牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 1 Penfriends单元测评卷

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牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 1 Penfriends单元测评卷_第1页
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牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 1 Penfriends单元测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ is it from the bus stop to the Shanghai Museum?Its about 2 kilometers.AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow often2 . The woman is _ and she has a _ girl.Athirty years old; nine years oldBthirty years old; nine-year-oldCthirty-year-old; nine years oldDthirty-years-old; nine-years-old3 . one of the two women is Mrs. Brown,our neighbor.AThe beautiful BThe more beautifulCMore beautiful DThe most beautiful4 . I _ to get up early to walk my dog but now it is my wifes matter.AusedBaffordedCdecidedDattended5 . Every family member should have his or her _ towel to prevent diseases from spreading.AownBowningCownedDowner6 . David likes sports very much. He enjoys _ table tennis with his friends on weekends.AplayBto playCplayedDplaying7 . I live _the school. It usually takes one hour to get to the school.Afar awayBnear fromCfar fromDaway far from8 . The only good habit of the boys is _up early.AgettingBto getCgetDgets9 . After I leave school, I think the first step is _ a job in some office.AgetsBgetCto getDto getting10 . _do you think of the program FunnyComedian欢乐喜剧人?Its interesting.I love it.AWhatBHowCWhereDHow about11 . My father _ gave me some exercises and told me to do them _.Amyself, by himselfBhimself, by myselfChimself, by himselfDmyself, by myself12 . - What do you think of Eat-up Campaign (光盘行动)?-I think its really necessary. It is reported that the food that Chinese peopleevery year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.AeatBhaveCwasteDmake二、完型填空The bicycle is one of the most useful inventions in the world. What is the most surprising is that it was not _ earlier, although the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci had drawn pictures for bicycles and also for flying machines and some other things. Those things were not produced _ long after he died.A person riding a bicycle uses _ energy to make the bicycle move, and it causes no _ at all. Even so, in some developed countries, most people dont go to work by bicycle. It isnt because the bicycles are expensive or people will feel _ if they ride bicycles to work. Its because the number of cars on the roads _ larger and larger. It certainly makes riding a bicycle on the roads _. As a result, more people put their bicycles away and go to work _ their cars. The traffic becomes heavier and heavier and the air becomes much worse.Perhaps the best way to make riding a bicycle safer and more popular is to create _ only for bicycles, and to make it so difficult and expensive for drivers to drive their cars into the city that they will go back to _ their bicycles.13 . AfoundBfoundedCinventedDdiscovered14 . AbeforeBafterCsinceDuntil15 . AmuchBnoClittleDmany16 . AdevelopmentBpollutionCharmDdanger17 . AluckyBgladCsorryDtired18 . AbecomesBturnsCgoesDremains19 . AsaferBmore dangerousCcleanerDfunnier20 . AbyBinCforDat21 . AadvertisementsBtraffic lightsCpathsDparking lots22 . AusingBbuyingCborrowingDtaking三、阅读单选In Britain, children go to school from Monday to Friday. School usually starts nine oclock in the morning and finishes at about three oclock in the afternoon. Most schools ask their students to wear a school uniform.School always starts with registration. What is registration? Every child going to school each morning and afternoon is recorded(记录) in a special book. The teacher reads out each childs name in turn. On hearing his/her name, the child makes a reply(回复) and the teacher writes in the book. From the book, you can see whether(是否) the child is in school or not.At 9:10, children go to the meeting place. There they sing songs, listen to a story and pray(祈祷).The first lesson begins at 9:20. They have break time from 10:20 to 10:35. During break time, the children have a snack and play games outdoors. After that, they go back in for another lesson until lunch at 12:00. Afternoon lessons begin at 1:10 and end at 3:15, and children go home. They dont have a break in the afternoon.23 . How much time does a British student usually spend at school in a week?AAround 20 hours.BOver 40 hours.CAbout 30 hours.DOnly 6 hours.24 . The following things take place in British schools each morning. Which do you think is the right order(顺序)? Teachers call over the childrens names. Teachers write something in the book. Children answer “Here”.ABCD25 . When do the children have a snack?ABefore they go to school.BAfter they have afternoon lessons.CWhen they finish their outdoor games.DAt about half past ten in the morning.26 . Which of the following is true?AIn Britain, most students live at school at night.BStudents in Britain mustnt call their teachers names.CStudents in Britain go to school before nine every morning.DStudents in Britain have a long break between the afternoon lessons.四、句型转换Sentence transformation:27 . There used to be few people living here.(反意疑问句)There used to be few people living here, _?28 . Both of the students are from Canada. (否定句)_of the students _ from Canada.29 . I wont drive a car. I will ride a bike instead.(同义句转换)I will ride a bike instead_ a car.30 . Carl ran so fast that he could catch the last bus.(同义句转换)Carl ran fast _ catch the last bus.31 . Practice speaking English as often as possible.(同义句转换)-Practice speaking English as often as _.32 . The teacher sometimes makes the students repeat the questions in class.(改为被动语态)The students are sometimes _ repeat the questions in class.33 . What will the housing cost in Shanghai be like in ten years?(保持句子意思不变)_ will the housing cost in Shanghai _in ten years?五、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions (根据所给音标,完成句子):34 . Tim got two tickets for this Saturdays_ /besbl/ game.35 . Take a walk around and you can easily find a big supermarket _/nba/36 . My cousin is good at _ /fzks/ and wants to be a scientist in the future.37 . My cousins _ /dri:m/ is to be an excellent pianist like Lang Lang.38 . Do you know the_ /hait/ of the mountain in front of us?六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。39 . Do you have fun _ (watch) TV?40 . I often do the _ (dish) after dinner on weekends.41 . He _ (have) to help his mother with the housework every day.42 . The sign in the library says “No _ (talk)”.43 . We cant be _ (noise) in the classroom. We should follow the rules.44 . _ (not listen) to music in class, Jenny.45 . Before I leave the city, my friend says “Good_ (lucky)” to me.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当的形式完成短文,每词只能用一次,请将答案写在答题卡上。show come minutestudy cold listen teacher woman strange haveHenry is a fifteen-year-old boy. He 46 . in a middle school. He often watches TV and likes the trendy(时髦的) hair style. His parents and 47 . tell him not to do so, but he doesnt48 . to them.One Sunday afternoon his mother bought a beautiful shirt for him and he loved it very much. The next morning it was49 . outside. But he wanted to 50 . it to his classmates and put it on. That evening he caught a bad cold. He went to a hospital. The doctor looked him over and told him to be in hospital. A nurse brought him to a51 . ward (房). He felt 52 . but couldnt ask her why.About ten 53 . later the nurse came back with a red face. “Im sorry, Henry,” said the woman. “I didnt know you were a boy because you54 . too long hair.”Then she brought him to a mens ward. This time the men began to look at each other. They55 . to ask , “Why has she brought a girl to our ward?”八、单词填空A recent report from Dazhou Daily says about 18% of Dazhou teenagers can have problems with their minds. Some students become w_ because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people l_their parents and classmates. Zhang Qiang, a Junior 2 student from Dazhou, could not understand his teachers in class and was doing b_in his lessons. He was afraid of e_. When he looked at the exam paper, he couldnt think of anything to write. Another student, a 15-year-old girl c_ Wu Yan from Guangan often argued(吵架)with her classmates even her parents because of some d_ ideas. She became so angry with them that she s_ to cut her finger with a knife. However, many students who have p_ wont go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid(愚蠢的)i_ they go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk about their secrets. In order to solve the teenagers problems, here is some advice:Talk to your parents or teachers often. Take part in group activities and play sports. Go to see a doctor if you f_ unhappy or unwell.56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _九、回答问题Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)A different kind of alarm clockWhen Matty Sallin, 24, was studying art and technology at New York University, he got an interesting task for the final exam: Create something for the ordinary family. He decided to create an alarm clock.“To get up in time, many people have to use an alarm clock every morning. But the sound of the clock is extremely noisy and unpleasant,” he says. So before he started to design the new clock; he asked different people what theyd like to wake up to in the morning, and lots of them said, “The smell of bacon(培根).”So Sallin and his two classmates invented a new kind of alarm clock: a wooden box with a pig face and a digital clock that uses the smell of cooking bacon to wake people up. He explains, “Theres no danger of burning, because I built it carefully. It uses special light bulbs(灯泡) instead of fire for cooking and turns off automatically after ten minutes.” Just a few easy steps are required to set the “alarm”.“What you do is to put a few pieces of bacon meat inside the box the night before, then you set the alarm,” says Sallin. “If you set the alarm for 8: 00, it will turn on at 7:50 and slow cook for ten minutes under the bulbs. Then the bulbs turn off and a fan blows the smell out through the nose of the pig.”“So the pleasant smell of bacon will wake you up. There will be no more noisy alarms,” says Sallin. “Then you can open the door on the side and pull the bacon out and eat it.”When Sallin was a kid, he spent a lot of time making drawings of inventions. “I wanted to make a lift in my back yard and a special tree house,” he says. “But I never really thought Id become an inventor!”Sallin got an A for his alarm clock and went on to invent other thing, but people continue to email him every day asking where they can buy his alarm clock. If he decides to produce and sell his special alarm clock, maybe he can build a successful business out of it.66 . What was Matty Sallin?_67 . How many people worked together on the new alarm clock?_68 . How long did it take to cook the bacon?_69 . Why are light bulbs used for cooking bacon instead of fire?_70 . Whats special about Sallins alarm clock?_ wakes people up instead of the loud alarm.71 . What do you think of the new alarm clock?_十、话题作文72 . 书面表达。29.假如你是李华,你最近认识的美国笔友David给你发了一封电子邮件,向了解你进初三以来在学习和生活方面的一些变化、收获和感受。请根据下面的提示及你的实际写封回信。提示:less free time,much homework,more pressure,get into a good high schoolmore exercise,lose weight join the English Comer,improve English a lotcolorful and meaningful,learn more knowledge注意:1)词数80左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;2)回复须包括所有药店,可适当发挥,使全文连贯、通顺;3)文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。Dear David,Thank you so much for your mail. Im happy to tell you about how my life has changed recently.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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