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昆明市2019版九年级下学期3月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Look! A lot of people in the street are running_ the suspect.AawayBintoCafterDacross2 . Hi, Lucy.Are you _ now?Yes. I have a lot of things to do.AbusyBfreeCeasyDgreat3 . My cousin missed IAmaSinger last Friday.But he can watch it on line at any time.ATry your best.BI dont think so.CDont do that!DWhat a pity!4 . Whats the weather like tomorrow? I plan to go on a picnic. Im afraid you have to change your plan. The weather report said it would _ rain.AprobablyBfinallyCactually5 . Did you see_ old people playing Chinese chess outside the park? Yes. They are all Chinese chess lovers.Aa crowd ofBa series ofCa bit of6 . Did you meet Mr Brown in his office? Yes. He was not here when I arrived, but he came back after a while.Aa moment laterBright nowCin the future7 . Everyone needs friends. How can we find a friend and _ well with each other .-Maybe I can give you some advice .Aget upBget onCget offDget back8 . _, or you will be late for school. OK.ACome inBCome toCCome on9 . I think this soup tastes _. I want to have another bowl.AwellBterribleCniceDbeautiful10 . He doesnt like playing basketball. So he _ plays basketball with friends.But I always play basketball after school with my friends.AalwaysBusuallyCsometimesDnever11 . Where are the students that sang the song Legend at the airport from? Guangzhou. They didnt get mad when their flight was delayed._, they sang the song to cheer other people up.AAnywayBHoweverCInstead12 . I cant believe that Judy has won the singing competition! Me, neither. I wonder how she made_ in such a short time.ApressureBprogressCdevelopment13 . Have you ever heard of the reading pen? Yes. It can read out what you are pointing at. The unusual pen will become a useful tool in language teaching and learning.AordinaryBspecialCperfect14 . His pale face suggests that he is under the weather.He ought to see a doctor at once.AadvisesBdevelopsCshows15 . Is he _ now?Yes.He has no time to have lunch with us.AfreeBbusyChealthyDtidy二、完型填空Dear Frank,Thank you very much_your letter.Bejing_beauiful,I like Beijing_I like China.Now Im fine and Im busy_my lessons.I have seven classes every day.There are_classes in the moring and three inthe afternoon.I have nine subjects this term.I like math.biology and history.My _subject is science,because it is very interesting.Yes,my English is very_like Chinese, and I like it.But I_like Chinese ,because it is too difficult_me,and I cant learn it well.Do you play soccer? Can you_Chinese?I hope you can come toChina one day.Yours,Dave16 . AtoBofCforDwith17 . AamBisCareDbe18 . AbecauseBorCbutDand19 . AatBaboutCandDwith20 . AfourBthreeCtwoDone21 . AbestBfavoriteClikeDmore22 . AgoodBwellCbetterDbest23 . AisntBisCdontDdo24 . AforBtoCaboutDwith25 . AtellBtalkCsayDspeak三、阅读单选In China, students go to school in many ways. Some students go by bus, some go by bike and some walk to school. Do you know how Japanese students usually go to school?In the city(城市), students usually go to school near their homes. So many students walk to school. It usually takes them 10 to 20 minutes to get to school. But in the village, schools are usually far from students homes. It usually takes them 40 minutes to an hour to walk to school. So many students in the village go to school by train, because the train goes quickly and doesnt need much time.Many Japanese schools are small but nice. And students seldom(很少)take the school bus. Parents also seldom drive their children to and from school. Sometimes children walk to school with their friends living near them. To make sure of their safety, some kind people will help children cross the road when there are lots of cars on the road.26 . Aoki Sawako is a student in Tokyo(东京). How long does it probably(很可能) take her to get to school on foot?Afifteen minutesBthirty minutesCforty minutesDsixty minutes27 . Ichiro Suzuki lives in a village far from his school. He probably_ to school.Atakes the school busBtakes the trainCrides his bikeDwalks28 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AHow Chinese students go to school.BHow Japanese students go to school.CThe school life of Chinese students.DThe school life of Japanese students.Madagascar is a small island country in Africa. The weather is very hot all the year. It is a good place for holidays. Lets enjoy its beauty together.Cute LemursMany lovely lemurs live in this country. They look like monkeys. They have long and useful tails. When they “talk” to each other, they wave their tails. And the tails can keep balance when they jump in trees. They usually eat leaves and fruit. But sometimes they also eat insects and smaller animals. People in MadagascarMost people in the island are farmers. They are very friendly. They are brown and not tall. They speak Malagasy language and French. Look at the girl in the picture! Her father and mother are both farmers. They grow rice and bananas. And they also keep cattle . If they have the most cattle, they are the richest.Travelers Palm( 旅人蕉)Travelers palm is a famous plant. It has many big leaves. When a traveler is hot, he can hide under the leaves. And it has delicious fruit. When he is hungry, he can eat the fruit. There is a lot of water in the leaf stalks(茎). When he is thirsty, he can cut the leaf stalk with a knife and drink the water. It is helpful to travelers.29 . People in Madagascar speak _ .AFrench and English.BFrench and Madagasy language.CEnglish and Latin.DLatin and Madagasy language.30 . Lemurs eat the following things EXCEPT.AgrassBleavesCfruitDinsects31 . Which of the following is TRUE? _ .ACute lemurs have short and useful tails.BA lot of people in Madagascar are farmersCThe weather in Madagascar is only hot in summer.DTravelers can find much water in the leaves of the Travelers Palm.Parents now complain about teenagers noses always in their phones. But they might want to check out their own screen time habits.A study was put out recently. It was from the Pew Research Center. The study surveyed 743 U.S. teens and 1,058US parents of teens from March7to April10. It found that (two thirds of the parents worry about the amount of time their teenage children spend in front of screens. But more than a third of the parents also worry about their own screen time.Over a half of the teens said that parents are often or sometimes distracted(精神不集中的) .But have a conversation with them. The study also notes that nearly three fourths of the teens check messages as soon as they wake up. Parents do the same, but at a low rate-57%. However, that is still a lot.Many teens are trying to do something about it. 52 percent have cut back on the time they spend on their phone. 57 percent have done the same with social media.Experts say parents have a big role in their kids screen habits. Setting a good example is a big part of it.Kids dont always do what we say but they do as we do, said Donald Shifrin. He is a professor at the university of Washington School of Medicine. Parents are at the door that kids will walk through on their way to the world.32 . What do we know from the survey?AAll parents are worried about their own screen time.BSome parents dont pay attention to what the kids are going to say.Calmost 75% of parents check the messages when they wake up.33 . According to the survey, how many parents are worried about their own screen time?Aabout704Babout 352Cabout 24734 . Whats Paragraph 4 mainly about?AThe efforts that teens have made to reduce the screen time habits.BTeens plan to cut back the screen time habits.CTeens resolution to spend less time on the screen35 . According to the expert, parents can change their kids screen time habits by _.Atalking with their kids.Bcutting back kids screen time.Cchanging their own habits.36 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AIts bad to use phones very often.BTeens and adults screen time.CExperts show their worries about teens screen time habits.Improve on SleepGood health needs good sleep. Going to bed before youre tired. No eating or reading in bed. Go to bed at the same time before midnight and get up at the same time. Your body likes routine (常规) for a good nights sleep.Stay Free of FluStudies show that a cold or flu virus (病毒) can live on our hands for long. So wash all parts of your hands often with soap and water. For more ways to prevent the spread of flu, please call Health Line at 1800-848-1313.Oral (口腔) HealthBrush your teeth twice a day and visit the dentist at least once a year. The mouth is a mirror(镜子) of disease(疾病). The oral examination(检查) is not only for the health of teeth, but the whole body. For more of it, please visit www. mydr. com. au.Fit for LifeStudies have shown that many diseases have something to do with little or no physical (身体) activity. Try to do it for 30 minutes a day, 5 days or more a week. For more information, please call Health Line at 1800 438 2000.37 . If you want to get a good sleep, youd better _.Ago to bed after youre tiredBgo to sleep at midnightCfollow the bedtime routineDeat something or read in bed38 . You should visit the dentist(牙医) at least once a year, because _.Athe oral examination is necessaryByou dont often brush your teethCsome diseases may be in the mirrorDyou dont have a good nights sleep39 . Studies have shown that many diseases have something to do with _.Ahaving no oral examinationBwashing hands with cold waterCsleeping too late sometimesDdoing little physical activity40 . When you want to learn more about the flu, you can _.Avisit www. Mydr. com. auBcall Health Line at 1800-848-1313Cvisit the dentist in your placeDcall Health Line at 1800-438-2000Shanghai University of Engineering Science has become the first university in China to be covered by a 5G network,the university announced on TuesdayChinese mobile carriers(运营商)are expected to spend 1.2 trillion yuan(US176.5 billion)on 5G by 2025,50 percent more than their total 4G investment(投资),Nomura said yesterdayCarriers including China Mobile,China Telecom and China Unicom,are expected to build over 4.9 million 5G base stations by 20255G is a gamechanging opportunity for carriers as they can explore new business like smart manufacturing,super high definition video and smart driving,instead of just being a pipeline for voice and data servicesChina will supply temporary 5G licenses in several aimed cities this yearConsumers(消费者)will be able to use the first batch of 5G smartphones and tablet computers in the second halfIts the first time that Chinas top industry regulator clarified the 5G industry timeline,especially the first appearance of 5G phonesBut 5G services will become accessible to normal consumers later than expectedMore work needs to be done to make the 5G industry fully developed,which wont happen until 2020,said UBS recentlyNew business projects and organizations,rather than normal consumers,will enjoy 5G services at firstThe first batch of 5G services will be available to consumers in about 10 cities only41 . How much did Chinese mobile carriers spend on 4G?AAbout 1.2 trillion yuanBAbout US176.5 millionCAbout 0.8 trillion yuanDAbout US0.8 billion42 . What does the underlined word accessible probably mean in Chinese?A易获得的B困难的C让人理解的D费解的43 . Which part of a newspaper may the article come from?ALifestyleBHealthCEducationDTechnology44 . Whats the main idea of the article?AMobile carriers plan to spend much on 5G and it will come into our life soonBChina will supply temporary5G licenses in several aimed cities this yearC5G services will become accessible to normal consumers later than expectedDThe first batch of 5G services will be available to consumers in about 10 cities only四、语法填空动词应用On the weekend,my mom,my dad and I often 45 . ( go) to the community center near our house. My dad can 46 . (play)chess very well. So he likes 47 . (play) with the other people in the chess club there. My mom48 . ( not be )really a musician, but she can sing very well. Sometimes she49 . (teach) a class at the center. As for me, I like to join the story 50 . (tell) club. I like talking to the people at the center and 51 . (make) new friends.五、材料作文52 . 假如你是李华,你和同学们在下周五晚上准备举行聚会欢迎新来的交换生Mike,你打算邀请你们学校的外教Join 参加。请你用英文写一封邮件,告诉他聚会的时间和地点,活动内容,以及需要准备什么。提示词语:make a welcome speech, sing, game, dance, gift提示问题:when and where are you going to have a party?What are you going to do at the party?What do you advise Join to prepare for the party?Dear Join,How is it going?Im writing to invite you to our party to welcome our exchange student Mike._Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、四、语法填空1、五、材料作文1、

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