人教版九年级英语上册Unit1 Topic 1检测卷

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人教版九年级英语上册Unit1 Topic 1检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I dont want to explain any more. Time will _ whether I lied just now. AseeBsayCknowDtell2 . Dont worry.AHere the car comes.BHere comes the car.CHere the car is.DThe car here comes.3 . What _ to your city in recent years?Lots of wide roads, tall buildings and beautiful parks have been built.Atakes placeBhave happenedChas happened4 . were Nanjings roads in the past?AWhat;/BWhat; likeCHow; lookDHow; like5 . This Tshirt is only nine dollars.Ill _ it.AwantBtakeCwatchDfind6 . - _ is this pair of glasses?- I think they are our_.AWho; teacherBWho; teachersCWhose; teachersDWhose; teachers7 . - Oh, you have made the same mistakes again.- . Ill be careful in futureASo I haveBSo do ICSo have I DSo I do8 . Jim spends every Sunday morning _in an animal hospital.AworkingBlookingCreadingDwalking9 . Im Yao Mings fan. I dreamt him last night.Really?AwithBonCaboutDat10 . _ the workers are very tired, _they keep on working. They are great. We must learn from them.ABecause; /BThough; /CBecause; soDThough; but11 . -He went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday.- _.ASo we did BSo did weCWe did soDDid so we12 . -Would you mind _ next to you, sir ?-_. I _ alone to enjoy the music.Amy sitting, Better not, used to sitBmy to sit, Of course not, am used to sittingCme sitting, Im sorry but I do, have been used to sittingDme to sit, Never mind, was used to sitting13 . - I cant find my purse. Have you seen it?- I _ it just now. But now it _.Asaw; has goneBsaw ;is goingChave seen; has gone.14 . Dont worry _ me. Im not a child _.Aabout, no longerBfor, no longerCfor, any longerDabout, any longer15 . The family was_poor_they couldnt buy a TV setAso;thatBnot;untilCnot;but二、补全对话5选5.情景交际。A: Hello, Li Ming.16 . B: I have been to my fathers hometown. And you?A: Ive just come back from Canada. My father has worked there for a long time.B: 17 . A:I went there a month ago. B: 18 . A: No, I have never been there before. B: 19 . A: Wonderful. I like living there. The people there are very friendly. By the way, have you seen our English teacher? B: 20 . I saw him just now.A:Listen! There goes the bell.B: Lets go.AWhen did you go there?BYes, I have.CWhat do you think of Canada?DHave you ever been there?EWhere have you been?三、完型填空Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to our zoo. There are many animals in it. First we can see _ old tigers. They eat _ meat every day. There are _ two big elephants. They are from Africa. They are very _. They eat much _ every day. There are a lot of monkeys in the zoo, too. Kids like them _ they like kids, too. They like kids _ they often give them some bread and bananas. They like bananas _.In the zoo there are five dolphins and ten penguins. They often play _ their friends like kids. They love fish and _ food. Have a good time, kids!21 . AaBanConeDtwo22 . AmanyBa fewCa lotDa lot of23 . AandBalsoCeitherDtoo24 . AscaryBfriendCfriendlyDsmall25 . AgrassBleafCwaterDmeat26 . AorBsoCbutDand27 . AthatBwhyCbecauseDso28 . Avery manyBmanyCveryDvery much29 . AtoBandCofDwith30 . AotherBanyCsomeDothers四、阅读单选Where can you learn about the cultural relies(文物)of our country? You may visit mu seums or read books, but now a CCTV show may give you a more fun way to learn about them.The show is called National Treasure, it has 10 episodes (集) it shows 27treasures from 9 museums across China. In order to make ancient culture relics come alive, the show uses different ways to explain the story history and culture behind them.Although its a show about old relics, it looks modern and technical(技术的),An IMAX-sized LED sired screen on the stage shows the treasures in detail.The treasures are presented(呈现) by National treasure keepers(守护者), both famous people and common people. Instead of just telling the stories and history behind the treasures, the show invites famous actors to be national treasures keepers, And they act out, this stories on the stage. The actors even use the funny words to make their performances interesting and alive. For example, on the show, actor wang Kai played Emperor Qianlong TV viewers loved his performances.While telling the stories behind the treasures, National treasure keepers also tell their own stories. For example, an old man named Qiu Qingnian is good at making natural paints for repairing ancient paintings. For many years he has been looking for mines(矿) deep inside mountains. On the TV program, he shows TV viewers how to make natural paints.The show has become widely popular with its interesting plots(情节), good performances and funny words. It has promoted (推广)ancient cultural relics and has encouraged more people to visit museums.31 . The show National Treasure was produced to_.Alook for national treasure keepersBmake ancient cultural relics come aliveCshow the modern technologyDinvite some famous actors to act out32 . From the passage, we can learn something about the show National Treasure Except _.Aactors good performancesBthe stories with interesting plotsCQiu Qingnians memesDthe history and culture behind33 . What column(专栏)in a magazine might the passage come from?AHealthBHistory and cultureCSportsDScience and technology34 . The writers main purpose of writing the passage is_Ato tell us what national treasure keepers doBto explain why National Treasure is popularCto teach us the ways of making natural paintsDto introduce the TV show National Treasure五、完成句子完成句子35 . 我养成了每天晚上听音乐的习惯。I _ listening to music every evening.36 . 我希望那不是你对该问题的最后决定。I hope thats not your _ on the subject.37 . 我们应该尝试用不同的方法解决问题。We should _ different ways to work out the problem.38 . 如果你不讲实话,我们就不再相信你了。If you dont tell _ , we will _ believe you.39 . 毕竟,我们是第一次来拜访。After all, this is our first time to _.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、完成句子1、

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