牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit8 Study skills同步测试卷

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit8 Study skills同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I cant understand this article _ there are no new words in it.AalthoughBifCbecauseDand2 . -When is the best time in your hometown?-In October, I think. Not too cold, not too _.AwarmBcoolCdryDhot3 . This Tshirt is only nine dollars.Ill _ it.AwantBtakeCwatchDfind4 . When my pet cat is hungry,she will_.AbarkBmiaowCcryDshout5 . How did you feel about the _news?Im very _at it.Asurprised; surprisingBsurprising; surprisedCsurprising; surprisingDsurprised; surprised6 . My grandpa has poor eyesight. He has some trouble _ books without glasses.AreadBreadingCto readDto reading7 . Dont worry. We have _food in the fridge now.AmuchBmanyClittle8 . _ can I get to the post office?Walk along the street and turn left at the first crossing.AWhenBWhereCWhyDHow9 . She wants to be a famous singer when she _.Agrown upBgrowing upCgrew upDgrows up10 . Its bad for your eyes to read _ the sun.AunderBbelowCinDafter11 . The problem isnt so difficult that I can _.Awork out itBwork it outCworking out itDworking it out12 . do you study for tests?I studylistening to tapes.AHow; withBWhat; withC:.How; byCWhat; by13 . The high speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours.AfromBamongCinDbetween二、完型填空Protecting(保护)wild animals is our duty. Because wild animals are important to us. They live with us on the earth together. If there are no animals on the earth,we will not live on,_. So we should _ them to help us live a healthy life._ some people still dont realize the importance(重要性)of protecting wild animals. They often. _ wild animals for food or for money. Every day there are many wild animals being killed. So lots of wild animals are _.We cant see them any more. Today the number of wild animals _ becoming smaller and smaller. If we dont protect them,they will all die out. If this goes on,there will be no animals _ on the earth._,more and more people began to do many things to help protect wild animals. They ask people _ wild animals. They get people to know that protecting wild animals is one of the most important things. Now many _ have made some laws to protect wild animals. Now that(既然)wild animals are so important to man,we should do our best to protect them.14 . AtooBalsoCneitherDeither15 . Atake good care ofBbe afraid ofCgo away fromDrun after16 . AAndBButCOrDBecause17 . AprotectBbuyCsellDkill18 . Ain safetyBin needCin dangerDin help19 . AwasBwereCareDis20 . AleaveBleavingCto leaveDleft21 . ALuckilyBSadlyCUnluckilyDClearly22 . Astopping killingBto stop to killCstops to killDto stop killing23 . AhousesBcitiesCfamiliesDcountries三、句型转换24 . Jeff played tennis with his classmates yesterday. (改为否定句)Jeff _tennis with his classmates yesterday.25 . I go to the movies once a week. (对划线部分提问)_do you go to the movies?26 . My sister will take care of my cat when I am on holiday. (改为同义句)My sister will _my cat when I am on holiday.27 . 当我们有不同意见时,应该相互理解。(完成译句)When we have different ideas, we should understand _.28 . 史蒂芬霍金不仅是一名伟大的科学家,而且是一位著名的作家。(完成译句)Stephen Hawking was not only a great scientist _a famous writer.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空Complete each sentence with proper words. The first letter of each word is given.29 . For your own safety, please put on a h_ while you are riding a motorcycle. This may save your life at critical moments.30 . I saw Michael walking on crutches(拐杖)yesterday. Do you know what h_to him?31 . The traffic jam(塞车) along the highway is the result(结果) of a serious car a_, which involved 5 cars.32 . I havent got my parcels yet. P_they are still at the post office. Ill go and check later this afternoon.33 . Nowadays, many tourist spots in China are free to people a_ 70 or over.34 . Steven was in a s_ of pleasure when he got the offer from Oxford University.35 . Since experts have different ideas about a healthy diet, nowadays people are c_ about what they should eat to stay healthy.36 . Britain, once known as the empire on which the sun never sets in history, c_ many areas in the world in the 19th century.37 . In the past, people would buy different kinds of m_to make clothes instead of choosing ready-made ones.38 . One day I was walking in the street. S_ I heard someone calling my name.39 . There are too many people in the shop. Would you please stand in a line and wait for your t_?40 . I was told to go to Shanghai for this interview. It was a very amusing affair. A_, I got the job.41 . The Chinese a_ to the United States gave a speech about bilateral(双边的) trade at the meeting.42 . It is not easy to pick up my friend at this crowded(拥挤的) railway station. She just walked p_ me five minutes ago but we didnt find each other.43 . As a new comer, he thinks people in this modem city are very kind to him. Actually, they are f_ than he has expected. He feels very lucky.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)44 . Mum, dont worry. Alice is old enough to take an aeroplane by _. (her)45 . Did Jenny accept Toms _ offer yesterday? She really needs his help. (three)46 . We were terribly _ by the huge figure at midnight. (frighten)47 . Vincent was too _. He was still unaware of the changes of his family. (careful)48 . I was attracted by Lucy _ because of her strong personality. (main)49 . Dont jump to _. You should think it over. (conclude)50 . A famous Chinese writer, Jin Yong, _ on October 30, 2018. (death)51 . Children should learn how to be _ when they grow up. (depend)六、填空阅读下面这篇文章,完成表格。Camels(骆驼) are amazing animals. They arent the most beautiful animals in the world. But they are certainly the most useful animals in the hot areas such as North Africa and the Middle East. They usually help people carry things. Now lets learn more about camels. There are two kinds of camels on the Earth. They are Arabian (阿拉伯的) camels and Asian camels. Arabian camels are dromedaries (单峰骆驼), but Asian camels are Bactrians (双峰骆驼).An adult camel is about 2 meters tall and about 500 kilograms in weight. Its legs are long. And its feet are big and soft. Most of the camels can live for about 40 years, but they usually stop working when they are about 25. Camels live alone in the desert (沙漠). They arent afraid of the hot and cold weather. Their main food is grass, leaves and bushes. They can walk for more than 600 kilometers and dont need to drink water. They only need to drink water every six or eight days. But when there is water, they can drink up to 90 liters ( 升). Camels walk slowly. They dont like running because its too hot. But if they need, they can run at 20 kilometers an hour. Camels52 . of the desert53 . They are Arabian camels and Asian camels.AgeMost camels can live for about 40 years.They usually dont 54 . any more at 25.LooksAn adult camel is about 2 meters tall.It has55 . legs and big and soft feet.Each56 . about 500 kilograms.LifestyleThey live 57 . in the desert such as North Africa and the Middle East.They 58 . live on grass, leaves and bushes.They can walk for more than 600 kilometers59 . drinking water in five days.They can drink up to 90 liters every time.They walk slowly, but they can run at60 . kilometers an hour.ConclusionThey are not beautiful but not61 . .七、信息匹配请根据下面的搜索内容,从方框里找出匹配的关键词,并将其填写在横线上feed fish; pet clubs; cat care; dog food; pet names62 . Wendy wants to share some stories of her pets with others._63 . Ann doesnt know how to look after her cat. _64 . Andy wants to find some nice names for his fish. _65 . John doesnt know what he should feed his dog. _66 . Andy wonders(想知道)how to feed his fish. _第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、填空1、七、信息匹配1、

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