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拉萨市2020年九年级上学期期末英语试题)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - How was the talk this morning?-Its just a waste of time. There is _ nothing worth listening to.AhardlyBalmostCmainlyDalready2 . The child without parents good care of by their teachers.Aare takenBis takenCtakeDtakes3 . Playing soccer _ great for us.AlooksBsoundsClookDsound4 . I often play sports when I finish my homework.AdoBto doCdoingDdoes5 . You will not find out the answerthe end of the film, and then youll know who he loves.AtoBbyCuntilDin6 . Our parents often talk about the people and the things _ they can remember in their middle schoolAwhichBwhatCthatDwho7 . Chinas hot words, like Duang, tuhao, dama, areof the times. They have become known abroad.AcontributionsBexamplesCproductsDAchievements8 . Bob,look at your room.How dirty it is!You must _.Aclean up itBclean it upCclean them upDclean up them9 . Sir, could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free (无烟的) school.AIm sorry about this.BNo problem.CSure, Id love to.DNever mind.10 . How should we teenagers be _ when crossing the road?We mustnt run the red traffic lights.AseriousBcarefulCpleasedDpopular二、补全对话7选5情景交际根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Simon!11 . B: The mobile phone.A:12 . B: Because I can do lots of things with it.Is it also your favorite invention?A: No, it isnt.13 . B: Why?A:14 . B: I see. There are many inventions in the world.15 . A: I agree with you. I want to invent something useful one day.B: That sounds great. I hope you can achieve your dream.三、完型填空People all over the world eat rice. _ people in Asia (亚洲), Africa (非洲) and South America _ it every day of their lives. Some people almost dont eat_ except rice.Rice is a kind of _. There are more than 7, 000 kinds of rice. Most kinds are water plants. Farmers _ rice in many countries even in the southern part of Russia and in eastern Australia.No one really knows where rice _. Someone in China wrote about it almost 5,000 years ago. Some scientists (科学家) think that rice _ in West Africa first, but _ think it _ from India and then was _ to other parts of the world.16 . AThousands ofBHundreds ofCMillions ofDA million of17 . AeatBeatsCeatenDis eaten18 . AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing19 . AgrassBfruitCflowerDvegetable20 . AmakeBrunCkeepDgrow21 . Acame fromBcame toCwent fromDwent to22 . AgrewBgrowCis grownDwas grown23 . AanotherBotherCthe otherDothers24 . AcameBcomeCwas comeDwas coming25 . AplantedBtakenCkeptDgrown完形填空(共15题,Tina and Kate_work in a supermarket. They are best friends and they enjoy_together.Tina and Katie are young and always happy. They like telling_and watching programmes about music on TV. However, they do not like their boss,Mr Green ,_he is very strict and always shouts_them. Once, Mr Green shouted_loudly at Tina that he made her cry. Tina and Katie stop_jokes when Mr Green is nearby.Mr Green likes playing_very much. He plays tennis three times a week and_part in many tennis matches, but he never_any tennis titles. One day, Mr Green_at work as usual and smiled at Tina and as he gave_two big boxes of chocolates each. The girls were shocked. At the end of the day,they found out the reason_Mr Green was so_He won his_title in a local competition! Tina and Katie thought that life would be much better working at the supermarket from then on.26 . AbothBallCeveryDeach27 . AworkBworkingCto workDworked28 . AjokesBstoriesCliesDwords29 . AbecauseBsoCifDunless30 . AonBatCforDin31 . AsuchBsoCthatDtoo32 . AspeakingBtellingCsayingDtalking33 . AvolleyballBtennisCbasketballDFootball34 . AtookBtakesCjoinDto take35 . AwinBwonCwinnerDto win36 . AgetBarrivedCreachDgot37 . AtheyBherCthemDus38 . AwhyBhowCwhatDwhen39 . AhappilyBhappyCunhappyDhappiness40 . AsecondBtwiceCfirstDonce四、阅读单选Having an exercise plan is important, but you should always ask your doctor for advice before starting it. Keep in mind that you can have too much of a good thing: overexercising and exercising in a wrong way can hurt your body. The following suggestions can help you avoid(避免) this.Warm up before exercise. This helps to prepare your body for activities. Its especially important in the morning.Cool down after exercise. Rather than stop immediately, do a few light activities to avoid aches and pains later.Exercise with your limits(极限). Build up slowly. Never try to exercise when you feel painful. If you dont listen to your body, you will hurt yourself.Avoid being thirsty. Water is important to keep your normal temperature during exercise and prevent(预防) tiredness.Wear sports shoes. These shoes can keep your feet safe and prevent you from being hurt.41 . The writer gives us suggestions in the passage.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix42 . Before you start your exercise plan, you should .Amake up these suggestionsBask your doctor for adviceCfind your health problemsDhave a careful health exam43 . is especially important before exercise in the morning.AWarming up our bodyBCooling our body downCDrinking enough waterDPutting on sports shoes44 . The third suggestion can help us to .Aprepare for our activitiesBavoid aches or pains laterCkeep normal temperatureDavoid hurting ourselves45 . This passage mainly tells us .Ato warm up before exerciseBhow to keep healthyChow to exercise in a right wayDnot to exercise too muchDo you go to the movies during the holidays? What do you eat there? Popcorn (爆米花)? Yes, of course! More and more Chinese youth now like to eat popcorn when they watch movies at the theater.However, it may be the Americans who love popcorn the most. Americans do fun things with their popcorn. They like to put butter on their popcorn. But thats not all; they also like other kinds of things like chocolate, and even cheese! Americans like to eat popcorn as a snack (小吃). These days, there are a lot of low -fat kinds of popcorn in US shops to keep people healthy.Americans started eating popcorn in movie theaters in the 1930s. Before this, they couldnt because movies were silent (无声的) and popcorn made too much noise. When movies got noisier, people could eat noisier food.Next time you eat popcorn, why not try to eat it American style.46 . Young people like to eatat the cinema.ApopcornBchocolateCsweetsDcheese47 . Americans couldnt eat popcorn in cinemas before 1930s because.Apopcorn at that time wasnt healthyBpeople were too poor to buy popcornCother foods were more popular than popcornDmovies were silent and popcorn made noise48 . What is the best title for the passage?AThe holidays coming, pop some corn!BThe movies starting, pop some corn!CThe holidays coming, eat some snacks!DThe movies starting, eat some snacks!What do you usually do in your free time? What are your favourite activities? Last week, I put these questions on my blog. Here are the answers of three students.Hello! My name is Zhang Li. In China, we students have two days off in a week. After I finish my homework, I often go swimming. It is a good way to relax. Thats also my favourite activity because it can help me keep healthy.Hi, Im Eric Brown. In America, we have many free time for activities. For example, we go camping every Friday. We sing, dance and play games together. If we feel tired, we can rest in beautiful tents. All of us have great fun that day. Hi, my name is Pin Anong. In Thailand, our summer vacation begins in Late February to early March. I hardly ever go out on my vacation. My parents are busy all the time. On my vacation, my favourite activity is reading at home.49 . Why does Zhang Li often go swimming? Its relaxing.She wants to swim quickly. She likes it very much.Its good for her healthABCD50 . How often does Eric Brown go camping?AOnce a week.BTwice a week.COnce a month.DTwice a month.51 . What can we learn from the passage?AZhang Li studies best.BPlaying games is Erics favourite.CThese three students are close friends.DPin had to spend her vacation at home.My name is Eric. Last July, I went to Walt Disney World in Orland, Florida. It was a wonderful trip because I spent time with my family. I went there with my dad, mom, brother and sister. We had lots of fun there.We took my dads new car to Florida. It was a long trip but we enjoyed ourselves on the way.We went to a dinner show Jolly Holiday. It has funny characters(人物) and lots of singing. We enjoyed it.I went on rides with my dad, brother and sister. We went to Splash Mountain. We went through a tunnel(隧道). We saw different Disney characters. My mom took photos of me with different Disney characters. We saw Cinderella at the Magic Kingdom. She gave a show with her friends. At the Beach Club Resort, my family saw Chip and Dale. They walked around to meet everyone.52 . When did Eric take a trip to Walt Disney World last year?AIn JuneBIn JulyCIn AugustDIn October53 . How many people went with Eric?ATwoBThreeCFourDFive54 . How did Eric get to Florida?ABy carBBy busCBy trainDBy plane55 . Where did Eric see Cinderella?AAt a dinner showBOn Splash MountainCAt the Magic KingdomDAt the Beach Club Resort56 . Which of the following is TRUE?ACinderella gave a show at Jolly Holiday.BEric went on rides with his dad and mom.CChip and Dale walked around to meet people.DErics dad took photos of him with Disney characters.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)57 . Jack always plays football after school because its h_ favorite.58 . Listen! The students are s_ in the classroom.59 . Betty likes painting and she can draw p_ well.60 . Lucy b_ some gifts for her fathers birthday yesterday.61 . Dont run too fast, its not s_ enough.六、回答问题In the USA, each year, students take part in a kind of competition called the Science Olympiad.It has a lot of different events. Students go there to show how much they know about the science of music, biology, chemistry and others. My best event is forestry.The big day had come at last! First,I went to watch the tower building competition. Thats when students build small towers and put heavy things on top of it. They hope they can hold them up. One of my schoolmates was putting things on her tower. She was nervous,and in the end it was too heavy for her tower to hold itit broke! I felt bad for her.After lunch, I helped some teammates with their events. One was geography,and the other was history. I dont know much about those things, so I just watched my teammates do most of the work.At last, it was time for my favorite eventforestry. The rules were easy. We had to look at more than 40 different kinds of leaves and find out which plants they were from. We also had to answer some questions about the uses of each leaf. I knew almost all of the leaves and could answer most of the questions. I had spent more than a month studying on the Internet to get ready. At the end, it was time for the awards (颁奖).I was nervous,because the forestry awards were last. We won second place in the whole state! A nice man gave me a medal and smiled at me.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。62 . What is the Science Olympiad ?_63 . Is forestry the authors (作者的)best event?_64 . Why did the author feel bad for the first event?_65 . Where did the author prepare for his event?_66 . Which prize did the authors team win,the second or the last?_七、材料作文67 . 如今易物网站早已不是什么新鲜名词,有专家分别在2012年与2019年进行了一项关于“人们是否支持闲置物品交换”这一理念的调查。调查结果如右图所示。假设你是李华,你的好朋友开了一个提供“个人闲置物品交换”服务的网站,你想帮助他在你的同学中推广该网站。现请你结合以下要点提示用三段话对该网站进行宣传。yearsupport ratereasons for the change of the support rate201235%201985%Introduce the website;Describe the result of the survey on “used goods exchange” website;Things are in great need on the website now. (such as original Englishwritten magazines and novels, toys. . )要求:1.词数不少于80词; 2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。参考词汇:used goods exchange闲置物品交换;environmental awareness环保意识;original adj.原版的第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、2、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、回答问题1、七、材料作文1、

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