人教版2019-2020学年度八年级英语上学期单元练习8a unit 7

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人教版2019-2020学年度八年级上学期单元练习8a unit 7姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . For most people in America, home should be, , comfortable.Aat allBin factCabove allDat first2 . Andy _ swimming and he can swim_ a fish.Alikes; likesBlikes; likeClike; likesDlike; like3 . Let you and _ friends.AI amBI areCme areDme be4 . Do you think our basketball team will win the match?Yes,we have better players.So Ithem to win.AhopeBhelpCexpectDthink5 . What did you give your mother on her fortieth birthday? I gave her some flowers. (The sentence structure is _.)AS+VBS+V+IO+DOCS+V+PDS+V+O6 . I dont like living in the cities, because the cost of living is _.AtallBsmallChighDshort7 . She was bornthe evening of 23th July,1900.AinBonCat8 . Look at these flowers. _ beautiful they are!AHowBDoCWhatDWhich9 . Christmas is _, lets _ to the supermarket.Acoming; goBcome; goCcomes; to goDcoming; to go10 . Jim visited his math teacher this morning, but Tom _.AwasntBdoesntCdidntDisnt11 . A nurse_Carolyn will look ater the baby when his mother _away.Anaming; isBnaming; will beCnamed; isDnamed; will be12 . He didnt listen to the teacher carefully., he couldnt answer those questions.AEven thoughBInsteadCAs a resultDIn order to13 . There _ a volleyball match in our school the day after tomorrow.Awill haveBis going to haveCwill beDhas14 . This is a secret(秘密). _ knows it.ASomeoneBAnyoneCEveryoneDNo one15 . There is a big tree _ the classroom.Ain front ofBin the front ofCat the front Din front16 . -I didnt get to school late this morning. -_.AMe tooBMe neitherCMe eitherDNeither was I17 . How are you doing?_.AI am fineBI am watching TVCI am in LondonDI came here by bus18 . _the sports meeting we held in our school last week was!AHow excitingBWhat an excitingCWhat an excitedDHow excited二、完型填空完型填空。根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选 出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 Everybody knows how to learn. Learning is a natural thing. It begins thewe are born. Our first teachers are our families. At home we learn to talk, to dress and to feed ourselves. We learn these and other skills by .Then we go to school, A teacher tells usto learn and how to learn. Many teachers teach us, and we pass many tests and exams. Then people say we are educated. Are we really educated? Lets the real meaning of learning. Knowing facts:doesnt being able to solve problems. Solving problems requires creativity, not just a good memory. Some people who dont know many facts can also be good at solving problems.Henry Ford is a good . He left school at the age of 15. Later, when his company couldnt build carsenough, he solved the speed problem. He thought of the assembly line(生产线). Today the answer seems simple. Yet, just think of the many university graduates-who never solve any problems,What does a good teacher do? Does he give students facts to remember? Well, yes, we must sometimes remember facts. a good teacher shows how to find answers. He brings us to the stream of knowledge so we can think for ourselves. When we are thirsty, we know where to go.True learning combines intake with output. We take informationour brains.Then we use it. Think of a computer; it stores a lot of information, but it cant think. It only obeys commands, A person who only remembers facts hasnt really learned. Learning takesonly when a person can use what he knows.19 . AmonthBminuteCweekDyear20 . AaskingBlisteningCfollowingDsmiling21 . AwhatBwhenCthatDwho22 . Apick upBturn awayCset outDthink about23 . AmeanBsayCsuggestDshow24 . AlearnerBteacherCexampleDdriver .25 . AnewBfastCbeautifulDcheap26 . AThoughBSoCOrDBut27 . AofBforCaboutDinto28 . AawayBnotesCplaceDtime三、阅读单选We often use some warning signals to describe how serious a meteorological disaster(气象灾害) is . For example, lets see how to describe the level of a snowstorm. Warning signalMeaningNotice It means the amount of snowfall reaches 4mm or more in 12 hours, or the snowfall continues when it gets to 4 mm. It may affect (影响) peoples daily life . Fight against snowstorm; Work of sweeping and meltingthe snow;Be careful not to slide (滑倒).The amount of snowfall reaches 6 mm or more in 12 hours, or the snow continues to fall after it gets to 6 mm. It may have effects on peoples daily life. The same as the first notice.The amount of snowfall reaches 10 mm or more in 6 hours, or it continues to fall after getting to 10 mm. It has a great effect on peoples life. The same as the first notice and moreover, avoid unnecessary outdoor activities.The amount of snowfall reaches 15 mm or more in 6 hours, or it continues to fall after getting to 15 mm. It has a very great effect on peoples life. The same as the third notice. 29 . Which of the four signals describe the most serious snowstorm?AThe blue one.BThe yellow one.CThe orange one.DThe red one.30 . If the amount of snowfall gets to 13 mm in 6 hours, the signal should be .AblueByellowCorangeDred31 . The meaning of the underlined word “melting” may be “”.A凝结B凝固C融化D熔化32 . If the warning signal is red, which of the following things CANNOT Lucy do?AShe is going to watch CCTV news about snowstorm at home.BShe is going to take photos of snow in the front of her house.CShe is going to draw a picture about snow in the field.DShe is going to sleep in bed.33 . Which of the following places may the signals come from?AThe travelling department.BThe meteorological department.CThe traffic department.DThe railway department.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空A.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。(每空一词)34 . Id like to read a book about different_ (节日) around the world.35 . As the saying goes, “God helps those who help_”. (自己)36 . Look! The boats by the river must be those_. (渔民).37 . The sun _(提供)us with light and heat.38 . Look! He is _ (穿着) up as the Monkey King. How cool!39 . Dianawasalittlefatinthepast.Butnowsheismuch _(苗条)thanbefore.40 . Of all the subjects, I like_ (物理) best.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意和括号内所给英文或中文提示写出相应的单词41 . _ (giraffe) are very tall and they like to eat leaves from the trees.42 . The famous writer called Victor comes From _ (法国).43 . Look at these keys.They must be the _ (manage).He is looking for them.44 . All the students _ (准备) for the coming sports meeting now.45 . Are you feeling _ (well) after seeing the doctor?46 . They all look forward to _ (try)some local food.47 . -Whats wrong with you? -Im worrying about what _ (wear) to the party.48 . I think you are very _ (luck)to have a friend like him. He often helps you.49 . Liu Tao is a kind boy and never _ (laugh) at others.50 . My brothers _ (twelve) birthday is coming. I want to make a card for him.51 . How much_ (be) the socks?Twenty yuan.52 . The_(short) are fifty yuan.53 . These are Bills_ (shoe).54 . Can I_(have) some bread?55 . I want_(play) basketball.六、完成句子词与短语选择填空,选择中有一个是多余的。Although / something / touches / Because of / to/ Because56 . The most important thing is to learn _ new and have fun.57 . A true friend reaches for your hands and _ your heart.58 . _ many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular.59 . The answer _ our questions about watching television were also interesting.60 . _the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.七、语法填空Here we are at last Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉大瀑布)! We61 . (fly)from London to Toronto and then my dad hired(租用)a car and we drove to see the waterfalls. Wow-its62 . fantastic place. I dont think there is63 . (something)more beautiful than this in the world. Its really big, 64 . it isnt the highest waterfall in the world. When you go close, the noise from the water is so loud that you cant hear other people65 . (talk)!We stayed for about two hours. We walked around and took a lot of66 . (picture). Then we went to the hotel-its a really small hotel67 . only ten rooms. Im happy68 . I have my own room,and my parents are in another room. Well, we69 . (have)a good time here now. Tomorrow we will go back to Toronto. The moments I spent here will be a good memory for70 . (I)forever.八、材料作文71 . 假设你是Su Lin,本周你的英语作业是写一篇英语短文,介绍一下杭州整年的天气状况以及你周末的活动情况。现请你根据下表提示,完成这项作业。要求:1.按表格信息提示写;2.语言通顺、语意连贯,可适当发挥,词数65个左右。3.开头和结尾已给出,只需按要求写。月份天气活动3-5月晴朗,温暖骑车6-9月游泳10-11月凉爽;有时起风12-2月寒冷;有时下雪第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、材料作文1、

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