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广西壮族自治区2019版七年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You look _. Is there anything wrong?My dog is missing.AhappyBexcitedCgentleDupset2 . “You can read the comic strips,you must finish your homework first.” said Mom.AforBorCsoDbut3 . My sister will come to see me tomorrow. Ill meet _ at the airport.AyouBhimCherDthem4 . Kevin, I cant use my new washing machine. Can you show me how to use it? Why not read the _first? I am busy now.AinventionBinstructionsCinformationDinvitation5 . My grandmother died last month, Im very sad about it._.AYou are welcomeBThats all rightCI m sorry to hear thatDI hope youll feel better soon6 . I _Daniel is always late for school. Did you _ the reason?Alook for; find outBfind; find outCfind out; look forDfind out; find7 . _hours do you exercise every week ? Nine hours.AHow manyBHow oftenCHow muchDHow long8 . Thank you for your help. _.AThats rightBYoure rightCYoure welcomeDDont thank me9 . Miss Alice, I dont know why I cant get along well with my classmates.-You study well , nevertheless, you _ help the others.AwidelyBseldomCpolitelyDsilently10 . Be quiet. Grandma _ in her bedroom now.AsleepsBwill sleepCis sleepingDwas sleeping二、完型填空Today,traveling becomes more popular than before. Why are more and more people like _?_,having worked hard_weekdays, people will want _mountains or beaches. When people return from their tip,they_ fresh and ready to_harder.Traveling is also one of_ of learning. You may read or hear about something,but you cannot get a picture of it _ you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Whats more,_ you are a careful observer(观察者),you can learn much during your travel. There _ always a lot for you to learn through travelling.11 . AtravelingBtravelledCto travelDtravels12 . ASuch asBFor exampleCLikeDAs like13 . AinBatCforDon14 . Ato findingBfindsCto findDto found.15 . Awould feelBwill feelCcan feelDfeel16 . AworkBworkingCworksDworked17 . Agood waysBthe best waysCbest waysDthe best way18 . AuntilBwhenCafterDbefore19 . AsinceBbecause.CifDwhen20 . AwereBwasCareDis三、阅读单选What we do and dont do in our free timeLi HuiminWang JunfengChen QiangWatch TVMeet friendsCook foodGo fishingPlay computergames根据表格内容,选择正确答案。21 . Li Huimin, Wan Junfeng and Chen Qiang all _ in their free time.Awatch TVBmeet friendsCcook foodDplay games22 . Chen Qiang doesnt _.Ameet friendsBcook foodCwatch TVDA and B23 . Li Huimin and Wang Junfeng _ in their free time, but Chen Qiang doesnt.Ago fishingBwatch TVCmeet friendsDplay computer games24 . Wang Junfeng does many things in his free time EXCEPT(除了) _.Awatching TVBcooking foodCgoing fishingDplaying computer games25 . Which of the following is TRUE?ALi Huimin and Wang Junfeng doesnt play computer games.BChen Qiang cooks food.CWang Junfeng goes fishing.DChen Qiang and Wang Junfeng meet friends.Hello, my name is Mike.I am from England. I am a new student in Jason School. I am in Class 2, Grade 1. I go to school 5 days a week and there are 6 classes a day. There are 25 students in my class. I am very happy to meet them. English is my favorite lesson. Miss Green is my English teacher. She is 27 years old. I like having her class. There is a computer in my classroom. Miss Green likes playing English songs on the computer in her class and we like these songs. Now I can sing many English songs. There are some pictures in the classroom because some students like drawing pictures and they draw very well. I like my classroom and my new school. Welcome to my school!26 . Mike is a _ in Jason School.AstudentBteacherCdoctorDworker27 . How many classes are there in the school a day?AFive.BSix.CSeven.DEight.28 . What can we see in Mikes classroom?AA map.BSome flowers.CA television.DSome pictures.29 . Whats Mikes favorite lesson ?AEnglishBChineseCHistoryDArtWe know health is important in everyones life.Here are some ways to make them easy to get.Eat a balanced dietEat a lot of fruit and vegetables,some grains(谷物) and a little meat.Exercise twice or three times a week.Get enough sleep.It is best to get eight hours sleep a day.Keep yourself busy.This is good because it stops you from having bad habits.To keep yourself busy,you can walk around the house,spend time with your pet,do sports,or have a hobby.Go out and make friends.Spend time and have fun with them.Talk with them,but try not to talk about anything bad.You should stay with the people who are healthy.30 . How often should you exercise if you want to get health?AEvery day.BTwice a day.CThree times a month.DTwice or three times a week.31 . How many hours do you need to sleep every day?ASeven.BEight.CNine.DTen.32 . The underlined word “it” refers to(指的是) _.Aeating a balanced dietBexercising moreCkeeping yourself busyDmaking friends33 . Which of the following is NOT true?AWe can eat a lot of meat to keep healthy.BWe need to exercise.CIts good to make some friends.DWe can spend our free time doing sports.34 . Whats the best title for this passage?AEating habitBPlaying sportsCMaking friendsDHow to get health四、单词填空The Cinderella story is a famous one Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died. Her father remarried. Cinderellas new stepmother and two stepsisters t35 . her poorly. She had to wear old clothes and work hard w36 . the sisters wore beautiful clothes and had fun. You know the r37 . of the story. A good fairy turned Cinderellas old clothes into a beautiful dress. Cinderella went to a party and a prince f38 . in love with her Cinderella left the party in such a h39 . that she left a glass slipper and the Prince used that to find her F40 . Cinderella and the Prince married and lived happily ever after.Thats one telling of the story, but the Cinderella fairy take is found in many different countries. And Cinderella is not always a young l41 . . In an Irish story, a young gentleman, Becan, marries a princess and lives happily ever since.Why is the Cinderella story so p42 . and found in so many cultures? There are several r43 . First of all its a romantic story Also, Cinderella a kind girl with a hard life And m44 . the most important is that in the Cinderella story, a person faces many difficulties but overcomes them in the end.Goats are being hired to do the work of men in a neighborhood just outside of San Diego. The fires that occurred in Hillborough four years ago destroyed thirty homes, most of which have been rebuilt. W _ contractors were rebuilding the homes, nature was regrowing the grasses, bushes, and shrubs. The area is now so overgrown in brush t _ it again poses a major fire hazard.The city council asked for bids to remove the brush. The lowest bid they received was $50, 000. And that was i _ the city provided breakfast and lunch for the work crews for the six weeks it would take to clear the overgrown area. The city countered, offering unlimited coffee (black only) and a doughnut a day for each crew member. When that offer was rejected, the city asked for h _ on its website.A sheep herder in Montana and a goat herder in San Bernardino read about the citys plight while surfing the web on their laptops. They both o _ to do the job $ 25, 000. The council chose the goat herder because he lived closer. When told that the city dump was overflowing, the goat herder said, “No problem. My goats will eat everything in your dump. E _ for the automobile engines, of course. “So, for another $5, 000, the city killed two birds with one stone. If all goes w _, they will invite the goat herder and his “family” back every three years. The goat herder said he will probably visit San Diego while his goats are in the dump. “I want to take one of those hang-glider rides. I just hope we dont crash. My goats would miss me a lot,” he said.45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _51 . _五、回答问题Im Sara. Im a middle school student. At school, we have nine subjects math, English, Chinese, science, geography, history, art, P.E. and music. My mother is a Chinese teacher and she says Chinese is beautiful and important (重要的). I like Chinese. I always read Chinese books before I go to bed. I also like history. It is my favorite subject. Mr. Brown is great fun. In his history class, I can learn many interesting stories.Mr. Green is my math teacher. He says math is useful and interesting, but I think it is boring. My science teacher, Mrs. Smith, is nice. I listen to (听) her carefully (认真的) in class. But I cant do well in the science exam(考试). I dont know why. Although its difficult for me, I will try my best to solve it step by step.We always have art, P.E. or music in the afternoon. For me, the classes in the afternoon are fun and relaxing. In P.E. class, I like to play ping-pong with my P.E. teacher Mrs. Miller. She plays very well.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题52 . What subject does Saras mother teach?_53 . What is Saras favorite subject?_54 . Does Sara like math?_55 . What does Sara think of science?_56 . Who is Saras P.Ateacher?_六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句57 . she, for, likes, and, eggs, bananas, apples, breakfast.58 . what, get does, he, up, usually, time_?59 . your, have, basketball, do, friends, a_?60 . doesnt, a, blue, have, jacket, Jim_.61 . about, basketball, playing, how_?七、话题作文62 . 同学们,刚刚过去的寒假一定给你留下了很多美好的回忆。请你以A visit to.为题写一篇短文。内容提示如下:1. 何时去何地游玩。2. 交通方式及路程时间。3. 日程安排(至少两天)及具体活动。4. 该地的变迁。5. 你的感受。注意:1. 词数:80词左右;2. 内容必须包括以上中的要点,可适当发挥;3. 条理清楚、语句连贯。A visit to _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、单词填空1、2、五、回答问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、话题作文1、

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