英语七年级上册《Unit4 Topic 3 What time is it now》课后巩固提升训练

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英语七年级上册Unit4 Topic 3 What time is it now课后巩固提升训练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Today is Saturday.Bob leaves home early.He _ the subway to the train station._ does he want to go?Bobs grandma _ in Maple Town.Bob likes to see her.Mom is busy,so she cant go with Bob.But Bob is not _His grandma will meet him at the Maple Town Station.Maple Town is 113 kilometers away _ the city.It takes Bob about two _ to get there by train.Its not boring on the train.Bob takes the phone with him,_ he can play games and listen to music.Time goes _At 11:05 am,the train gets to the Maple Town Station.Bob takes his bag and gets off the train.Many _ are at the station,but Bob sees his grandma quickly.He is very happy and _ to her.Have a good time in Maple Town,Bob!1 . AneedsBdrivesCtakesDsees2 . AWhereBHowCWhatDWhen3 . AcomesBdancesCplaysDlives4 . AfreeBafraidChappyDlate5 . AtoBinCatDfrom6 . AhoursBminutesCweeksDmonths7 . AorBsoCbutDwhen8 . AquicklyBfarCreallyDnever9 . AfriendsBtrainsCpeopleDvillagers10 . AthinksBgivesCtakesDruns二、填空How do you spend your weekends? Some people like to watch TV at home, but others like to go out for picnics. My friend Helen studies hard in her school on weekdays. On weekends she does many things. On Saturday morning, she often goes to the park by bike. In the afternoon she usually goes swimming with her friends. In the evening she often does her homework for a short time. On Sunday morning she often goes to visit her uncle in the countryside. Her uncle has a little farm there. Helen often helps her uncle on the farm. She comes back from her uncles home after lunch. Sometimes she goes to the movies with her mother on Sunday afternoon. She thinks she has a good time every weekend. How do you spend weekendsSome people like 11 . TV at home;Some people like going out for picnics.Saturday morningHelen often 12 . her bike to the parkSaturday afternoonHelen usually goes 13 . with her friendSunday morningHelen goes to her 14 . farm in the countrysideSunday afternoonHelen sometimes sees a 15 . with her mother任务型阅读Today more and more students like going shopping on the Internet. Do you have any ideas about it? Here are four girls ideas.Sandy, twelveI like new skirts and jeans. At the weekend I usually go to the shops on the Internet. When I see my favourite things, I can pay for them by my credit card (信用卡).Kitty, thirteenI think it is very easy and cheap to buy things on the Internet. I only need to stay at home and choose the things I like. I can get them quickly without going out It doesnt take too much time.Wendy, elevenIm not good at computers. I never do the shopping on the Internet. I dont think it is interesting. When I want something, I ask my parents to buy it for me in the shopping mall.Shirley, twelveShopping on the Internet is not good. I can only see some pictures about the things. I dont believe the notes near the pictures.根据短文内容,补全所缺信息。(每空一词)NameAgeIdeas about shopping on the InternetSandy12At the weekend she usually goes shopping on the Internet. She 16 . by her credit card.Kitty13She thinks it is very easy and 17 . to buy things on the Internet. She doesnt need to go out and then gets the things she likes.Wendy11She 18 . goes shopping on the Internet. Her 19 . usually help her buy things in the shopping mall.Shirley12She thinks shopping on the Internet is not good. She doesnt believe the notes 20 . the pictures.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、填空1、2、

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