牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit8 Reading(1)同步测试卷

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit8 Reading(1)同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Animals are our friends. We must try _the endangered animals.AsavingBto saveCsaves2 . Sue wasnt happy because she _ the concert given by her favorite singer.Atook part inBmissedCbought3 . How do you go to the meeting?Illa taxi.AbyBonCinDtake二、阅读判断Dear Bill,Do you like animals? I do. I love to go to zoos. Now let me tell you something about my favorite animals. I like the lions. Theyre from Africa. They are big and scary, but they are beautiful. Lions eat meat. I also like pandas. They are black and white, and they look so cute. They are from China. They like to eat bamboo. The penguins are really interesting. Some penguins come from Australia. They are black and white, and they live in the water. They eat fish. The elephants are interesting, too. Theyre very big and friendly. Theyre from Africa. They dont live in the water, but they need a swimming pool. The tigers are from India. They are very beautiful and exciting animals. They are kind of scary.YoursEric 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)。4 . Eric likes animals.5 . Some penguins come from China.6 . Pandas and penguins are the same color.7 . Elephants dont need a swimming pool.8 . Eric thinks lions and tigers are scary.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)9 . The big bed which my father bought yesterday is very c_.10 . Linda has written a lot of music. She has a musical t_.11 . We cant breathe f_ air because of polluted environment.12 . He cant buy that expensive piano because his family is very p_.13 . Our class is going to win the first p_ for the exercises contest.14 . There are so many books in the bookstore. I cant decide which one to c_.15 . You should read the instructions(说明书) c_ before you take the medicine(药).16 . Thomas Edison was c_. He had many inventions in his life.17 . You should take the exams s_. Dont be careless.18 . Most of the movie t_ have cheap tickets on weekends.19 . Town Cinema has the most c_(舒适的) seats.20 . We need some more actors for the t_ show.21 . We cant get f_ air because of polluted environment.22 . Although he is p_, he is very happy every day.23 . The winner in the talent show will get a good p_.24 . The T-shirts are both nice. He doesnt know which to c_.25 . We always listen to the teacher c_ in class.26 . I want to give my mother something c_ enough on Christmas Day.27 . We should take these problems s_.28 . Lets go to the movie t_ to watch a movie.四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。29 . 我们为李娜感到骄傲。We _of Li Na.30 . 喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子。Talking the talk _ not as _ as walking the walk.31 . 瓦哈格 西蒙恩获得第三届北京国际电影节最佳男配角奖。The Beijing Film Festival Award for Best _ was given to Vahagn Simonyan on April 23, 2013.32 . 将来这里将要建一所新学校。A new school _ in the future.五、填空请仔细阅读下面的短文,读后按信息表中项目要求,填写下面的表格。Nowadays more and more people are worrying about their health. But how to keep healthy?Different people may give different answers to this question. In my opinion, it is important to do the following. First, we should take exercise every day. Plenty of exercise helps us build a strong body and makes us work better. That is why more and more people are becoming active in different kinds of sports and exercises. In morning many people get up early and take exercise. Some practice running while others walk or dance to music. In the afternoon, there are also many people doing sports. Some play basketball or volleyball, others play football or badminton. Second, have a healthy diet. Over-eat or too little food is very bad for our health. We should not eat too much or too little for every meal. We should eat healthy food, such as all sorts of grain, green vegetable and fruit.Third, give up bad habits like smoking and drinking. Because they are also bad for peoples health. All above are my thoughts about keeping healthy. If we can do as them, we will become healthier and stronger.Information CardTaking exercise can help us build 33 . _ and make us work better.34 . _ and drinking are bad habits.Eating35 . _for one meal is bad for our health.36 . _, a healthy diet and good habits are important for health.The writer gives us 37 . _ pieces of advice on how to keep healthy.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、二、阅读判断1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、完成句子1、五、填空1、

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