牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit5 Grammar同步测试卷

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit5 Grammar同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Look! Whats that in the sky?Its just a plane. I _ one yesterday.AseeBseesCseeingDsaw2 . _ you afraid of _ late for school?AAre; beBDo; beCAre, beingDDo; being3 . When did your school hold the sports meet?Last week. And I _ the long jump.AjoinedBtook part inCwill join in4 . Simon oftento a concert when he lived in the U.S.AgoesBhas goneCwentDis going5 . -Does_ have a dog?-Yes, I have a dog. Shes nice to_.Asomeone; somebodyBanyone; everyoneCno one; nobodyDeverybody; no one6 . Is James older than Tom?No, he is as old as Tom.They are both ten years old.Aolder thanBthe same age asCnot as young as7 . He play computer games, but he doesnt do it now.Auses toBis used toCuse toDused to8 . I think the watch is _ of all.Anice Bthe most niceCnicerDthe nicest二、句型转换按要求完成句子9 . There is a pen on the desk.(改为否定句)There _a pen on the desk.10 . There is a library in front of the classroom.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ a library in front of the classroom?_,_.11 . There is a_lot_of water in the cup.(对画线部分提问)_water_there in the cup?12 . There are 50 students in my class.(对画线部分提问)_ students _in your class?13 . There are some_bananas in the basket(篮子)(对画线部分提问)_ in the basket?三、用所给单词的正确形式填空14 . My buddy Tonny often listens carefully to my problems and _(offer) me help.15 . Near the end of each class, we often spend 10 minutes _(discuss) the books with our classmates.四、完成句子根据提示完成句子16 . A true friend reaches for your hand and _ (触动你的心扉).17 . His sister likes _(买时髦的服装).18 . I think a good friend truly _(关心我).19 . Peter likes _(做同样的) things as me.20 . Mally is _(有天赋的) art.21 . 看电影比读书有趣得多。Seeing a film is _ than reading a book.22 . 她了解孩子们,所以与他们相处得很好。She understands children, so she _ them.23 . 我堂弟的成绩比我好。My cousins grades are _.24 . 她裙子的颜色和我衣服的很相似。Her dress _ mine in color.五、选用适当的单词补全对话阅读下面的对话,用所给单词的适当形式填空A: Where is your mother now, Wendy? Is she 25 . (wash) her car now?B: Yes. She 26 . (drive) me to school after that.A: Does she often 27 . (drive) you to school?B: No, she doesnt. But yesterday she 28 . (drive) me to school because it 29 . (rain) yesterday morning. And it 30 . (be) cold.A: 31 . you _ (come) back home in her car yesterday afternoon?B: No. I 32 . (not come) back with her. I 33 . (think) she was busy, so I 34 . (take) a bus home.六、单词填空四、短文填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Emperor penguins live in the Antarctic, one of the most extreme (极端的) environments in the world. The 35 . there is so cold that the temperatures can fall to -40AThey are the largest and heaviest kind of penguins in the world. They can hold their breath for up to 22 36 . , and can go under the water as deep as 565m. They can swim almost as 37 . as dolphins (海豚) 24 km per hour. They have to be able to swim fast, or theyll be 38 . by killer whales for food.The female (雌性的) penguin 39 . one egg each winter. She passes it to the male (雄性的) penguin. Then she goes back to the sea for two months to find food. The male stays with the egg and keeps it warm. 40 . the egg gets too cold, the baby penguin inside will 41 . . So the male keeps 42 . egg off the ice and covers it with his stomach feathers (羽毛).For the two months that the females are away, the males stay together to stay warm and protect each other 43 . strong winds and snowstorms. During this time, they eat 44 . because they cant leave their eggs until the females return.七、语法填空动词填空(共10空,计10分)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Mrs. Smith is a 38-year-old woman. She has no work. Every day, she45 . (spend) only half an hour46 . (clean) her house. Then she takes a walk outside.It was a winter morning. Mrs. Smith47 . (hang) out by herself. She saw a man with a map in his hand48 . (come) to her.“Excuse me, madam,” said the man. “Could you tell me how49 . (get) to the nearest hospital, please?”Mrs. Smith50 . (not answer) until she looked at him up and down. “He seems a farmer,” the woman said to herself. “Let me51 . (laugh) at him.Then she turned to him and said, “Lie down in the middle of the street and the ambulance(救护车)52 . (send) you to a hospital soon.“Please53 . (set) an example to me, then.” said the man.She had to tell the way to him and then she said, “I think you54 . (be) in a city for the first time. Its much more beautiful than the field. Is that right?”“Yes, madam,” said the farmer with a smile. “But I think it was built on the field.”八、多任务混合问题For a long time, scientists didnt study animal thinking.Most of them didnt believe that animals could think. They thought humans were the only thinking animals.Now more scientists are studying this subject. But its very hard to prove things that no one can see or measure. So some scientists decided to take a look at brains.Is bigger brain better? No. Cow brains are bigger than dog brains, but that doesnt make cows smarter than dogs. And squirrels (松鼠) have some of the biggest brains of all for their body size. But squirrels arent even close to being the smartest animals in the world. So the size of a brain may give some clues (线索) about brain power, but it doesnt prove anything.Other scientists study thinking by watching how animals solve problems, who watch animals in the wild or set up thinking tests in a lab. For example, a scientist might put some food just out of an animals reach. One kind of animal may grab (夺取) a stick and use it to slide the food over. Another kind might not be able to figure out a way to get the food. Some scientists think animals that have lots of problems to solve must be smarter than animals with simple lives. Scientists also study certain kinds of behaviour for clues about thinking. They watch for three things: whether animals use tools, how they act with each other, and how they communicate.55 . For the body size, do dogs have smaller brains than squirrels?_56 . What have scientists learnt from taking a look at the size of animals brains?_57 . How do other scientists study animal thinking?_58 . What are some certain kinds of behaviour for clues about thinking that scientists study?_59 . Put the sentence “But its very hard to prove things that no one can see or measure.” into Chinese._第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、句型转换1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、完成句子1、五、选用适当的单词补全对话1、六、单词填空1、七、语法填空1、八、多任务混合问题1、

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