英语七年级上册Unit 1 Lesson 2课时同步检测卷

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英语七年级上册Unit 1 Lesson 2课时同步检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What class are you in?I am in _.AGrade 7,Class3BClass 3, Grade 7Cgrade 7,class32 . - _?- Its 61237890.AWhats your name? B. How are you?BWhats your telephone number? D. Spell it, please.3 . - Happy New Year, Millie! -.AAll rightBThats OKCThank youDThe same to you4 . Ive visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them _this one.AmakesBbeatsCcomparesDmatches5 . Wang Fei is a football fan. He oftenfootball matches on television.AreadsBlooksCseesDwatches二、补全对话7选5情景交际补全对话:从方框中选出适当的句子完成下列对话,只填序号A. What color do you like?B. How are you?C. My name is Jane.D. Do you like blue?E. What are your favorite clothes?F. Im from England.G. Do you know Lily?A: Whats your name?B:6 . .A: Where are you from?B:7 . .A: How old are you?B: Im twelve.A:8 . ?B: I like white and green.A:9 . ?B: Skirts.A:10 . ?B: Yes! She is my good friend.三、阅读单选Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):For his eleventh birthday, Lin was given a gift that would shape his life. On that day his father took him to the Childrens Activity Centre and said he could choose any course that interested him. There was just one requirement: Lin would have to promise to study it for at least one year.To that point Lin had had many hobbies, but none kept his interest for more than a week or two. His mum once gave him a bag of stamps to encourage stamp collecting. That hobby lasted a week. Then his father got him some paints hoping that Lins artistic side would shine through. Those paints were now under his bed, some still unopened. This time Lins parents would let him decide.Lins eyes moved down the noticeboard that listed all the courses on offer. He stopped at “Photography”. He liked the idea of taking beautiful pictures but the notice said that each student needed their own camera. Although Lins family werent poor, they werent rich either, and a camera cost a lot of money. He continued looking.The next course to catch his eye was“Language Art”. He didnt even know what that meant. His father explained that it taught people how to make public speeches. Lin, a shy boy, to him it couldnt be worse.Then he saw it.“Cooking”sounded like something hed like to do. It was inexpensive and convenient, it could be done alone and it was also creative.Based on Lins hobby history, his dad had doubts(疑惑),but he agreed. Much to his parents surprise, Lin kept his promise. He studied cooking at the Centre every Saturday, and practiced at home, making delicious meals for his family. Everyone looked forward to birthdays, when they could eat his cakes. Lin got great satisfaction from the pleasure his food brought to others. The months turned to years but his hobby never became different again.Now Lin is an adult and runs a wonderful restaurant. When customers say they enjoy his meal, he still gets the same pleasure he did as a child, and remembers the special gift he received all those years ago.11 . What hobby didnt Lin try according to the passage?ACookingBCollecting stampsCPaintingDMaking public speeches12 . Why didnt Lin choose to study photography?AIt was too expensiveBHe was not very creativeCHe had no interest in itDIt was not offered that term13 . The underlined expression “catch his eye” in Paragraph 4 means“_”.Amake him excitedBcause him surpriseCget his attentionDhelp him see clearly14 . Which of the following best describes Lins interest in cooking?AIt only lasted for a short time.BIt seemed to match his character.CIt was chosen by his parents.DIt developed slowly over many months.15 . Why did the father have doubts when Lin chose cooking?ALin wasnt good at cooking.BCooking wasnt very convenient.CHe didnt think Lin would continue.DCooking wasnt a good hobby for a boy.16 . Whats the best title for the passage?AA Strict FatherBThe Fun of CookingCA Changeable BoyDThe Birthday Gift四、根据首字母、中文提示填空B)根据句意及首字母或中文提示写出单词。17 . Nowadays, many children are i_ in playing computer games.18 . My family was in a difficult s_ when my mother was ill in hospital.19 . Zhang Heng was a famous s_ in ancient China.20 . A pigeon is the _ (象征) of peace in the world.21 . Last year my mother _ (喂养) some ducks.根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词。22 . People enjoy _(月饼)on the Mid-Autumn Day.23 . Dont talk to _(陌生人). Its dangerous.24 . During the festival I often go to my _(亲戚)with my parents.25 . Its one of the most _(感人的)stories.26 . We dont have to spend a lot of money. Helping parents do housework is a good idea _(反而).27 . I wonder _(是否)he is our new teacher or not.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、补全对话7选51、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、

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