冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings测试题

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冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Alice, theyre your aunts _ and theyre your _.Asons; cousinsBsons; brothersCbrothers; cousins2 . I have a green sweater,I dont like it.AandBorCsoDbut3 . The film Your name tells the story of a high school girl and a high school boy. Both of them are .AGermenBJapaneseCEnglishDAustralian4 . We can _ newspapers in the reading room.AlookBwatchCreadDlook at5 . Did you use to swim in the pond near our community? _ It was very dangerous.AYes, I used.BYes, I did.CNo, I didnt.6 . -Why dont you get up a little earlier next time?-_.AOK, I willBSorry, I dont knowCThank youDThats OK7 . -The price of Huawei P30 pro is very high.-Yes. Good things always _ much.AcostBspendCtakeDbuy8 . What does the word _?AmeanBis meaningCare meaningDmeans9 . is the girl? She is 1.5 meters tall.AHow manyBHow tallCHow muchDHow old10 . I am waiting for my friend. , I will go swimming alone.AIf he doesnt comeBIf he wont comeCIf he hasnt come二、完型填空Lily is my best friend. We_in the first grade. We do_together. We walk to school together. We eat lunch together at school. Lilys mother gives her tuna sandwiches_ lunch. My mother gives _ peanut butter sandwiches. We_our sandwiches with each other. _ Lily gets apples. Sometimes I get peaches. We eat our_together. We help each other with our_.She helps me with history after school. I help her with math. We_the weekends together. Her parents invite me to their house, _my parents invite her to our house. We talk about everything. We talk about our teachers and our parents. We love_.We talk about the boys in _class. We dislike them. They are so _.Why in the world do most girls_boys? In my eyes, boys _ grow up.11 . AamBbeCareDis12 . AnothingBsomeCeverythingDlittle13 . AwithBforCtoDat14 . AmeBmyCmineDyou15 . AbuyBcookCorderDshare16 . ASome timesBSometimesCSometimeDSome time17 . AapplesBpeachesCfruitsDfoods18 . AhomeworkBsubjectCreadingDscience19 . AtakeBspendCfinishDdo20 . AeitherBbutCorDso21 . AtheyBtheirCtheirsDthem22 . AoursBusCourDwe23 . AcleverBsillyCfriendlyDpopular24 . AlikeBdislikeChateDkeep25 . AusuallyBoftenCsometimesDnever三、阅读单选My name is Chen Gang. Im from China. Im 12 and Im in Grade 7. I love sports. I can play basketball but I cant play ping-pong.This is my grandfather. Hes 75. He is old but looks young. He likes watching TV and playing card games. And he often plays with me.This is my dad. Hes 42. Hes a Chinese teacher. He can play soccer and basketball. We play basketball at school on Sunday.This is my mother. Shes a nice woman. Shes 40. She is an English teacher in our school. She can play tennis.26 . _ likes playing card games.AChen GangBChen Gangs fatherCChen Gangs motherDChen Gangs grandfather27 . Chen Gang and his father play basketball _ on Sunday.Aat homeBat schoolCin my roomDeverywhere28 . “Young” means _ in Chinese.A憔悴的B胖的C矮的D年轻的29 . About Chen Gangs mother, we know that she _?Acan play tennisBis a Chinese teacherCis 42Dlikes music30 . Which of the following is TRUE (正确的)?AChen Gang doesnt love sports.BChen Gangs parents are teachers.CChen Gangs parents are in the same school.DChen Gangs father likes tennis.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为4145的横线上。31 . Look! That young man is very strong.Oh, he is our monitor. He is a _(成员) of our football team.32 . My boy, keep away from the _(刀). Its very sharp.OK, mum.33 . If you cant _(买得起) a new car, why dont you buy a second hand one?Sounds great!34 . My parents are so _(严格的) with me. That makes me very angry.Come on! Thats because they love you.35 . Mothers Day is coming. The card is _(专门地) made for my mother.五、完成句子根据中文提示完成句子36 . We (应该听)_ to the teacher in class carefully.37 . Sam _ (能回答) these questions in Chinese.38 . He thought there (一定有)_ someone in the dark room.39 . I think you _ (应当知道) her address and telephone number.40 . You (不必担心)_ about your mothers health. She feels better now than before.41 . _ you _ (能否等候) a few minutes for her? She will be back soon.42 . The policeman said, “You _ (可以打电话) the police if you have any difficulties.43 . Tom will _(度过) the evening with Jenny tomorrow.44 . If everyone _(遵守) the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.45 . They invited me to the party, but I had to _(拒绝) because I was very busy.46 . 一些球迷甚至会放弃工作去为他们的国家赢得比赛助威。Some football fans will even _ their jobs to see their country win the game.47 . 这所房子两年前属于我姑姑。This house _ my aunt two years ago.48 . 我认为用毯子扑灭火是个好方法。I think its a good way to _ the fire with a blanket.49 . 不用担心,妈妈,我能照顾好自己。Dont worry, Mum. I can _ myself well.50 . 从广州开车到济南需要多长时间?How long does _ to drive from Guangzhou to Jinan?51 . 这儿有本字典你可以用, 你不需要买。There is a dictionary you _. You _ buy one.52 . 地球是我们美丽的家园, 我们必须保持地球清洁。The earth is our beautiful home. We _.53 . 这个人不可能是个演员。This person _ an actor.54 . 吸烟对身体不好。你最好戒掉。Smoking is bad for your health. _ give it up.55 . 千万不要玩火。You _ fire.六、句子配对从B栏中选出与A栏中的句子相对应的答语A11.Whats the matter? 12.What colour are your eyes?13.Whose dress is this?14.How do you feel?15. How many hands do you have?16. Are you okay?17.What is it?18.How tall is Mary?19.Do you have a cat or a dog?20.Do you know the girl?BA. No, I dont.B. Its my stomach.C. Theyre black.D. She is 1. 2 metres tall.E. Its her dress.F. I have a dog.G. I feel very sad. H. I have two.I. I cut my arm.J. Yes, I have a headache.56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _七、将所给单词连成句子连词组句66 . your , is , telephone , number, what _?67 . is, what, English, in ,that _?68 . thanks ,I ,am ,fine _.69 . is , a , cup, red, it _.70 . is , your, last, what, name _?八、书信作文71 . 第二节:书面表达假如你是八中学生王凯,你在国际部公告栏中看到了一则招募寄宿家庭(host family)的信息,你很感兴趣。请你根据招募要求写一份邮件。Host Families Wanted Twenty students from Lyndon School, USA are coming for a one-month study. They need 20 host families.Do you want to be a host family? If so, introduce yourself, your family, your hobbies If youre interested in it, e-mail the information to Lyndonschool gmail. com.Student Union No 8 Middle School要求:1.邮件中不能出现真实姓名等相关信息; 2.不少于70词。To: Lyndon SchoolSubject: A host family for youDear American friends,_Yours,Wang Kai第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、句子配对1、七、将所给单词连成句子1、八、书信作文1、

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