牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit7 Grammer同步测试卷

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit7 Grammer同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whats on the table?Some _are on it.AdictionaryBpencil boxsCwatchesDID card2 . _ cool your new ipad 3 is! I want to have one but I cant afford it.AWhatBWhat anCWhat aDHow3 . A little bird entered through the open window to join us for dinner last night.Wow, the unexpected guest welcomed.Awill beBmust beCwont beDmustnt be4 . Please _ the eraser _ school. I need it.Abring; /Btake; /Cbring; to5 . There are already five people in the car. They still want me to go with them. Oh. It _ a comfortable journey.Acant beBmustnt beCshouldnt beDmay be6 . exciting sport it is to climb the mountains!AHowBHow anCWhat aDWhat an7 . Yoga (瑜伽) helps people to keep healthy and relaxed, _?Adoes itBdoesnt itCis itDisnt it8 . Its time for class,please _ quiet.AisBbeCareDam9 . I saw him _ football on my way home.AplaysBplayingCplayedDto play10 . Could I speak to Helen, please?Sorry, she is not here at the moment._?AWho speaksBWho are youCWhos that speakingDWhats that speaking11 . Dont leave the baby at home _. Its very _.Alonely; dangerousBalone; dangerClonely; dangerDalone; dangerous12 . Jim _ be at work. I know he has gone to England for holiday.AmustntBneedntCcantDmay not13 . This kind of oranges tastes _ and sells _.Agood; goodBwell; wellCgood; wellDwell; good二、完型填空Do you know anything about the moon? The moon is _1_than the earth(地球), but the sun is _2_ bigger than the earth. The moon is _3_ from the earth. Its 380 000 kilometres away. On the earth we see that the moon _4_like a cake. There is _ 5_air on the moon, _6_there is no living things there. The side of the moon towards(朝,向)the sun is very hot, while the other side is very _7_. People can jump_8_ on the moon than on the earth and walk more _9_there. It takes more than three days to get to the moon _10_spaceship(宇宙飞船).14 . AsmallerBbiggerCshorter Dlonger15 . AveryBmuchCquiteDlonger16 . AnearBmiddleCfarDback17 . AlooksBwatchesCseesDfinds18 . AmuchBsomeCnoDany19 . AbutBagainCthenDso20 . AhotBcoldCwarmDlight21 . AhappyBhigherCearlyDdifferent22 . AeasilyBhardClateDearly23 . AonBbyCin Dat三、阅读单选A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)April 13th, 1539Outside Mexico CityDear Mariana,Today we arrived safe. It was a long and dangerous trip over the ocean. The winter storms were strong. We were always a little sick from high waves.The journey from the shore to Mexico City is also long and dangerous. There are robbers in the countryside. We will travel together with the other ship passengers, thinking we will be safer as a group. Tomorrow we will travel into the city to find our uncle.Father says it will take a year for this letter to reach you. The trip from New Spain to Spain is very long.Your loving brother,TomasApril 20th, 1539Mexico CityDear Mariana,Father and I finally arrived at Mexico City. Here, old buildings are being pulled down; new ones are being built. Just around the corner from Uncles city house, Aztec workers are pulling down a small, beautiful pyramid. Father says it is one of the last Aztec temples.In the center of the city, I met an Aztec boy named Carlos. He speaks a little Spanish. Carlos learns Spanish at his new school. He told me that the Spanish set up new schools for the Aztecs. There he got his new name, Carlos. He says he likes his new school but misses his old city. I wonder what this city used to be like before Cortes came.Tomorrow we will go to Uncles farmland. He and father are talking about the Aztec workers that father will oversee.Your brother,Tomasfound v. 建立battle n. 战役conquer v. 征服24 . What was Tomas nationality?ASpanish.BNew Spanish.CMexico.DAztec.25 . How was Tomas journey to Mexico?AStormy and cold.BEasy and safe.CLong but safe.DLong and dangerous.26 . How long did it take Tomas to travel from the shore to Mexico City?AOne day.BOne week.CA year.DTwo years.27 . Why did Tomas and his father come to Mexico in 1539?ATo visit Mexico.BTo meet Carlos.CTo see the temples.DTo look for a better life.28 . When did Mexico get its name New Spain?AAfter 1539.BAfter 1519.CIn the 1300s.DIn the 1400s.29 . What did the Spanish do to the people in Mexico in the early 1500s?AThey taught children there English.BThey built new temples for them.CThey destroyed the local culture there.DThey helped to feed the local people there.四、完成句子30 . 我太累了做不好这件事。Im _ well.31 . 这个房间足够大,能住三个人。The room is_.32 . 她迅速赶回家结果发现她家的房子着火了。She hurried to her home _on fire.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空good; ability; much; parent; well33 . There will be a _ meeting this weekend.34 . We should try our _ to learn English well.35 . In the morning we need to read English _36 . She hopes to do _ in Maths than before.37 . Different people have different _.What, What a, What an或How填空38 . _ beautiful the Tianmu Lake is!39 . _ wonderful the basketball match is!40 . _ interesting class it is!41 . _ good weather!42 . _ lovely that little girl is!43 . _ delicious the soup is!44 . _ time flies!45 . _ strange sound!六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Hello, My name is Peter. I have a 46 . life. I get up early every day because I dont want to arrive late 47 . school. After exercise, I 48 . take a shower and eat a good breakfast. My home is not far from school, so I usually 49 . to school. I think its 50 . a good exercise.Today is Saturday. I dont have to go to school. Its 7:00 p.m. My family are all at home. Look! My grandparents51 . watching TV. My mother is washing the 52 . . Is my father53 . a newspaper? Yes, he is. And my brother and sister are doing54 . homework. Wheres my pet dog Ding ding? Oh, hes playing with a soccer ball. He is very55 . . We all like him.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、

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