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人教版2019-2020学年六年级上学期第一次月考英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The Junior Three students had stops in the playground this morning. Some played basketball, _ practiced running.No, its all right. Im used toAthe otherBanotherCthe othersDothers2 . Zhu Zhiwen used to be usual farmer . But now he is unusual singer, he can play piano very well.Aa, a , theBan, a, theCa, an, theDthe, a, an3 . Johnson encouraged his students to build the AI castles after class. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?A/blld/B/bju:ld/C/bld/D/bju: d/4 . A number of Chinese people stay up late _ Nov. 11th to get cheaper things online.AforBatCon5 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?AWell meet at the school gate tomorrow.BI want to know his age.CWhat is your favourite colour?DMy parents often come to school to see me.6 . Do you like junk food?Yes, I like it very much, _ its not good for health.AbecauseBsoChoweverDthough7 . Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?Sure,.Ano problemBnot at allCmy pleasureDwell done8 . Good words can touch not only your heart but also_.AIBmyCmyselfDmine9 . Ann and Christinanext-door neighborhood since they came to Shanghai in 2016.AwereBwill beChad beenDhave been10 . _are you staying at the camp? For about a week.AWhat timeBWhenCHow longDWhat day11 . Would you like to walk along Yueya Lake with me tomorrow ?Certainly, _ I am too busyAwhenBifCuntilDunless12 . Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Mary?. I cleaned it all by myself.AAnybodyBEverybodyCSomebodyDNobody13 . We are going to play sports _ tomorrow afternoon.AinB/Con14 . The weather is becoming . Chinese New Year is coming!Acolder and colderBmore and more hotChotter and hotterDmore and more cold15 . Please tell him to call me back when he _ home.AcomesBcomeCwill comeDcame16 . In my city,_ people were listening to the discussion between Liu Xin and Trish Regan on TV.Amillion ofBtwo million ofCmillions ofDtwo millions17 . -Could you tell me_the computer to surf the Internet?-Sure. Its very easy. Look, like this.Awhere to useBwhen to useCHow to useDwhat to use18 . What do you think of Coco Hotel? I cant stand it. Its _ cheap _ comfortable.Aeither; orBneither; norCboth; andDnot only; but also19 . Happy birthday to you!_.AFine, thank youBYou are rightCThank youDMe, too20 . Could you tell me?Awhen does the train leaveBtheres a bank near hereCwhere can I parkDwhat your mother is二、完型填空A road is a bridge between two places. The Silk Road has been a bridge between East and West for more than 2,000 years.But did you know that the Silk Road is not a _ route? It is actually a series of trade and culture transmission(传送)routes. It started to take shape during the Western Han Dynasty. The trade route started from the city of Xian in Shanxi Province and _ in Eastern Europe, near todays Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. The Silk Road was about 6,500 kilometers long. It went across one-fourth of the planet.The Silk Road got its name _ Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. In addition to silk, jade, tea and iron also went west to Rome. From the West came glass, gems, and foods like carrots and sesame.The Silk Road was very important to both China and _ the world. In addition to trade, knowledge about science, arts and literature, as well as craft man ship and technology, was shared across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures _ and influenced each other.Today, various historical sites along the Silk Road are popular travel destinations, _ the Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)in Xian and Mogao Grottoes(莫高窟)in Dunhuang, Gansu. A new train line, the New Orient Express, is running from Beijing across the Silk Road.21 . AsimpleBsingleCshortDstraight22 . AgotBlastedCendedDreached23 . AbeforeBbecauseCunlessDuntil24 . Athe rest ofBone-fourth ofCthe half ofDanother part of25 . AdiscussedBdeliveredCdevelopedDdesigned26 . Aas well asBas famous asCfor exampleDsuch as三、阅读单选It could almost be an act from a funny cartoon: A marmot (土拨鼠) jumps up with its mouth open in great surprise and stands on one foot. What was happening to the little one? A fox (狐狸) drew close silently from behind and was about to catch it!This amazing picture, named The Momentwas taken by Chinese photographer Yongqing Bao. It has won him the prize as Wildlife Photographer of the Year. He took the picture on a grassland in Chinas Qilian Mountains in early spring.People say its a powerful picture of both humor andhorror! It includes the fun and danger of nature. For a photograph, it is quite simply the perfect moment.In fact, Bao had watched the two animals for some time. Around an hour earlier before he caught the act, the marmot had noticed the fox. But it didnt find the fox lie low and still. Believing there was no risk of being seen, the marmot finally came out to find food. In a very short while, the fox ran forward. Thanks to his quick response (反应),Bao was able to record natures final matcha fight for living.27 . The fox in the photo was going to _.Arun awayBjump upCcatch the marmotDsurprise the marmot28 . The amazing photo _.Awon a great prizeBwas taken two years agoCwas named WildlifeDwas taken in early morning29 . The underlined word horror probably means _ in Chinese.A荒诞B疑惑C愤怒D恐惧30 . From the passage, we may know the photographer Yongqing Bao is _.Apatient and smartBclever but carelessCbrave and humorousDconfident but serious四、句型转换V.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。31 . Tell our listeners what you do.(改为否定句)_our listeners what you do.32 . I bought old bikes that nobody wanted yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_you _old bikes that nobody wanted yesterday?33 . Thats fantastic.(改为感叹句)_that is!34 . We must leave home much earlier tomorrow.(改为同义句)We _ leave home much earlier tomorrow.35 . John is similar to his father.They have the same eyes,nose and hair.(改为同义句)John _his father.They have the same eyes,nose and hair.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空单句语法填空36 . She will be_(great)missed by her students37 . His_(ill)is very serious and hed better go to see a doctor38 . Lei Fengs_(die)upset everybody39 . The little girl usually_(do)her best to help others40 . Helen tried to live her life_(with)any regret41 . What do you do_ your spare time?六、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框内选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空,其中有两项多余meat; able; another; same; tired; little; language; few; hungry; drink; finger; minutePeople in different countries may use different body42 . . Once an Englishman was in Italy(意大利). He could speak43 . Italian(意大利语). One day while he was walking in the street, he felt44 . and went into a restaurant. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, put his45 . into it and took them out again and moved his lips(嘴唇). In this way hele meant to say, “Bring me something to eat.” But the waiter brought lots of things to46 . , first tea, then coffee, then milk, but no food.The Englishman was sad that he was not47 . to tell the waiter he was hungry. He was ready to leave the restaurant when48 . man came in. The man put his hands on his stomach, and this body language was good enough for the waiter. In a few49 . , the waiter brought him a great plate of bread and50 . .Finally, the Englishman had his meal in the51 . way.七、单词填空Lets go camping !If youve ever gone camping,you must know how much fun it is. You can hike in the woods,spot wildlife, stay up late and see shooting stars; or you can just sit around and talk. But don t worry if you are just a b_of camping. Here is a simple guide to provide some basics of camping for you.Bring a tentIn good weather with no bugs(小虫子, you can get by(勉强应对) with just a nylon tarpaulin(尼龙布) ) tied b_twotrees. This is a popular way of camping because campers can see everything thats going on around them. But a tent is a lot more comfortable on rainy days. Make sure its tied down tight,other wise a strong wind will blow it away.Choose simple f _Camping meals have to be simple. They should use ingredients that are easy to pack and store, and they need to be simple to prepare. Moreover, a good camping meal is filling enough to provide energy for p _activities. It doesnt have to be made in advance, and cooking something on a campfire is really good fun.Leave only footprintsEnvironment-friendly campers have a popular saying: Leave only footprints, and take only pictures. This m _we keep the campsite looking natural; we pick up and take away our trash. Before leaving, we put out campfires and stir(搅动) the ash(灰烬) until no smoke remains. The only human signs left behind are footprints. We only take amazing photographs as are minder of the good time we had.52 . b_53 . b_54 . f_55 . p_56 . m_八、回答问题Most of middle school students always wear school uniforms when they are at school , but they also want to make themselves look fashionable(时髦的) and nice.They cant make money now. Is it necessary for them to wear labels(品牌)? Some students show us their ideas.Bill: I get new clothes and shoes quite often. My parents buy them for me. I buy things because I like them. I get angry if I dont get what I want. I think its important to wear labels. My favorite label is Nike because its the best maker I think.Kate: My mum buys me clothes and shoes. On my birthdays I buy my own. I always go for labels because they make me look in fashion. But I dont think its important to wear labels. I buy things because I like them, not because of the price or the labels.Paul: My mother buys me clothes. I dont think labels are important. But my favorite label is Adidas. And I sometimes cant get the things I want , because my mother cant afford(买得起) them . I just wait until she has enough money.57 . What do most of students wear at school?58 . Who buys new clothes and shoes for Bill?59 . When can Kate buy her own clothes?60 . Is Nike Pauls favorite label?61 . What does Paul do if his mother cant afford the things?九、话题作文62 . 书面表达。中澳友好协会准备就“A Gift from the Heart”为题举办征文比赛,要求参赛者分享在一些特别的日子(生日、节日.)用心准备的礼物。写作要求:1.词数:80120词;2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。参考要点:1.介绍特别的日子;2.分享赠送的礼物;3.表述礼物的意义。A Gift from the Heart_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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