my fathers life.He 81 . (工作)at the TV 82 . (电视台)He gets up very 83 . (早地),usually at six 84 . (点钟)Then he 85 . (游泳)for about86 . (四十)minutes.After that he takes a shower and eats breakfast 87 . (很快地)because he is really busy with his work.He usually gets home very late,88 . (有时)at 11:00 at 89 . (晚上)Is your father also busy every day?Yours,Rick十、回答问题Harold was very disappointed(失望)last night. All the other students in his English class went to a party at the house of their teacher, Miss White, but Harold never got there. He followed his teachers map, but he made one little mistake.From their school, he walked along Main Street to Central Avenue (大街)and turned left. He walked to the bus stop, opposite the post office. He took the Central Avenue bus and got off at Fifth Street. He tuned left and walked along Fifth Street three blocks(街区)to Park Avenue and turned right. He walked to the bus stop the corner of Park Avenue and Sixth Street. He took Bus Number 42, but he got off at the wrong stop. He got off at River Road instead of Rolling Road. He turned left and walked on, and at last he got completely lost.Harold was very unhappy. He really wanted to go to the party last night, and he cant believe he made such a stupid mistake!90 . When did the party take place?91 . How did Miss White tell the students where her home was?92 . How many times did Harold take a bus on the way to the party?93 . Where should Harold get off the bus instead of River Road?94 . Did Harold get to the party at last?Meet Thomas Wilson. Thomas is famous all over the World. He holds the world record for sleeping in(睡过头). One weekend, Thomas slept in for two days, three hours and fourteen minutes. It was unbelievable. No one in history had ever slept in for so long before.Thomas was very proud of his world record. His friends were proud of him, too. Whenever Thomas walked down the street, people always came up to him and shook his hand. Thomas was a star.The only person who wasnt proud of Thomass world record was his father. Dad didnt like it when Thomas slept in. He complained that whenever Thomas slept in, the lawns didnt get mowed. He was worried about how high the grass was getting. Every weekend, it seemed to get higher and higher. “Its like a jungle there.” Dad moaned(抱怨) to Thomas one day. But Thomas wasnt worried about the grass getting higher. He had more important things on his mind like sleeping in.One morning, Thomas was woken from a deep sleep by a loud roaring noise. It sounded like a wild animal pacing about under his bedroom window.Thomas rushed over to the window and pulled the curtains back. His eyes bulged like basketballs. “What on earth?” He gasped. There, in the middle of the backyard, was a lion! “Awesome!” cried Thomas. Suddenly, a giraffe poked its head through the window. It munched the leaves from a plant sitting by Thomass bed. Next, an elephant walked past the swimming pool and squirted(喷出) water all over Dads car! “Cool!” cheered Thomas. “Now I dont have to wash Dads car today.”(选自新理念英语阅读)95 . What is Thomas famous for?_96 . How long did Thomas sleep in one weekend?_97 . Was Thomass father proud of his sons world record?_98 . Why did Thomas say he didnt have to Wash Dads car?(no more than ten words)_99 . What do you think of Thomass world record for sleeping in?(no more than three words) _第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、补全对话7选51、2、三、阅读单选1、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、3、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、2、

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