牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 7 Integrated skills课时练习

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牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 7 Integrated skills课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、句型转换同义句转换1 . The doctor operated on the child successfully.The doctor _ an _ the child successfully.2 . People can prevent most traffic accidents if they are careful enough.Most traffic accidents _ if people are careful enough.3 . The car is very expensive for me to buy.The car is _ expensive for me _ buy.4 . You neednt set off so early.You_ set off so early.5 . ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor areas.A flying eye hospital _ visit poor areas.6 . Will they invite local doctors and nurses to their plane?Will they invite local doctors and nurses _?7 . Hes proud that he won the first prize.Hes proud _ the first prize.二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示,填入正确的单词。8 . _ (青少年)should help their parents do some housework.9 . There is little money in my_ (钱包).10 . The young mother is_ (担心的)because her son is ill.11 . Whats the next_ (步骤)?12 . I love_ (旅行).13 . Did you take her_ (建议)to see a doctor?14 . Dad was very_ (失望的)that you didnt phone.15 . I never take a_ (出租车)to school.16 . Do you have the_ (录像带)of Gone with the Wind (飘)?17 . Many girls like eating_ (巧克力).三、用所给单词的正确形式填空C. 括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。18 . What is he busy doing? Doing the experiment _(complete) the science project.19 . Wed better _(choose) him as the best one at the meeting.20 . The government encouraged us _(plant) more trees.21 . In fact, the tigers in India _(disappear) much faster than pandas now.22 . A talk on study _(give ) at the end of every term at school.四、单词填空Mobile payment apps have made it much easier for us to pay. Some of these apps are trying to do m23 . . In the past few years, they have greatly changed the way business is done, making efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage users to live a low-carbon life.One example is Alipay(支付宝).It is one of the countrys most popular online payment platforms.With the help of modern technology, it started the Ant Forest program to help i24 . the local environment as well as provide jobs for the local people. Ant Financial, the company behind it, is using the app to turn virtual trees that users grow online to real o25 . . Ant Forest just makes living a low-carbon(低碳的) lifestyle fun. Users who perform low-carbon activities, such as paying bills online and taking public transport, are given “green energy” points. When users have e26 . points, Ant Financial will plant a real tree. Ant Forest brought hope to local desert. S27 . the start of the project, millions of trees have been planted in Inner Mongolia. (内蒙古).More than 300 million people have joined the program. Ant Forest s28 . gives all of us a chance to save the Earth. And it also just shows the amazing p29 . of individuals working together to make the world greener.五、信息归纳阅读下面短文,完成表格。Do you have any difficulties while studying? In fact, to learn with success is not a very difficult task if you follow some basic rules. I hope they will help you study successfully.All problems can be solved by working hard. It makes the fool wise, the poor rich, the weak strong. It makes a wonderful difference. In learning, a hard-working fool gets more than a lazy wise.To set our heart on one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts is also a good way. Those who often change their subjects will never succeed. For this reason, while you are learning one subject, dont consider learning another one in order to be successful.Constancy (持之以恒) makes a certain (必然). On the other hand, inconstancy often results failure(失败).If we study day after day, than is nothing that can not be achieved. We should remember a worthy saying Constant dropping of water wears away a nonceBesides, to be on time is another rule. It helps to achieve your dream. The habit of keeping certain hours is of very importance to successful learning. Work while you wok; play while you play. Every man will certainly become strong and wise as long as we does so.The title: 30 . Work hardIn learning, a lazy wise gets 31 . a hard-working fool.Set our heart on one thingWhile you are studying one subject, dont consider learning another one 32 . you can be successful.Be constantUnless we study day after day, nothing 33 . .34 . The habit of keeping certain hours makes you strong and wise.六、句子/对话改错Correct the following mistakes(改正下列句子的错误)35 . Im sorry to keep you clean the windows all the morning.错误_改正_36 . Mum, could you stop helping me with my English? I cant understand this passage.错误_改正_37 . What kind of fruit do you like better, oranges, apples or peaches?错误_改正_38 . This warning sign means: “Dont pick up flowers in the park!”错误_改正_39 . We should learn to take turns to doing everything.错误_改正_40 . Ride bicycles isnt allowed in the park.错误_改正_七、汉译英:整句根据中文意思,完成下列句子,词数不限。41 . 今天早上他爸爸开车上班时,汽车抛锚了。_42 . 总的来说,我们的经理对这项发明很满意。_43 . 必须采取更安全的措施来保护人们免受火灾的危害。_44 . 为了开会不迟到,你最好避开交通高峰期。_45 . 我们在公共场合放低嗓音是礼貌的。_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、句型转换1、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、单词填空1、五、信息归纳1、六、句子/对话改错1、七、汉译英:整句1、

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