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牛津译林版英语七年级下册期末抢分检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its too hot today. Lets go swimming _ going shoping.AinsteadBinstead ofCrather thanDso that2 . _ do you visit your grandfather?Once a week.AHow manyBHow soonCHow often3 . great news it was!AWhat aBWhatCHowDHow a4 . David is new here, so we know _ about him.Asomething B. nothing C. anything5 . This is my friend,Jack Brown. His _name is Brown.AfirstBmiddleCfamily6 . The apple is too big. You need to _.Acut it upBcut up itCcut up themDcut them up7 . -Look!There is a monkey your head,in the tree.-Yeah.It is looking down at us.AbelowBaboveCbehindDunder8 . - Are you happy to have the two-month summer holiday?-Sure. We can relax ourselves and do many things we like.Atwo monthsBtwo monthCtwo monthsDtwo months9 . Jack has _ useful book. _ book is also very interestingAan;TheBa;TheCan;ADa;A10 . Where is Jane? Everyone is here_ her.AbesidesBwithCaboutDexcept11 . Mark, please dont play basketball on the road. Its very dangerous. I am going home at once.ASorry, I wont do thatBId like toCOK, with pleasure.12 . I carried the bowl with both hands_, so that I wouldnt break it.AcarefullyBhappilyCquicklyDcarelessly13 . Our new English neighbor is very _ to us. We like him very much.AfriendBsadCangryDfriendly14 . There _ a photo and two books in the box. They are my favorite things.AisBareChaveDhas二、完型填空Are there aliens? In the movie Home there _. The Boov are aliens. But their enemies ruined their planet _ the Boov have to find a new planet. They choose to go to _ and drive people away.Earth is a good place. The Boov are _ there. They have a party to celebrate. But a Boov named Oh makes a big _. He asks everyone to come to their party, including their enemies. Other Boov think Oh is _ spy(间谍). Oh _ run away. He meets Tip, the last _ on Earth. Tip is smart. The Boov cant catch her.Both Oh and Tip are on the run. They become friends and go on adventures. On the way, the _ change each others world. And they get to understand the true meaning of _.15 . AbeBisCare16 . ASoBButCOr17 . AMoonBEarthCSun18 . AhappyBafraidCangry19 . AsurpriseBmistakeCjoke20 . AaBtheC/21 . AcanBhave toChas to22 . AtoyBgirlCboy23 . AoneBtwoCthree24 . AhomeBplanetCBoovA woman had a problem. She loved to eat junk food and_took exercise. As a result, she_too much weight. She got much heavier than before. She was unhealthy _she was overweight. In order to keep healthy, she decided to lose _.She didnt know how to be thin, so she went to a hospital and visited a( n) _called Mr. Miller.Mr. Miller knew about the womans problem. He_her to go on a diet. He said to the woman, I want you to eat regularly(有规律的) for 2 days, then skip a day, and _this process for 2 weeks. Next time I see you, youll have lost _5 pounds. The woman said thanks to Mr. Miller and went back home. She made a_ that she would do as Mr. Miller told her.Two weeks later, the woman visited Mr. Miller again. Mr. Miller was _ because the woman lost nearly 20 pounds. He said to the woman,“Wow, thats amazing! You get much_ than before. You look so great now! Did you _my instructions?The woman nodded and said, Yes, I did. But I want to tell_that I seemed to be dying on the third day. Then the sixth day, the _day, and the twelfth day !“Was that because you were very_? Mr. Miller asked. No, because of skipping all day! I was very tired every time I finished skipping.”25 . AalwaysBneverCusuallyDoften26 . Aput downBput outCput onDput off27 . AalthoughBunlessCuntilDbecause28 . AweightBhopeCfaithDheight29 . AteacherBdoctorCengineerDartist30 . AlearnedBallowedCadvisedDinvited31 . AnoticeBavoidCimagineDrepeat32 . Aat leastBat timesCat firstDat last33 . AsuggestionBpromiseCdifferenceDmistake34 . AboredBexcitedCsurprisedDdisappointed35 . AthinnerBheavierCtallerDshorter36 . AforgetBremindCreportDfollow37 . AthemByouCherDhim38 . AseventhBeighthCninthDtenth39 . AthirstyBtiredCsadDhungry三、阅读单选Have you seen koalas (考拉) in a zoo? They are very cute. The koala is a small bear-like, tree-dwelling animal, which averages about 9 kilograms in weight. Its fur is thick and usually ash gray. They come from Australia. They do not come from any other place. Today koalas are mainly found in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. People in Australia want to protect them. Now there are about 100,000 koalas in Australia. But there are fewer and fewer of them all the time. Some koalas are getting sick. The sickness makes them not able to see. It also makes it hard for them to have babies. Besides, Koalas also live in societies, just like humans, so they need to be able to come into contact with other koalas. It is because of this they need to have areas of suitable forest, which are large enough to support a healthy koala population and to allow expansion by raising young koalas.But People are building more houses and roads too. This means koalas do not have as many places to live. Some people want the government to do more to take care of the koalas. People should think about animals. They should take care of them. Then the cute animals will stay alive!40 . Koalas look _.AuglyBstrangeCcuteDbig41 . People in Australia want to _.Akeep koalasBprotect koalasChide koalasDhurt koalas42 . Now there are about _ koalas in Australia.A10,000B1,000,000C1,000D100,00043 . Some koalas are NOT able to see because _.Athey are sickBthey have no place to liveCthey all have bad eyesDpeople hurt them44 . The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 probably means _.AkoalaBbabiesCsicknessDsee45 . The best title for this passage should be “_”.ARaising koalasBKeeping koalas safeCTaking care of animalsDThinking about animalsMary did not understand such sentences as “She is in blue today.” “You are yellow.” “ He has a green thumb.(大拇指)” “He has told a white lie.” and so on. . And she went to her teacher for help.Mary: Mrs Smith, there is a color in each of these sentences. What do they mean?Mrs Smith: In everyday English, Mary , blue sometimes means sad. Yellow means afraid. A person with a green thumb grows plants well. And a white lie is not a bad one.Mary: Would you give me an example for a white lie?Mrs Smith: Certainly. Now I give you some cake. In fact you dont like it, but you wont say it. Instead, you say, “No, thanks, Im hungry.” Thats a white lie.Mary: Oh, I see. Thank you very much.46 . Blue sometimes means sad and is _ English.”AgoodBspokenCpoorDuseful47 . I dont have a green thumb , so all my plants _.Adie offBgrow wellClook niceDare good48 . Tom is _ to climb the tree. Hes yellow.AhappyBcleverCsadDafraid49 . He didnt like me to know _ of the accident . he told me a white lie.Athe reasonBthe meaningCthe answerDthe true story50 . He is _ today . His father is ill.AblueByellowCgreenDwhite四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。51 . I have to practice _ (play) the piano this evening.52 . I dont like milk, but my mother wants me _ (drink) it every morning.53 . Lu Xun is a famous _ (write) of China.54 . Does your brother have a _ (health) breakfast?Yes, he has an egg and some bread.55 . When they heard the bad news, they were _ (surprise)五、句子配对56 . Could I speak to Tom? Speaking. _?AWho is thisBWho is that CWho are youDWho is Tom六、单词填空57 . Spending time in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a good bookshop, no assistant will come near to you and say, “Can I h【小题1】you?” You neednt buy anything you dont want. You may try to find out w 【小题2】the book you want is. If you fail(没有找到), the assistant will lead you there and t【小题3】he will go away. It seems that he is not i 【小题4】in selling any books at all. There is a story about a good bookshop. A medical student f 【小题5】a very useful book in the bookshop, but it was too e 【小题6】for him to buy. He couldnt get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to r 【小题7】a little. One day, however, he couldnt find the book from its u 【小题8】place. He was leaving when he saw the assistant signing to h 【小题9】. He was surprised that the assistant p 【小题10】to the book in the corner. “I put it there so that people wouldnt see it and buy it,” said the assistant. Then he left the student by himself to go on with his reading.七、信息归纳完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的题号位置上。Have you noticed that many of the clothes on the high street look the same these days?So how do young people manage to express their own style?We interviewed some people in different parts of the UK. Young creative people in the UK have always come up with ways to express their personality through clothes. They like to add some accessories(配件)on their clothes. Punks added zippers and safety pins(曲别针), and skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers. You dont need money-you need be imaginative,said Alexi,an art student. Printing your own T-shirt is the easiest and most common way to customize(定制)clothes. You dont have to make a T-shirt. You can buy a cheap one and add some pictures of your choice. I used to make customized,colorful T-shirts for my friends using cloth paints. They looked a bit messy but sort of cool. A couple of years ago,my mate Simon made one with a picture of Spider-Man. He still wears it in fact. It looks great,said John,25. Everyone knows that students dont have a lot of money. That doesnt have to be a problem if you have the ability to have new and exciting ideas. I used to make clothes sometimes when I was a student. Once I found a pair of trousers in a shop that 1 really liked,but I couldnt afford them. I drew a picture of it in a notebook,then I bought some cloth in the same color and copied the trousers using my mums sewing machine(缝纫机). I loved it when people didnt believe I had made them myself,sad Corrine,31. Second-hand or vintage clothes are very popular among young people. They consider them as a symbol of fashion. Sometimes a little change of my own old clothes makes a difference,because I know that they will fit and theyll look good. I like to go shopping in second-hand shops for jackets,trousers and dresses. You can be sure you will always have something original(原始的)as well as cheap. said Helen,26. Purpose: to58 . wearing the same clothes on the streetsCustomizing clothesWaysDetailsadding accessoriesPunks add zippers and safety pins.Skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers.printing some pictures59 . cloth paints to make customized, colorful T-shirts.making by themselvesMake60 . clothes they like but cant afford on their own.61 . old clothesSecond-hand or vintage clothes are very popular.A small change of their own old clothes makes a difference.Conclusion:62 . can help young people to express themselves with customized clothes.八、回答问题Do you have a nickname(昵称)? Most of us do by our looks, clothing, or personality. But for cities, the meaning of their nicknames has much more than that.Many big cities have nicknames, such as New YorkThe Big Apple, London The Great Smog, and RomeThe Eternal City. Why do cities have such nicknames?In the 1920s,there were many races in New YorkPeople called the prizes of these races apples. Writer John J. Eitz Gerald first called New York the Big Apple, because New York is the place that many people dreamed of going to the biggest prize of all.For Rome, as the name suggests, the answer is simple. Romans believed that no matter what happened to the world, Rome would go on forever. Rome has been an important center of power 权利) for more than 2, 000 years.As for London, in the Victorian period it had problems with its air. Later in 1952, serious air pollution made 10,000people fall ill . But now the air of London has become betterSound interesting?Does your city have a nickname?63 . How do most of people get their nicknames?64 . What is Londons nickname?65 . Who first called New York the Big Apple?66 . How long has Rome been an important center of power?67 . Why did 10, 000 people in London fall ill in 1952?九、材料作文68 . VI.书面表达(15分)中国文化博大精深,剪纸做为传统技艺的一种,流传至今,经久不衰。请你写一篇文章来介绍传统剪纸手工艺人Anna。内容包括:1.描述手工艺人Anna(年龄:70多岁了,外貌特征,擅长剪纸)。2.描述剪纸作品所需要的工序和剪纸的特点等。3.对于Anna和剪纸,你有什么看法?根据中文提示,写一篇80词左右的作文。要求:条理清晰,语言流畅。开头已给出,不计入总词数。Anna with a traditional skill_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、句子配对1、六、单词填空1、七、信息归纳1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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