英语七年级上册Module 9 Unit3同步练习

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英语七年级上册Module 9 Unit3同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空完形填空。Hello! Im Peter. Im_English girl. I have_friends. They are Gina and Cindy. I love_I dont have a soccer ball,_my brother does. We go to the_school. We play it_school with our friends. Its_Gina_two soccer balls, three volleyballs, four basketballs. She loves sports, but she_play them. Cindy doesnt have a soccer ball. She thinks its_She likes ping-pong. We are good friends and we like sports.1 . AtheBaCanD/2 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour3 . AtheyBtheirCthemDus4 . AandBbutCofD/5 . AdifficultBsameCgoodDnext6 . AafterBinConDunder7 . ArelaxingBtidyCboringDfun8 . AhaveBdont haveChasDdoesnt have9 . AdontBdoesntCisntDarent10 . AdifficultBgreatCniceDinteresting二、阅读单选Maybe most of us do not enjoy doing housework. We hate to do it. But I think its our job to do housework. Here is some advice for you.Learn to do little thingsDoing housework is really not as bad as it sounds. If we all do our parts of housework, it will seem much less tiring. We can do little things first. It will show that you are growing up.Divide housework among (在之中) the familyYour parents are also busy. They work all day and they have to keep the house clean. So its necessary to make everyone do housework. It will make everyones job easier. Make it funIf you can make housework a funny thing, that will be great. Most people think cooking can be fun if you put your heart into it. For example, if you cook a wonderful meal, your family or friends will be proud (骄傲的) of you.11 . How many pieces of advice does the writer give us?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.12 . If we do our parts of the housework, it will seem _.AtiringBrelaxingCdifficultDheavy13 . The underlined word “divide” means “_” in Chinese.A分配B提供C管理D交换14 . According to the passage the writer thinks that _.Aparents should do all the houseworkBeverybody in the family should do houseworkCdividing housework among the family is not necessaryDcooking can never be fun15 . Whats the main idea of the passage?ALearn to do houseworkBLearn to be a good cookCSmall things we should doDHow to divide housework among the family三、句型转换根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。16 . I dont know where I can look up the opening time(改为同义句)I dont know_look up the opening time.17 . People get to know our National Mountaineering Team by watching the film The Climbers(就划线部分提问)_people get to know our National Mountaineering Team?18 . He put Kathys letter in the backpack(改为被动句)Kathys letter_in the backpack by him.19 . He used to feel stressed out each time he had a test.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _to feel stressed out each time he had a test?20 . 进入初三之后,他开始认真对待自己的学习。(完成译句)Being a student in Grade 9, he started to_about his study.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。21 . Is that_ (一张你的全家福)?22 . This is my _(学校图书馆).23 . She is Gina Smith. Gina is her _(名字).24 . - Where is your quilt?- Its _(在床上).25 . I have _(一件橙色的夹克衫).五、语法填空第二节语法填空Today we are developing a new idea - Money is the measure of all things. Increasingly, people are being judged by what they own, and not by their good qualities. This is 26 . (certain) true among many people in China.According to a survey that 27 . (do) in 2013, China is the most materialistic (物欲横流的) country in the world. Twenty- three percent of Chinese said they measured success by the things they owned (cars, homes, jewelry, designer clothes) compared 28 . just 21 percent in America, 20 percent in Canada and 16 percent in Britain.Recently, this worship of materialism 29 . (spread) into schools 30 . some kids like to show off their Apple Watches, iphones 6s and expensive running shoes, feeling very good about 31 . (they). Seeing this, some poorer students now feel intimidated (威胁) by their 32 . (rich) classmates. In some cases this has affected their performance in school.33 . having rich parents doesnt automatically (自动地) bring good grades and having poor parents doesnt automatically bring bad grades. It is hard work 34 . is the key to 35 . (succeed), not the cost of your running shoes. And hard work is what develops good character - that, not money, should be the true measure of all things.六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据图片及括号中所给的短语提示,用现在进行时描述图片,每幅图片写两句话36 . (plant trees,not plant flowers)_37 . (have dinner,not have breakfast)_38 . (send flowers,not send postcards)_39 . _第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、语法填空1、六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、

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