牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit3 Grammer同步测试卷

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit3 Grammer同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whats his telephone number? _ telephone number is 555-8042.AMyBHisCHerDYour2 . _name is Tom. _ is my brother.AHis, heBHis, HisCHe, HeDHis, He3 . We all know that learning a foreign language _ time and effort.ArequiresBdropsCgreetsDdevelops4 . Dont give them too much_ . They are only children.AcareBtimeCstress5 . -Is John a friend of_?-Yes. And I know _ very well.Ayour;heByour;himCyours;heDyours;him6 . Can I putnew bike here, Millie?Sure. You can put it next to.Amy; heBmine; hisCmy; hisDmine; her7 . _ name is Eric and _ name is Mary.AHer; hisBHer; herCHis; herDHis; his8 . - Whats favourite colour?- favourite colour is green.Ahis; HisBhis; HerCher; HisDyour; Your9 . I want to have a_ of Coke. What about you?ApieceBpacketCcanDbag10 . The family_ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at _.Awere sitting; Mr BrownBwere sitting; Mr BrownsCwas sitting; Mr BrownDwas sitting; Mr Browns二、完型填空完形填空。Shanghai, a beautiful city during the day, becomes even_at night.At the end of the day, both the old part of the city around the Bund(外滩) and the modern buildings in Pudong are covered with colorful bright lights. The buildings, both new and old, look completely different and very_If you look_the Huangpu River, you can see the Oriental Pearl(东方明珠) TV Tower and the Jinmao Building. Take a boat along the_and you can see the amazing nightlife on the Bund. There are over thirty tour boats for you to_If you prefer_in the streets, try the famous Nanjing Road. There are busy shops and cafes and you will see_people enjoying themselves. Most of the shops close at 1000 pm. but at that time, teahouses are still open_, some of them are open 24 hours a day. Karaoke bars and coffee houses are_popular places where you can_old friends and make new ones.If you are in Shanghai for_time, make sure you do visit Xintiandi, which is a great place for young people,_may be a little noisy for old visitors! A quiet place to_s Park 97, near the west gate of Fuxing Park. Luwan District. Park_in 1997 and you can find clubs and international restaurants_Baci where you can get Italian food and Tokyo Joes, a Japanese restaurant.11 . AbeautifulBmore beautifulCmost beautiful12 . AsadBexcitingCstressed13 . AacrossBthroughCup14 . AroadBparkCriver15 . AbuyBtakeCcarry16 . AswimmingBwalkingCrunning17 . AnoBfewCthousands of18 . AAt firstBIn factCAs a result19 . AtooBeitherCalso20 . AmeetBchatCcare21 . Athe firstBlongCthe last22 . AandBbutCor23 . AvisitBmoveCbuild24 . AcleanedBclosedCopened25 . AlikeBaboutCfor example三、句型转换改写句子按照括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。请将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。26 . John likes Andersens fairy tales a lot. (改为一般疑问句)_ John _ Andersens fairy tales a lot?27 . The Browns went to Fun Times Park in their three days vacation. (就画线部分提问)_ did the Browns _ in their three days vacation?28 . “Do you often ride a mobike to school?” an interviewer asked me. (改写句子,句意不变)An interviewer asked me _ I often _ a mobike to school.29 . Its difficult for us to separate from each other because we have had a wonderful time together. (改写句子,句意不变)Its difficult for us to _ to each other because we have had a wonderful time together.30 . We should encourage teenagers to do some social work for the community, because its everyones duty. (改写句子,句意不变)Teenagers should be _ to do some social work for the community, because everyone should be _ for it.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空所给单词的适当形式填空。31 . The teacher often helps _ (we) with English.32 . Who is the girl in the photo? Its _(I) .33 . She is our English teacher. We like _(she) very much.34 . Tom and _(me) are good friends.35 . The boy is Kangkang . _ (him ) lives in China.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词36 . 上周我和我的学生们产生了矛盾。I _ my students last week.37 . 他对他的学生一直很有耐心。Hes _ his students all the time.38 . 我们确信贝蒂后悔拒绝了你。Were sure Betty _ you.39 . 你可以打服务热线寻求关于你的问题的建议。You can call the helpline to_your problems.40 . 那个男孩拒绝参加那个无聊的游戏。The boy_ the boring game.六、填写适当的单词补全对话请根据对话内容及括号内所给的单词提示,将下面的对话补充完整A:Sirmon,is this41 . (you)bicycle?B,No,its not. 42 . (my)is over there under the tree. A:And 43 . (who)bicycle is this. do you know?B:Maybe it is44 . (Tony). I know 45 . (he) bicycle is black. A:Who does this schoolbag belong to?B:It is 46 . (Mary). I gave her the schoolbag as the birthday present. A:By the way,are these comic books 47 . (your)?B:No,they are48 . (Daniel).七、单词填空49 . 缺词填空Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy lean? It leans because of a mistake. It has leaned almost since the day the builders b【小题1】it.In 1774, the people of Pisa in Italy wanted to build a bell tower. They wanted the tower to be the m【小题2】beautiful bell tower in Italy. The city needed a bell tower because the church(教堂) did not have o【小题3】As soon as the first floor of the building was finished, the tower started to lean. Builders t【小题4】to make the building straight again as they added more floors, but the leaning tower got w【小题5】as the tower grew. It took about 180 years to finish the tower. Today, the leaning tower has eight f【小题6】It is 54.5 meters t【小题7】And it leans almost 4 meters to one s【小题8】. The tower is also sinking(下沉) into the g【小题9】on which it was built. Every year, the tower leans a【小题10】1.7 cm.八、填空A camp called Camp Cooper with over 20 years experience in the camp field, is now a very famous and popular camp in the UK. More and more kids are interested in taking part in this camp during their summer or winter holidays. Here is some information about this camp.Camp Cooper is named after a dog called Cooper because the dog also loves camp - theres nothing he loves more than hanging out with campers. Camp Cooper makes the parents believe that sending their children to Camp Cooper is sending them to a place where the children will be taken good care of and the kids wont feel lonely at all there.Activities are carefully split(分成) into three kinds. The reason they do this is to give campers the chance to focus their time on activities they are interested in. They plan to create the perfect balance for campers to try new activities and develop their skills. Creating and developing friendships are the most important part of Camp Cooper. Its believed that creating connections with different people is very important for development, confidence and well-being. People feel the happiest when they are connected to others and the workers here work hard to make sure that everyone is included and feels part of the Camp community.Camp Cooper gives students confidence to speak and learn English. The workers also work with each of the students to help the campers become a more confident English speaker.Its said that the kids who take part in this camp will go home more confidently and be more willing to try new things.Information Card50 . The country Camp Cooper is in51 . The time when children take part in this camp52 . The thing Camp Cooper is named after53 . The number of the kinds of the activities in the camp54 . The most important part of Camp Cooper第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、填写适当的单词补全对话1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、

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