牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 6 Nobody wins 自测练习3-4

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牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 6 Nobody wins 自测练习3-4_第1页
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牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 6 Nobody wins 自测练习3-4姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Your answer _ be right, but Im not sure.AmustBmayCcantDwill2 . He _ to meet his friends at the airport tomorrow.AgoBgoesCis goingDwas going3 . Jason was the last one _ the office when the fire broke out.Ato leaveBleftCleaveDleaving4 . They had to starve for they had run food.AforBaway fromCintoDout of5 . _ there _ air pollution in the future?AIs, going to beBIs, going to haveCWill, haveDAre, going to be二、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给动词的正确形式填空6 . Li Ping wants _ (borrow) a book from me.7 . Listen! He can _ (speak) much French.8 . There _ (be) a pair of shoes under the bed.9 . What time _ Tom usually _ (go) to school?10 . Would you like _ (help) me with my English?11 . I find your socks over there. But where _ (be) mine?12 . Nancy, _ (not play) computer games again.13 . Lets _ (be) friends.14 . Thank you for _ ( give ) me the picture of Li Yuchun.15 . My twin brother often _ ( dress ) up as a cool boy.三、完成句子根据汉语完成句子16 . 不同国家的人有不同的肢体语言。People _ have _.17 . 他张开双臂拥抱了妈妈。He _ and hugged his mother.18 . 当你和人交谈时,目光旁视是不礼貌的。When _ someone, its impolite _.19 . 在一些同家,人们摇头表示同意。In some countries, people _.20 . 他不懂这个手势,是吗?是的,他一点不懂。He doesnt know this gesture, _?_.四、单词填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。“Do you like my dress? A little girl asked a passing stranger. My mommy made it just for me. She said with tears 21 . her eyes. Well, I think its very pretty. So tell me , little one, why are you crying? With a quiver(颤动) in her voice the little girl answered,After Mommy made me this dress, she had to go away .Daddy said shes up in heaven now with Grandfather. Finally the woman realized what the child 22 . (mean), and why she was crying. She held the child in her arms . Then23 . (sudden) the little girl did something strange .She stopped 24 . (cry) and began to sing .It was the25 . (sweet) sound the woman had ever heard, almost like the song of a very small bird. After the child stopped singing , she explained 26 . the lady, My mommy used to sing that song to me 27 . she went away, and she made me promise 28 . (sing) it whenever I started crying and it would make me stop . See, she exclaimed, it did, and now my eyes are dry! As the woman turned to go, the little girl grabbed her sleeve, Madam, can you wait a minute? I want to show you something. Of course, she answered, what do you want me to see? Pointing 29 . a spot on her dress, she said, Right here is where my mommy kissed my dress, and here, pointing to another spot, and here is another kiss, and here, and here. Mommy said that she put all those kisses on my dress so that I would have her love with me. Then the lady realized that she wasnt just looking at a simple dress . She saw a child wrapped in her 30 . (mother) love.五、多任务混合问题Read the passage and write(阅读文章,按要求完成任务):Many newspapers have an advice page. So does the school newspaper of Xinhan Middle School Angela Wang who is the editor is responsible for the page. Students like to write to her for advice.Dear Angela,I am having a problem with my chemistry teacher. She is super nice to my classmates but behaves completely differently towards me. She blames me for things I didnt do. What should I do?MikeDear Mike,In a situation like this, youd better speak to the teacher directly. This way, you can understand why she has a different attitude towards you. Our personal bias(偏见)might influence our thoughts about other people. Make sure the way you feel the teacher treats you isnt influenced by any bias.AngelaDear Angela,My parents and I have been fighting a lot recently. Im 16, but they still treat me like a kid. My mom calls me 20 times if I dont get home before 7 p. m. I tried talking to them about this, but they never change. What can I do?JimDear Jim,Being angry and standing against your parents will not solve the problem. Try communicating with them from their point of view. Make a list of things you wish to do and another list of your parents possible concerns about them. Let your parents know you have learned to be responsible for yourself.AngelaDear Angela,Im 16 and I want to leave school this year. My parents say it is too early and that I should be trying to get into high school. I want to work at McDonalds. Then I can start earning money to buy things.JaneDear Jane,Your parents are right. It would be better if you can complete as much of your education as possible. Real independence wont come from earning 150 yuan a week. It will come from the qualifications(资格)and experience that you would gain by staying at school for a couple more years.AngelaTask 1: Make a list of the problems mentioned in those teens and the name of the students. Then sum up the advice as well.Problem l of 31 . :32 . . The advice: 33 . .Problem 2 of 34 . :35 . . The advice: 36 . .Problem 3 of 37 . :38 . . The advice: 39 . .Task 2: If you have a problem in life, who would you turn to for help, and why?40 . 六、句子排序组成对话或短文Read the passage and put the paragraphs in the right order(读短文,将下列段落按正确顺序排列):A.When the fox passed by a badger outside his cave, the fox put down the dead hen and said, “Brother Badger(獾), I have stolen this hen from a farm. Would you please hide it in your cave first, and we can enjoy our dinner later together?”B.The badger shouted from inside the cave, “Dear Hunting Dog, the chicken was stolen by the fox. I am not the one responsible!”C.One day, at a farmhouse, a hunting dog saw a fox catching a fat hen. The fox held the hen in its jaws and ran off into the jungle(灌木丛). The hunting dog chased(追逐)the fox who could not run fast enough because of the hen held between his jaws.D. The badger happily carried the big fat hen into his cave while the fox quickly ran off. The hunting dog reached the cave and stopped when he saw some blood stains at the entrance.E.The hunting dog replied, “The fox was a thief but you are a greedy badger!” The hunting dog immediately went inside the cave and killed the badger.The right order:Para.1: 41 . Para. 2: 42 . Para. 3: 43 . Para. 4: 44 . -Para. 5: 45 . 第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、三、完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、句子排序组成对话或短文1、

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