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英语七年级上册第7单元过关检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You can see the _in their faces when they talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.AattentionBprideCdoubtDability2 . -What did you get _ your birthday, Tony?-An iPad3, from my aunt.AtoBatCwithDfor3 . -Can I help you?-. I want a red skirt.AThank youBIm sorryCYoure welcomeDYes, please4 . Millie was born on Feb. 22. The picture of her star sign isDo you know the name of the sign?AAriesBScorpioCSagittariusDPisces5 . -Whats his _? -Brown.Afirst nameBlast nameCnext nameDthe second name6 . My jacket is on the chair.Let_ get it.AmineBmeCIDmy7 . This _ is small. Do you have a big one?AshirtsBshortCpantDshirt8 . (题文)Ella is going to be a dancer no matter _ difficulties she faces.AhowBwhatCwhen9 . you a sweater?No, thanks.ADo; needBAre; needCDo; sellDAre; sell10 . A_ bird is flying_ in the skyAhappy;happilyBhappy;happyChappily;happyDhappily;happily11 . Eating more vegetables _ you healthier.AmakeBmakesCletDlets12 . -How muchthe pants?- _ twenty dollars.Ais; ItsBare; TheyreCare; ItsDis; Theyre13 . Look at the photo_my family.Let me see. Whos the boy the photo?Ain; toBof; inCfor ;onDor;to14 . From 2008 on, Liu Xiang _ a lot from his foot problem, but he did not give up.AdividedBsufferedCreplacedDescaped15 . We have to stay at home _ the heavy rain.AbecauseBbecause ofCsoDso that二、补全对话7选5IV.从方框中选择适当句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。A. Yes, he likes soccer.B. Do you know that boy?C. Yes, its under my bed.D. Whats his phone number?E. Whats his name?F. Sounds good.G. He doesnt like English.A: Hey, Mary.16 . B: Yes, hes my cousin.A: 17 . B: Tom Green.A: What does he like? Do you know?B:18 . A: Oh. Do you have a soccer ball?B: 19 . A: Lets get your soccer ball and play it with Tom.B: 20 . 三、完型填空November 11th is coming soon. On that day people always buy lots of things online, _ they are very cheap. I also want to buy _ for my family and friends.I will buy a red _ for my mother because her bags are all black. _ my father, I want to buy him a wallet. Next Friday is _ birthday. Ill buy him a wallet as a _. My sister is just six years old. She likes _ with dolls, so I plan to buy her a lovely doll. My best friend Feifei often _ me with my study. _ will I buy him? He likes playing basketball, so I can buy a basketball for him.What about me? I want to buy a camera, but its too _. What is your shopping plan for the coming November 11th?21 . AandBbutCbecauseDso22 . AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything23 . AballBwatchCwalletDbag24 . AToBWithCForDOf25 . AherBhisCitsDhim26 . AjobBpresentCbagDproduct27 . AbuyingBreadingCplayingDdoing28 . AmakesBleavesClikesDhelps29 . AWhatBWhenCWhereDWhy30 . AcheapBexpensiveChighDlow四、阅读单选Sales in Xinhua Shopping Center in DecemberClothing Section 2nd FloorWe have shirts, ties, scarves and sweaters in different colors.Shoes for both adults and kids are in style.A free hat is offered if you choose two from the things above.Book Section3rd Floor10% offFor kids aged 13-18Examples:Has Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins?by Liz Kessler, Britain( 28.60)2. Kids Who Are Changing the Worldby Anne Jankeliowitch, France ( 23.50) 3. The Forbidden Libraryby Django Wexler, US ( 22.60) For kids aged 2-12Examples:1. The Grass Houseby Cao Wenxuan, China ( 28.90) 2. Everyday English Snackedited by Qing Run, China ( 25.80)3. This Side of Wildby Gary Paulsen, US (26.50)FantasticSurprise!5 hours of free parking if you spend 200 or more.A lucky draw(抽奖)( 6 - 600) if you spend 600 or more.根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。31 . You can get a free hat if you buy a shirt and _.Aa bookBa dressCa pair of glovesDa pair of shoes32 . The cheapest book is _.AThis Side of WildBThe Grass HouseCThe Forbidden LibraryDHas Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins33 . The book Kids Who Are Changing the World is written by a/an _.AAmericanBChineseCFrenchwomanDEnglishwoman34 . If you spend 400 in the shopping center, you will get _.A 600B5 hours of free parkingC10 hours of free parkingD5 hours of free parking and 635 . The material above is most probably _.Aa posterBa shopping listCa picture bookDa trip introductionIt is Sunday. Its a fine day. Mr and Mrs Cooper dont go to work. Their children dont go to school. After breakfast, Mr and Mrs Cooper go out. Now Mr Cooper is walking in the park. Mrs Cooper is buying some meat, fruit and vegetables in a big supermarket.Jennifer is Mr Coopers daughter. Now she is playing computer games in her bedroom. Her cousin Mary is staying with her. She is reading a story book. Mr and Mrs Coopers son William, with his friends John and Barry, is playing cards in the garden. Outside the garden, there is a small street. There are no buses or taxis on it, and only some boys are playing soccer.36 . Mr Cooper has _ children.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive37 . Mary is in the _ now.AparkBsupermarketCbedroomDgarden38 . Whats William doing?AHe is walking in the park.BHe is buying something in the supermarket.CHe is playing soccer with his cousin.DHe is playing cards with his friends.39 . The street outside the garden is _.AquietBbigCbusyDdangerous40 . Which of the following is TRUE?AJennifer has a sister.BMary is Williams cousin.CBarry is reading a storybook.DSome boys are playing soccer in the park.五、句型转换根据要求改写句子41 . The trousers are thirty dollars.(对画线部分提问)_ the trousers?42 . My daughter likes blue.(对画线部分提问)_ your daughter _?43 . We have red bags.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ red bags?44 . have, shirts, all, in, we, colors, girls, for(连词成句)_.45 . They sell trousers. The trousers are only twenty-five yuan.(合并为一句)They _ trousers _ only twenty-five yuan.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)。46 . Lucy wants to make her English better, so she keeps _ (日记) in English every day.47 . In our class, Amy does well in _ (地理) because she loves traveling.48 . Mr. Brown _ (享受的乐趣) playing games with his little son.49 . They say our library is very bright and _ (新式的).50 . Where do you come from? _(什么,请再说一遍)? I cant hear you.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。51 . You should be _(friend)to these children.52 . I can hear someone _(laugh)in the other room.53 . He said that he _(come)back in five minutes.54 . They didnt play volleyball near the window. They were afraid _(break)it.55 . She left without _(say)any word.八、多任务混合问题Sunset HotelCity viewsLarge swimming pool110 per person a nightLong Beach HotelLarge rooms with color TVCity views from every roomAir conditioning in every room120 per person a nightHoliday Land HotelOcean views from every roomLarge rooms90 per person a nightThe Sands HotelBest ocean and beach viewsOn paradise IslandAir conditioning in every room125 per person a night(小题1)Which hotel is the most expensive ?ASunset Hotel.BThe Sands Hotel.CLong Beach Hotel.DHoliday Land Hotel.(小题2)If you want to swim, which hotel should you go to ?ALong Beach Hotel.BThe Sands HotelCSunset HotelDHoliday Land Hotel.(小题3)Which hotel can you stay at if you only have 100 ?ASunset Hotel BHoliday Land Hotel.CLong Beach Hotel.DThe Sands Hotel.(小题4)Which is the best way to go to the Sands Hotel ?ABy bike.BBy boat.COn foot.DBy bus.九、材料作文56 . 假如你叫Emily, 你在教室里拾到了一块橡皮和一把尺子。据此写一份招领启事, 电话235-6597。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、

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