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人教版2020版九年级下学期3月月考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ fine weather it is! Lets have a picnic in the park and have fun together.AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an2 . Anna, my jacket is blue.Whatyours?My jacket is white.AaboutBforCof3 . -Alice drinks a lot of water every day. Danny drinks a lot of soft drinks every day.-Dannys diet is _ Alices.Aless healthy thanBas healthy asCas unhealthy asDhealthier than4 . You wont do well in your math exam _ you work hard.AunlessBbecauseCafterDwhen5 . Must we return the book to the library today?No,you _You can _ it for two weeksAmustnt; keepBmustnt; lendCneednt; keepDneednt; borrow6 . Excuse me, could you please tell me?Yes. Its at 123 Xinhua Road, just near the downtown.Awhere the Star Hotel isBhow far the Star Hotel isChow is the Star HotelDhow can I get to the Star Hotel7 . Mr. Smith was ill _.He had to have three weeks _.Ain hospital, offBin the hospital, restCin hospital, restDin the hospital, off8 . Many old people _ his age die _ cancer.Aat, inBof, ofCat, fromDof, in9 . - _. Are you Bob? -Yes, I am.AGood morning.BExcuse me.CNice to meet you.DOK.10 . Last week,we _ a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside.ArideBtookCspentDpaid11 . We all should obey the rules. You _talk loudly or smoke in the library.Adont have toBmustntCcantDshouldnt12 . _ today?Its Jan. 17th.AWhatsBWhats the dateCWhat day is itDWhen is13 . 一Jane her mother.一Yes, they just look the same, like sisters.Alooks afterBruns afterCtakes afterDmakes after14 . I was working hard on the problem when a wonderful idea suddenly went_ my mind.AinBoverCacrossDthrough二、完型填空I received a ring as a birthday present. It was a mood (情绪)ring. That meant it could_colours-blue if I was sad, black if I was angry, yellow if I was happy.I was playing with the ring_my teacher, Ms Fuller, announced(宣布)that wed be getting a new student in our class. Her name was Millie. When Ms Fuller told us that Millie had only one _, I stopped playing with my ring.“How did she lose it?” asked Clem.“She didnt lose it. She was born with one hand,” said Ms Fuller.The following week, Ms Fuller had us write_.I wrote about a ring that had special powers. The person who wore it could travel through_.Millies story was about a man who could see through walls.Clem said our stories were silly. Millie said that it took a big brain to think of ideas_time travel and super-sight. I invited Millie to join me in another century and wed beat bad guys(家伙)together .She smiled. That was the first time I had seen her do that.I_the ring when we were playing ball. Ms Fuller stopped the game and we all found it everywhere, but it stayed lost and everyone gave up. I kept looking for my ring. Millie helped me_. The bell rang.“We have to go in now, or well be late,” I said.Just then Millie cried. “I found it!”She put the ring on her finger and held it out_.“You can time-travel now,.”I told her.“ME?” she said. “Yes, ”I said. “its your ring now. ”She smiled. We stared at the ring. It started to turn _.15 . AmixBcheckCincreaseDchange16 . AbecauseBwhenCunlessDif17 . AhandBarmClegDfoot18 . AlettersBmailsCstoriesDmessages19 . AlightBwaterCearthDtime20 . AwithBthroughCfromDlike21 . ArepairedBlostCreturnedDchose22 . AcountBrecordClearnDfind23 . AimpolitelyBmadlyCproudlyDbravely24 . AyellowBblueCblackDgreen三、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空25 . We _(visit)our grandparents last week.26 . I think we are all _(luck).27 . We all _(go)to the park and _(have)a good time last Sunday.28 . After that, they _(eat)lunch under a tree.29 . I want to buy some _(flower)for Mothers Day.30 . She _(pick)some strawberries for her family.31 . I _(feed)the chickens and it was fun.32 . He often _ his bike to the farm, but he _ a horse there yesterday.(ride)33 . My father went _(fish)by the river.34 . Tom _(sleep)very late last evening.35 . It got cloudy and the sun didnt _(come)out again.用所给单词的适当形式填空。36 . Here _ (be) the four food groups.37 . Mongolia, North Korea and Japan are all East _ (Asia) countries.38 . Is bread _ (make) from grain? Yes, it is.39 . My grandfather often does morning exercises to keep _ (health)40 . A well-balanced diet _ (include) foods from each food group.四、完成句子请根据所给汉语意思,完成下列英语句子,每空词数不限41 . 最后,我在床底下找到了那本书。I_underthebedintheend.42 . 我爸爸正到处找他的护照。Myfather_hispassporteverywhere.43 . 我们必须查明真相。Wemust_.44 . 你知道哥伦布什么时候发现了美洲吗?DoyouknowwhenColumbus_America?Complete the sentences with the given Chinese(用括号中所给汉语完成下列句子)45 . Jack wanted to know _(哪种生活)the Chinese people were living.46 . We have a new flat _(在郊区). The air here is very fresh, and the traffic here is not busy.47 . Amy _(想成为一名医生)when she grows up.48 . The suitcase is _(太小了,装不下她所有的东西).49 . I _(还需要一张桌子)for my computer.50 . The wind became _(更加猛烈)and then became a typhoon.51 . A dolphin is _(聪明得多)than any other sea animal.52 . Everyone should keep our city _(干净和整洁).五、话题作文53 . 书面表达学校科技节组织征文大赛,邀请同学们讨论人类搬去其他星球生活的话题。请你认真阅读征文启事,并根据写作要点和注意事项写一篇征文参加比赛。Life on another planetPeople believe that humans could live on another planet in the near future. Do you know how we can get there? How much time does it take? What do we eat on another planet? What are the houses and schools like? What are the forms of entertainment on it? What kind of money will be used there?If you can answer all the questions, youre welcome to take part in our competitions. Come on!The technology club注意事项:1.文章内容须根据写作要点自拟,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,符合语境;2.词数90个左右,征文的首尾已在答题卷上给出,不计入总词数;3.征文内容必须写在答题卷的指定位置。Life on another planetPeople believe that humans could live on another planet in the near future because of the development of science. _I think life on another planet would be interesting and exciting. Im looking forward to that.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、四、完成句子1、2、五、话题作文1、

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