外研版九年级英语下册-Module 1 模块测试题

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外研版九年级英语下册-Module 1 模块测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -I lost my volleyball. -You can your teacher help.Acall, atBask, forCthank, for2 . Remember to _ your mobile phone when the plane takes off.Aturn onBturn downCturn offDturn up3 . In the UK,people often driveAin the middleBon the leftCon the rightDopposite4 . -I am going to play basketball with my friends this weekend.- _.AGood luckBHave funCThats all rightDCongratulations5 . The number of people invited to the party_ fifty, but_ of them were absent for different reasons.Awere; one fifthBwas; two fifthCwere; two fifthDwas; one fifth6 . -_ interesting news it is!- I think so.Awhat anBHowC WhatDHow an7 . Lets watch the popular TV program “China Idol”, shall we? _. It has been over for some time.ASounds greatBYes, we shallCIm afraid notDNo, we shant8 . Tom stole my favourite book yesterday. Forget it. He said he was _ that and promised he would never do that again.Aafraid ofBsurprised atCguilty ofDproud of9 . I hope you _fun visiting the museum with us tomorrow.Ato haveBhavingChaveDwill have10 . All the donated money should be made full use _the homeless people Yaan city of Sichuan province.Aof helpingBto helpCof to helpDto helping11 . His talent of _ different styles of music has caught the attention of many musicians.Asetting upBbuilding upCmaking upDtaking up12 . There will be an exhibition of the _ of dictionary in our city next week. We can learn more about the dictionarys history there.AexcitementBadvertisementCdevelopmentDenvironment13 . (2014盐城市)The online shop sells _clothing at a very good price.Achild and mansBchildren and mensCchildrens and menDchildrens and mens14 . We can enjoy the books in the reading room, we cant take them out.AandBbutCorDso二、阅读单选English classes are often for learning new words. But this semester(学期), we combined(使结合) English with cooking.It was just like a cooking show. We made our own food in class. Before the class, we took some fruit, vegetables and meat from home. We had five groups. Each group made a different dish. Then, we had to explain(解释) the cooking steps in English. Our classmates explained their cooking steps very clearly. Our dishes were very delicious, too. Our teacher joked we could cook for restaurants.Through the special class, we not only improved our English, but also enjoyed cooking and food. How interesting!15 . The students didnt take before the class.AfishBvegetablesCfruitDmeat16 . The writer of the article is a .AcookBfarmerCteacherDstudent17 . We can learn from the passage that .Athey had more than five groupsBthey cooked the dishes for restaurantsCthey enjoyed the special classDthey explained the cooking steps in Chinese18 . The best title(标题) of the article is.AA Cooking ShowBCooking with EnglishCLearning New WordsDHow to Improve EnglishAHe was only seventeen when he got cancer. He must have felt hopeless when the doctor said his leg would have to be cut off 6 inches above the knee.But to everyones surprise, Terry Fox made up his mind to become a long-distance runner and do something about cancer. What a dream!Impossible as it seemed, Terry decided to run across Canada. He hoped to raise one million dollars for cancer research. Few believed he would make it Anyway, on April 12, 1980, after many months of training, Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope. Almost no one showed up to see him begin his journey. For the first days of his marathon, Terry Fox was alone. He got up early and started running at 4:30 am. Day by day, people began to realize that something big was happening on the lonely road. As people saw Terry, they stopped and donated (捐赠) money for cancer research.However, his health took a rapid turn for the worse several months later. The cancer had returned and it was in his lungs(肺). He had to give up his marathon on September 1,1980, Terry died a few months later, at the age of 22. In his short life, he raised $ 24 million for cancer research - one dollar for every Canadian.After his death, the yearly Terry Fox Run, first held in 1981, has grown to be the worlds largest one-day fundraiser(筹资活动) for cancer research.19 . What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean?AIt was such a silly dreamBThe dream was easy to achieveCIt was an almost impossible dream20 . Why did Terry give up his marathon in September, 1980?ABecause he found it too tiring.BBecause he was too sick to continue.CBecause nobody supported him.21 . When did the third Terry Fox Run take place?AIn 1981BIn 1983.CIn 198422 . Which of the following statement is TRUE?ATerry Fox was born with one leg.BTerry Fox Run was set up by Terry Fox.CPeople paid little attention to Terrys running at first23 . Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo advise us to donate money to cancer research.BTo encourage us to take part in Marathon of Hope.CTo tell us about one of the greatest runners.三、完成句子完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词(包括缩写词)24 . 我讨厌叠衣服。I _the clothes.25 . 你能和我去趟超市吗?Could you _with me?26 . 因为我忘记打扫我的房间了,所以妈妈生气了。My mother_because I forgot _my room.27 . 请把垃圾拿出去。Please_.28 . 当我外出时请你照看一下小狗好吗?Could you please_the dog when I am away?四、填写适当的句子补全对话B) 根据下面对话的情绪,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Hi, Tom. Many social groups are looking for volunteers in our school. B: Hi, Mike.29 . ?A: Yes, I want to have more experiences. B: 30 . ?A: Im going to join the environmental group.B:31 . ! You can do something for protecting the environment. A:32 . ?B: I am going to join the medical group. A:33 . ?B: Because I want to be u doctor in the future. A: I believe you. Your father is a good doctor. B: Thank you.五、材料作文34 . 某英文报纸开辟中学生专栏,讨论假期旅行的问题。请你以I think its _ to have a trip为题写篇小短文,词数80-100。步骤与要点如下:1.确定主题,并在文中说明原因;2.围绕主题,进行叙述;3.讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。要求:1.补全标题;(参考词汇:interesting, very nice, bad, useless, useful)2.字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范;3.鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分;4.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能直接引用原文中的句子;5.作文中不要出现考生的真实校名和姓名。I think its _ to have a trip_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、阅读单选1、2、三、完成句子1、四、填写适当的句子补全对话1、五、材料作文1、

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