外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测

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外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It will take the workers a month _ the work.AfinishBto finishCfinishingDfinished2 . I am very happy that I will have _ time to watch an interesting football matchAlittleBfewCmanyDplenty of3 . Jack planned _ his problem of being too fat last year.AsolvingBsolveCto solveDsolved4 . The winner of Academy Honorary Award (奥斯卡终身成就奖) _ to be Jackie Chan this year. Well, he deserved it. He has acted in nearly 100 films and his films successfully join humor and exciting action together.Aturned downBturned onCturned offDturned out5 . - My plan is _ videos at home. What are you going to do, Jenny?- Well, I prefer _movies at the cinema.Ato watch, seeBwatching, seeCwatching, to seeDto watch, to see6 . How poor the man is! He has no house _.AlivesBliveCto live inDliving7 . _?Yes. I like playing the piano best.AWhy do you like itBCan I help youCWhats the matterDDo you have a hobby8 . Why havent you returned the book yet? -I _to, but I forgot it.AmeantBlikedChopedDexpected9 . The bike is very old, _ he likes it very much.AandBbutCsoDbecause10 . The girl dares to give speeches _.Ain troubleBin publicCin commonDin time二、补全对话5选5从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。AYes, there are many.BYes, they are.CI really enjoyed myself.DDoes it eat meat?EI am riding the elephant.Peter: Hi, Sally. Come and have a look at my photos.Sally: Are these the photos you took in Africa, Peter? Peter: 51.11 . Look, this is a wildebeest. Its an animal in Africa.Sally: 52.12 . Peter: No, it doesnt. It only eats grass.Sally: Are there a lot of animals in Africa?Peter: 53.13 . Sally: Oh, this photo looks interesting. What are you doing there?Peter: 54.14 . Sally: Did you have a good time there?Peter: Of course.55.15 . 三、完型填空The world outdoors is full of secrets. They are so attractive(有吸引力) that quite a lot of people are busy_them. All_us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.Do you know that one of the great presidents of the USA spent hours and hours studying birds? A businessman lives near New York City, he became so interested in insects(昆虫) that he began to_them. He now has over one thousand different kinds carefully kept in glass boxes.Come on with me, and I will help you find some of_secrets. Lets go quickly_ the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit_the other rabbits that there is danger(危险). We shall follow a mother bear(熊) and her young ones as they look for food and get ready for their long winter_. We shall watch bees(蜜蜂) dancing in air to let the other bees know where they can find food. I will show you many other_things, but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes_when you go out. Nature(大自然) tells her secrets only to people who look and listen_.16 . Alooking forBkeepingCstudyingDfinding17 . AaboutBaroundCamongDbesides18 . AkillBcatchCcollectDkeep19 . AflowersBanimalsCbirdsDnatures20 . AthroughBoverCintoDin21 . AsaysBtellsCasksDspeaks22 . ArestBtripCholidayDsleep23 . AsurprisingBinterestedCexcitedDbeautiful24 . AopenBclosedClisteningDsmall25 . AhappilyBclearlyCquicklyDcarefully四、阅读单选More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment (环境). Maybe thats why there are 1.4 billion (十亿) bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads all over the world today. Bikes can take you almost (几乎) anywhere, and there is no oil (油) cost !Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood. You may find something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit (受益) from the funny exercise without polluting (污染) the environment.Health Benefits of Bicycling:It helps you keep a good heart.You arent afraid of getting fatter and fatter any more.A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week can lose your five kilos of fat in a year.Bicycling can also make you happy. Exercise like bicycling can make people feel better, more relaxed (放松的) Bicycling is healthier than driving.26 . From the passage, we know that bicycling is becoming very _.AsurprisingBexcitingCexpensiveDpopular27 . When you are riding your bicycle around your neighbourhood, you may _.Apollute the environment aroundBfind something you didnt notice beforeCgo everywhere and use a little oilDget off your bike and begin to work28 . Which one is the bigger number on roads all over the world today, bicycles or cars? ACars. B.Bicycles.BA and B.CI dont know.29 . One of the benefits from bicycling is that _.Ayou can have a new bikeByou will be friendly to othersCyou will be more relaxedDyou may get fatter and fatter30 . Which is TRUE according to the passage (根据短文)?ABicycling is enjoyable exercise for people.BBikes can take you anywhere.CRiding a bike pollutes your neighborhood.DYou will become fat if you ride every day.Many birds in tropical(热带的)forests are colorful and beautiful. If you love birds,you cant miss them. The ToucanPlace: in the south of American tropical forest Food: fruit and insects The body length:25 inches The Toucan has a 7. 5-inch long colorful beak(鸟喙). They usually make their nest in tree holes and live in groups of 6. They lay 24 eggs a year. The MacawPlace: in the center and south of American tropical forestFood: nuts, seeds and fruit The body length:12-40inchesThe Macaw is a member of the well-known parrot family. They live in groups of 10. to 30. They are clever and famous for their speaking ability. There are only 17 different kinds of Macaw. The ManakinPlace: in Mexico, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil Food: some small fruit The body length:715cm There are about 60 kinds through the tropical forests. The beaks of them are short. They look small and cute. They usually lay two eggs each time. 31 . The Toucan is famous for its _.Abig eyesBlong beakCshort legsDcolorful body32 . Which of the following is true about the Macaws?AThey are one kind of parrots.BThey live in groups of six to ten.CTheir body is about 60 inches long.DThey live in the west of American tropical forest33 . What food does the Manakin live on?ANuts.BSeeds.CFruit.DInsects.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空第二节将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当形式。将答案写到答题卡的相应位置上。34 . I _ at 6:30 in the morning. ( 起床 )35 . She does _ homework every day. ( 大量;许多)36 . They _with us at the party. ( 交朋友)37 . Peter and his father take a walk after dinner _. ( 在周末 )38 . He is good at English, he can join the _. ( 英语俱乐部)六、信息归纳阅读短文,然后在文后思维导图内完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个词,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through the air like an airplane! Bees can fly because they have wings. They use their wings to fly. Bees can fly fast. Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down. They need to fly to get to the flowers!Bees can have three colors. They can be yellow, red and orange. All bees are black in some places.Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And, they have a stinger. The stinger is used to defend against enemies. They also have six legs. They use their legs to stand and climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect pollen.Bees live in many places. They live in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is Antarctica! I understand why they dont live in Antarctica. Its too cold!Most of the time, bees are nice to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not bother you. Have fun watching the bees this summer!Bee Special features ,Insects 39 . Bee All bees are black in some places, yellow, red and orange 40 . Bee A stinger ,a body ,a head41 . Bee In Africa, Australia, Asia and so on42 . Bee The exception43 . 七、材料作文44 . 题目在初中三里,你所在的班集体发生了很多事情,感人的、快乐的、令人激动的这些事情让你越来越喜爱你的班集体。某英文网站正在开展以“我爱我的班集体”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英文写一篇短文投稿,描述一件事情,主要内容包括:这件事情发生的时间、经过,以及它让你更加热爱班集休的原因。提示词语:sports meet,train,make preparations, cheer, proud提示问题:一What happened? When did it happen?Why did it make you love your class more?I love my class第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、材料作文1、

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