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福州市2019-2020年度七年级上学期期中英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话5选51 . 根据对话内容,从框格中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其序号填入空白处。(Bruce met Miss Wang in the teachers office )A: Hey , Bruce .B: Hey , Miss Wang .A:【小题1】B: Well , I have a headache and a cough . Im feeling terrible .A:【小题2】Maybe you have the flu .B: Thats right .【小题3】A: Certainly . Youre better go to see a doctor.【小题4】B: No , thank you . Ill take some medicine and drink more water .(Two days later , Miss Wang met Bruce in the teachers office again .)A: Hey , Bruce .【小题5】B: Much better , thanks .Its nothing serious .A: Doing more exercise may keep you healthy .B: Thank you , Miss Wang . Ill try that .二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。AIm fine, too. BIts a ruler. CWhat color is your ruler?DR-U-L-E-R. EIts yellow. FHow are you?GGood morning.A: Hello, Frank!B: Hi, Cindy!A: 2 . B: Im OK, thanks. And you?A: 3 . Oh, whats this in English?B: 4 . A: Please spell it. B: 5 . And its a white ruler. A:Oh. 6 . B: It is yellow.三、完型填空Hello! Im Eric. These are my familys two _ . My parents are in the _ photo. My father likes(喜欢) _ . Look(看)! His jacket is blue. My mother is a teacher(老师) in a middle _ . In the next photo are my _ cousins and I. This is my cousin Amy. She is my uncles _ . Amy has a brother. _ name is Tom. Look! _ boy in the middle is Tom. Im here. _ is in my hands(手)? Its a(n) _ . I like to eat(吃) it.7 . AkeysBmapsCphotos8 . AfirstBnextClast9 . AblueBgreenCyellow10 . AfamilyBschoolCpicture11 . AtwoBthreeCfour12 . AmotherBsisterCdaughter13 . AMyBHisCYour14 . AABAnCThe15 . AHowBWhoCWhat16 . ArulerBorangeCtelephoneHello. Im Bill. Im from America but now Im in Chengdu. My parents come to China for work, so I come with _I have may friends here. Meimei and Li Lei are my best friends. Li Lei is twelve years old now and his birthday is on February 16th. I want to have a birthday party for him next week. He likes fruit. _ I want to buy him a cake with strawberries and oranges. At school,we always have lunch together. Meimei often doesnt have dinner, because she doesnt want to be_But I dont think its a good for her health.I like watching movies very much. But from Monday to Friday,we _ go to school. On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the movies with my friends. I really want to know more about China. So I often go to the library when I have_ time. I have a happy life in China.17 . AherBhimCthem18 . AbutBandCSo19 . AfatBhealthyCgood20 . AcanBmustCmay21 . AfreeBdifficultCgreat四、阅读单选In ancient China,there was a man called Zhou Yong Before his father died, he left Zhou Yong a great number of gold ingots(元宝)Zhou hid them in a safe place in his home One day, Zhou decided to travel far away He was afraid that someone would steal the gold ingots But they were too heavy for him to bring along with himSo he put all the ingots into a jar (坛子)and gave it to his friend Wang Wu,telling Wang that the jar was full of fresh red dates (红枣)A year later, one day before Zhou came back,Wangs wife wondered what was in the jar So she secretly opened it She was shocked when she saw so many ingots inside She told Wang about it and they took the ingots out and filled the jar with fresh red datesWhen Wang returned the jar to Zhou, Zhou found the ingots were missing They argued about it for a while,then they went to see the county magistrate(县官)When the magistrate asked Wang what had happened, he answered, Zhou said that there were fresh red dates in it when he gave me the jar a year agoThe magistrate examined the jar and the fresh red dates in it carefullyThen he said: Bring the ingots back, Wang Wu!Wang still denied (否认)having taken them But after the magistrate explained what he knew,Wang finally admitted (承认)that he had taken the ingots22 . Zhou Yong got lots of ingots from_AWang WuBhis wifeChis fatherDthe county magistrate23 . Zhou Yong gave the jar to Wang because_Asomeone wanted to steal itBhe couldnt bring it along with himChe didnt want it anymoreDit was full of red dates24 . Wangs wife was very shocked after seeing_Aso many ingotsBthe red datesCthe county magistrateDZhou Yong25 . From the passage, we know the county magistrate was very_AcarelessBlazyCcleverDbrave26 . How did the county magistrate infer that Wang was lying?_AWang denied that he had taken the ingotsBWangs wife admitted that she had taken the ingotsCThe county magistrate saw Wang take away the ingotsDThe red dates would go bad if they were in the jar for a yearWalter Dean Myers, born on August 12, 1937, was an American writer of childrens books. He was known for young adult literature (文学). He wrote more than 100 books, including picture books and non-fiction. “I care about writing for young people because I remember how much I needed help and guidance at that time in my life, Myers said in his book.Myers loved writing. He got up at five oclock every morning. He worked at home in a small office that used to be his sons bedroom.Myers would first write an outline (提纲) for every book. He called this prewriting. He imagined what the story would be and write down ideas in a notebook. To make sure there are enough actions and dialogues for a good story, he thought of 30 scenes. He wrote a short description of each scene in his notebook.He also cut down the pictures of real people and put them in his office wall. He looked at those pictures and came up with ideas. Once he knew what the story would be and who the characters were, he began to write the book. He wrote five pages a day on his computer.Myers usually worked on three books at a time. When he was not prewriting or writing a book, he might rewriting something he had already completed. Then he would send his story to his agent. He or she made suggestion for the story.After these final changes were made, the book was published and made its way to bookstores and libraries. By that time, Myers would begin to write his next book. “I want to do that I can with my writing” said Myers.27 . From the first paragraph, we know Myers _.Awas born in 1973Bwas famous as a writerCwas born in BritainDdidnt write non-fiction books28 . The underlined word (in Paragraph 3) “this” refers to _.Aimagining a storyBdescribing sceneCwriting down the ideaDmaking an outline29 . _ helped Myers get ideas for the characters.AChildrens booksBother peoples storesChis friends and familyDpictures of real people30 . The passage is mainly about _.Athe life story of MyersBhow Myers wrote Myers booksCthe main characters in Myers booksDwhat Myers was famous for五、阅读判断阅读下面内容,根据其内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。Dear parents,Do you want a tutor (家教) for your daughter or your son? Think about me! My name is Wang Ting. Im a student of Wuhan University. I study math. And Im good at this subject. I can help your kids with it. Im good at English, so I can also teach them some English. Im fun. Your kids will enjoy my classes for sure.I have time in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday. My class is 100 yuan an hour. And it is usually two hours.Do you need my help? Call me at 662-3347. You can write me an e-mail too. My e-mail address is ChineseWT163 com.Best wishes!Wang Ting31 . Wang Ting can only teach math.32 . Wang Ting is free on Tuesday afternoon.33 . Wang Ting can get 200 yuan every class.34 . If you need some help in Chinese, you can call Wang Ting.35 . Wang Ting writes the ad ( 广告) to find a part-time job (兼职).六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。36 . Im Frank. N_ to meet you!37 . This is Alan Miller. His f_ name is Alan.38 . Alices jacket is red, _(也).39 . Tom has_(八) oranges.40 . My room_(号码) is 401.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空41 . How long does it take you _(get)home from school by bike?42 . When he met his old classmate, he stopped _(chat)with her.43 . Mr. Wang asked the question again, but nobody _(reply).44 . They are surprised _(see)a stranger in his house.45 . Our teacher wont come back until the _(follow)Monday.46 . When he moved, he _(make)a sound like a car.47 . Later that day, they _(take)the dog to my home.48 . Cindy, can you hear someone _(call)my name?49 . Our monitor is usually the last _(leave)school in our class.50 . Sandy has great fun _(ride)a horse on the farm.八、完成句子V. 根据汉语意思完成句子翻译。51 . 我想预订房间。Id like to _ a _.52 . 他想预订一个带浴室、电视、冰箱和空调的房子。He wants to _ a room _ a _ TV, _ and _53 . 你知道一个标准间要花多少钱吗?Do you know _ a standard room _ ?54 . 骑车去那儿太远了,于是我们决定乘火车去。Its too far _. So we decided _ the train.55 . 老师经常要求我们努力学习。The teacher often asked us _.56 . 那些孩子经常吵闹,以致于我无法入睡。The children often _ I can not _.57 . 我每天花四个小时做家庭作业。It _ me four hours _ my homework every day.58 . 昨天我们在泰山玩得十分开心。We had _ at Mount Tai yesterday.59 . 我们傍晚登泰山以便于明天早晨能欣赏日出。We _ Mount Tai at sunset _ we can _.60 . 我们计划去中国旅行并参观一些名胜。We plan _ China and visit some _.九、多任务混合问题任务型阅读阅读短文,完成后面的问题Sally is an English girlShe is my English teacher Mrs Browns daughterShe is only five years old(A)她没有上学。She likes playing ping-pongHer favorite ping-pong player is Zhang YiningSally is in the ping-pong clubShe goes to the ping-pong club every dayShe plays ping-pong for two hours thereSally has a sisterHer name is MariaShe is in our classShe likes runningShe runs with her mother every morning_1_Maria says she wants to be a running star like Liu Xiang根据短文内容。判断句子正(T)误(F)61 . Mrs Brown is also Marias teacher62 . Maria goes to the ping-pong club every day根据短文内容,选择最佳答案63 . Mrs Brown teaches_APEBEnglishCping-pong64 . From this passage(文章)we know Mrs Brown_every morningAruns with MariaBruns with SallyCplays ping-pong65 . 将句中(A)处画线句子译为英语。_66 . 将句中(B)处画线句子译为汉语。_十、话题作文67 . 书面表达。中学生对未来生活充满了种种幻想,并渴望能够实现梦想。请以I Want to Be a/an .为题,写一篇80个单词左右的短文。要求在文中讲述你的梦想,以及你为什么有那样的梦想和你会通过怎样的努力去实现这个梦想。_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、补全对话5选51、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、2、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、话题作文1、

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