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兰州市2019年七年级上学期期中英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . These students have been to the Ming Tombs.Really?When there?Awill they goBdid they goCdo they goDhave they gone2 . He _to school every day.AwalkBwalksCwalkingDwalked3 . Is the boy in white clothes your friend, Kangkang?No. _ in black clothes is.AOneBThisCThatDThe one4 . - Jack, dont always copy what others do. _ your head, please.- Thanks for telling me.AUsingBUsedCUsesDUse5 . China is known _ a developing country.AasBwithCforDof6 . Do you know that the first 3-D printed heart was created last month?_ exciting the news is!AWhatBHowCWhat aDWhat an7 . What _ awful day! Its _ worst day in my life.Aa; aBan; theCan; /Dthe; /8 . We didnt reach an agreement yesterday because neither side would give way to_.AanotherBany otherCotherDthe other9 . The air this year is muchthan that of last year.AgoodBbetterCbestDthe best10 . The Internet makes it possible for people _ things online.AbuyBto buyCbuyingDwill buy11 . Whats the _of the T-shirt? 15 dollars.AnameBnumberCpriceDcolor12 . I will go to Canada with my parents this summer vacation. _.ANo problemBHave funCIts a pleasure13 . Is getting up late good_ bad for our health?AandBorCbutDfor14 . Theres still _ milk in the bottle. We dont need to buy more.AlittleBfewCmuchDmany15 . The Hong KongMacao Bridge is _ important bridge. So far it has been _longest bridge that goes through a sea all over the world.Aa; theBan; theCan; /Dthe; the16 . Each of us _ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future.AhasBhaveCwill haveDhad17 . Shanghai Disneyland opened June 16, 2016.AonBinCatDof18 . 一I caught a fish yesterday. It is as big as a horse.一,Tom.AWhat a pityBHave funCIn your dreamsDBest wishes19 . Miss Zhang teaches _English. She is very strict.AourBweCusDours20 . 下列含有相同元音音素的一组字母是_。ABDEBACJCMNK21 . My favorite show is at eight, I dont want to _/mis/ it.AmissBmakeCmixDmeet22 . We watched the girl _in the garden just now.Ato playBplaysCplayingDplayed23 . Japan is _ the east of China. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China.Ain; inBto; inCon ; toDin; to24 . My father likes _ to people.Ato talkBtalksCtalk25 . How do we say the number “4,195 ”?Afour thousand ,one hundred , ninety fiveBfour thousands, one hundred and ninety fiveCfour thousand ,one hundred and ninty- fiveDfour thousand ,one hundred and ninety-five二、完型填空Early to bed,early to rise, _a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying. Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. If we do so, we shall be _. We shall _ be clever and quick to learn.Is this true? _it is. The body must have enough_ to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten _sleep every night. If you do not go to bed early, you_have enough sleep. Then you cannot think properly and you cannot _ your work properly, You will not be wise.Some people go to led late at night and get up late in the morning .This is not good _them, We sleep at night _it is dark. The darkness helps us to sleep _, When the daylight comes, we must get up. This is the _ for exercise, Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise, Exercise helps the body become _.Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body, This is very _, Our blood takes food to all parts of our body, The head also needs blood, Exercise helps us to _ better!26 . AmakesBhelpsCletsDasks27 . AhealthBunhealthChealthyDunhealthy28 . AtooBeitherCas wellDalso29 . AThoughBMaybeCButDSo30 . AsleepyBsleepCasleepDsleeping31 . AminutesBhoursCminutesDhours32 . AmustntBcantCneedntDshouldnt33 . AhaveBdoCtakeDget34 . AtoBatCforDwith35 . AwhenBsinceCbeforeDhow36 . AgoodBwellCniceDfine37 . AtimeBplaceCworkDmorning38 . AstrongBweakCgoodDbeautiful39 . AhardBimportantCeasyDkind40 . AplayBmakeCthinkDspend三、阅读单选Many people think it is very exciting and admirable(令人羡慕的) to be an actor. The actors often wear the most beautiful and fashionable clothes and they can make a lot of money. Many people like them and they have so many fans. But in fact, the job of an actor can be very tiring and hard. To make good movies, for example, action movies, the actors need to go to some remote(偏远的) places. There they dont have good places to stay or nice food to eat. They often have to get up early and go to bed very late. When they are too busy, they dont have time to sleep or relax. Its very hard.41 . Why do so many people think it is admirable to be an actor?AThey think actors are fashionable.BThey think actors are rich.CThey think their clothes are beautiful.DAll of the above.(以上都是)42 . The author(作者) thinks actors life is _.AfashionableBexcitingCtiring and hardDgood43 . The actors find it difficult to sleep well or relax because_.Athey dont like sleeping.Bthey are too hungry to sleep wellCthey sleep in clod roomsD. their job is too busy44 . Which is NOT true?ASometimes, the life of actors is not so exciting.BActors often have nothing to eat.CActors often work late at night.DMany people think it is good to be an actor.45 . Whats the topic(主题) of this passage?AAn actors life is exciting.BB. How can actors make much money?CThe life of actors.DWhat does an actor eat and wear every day?四、阅读判断Mary is an English girl, but she lives(居住) in China. She is six. Her mother says to her, “You are six now, Mary, you are going to school. I think it is very good. Its a nice school.”“Is it a Chinese school?” Mary asks.“Yes, it is.” Her mother says.It is September and the new school year begins. Mary goes to school every day. She likes her lessons and her classmates(同学)very much. Her classmates like her, too. She always gets good grades(成绩) in math, so she often helps her friends with math. Mary thinks Chinese is too difficult, so she cant speak Chinese very well. But she likes the people of China and Chinese food very much.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的选A,错误的选B。46 . Mary lives in England.47 . Mary studies in a Chinese school.48 . Mary is very good at math.49 . Mary cant speak Chinese.50 . She likes Chinese and Chinese people.五、句型转换Rewrite the following sentenced as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)51 . Martin gave us a report about The Future of Water Development.(改为一般疑问句)_ Martin _ you a report about The Future of Water Development?52 . Its twenty minutes walk from Browns home to the new cinema.(对画线部分提问)_ is it frown Browns home to the new cinema?53 . The man didnt move at all until the ambulance came.(改为倒装句)Not until the ambulance came _ the man _.54 . Students must try their best to develop their own abilities.(改为反义疑问句)Students must try their best to develop their own abilities, _?55 . Just then, the telephone rang.(改为同义句)_, the telephone rang.56 . The boy said to us, I like reading detective stories very much(改为间接引语)The boy said to us _ reading detective stories very much.57 . for, used to, and, breakfast, have, milk, I, bread(连词成句)_六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)58 . He pushed against the rock with all his _. (strong)59 . Should I be _ or be glad? (disappoint)60 . We are busy _ ready for the coming final examinations. (get)61 . Ask them to decorate the display board by_. (they)62 . After washing his hands carefully, Patrick sat down and ate _. (hungry)七、根据音标写单词第三节补全句子根据提示,补全句子63 . Open your book, _pliz.64 . Can you _spel the word “aunt”?65 . I go to school at 6:45 in the m_.66 . I can help you with your homework.Oh, t_ you very much.67 . This book is Dales. _(he) name is on it.68 . There are three _ (basketball) on the floor.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文从以下8个单词中选择6个,并用正确形式填空。While some people 69 . to one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day. When Im70 . or tired, I prefer comedies. They can cheer me up. When Im tired , I dont mind action movies. I can just 71 . off my brain, sit back and enjoy72 . an exciting superhero who always saves the world just in time. I like to watch movies 73 . are scary, but I am too scared to watch them74 . . So I always bring a friend with me.九、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词):Shopping malls are popular places for people to go. People like malls for many reasons. They dont feel any danger around them b75 . malls have police stations. Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls have b76 . rest area with waterfalls and large green trees.The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It c77 . 4.2 million square feet. It has 350 stores, eight night clubs. There are parking spaces for 12,750 cars. About 750,000 people shop every week. Now, malls are l78 . town centers where people come to do many things. They also eat in food houses that have food from all over the world. They see movies at theatres. Some people even get their daily e79 . by doing the new sport mall walking. Others go to malls to meet friends. In some malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist and even attend church. In other words, people can do just everything in malls.十、回答问题Do you know that a student can produce up to 240 pounds of school waste and lots of waste gas during a term? This includes transportation, food, paper, pens, pencils and so on.TransportationMany parents like driving their kids to school every day. We all know waste gas from cars is a main cause of air pollution. If parents who live in a neighborhood can take turns to drive their kids to school each day, thatll be better. Another way of going green is to walk to school if students live near it.FoodIt is surprising that only one primary school could produce up to 19,000 pounds of lunch waste each year. That is only one school. One way to help take care of the environment is to stop using plastic bags. There are all kinds of environmental boxes for students to put their food in.Paper, pens and pencilsA lot of paper is thrown away by American students. They throw away about 1.6 billion pens every year. They waste many pens and the chemicals of them are bad for the environment. Much more pencils are thrown away than pens. Pencils are made of trees, so ifmore pencils are thrown away, more trees will be cut down. So students should reuse paper, pens and pencils instead of throwing them away.BackpacksAs fashion comes and goes, almost every kid needs a new backpack every year. They can save a lotof money and materials if they reuse the same schoolbags.80 . Whats the good way of going green for the students who live near the school?81 . How much lunch waste does one primary school produce each year?82 . What will happen if more pencils are thrown away?83 . Why should we reuse the same backpacks?84 . What can we do to go green in our daily life? (写出一点,言之有理即可)十一、话题作文85 . 书面表达根据提示,以“My Favorite Animals”为题,写一篇50词左右的短文。提示:1. What are your favorite animals? 2. What do your favorite animals look like? 3. Why do you like them? My Favorite Animals_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、句型转换1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、根据音标写单词1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、话题作文1、

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