牛津深圳版七年级英语上册Unit 3 单元知识专练

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牛津深圳版七年级上册Unit 3 单元知识专练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空You may think that English dictionaries have been used for many, many centuries. In fact, an English dictionary you _ today wasnt made until the Qing Dynasty(清朝). Three men did most of the _ work on dictionaries. They spent nearly all their lives trying to _ words for their dictionaries. For them, it was a wonderful journey. The largest dictionary in the world is Oxford English Dictionary. The _ for editing (编纂) this dictionary came form an important meeting in Britain in 1857. Twenty-two years later, Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor(编者) of its new dictionary. Murray had never been to _. At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in a bank. _ he became a great teacher. After Oxford gave him the job, Murray had a small _ in his garden to do the work. Every morning, Murray got out of bed at five oclock and _ in it several hours before breakfast. Often he would work into the night. Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years. But after five years, he was _ adding words for the letter A ! He worked on the dictionary _ he was very old. Forty-four years later, in 1928, other editors finished the dictionary.1 . AuseBwriteCcopyDread2 . AeasyBrelaxingCearlyDsafe3 . AspellBinventCcollectDmake4 . AwordBideaCuseDprize5 . AschoolBcinemaCvillageDcollege6 . ALaterBBeforeCAfterDThough7 . AtableBdeskCshopDhouse8 . AsleptBlookedCworkedDtalked9 . AalreadyBstillCusuallyDalways10 . AifBbecauseCuntilDsince二、阅读单选Dogs are considered as mans best friend. But what about cats? Sometimes cats can make equally wonderful friends. The following is a comparison of the two animals.A Friend Helps You When Youre SickDogsWhen Catherine lay down on the sofa, Pepe stared(盯) into her eyes and kept sniffing(嗅). After being pushed away, he suddenly jumped onto her chest. Thats when Catherine felt a pain that made her visit a doctor, and a fast-growing cancer was found. Months later, however, Pepe started staring and sniffing again. It seemed strange, but sure enough, Catherines cancer had spread.CatsWhen Tee sits and stares directly into her face, Alana immediately finds a chair. Thats because Tee is warning her that she is about to faint(昏倒), which can happen as often as three times a day. But Alana wont get hurt if she sits down. Not only does Tee warn Alana, but also her husband. Then the cat stays with Alana until she recovers.A Friend Saves Your LifeDogsRyan fell into the water by accident. The river was full of melted snow, and Ryan was very cold and his body temperature was dropping dangerously low. Luckily, he was found by Chelsea, who was playing with her dog, Zion. “Zion knew the boy was in trouble,” says Chelsea. “Ryan grabbed onto the dogs collar, and Zion just turned around and came straight back to the shore.”Cats“I was napping in my bedroom, and then I was woken by Joey screaming and running back and forth,” says Bernice. Then she found herself surrounded by smoke. With Joey alongside her, she managed to get out of the door. By then, flames(火焰) were shooting up from the basement.“I found him in a mailbox when he was young and now I feel very fortune. Without him, Id have probably died in the smoke.”11 . When Alana is about to faint, Tee will _.Astare at her and keep sniffingBjump onto her chest suddenlyCsit and stare directly into her faceDscream and run back and forth12 . What can we learn about Ryan?AHe likes swimming in rivers.BHe has a lovely dog, Zion.CChelsea helped him swim back to the shore.DHe was in danger when he was found by Chelsea.13 . What happened to Bernice?AShe was badly hurt in a big fire.BShe met the brave cat, Joey, in a big fire.CA fire broke out when she was napping.DShe ran out of the burning house with the help of firemen.三、句型转换按要求完成下列各题14 . The library is in front of the science lab.(对画线部分提问)_?15 . There are some pears in Li Leis bag.(改为否定句)_.16 . Polly is five years old.(对画线部分提问)_17 . _(根据答语写出问句) The library? Oh, its next to the office.18 . There is no park on this street.(改为同义句)There _ park on this street.四、完成句子根据句意及汉语提示完成句子19 . 我的英语老师看起来像一位电影明星。My English teacher _ a movie star.20 . 我给我的朋友发了一封电子邮件。I _ an email _ my friend.21 . 我们可以学一些有关电影拍摄的知识。We can _ something _ making films.22 . 同时,你可以拍摄照片。_, you can _.23 . 茶馆是老舍写的。Teahouse_ by Lao She.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。24 . English is a very useful _(外国的)language.25 . A dictionary can help you to know the _(意思)of the words.26 . As a student,_(学校作业)is more important than other things.27 . _(身体的)activities promote good health.28 . Mr. Black and his son are great _(科学家)in Green City.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词29 . 那些是我的兄弟姐妹。_ my brothers and sisters.30 . 这是赵旭的电话号码吗?Is this Zhao Xus _?31 . 约翰姓什么?Whats Johns _?32 . 这只狗的名字是当当。The _ this _ Dangdang.33 . 他们是谁?_?按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。34 . 最近的热播电影我和我的祖国已经赢得了观众们的高度赞扬。The recent hot film called My People, My Country _the audience.35 . 除了Peter,大多数学生做这道数学题时都遇到了困难。Most students _ the maths problem except Peter.36 . 这个意志坚强的男孩宁可被嘲笑也不愿说出实情。The strong-willed boy _than tell the truth.37 . 做听力练习时,我们应该注意些什么?While practising listening comprehension, what _?38 . 在买贵重物品时,请三思而行。Please _something expensive.39 . 最终老师成功地使他改变了主意。At last, the teacher _.五、其他40 . 下列字母都是元音字母的是_。AAa, Bb, CcBBb, Cc, EeCAa, Ee, OoDAa, Hh, Ii第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、完成句子1、2、3、4、五、其他1、

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