牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 2单元测试题

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牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 2单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Therea football match between Class 1 and Class 2 this afternoon.Ais going to haveBwill holdCis going to beDwill have2 . -Will you come to join us in the trip?-_ _ . You see, I have to get ready for my coming party.AThank youBId love toCI am afraid notDAll right3 . Hurry up! Look at the black clouds in the sky! Im afraid it_.ArainsBis going to rainCrainedDwas raining4 . Is it fine tomorrow?I think it _, so we must stay at home.Awill rainBshall rainCis going to rainDrains5 . There _ a meeting this evening.Awill haveBwill beCare going to beDis going to have6 . Could you tell me _ a concert in Heyangmen Square next week?Aif there is going to beBif there was going to beCwhether there is going to have7 . I hope Tom_me with my math homework tomorrow.AhelpBto helpChelpsDwill help8 . Wendys uncle is a policeman He works in _Aan officeBthe police stationCa companyDthe post office9 . Thanks for my teachers encouragement. They can always _the best in me.Abring outBcome outCgive outDtry out10 . Dad, Mom asked you when you come back. OK.Aring up herBring her upCto ring up herDto ring her up11 . There_ a concert to be shown in Hong Kong next week.Awill haveBisCwill beDhas12 . Mr. Li, lets go fishing this weekend with Lao Wang, shall we?Id love to, but nobody knows if he _ free then.AwillBisCwill beDhas been13 . I think I _ a computer engineer in the future.AwillBshallCamDam going to be14 . When and where _ we meet tomorrow?AwillBareCdidDshall15 . The job may be too hard for you, Andy. Are you sure you will take it?Yes. I have decided to_the challenge. Atake onBtake upCturn onDturn up二、完型填空These days when someone says a computer has a bug in it, usually they mean that theres a problem with one of its programs. Maybe your computer has crashed(死机) _you were in the middle of a game. But back in the early days of computers, a woman named Grace Hopper was part of the team that _the very first computer bug.Hopper was a mathematician. She worked for the navy to help program the new Mark II computer. The Mark IIs job was to quickly_ the math problems that ships and airplanes used to find their way. The Mark II worked by reading_ from a long strip(长条)of paper with holes punched in it. The computer _the patterns of holes into the math problems it was supposed to solve.One afternoon in 1947 Hopper and her team were running a program. But the computer wasnt giving them the_results. What could be wrong? They finally _ up taking the Mark II apart, looking for problems. What did they find?It was a dead moth (飞蛾)!The moth was blocking some of the_on the paper strip no wonder the computer didnt know what to do. Hopper knew that the word bug had been used before when there were _with machines. But this was the_time a computer had ever had one. And it was funny that it was a_bug.Hoppers team _a logbook(航海日志)of everything they did. They taped(粘贴)the moth_the page for that day. The logbook, moth and all, is now in the Smithsonian Museum ofAmerican History in Washington, D. C. Grace Hopper worked with_ her whole life and went on to become a rear admiral(海军少将) in the U.S. Navy. She was the first person to write a word based computer language. This makes it_for people to tell computers what to do. Many people called her Amazing Grace.16 . AifBwhenCbecauseDsince17 . AcreatedBrequiredCsuggestedDdiscovered18 . AmakeBfindCsolveDkeep19 . AinstructionsBattentionCdirectionsDbackgrounds20 . AhelpedBtranslatedClockedDexamined21 . AwrongBpopularCinterestingDcorrect22 . AendedBcutCgaveDlooked23 . AstampsBholesCdialoguesDwords24 . AconversationsBconnectionsCproblemsDplans25 . AfirstBsecondCnextDlast26 . AsecretBrealCactiveDliving27 . AkeptBnotedCrequestedDlost28 . AinBwithConDat29 . AcomputersBbugsCmistakesDlanguages30 . Amore difficultBslowerCmore specialDeasier三、阅读单选The journey to and from school is a major reason for stress throughout the worldAnd the journey can even make you sickYet one city has found a way to make its train journeys more comfortable while offering enjoyable reading at the same time,just like in a libraryOn two train lines in Beijing,the underground cars(车厢)have been turned into libraries,but theyre not traditional librariesInstead of real copies of books,the underground cars provide ebooksWhen passengers get into the cars,they can see pictures of different book covers on the walls and even doorsPassengers can browse(浏览)the books just like in any other libraryOnce theyve made their choice,they can use a mobile phone to scan the QR code(扫二维码)on the cover of their chosen bookThe QR code leads to an ebook app,on which the passengers can read the ebook for freeAnd they can still enjoy the book on the app even after leaving the trainThanks to the undergrounds idea,passengers can discover new stories every time they take a rideIn this way,the journey will not be boring any longer,and passengers will not complain about the journey eitherInstead,they can benefit(受益)a lot from itReading ebooks can really make the journey more enjoyableits one of the things that successful passengers usually doIn fact,in this kind of special library,the books can go on forever!31 . How do passengers usually feel about their journeys to and from work?AComfortableBEnjoyableCPainfulDCheerful32 . Which statement is TRUE about passengers in paragraph 3?AThey read paper books on the trainBThey can browse the QR code to buy the booksCThey can scan the QR code to buy the booksDThey can enjoy the book on the app after the ride33 . What does it refer to in the paragraph 4?AThe journeyBThe storyCThe passengerDThe underground34 . Which is the best title for the passage?AThe Best Train RideBThe Enjoyable JourneyCThe Future LibraryDThe Moving LibraryJohn is eight years old, and he is a good student. He can read and write well. He works hard and is good at his subjects. His parents and teachers like him very much. But he has a very big head, so he looks very funny and his classmates often make fun of(取笑) him.Last year, he had a ten-day holiday at his uncles home in summer. His uncle lives in the countryside and its about one hundred kilometers away from his city. He took the subway to a small town. There his uncle waited for (等候) him and took him to his house by bike.John made some friends soon. They played together happily. But one afternoon he cried (哭) to his uncle, “All the children make fun of me. They say I have a big head,”“Dont listen to them,” his uncle said. “You have a beautiful head. You look cool. Now dont cry any more. Go to the fruit store to buy three kilos of apples home. Ill make apple pies for you.”John said, “OK. Give me a shopping bag now.”“Oh, dear. You dont need one. You can use your hat,” his uncle said.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。35 . John is good at his subjects because _.Ahe is very smartBhe studies hardChe can read and writeDhis teachers like him very much36 . How long did John stay in his uncles home last year?ATen days.BOne week.CTwo weeks.DOne month.37 . How did Johns uncle take him home?ABy subway.BBy car.CBy bike.DBy bus.38 . The underlined word “funny” means _ in Chinese.A害羞的B沉默的C严肃的D滑稽的39 . From the last sentence (句子), we know _.AJohn cant buy any applesBJohn has a beautiful hatCJohn really has a big headDJohns uncle doesnt have a shopping bagDo you want to go by ship to Australia or anywhere? A big ship may help you. It looks like a big house. There are rooms for everyone. In the day you can swim in the pool or play games on the ship. You can even see a film on the ship. Sometimes you can see birds flying around you. They are flying here and there. Look at the picture of the ship. Does it look like a house? Its very large. And its the most luxury passenger liner(豪华游轮) in the world, called Freedom of the Seas(海洋自由号). The ship is 339 meters long and 38.6 meters wide, with a golf field on it. Its so cool to take a trip on a ship!40 . A big ship looks like_.Aa poolBa houseCa schoolDa cinema41 . You can swim_.Ain the dayBin the eveningCin the afternoonDin the sea42 . You can _ on the ship.AswimBplay gamesCsee a filmDA, Band C43 . We can play_ on Freedom of the Seas.AbasketballBfootballCgolfDthe piano44 . How do you like Freedom of the Seas?AIt is a very big house.BI can swim on the ship.CI am very happy to see the ship.DIts wonderful.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。45 . Whats on TV?Chairman Hu Jintao is having an i_ with President George Bush.46 . My teeth hurt again, Mum.Go to see a d_ this time, OK?47 . Do you know Hu Ronghua?Of course. Hes good at playing Chinese c_.48 . Taiwan I_ is the biggest one in China. Do you know?49 . Do you think what c_ the accident?The bad weather.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空完成句子50 . The keys are used for _ (open) doors.51 . Dont stand in the _ (heat). Its too hot.52 . All the workers were made _ (work) over ten hours.53 . It takes several days _ (get) all these things ready.54 . They want to show us the _ (beautiful) in common things.55 . After _ (hear) the news that he couldnt play computer games, his father turned it off.56 . _ (stop) the child from playing computer games, his father turned it off.57 . I wont go to the party unless he _ (invite), too.六、汉译英:整句翻译句子58 . 你可以把剩余的食物吃光。(eat up)_59 . 保持房间整洁是她的工作。( keep in order)_60 . 好了,没必要炫耀。( show off) _61 . 他已经想出了许多解决这些问题的方法。He _ many different ideas to solve these problems already. (come)62 . 无论是死还是什么东西都不能够毁灭它。(neither nor)_七、话题作文63 . Write at least 60 words on the topic “My Favorite Person/Character”(以我最喜欢的人/角色为题写一篇作文,不少于60词)第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、话题作文1、

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