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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第一学期期末考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ ,as one of the greatest mysteries in Britain. is how it was built , but we do know they must have been hard-workingABig BenBStonehengeCQomolangma2 . -Must I finish my homework before I go home?-No, you _. But you _finish it before tomorrow.Amustnt; mustBneednt; mustCmust; mustntDneednt;mustnt3 . The number of giant panda isbecause people always hunt them.Afewer and fewerBsmaller and smallerCbigger and biggerDmore and more4 . I think Jack does his homework _ than anyone else in his class.AcarefulBmore carefullyCthe most carefullyDmore careful5 . Whats the matter with you, Tony? You look pale. I _ to watch the football match last night.Aput upBturned upCpicked upDstayed up6 . It took her much time _ English out of class.Apractice speakingBto practice speakingCto practice to speakDpractice to speaking7 . -Who is the boy over there? Is it John?- No, it _ be him. John is much taller.AcantBmay notCmustntDneednt8 . 一Honey, where are you?一I _ Just let me put on my shoes.AcomeBcameCam comingDhave come9 . (题文)This kind of T-shirt looksand sellsin the market.Anice; goodBwell; wellCnice; wellDgood; nice10 . Jack _ an English magazine when his mother rang him up.AreadsBhas readCwill readDwas reading11 . Why didnt you go to the cinema with us yesterday evening?I_for my uncle from Beijing at the station.Awas waitingBam waitingCwill waitDwaited12 . My grandpa knows the history and medical _ of many plants.AwealthBpriceCvalue13 . - Thank you for your EnglishChinese dictionary.- _.AYoure welcomeBThats rightCNot thankDGood二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。A:Hello, Mr. Black.14 . B:Sure. Go ahead.A:15 . B:People in England usually dont say exactly what they are thinking when they want to finish talking.A:What do you mean? I cant understand well.B:Often, 16 . For example, many phone talks finish when one person says, “I have to go now.” or “Someones at the door.” A:17 . B:Yes. The person who wants to finish the phone call simply doesnt want to talk anymore. But it isnt polite to say that. A:The excuse is more polite, 18 . B:Yes, youre right.Athepersonwhowantstofinishthephonecallgivesanexcuse.BThereisfoodonthepot. CIwanttoknowhowtofinishtalkingwithotherpeopleinEngland. DMayIaskyousomequestions?Eanditdoesnthurttheotherperson.Fsoitisrighttofinishtheconversationpolitely. GTheexcusemightbereal, ornot?三、补全短文5选5根据短文内容,将方框中的句子还原到文中正确的位置。APeople often hope for the weather they want.BHowever, he still probably comes closer to being night than most people.CBut they dont always agree with each other.DThey wont believe that they will finish their lunch in the rain.EAll these are the common ways to start a conversation.Everybody talks about the weather. Its the most popular topic of a conversation. For example, people may say to each other “Isnt it a nice day?” “Do you think its going to rain?” or “I think it is going to snow.” 19 . Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. 20 . One man may say, “Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? It is going to rain tomorrow.” But another man may say, “Yes, its cloudy in the east, so we are going to have a fine day tomorrow.”21 . When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to show it is going to rain. He wont believe other things. When people are having a picnic, but it beg s to rain, they will be so sure about something that shows the weather is going to be fire very quickly. 22 . Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says. But he does not always tell us what we want, and sometimes he makes a mistake. 23 . 四、完型填空Henry is a boy of nine. He was born in a _ family. His father is often ill and cant go to work. _ his mother works in a factory. She works hard and hopes to give her four children and husband(丈夫) _ food and clothes. But she fails. Her family are sometimes _. Of course, she cant send Henry to school. She is _ it but she doesnt know what to do. The boy is very clever and teaches himself to read and _ at home in the evening. And in the daytime he is polishing(擦)shoes in the street, so he can make some _ for his family.One afternoon the boy sees a young mans shoes are _, so he says to him, “ Let me polish your shoes.”“No, thank you,” the young man says and walks_.“You may pay me only one dollar, sir,” the boy shouts(大叫) _ him. But the young man says no again. Then the boy _ for a while and tells him that he would polish his shoes for nothing. The young man _ to this, and soon one of his shoes is shining brightly. The man _ the other shoe to the boy, but the boy says no to polish it if he isnt paid two dollars for his work. The young man refuses(拒绝)to _ anything on it and goes away.But his shoes are so different that he has to _. He turns back and gives the boy two dollars. In a very short time the shoe is as bright as the other one.24 . AhappyBluckyCrichDpoor25 . AOnlyBExcept(除了)COrDBecause26 . AmuchBlittleCenoughDno27 . AfullBhungryChappyDangry28 . Aafraid ofBsorry forCuseful toDfriendly to29 . AplayBcookCwriteDsleep30 . AbooksBclothesCshoesDmoney31 . AdirtyBcleanColdDnew32 . AoverBawayCoutDin33 . AunderBaboveCin front ofDbehind34 . AthinksBreadsCwritesDsees35 . AlikesBagreesCworriesDsurprises36 . AthrowsBmakesCputsDshows37 . ApayBcostCspendDgive38 . AstopBrunChurryDfly五、阅读单选阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。After two weeks of meetings in Paris, 195 countries reached an agreement on December 12 to do with climate(气候) change. Its the first time in history that most of the worlds countries, rich or poor, agreed to take action. The agreement sets the long-time goal of making sure the world temperature does not get 2C higher than the levels in the 1800s. Otherwise there will be serious problems on Earth like natural disasters.The agreement also asks countries to volunteer to make promises based on each countrys economy(经济), politics and technology. For developed countries, they will do even more. They have a plan to offer over $100 billion (about 647 billion yuan) to help poorer countries develop clean energy like water and wind power.Besides, there are some legally binding (法律约束的) rules. Those countries need to set national goals for cutting greenhouse gas emissions (排放) every five years. And they will publicly report their progress every five years starting in 2023.However, the Paris Agreement alone wont solve the climate change problem. The future depends on how well each country will carry out their promises.39 . The agreement reached by 195 countries is about the.Aworld economyBgas emissionsCclimate changeDnatural disasters40 . Lots of money will be offered to help poorer countries.Areduce noise pollutionBproduce clean energyCcontrol climate changeDdevelop their economy41 . According to the passage, the Paris Agreement.Acan solve the climate problem aloneBneednt cost a great deal of moneyConly depends on developed countriesDincludes some legally binding rulesThere is a saying that the British like a nice cup of tea in the morning and a nice cup of tea at night. And at half past seven,_is a nice cup of tea. They like a nice cup of tea with their dinner and at their tea time. There is a lot to be said about a nice cup of tea before they go to bed.Sometimes it seems that no one likes tea as much as the British do. But in fact, tea is liked in countries around the world. In China and Japan tea was first used as a kind of medicine, many years later, people there drank tea as a beverage(饮料).People in the world like to drink different kinds of tea, green tea, black tea or milk tea as some people call it. They are served in different ways and people like drinking them, because they know that drinking tea is good for health.42 . From the passage we know tea was used as a kind of medicine in _many years ago.A. the world B. BritainC. many countries D. China and Japan43 . The main idea of the first paragraph is _.A. how many cups of tea the British drink each day.B. that the British like talking about tea.C. that the British cant live without drinking tea.D. that tea is very important in the life of the British.44 . The underlined phrase “their idea of heaven” in paragraph 1 means _.A. the happiest thing for themB. their thoughtsC. their GodD. the worst thing for them45 . How many kinds of tea are mentioned in the last paragraph?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Five六、阅读判断Do you dream of having a sister or brother?According to the recent CCTV news report,China has relaxed its onechild policy (政策) to twochild policy. The government has allowed families to have two children.Tencent did a survey last week about the twochild policy. On the one hand,up to 53% of parents say they are willing to have a second child. “I am excited about hearing the news. To have two kids means the children can look after each other in the future. Not only can they have a partner to play with,but they can also learn to help one another. This helps them to develop a better personality. I think I wont miss the chance to own a second kid,” says Li Mei,a mother of a 5yearold daughter from Shanghai.On the other hand,about 40% of parents say they may not have a second child. One reason is that they are afraid that the childs everyday expenses (费用) and education would be a big problem. They couldnt afford them. “I think the policy itself is pretty good,but I dont think it interests me. I wont consider a second child. Everything is very expensive at present,and I find it very difficult to raise another child,” says Han Dong from Chongqing,who has just had a boy.Though people have different opinions,they agree that China has made great progress already in the twochild policy.46 . China has relaxed its twochild policy to onechild policy.47 . According the survey, up to 53% of parents say they are willing to have a second child.48 . According to the passage, we know Li Mei has a son.49 . Some people may not have a second child because they couldnt afford the childs everyday expenses.50 . Han Dong doesnt want to have a second child.七、完成句子完成句子,每空一词51 . 你可以带我参观一下你们的工厂吗?Could you please_me _your factory?52 . 我不知道何时动身去北京。I dont know_for Beijing.53 . 你知道怎样避免犯这样一个错误吗?Do you know_such a mistake?54 . 梅梅每天坚持弹两个小时的钢琴。Meimei_the piano for two hours every day.55 . 明天有雨,请记得带雨伞。It will rain tomorrow.Please_ bring your umbrella.八、单词填空Everyone wants to achieve success, but not everyone can do it. In order to be s56 . , we should believe in ourselves and not be afraid to dream big dreams. In 1976 when Arnold Schwarzenegger retired from bodybuilding, he was not so f57 . in the world. A newspaper reporter met him and asked about his f58 . plans. He calmly answered he was going to be the No. 1 film s59 . in Hollywood. The reporter was a little shocked by his c60 . . He couldnt believe Schwarzenegger would make his d61 . come true. Schwarzenegger also said he would do it the s62 . way he became the NO. 1 bodybuilder in the world. He made it several years later.You see, there will be d63 . on the road to your dreams. And also, there will be people in your life who wont believe you. They will laugh at your t64 . . But do remember to be open to life, and v65 . belongs to those who never give up.九、看图作文66 . 根据图片和提示内容,用英语写一篇短文。要求:(1)词数:60个左右。(2)短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。(4)文中不要出现真实姓名和校名。时间星期五早上七点地点中山路和幸福大街交口人物李先生:司机汤姆:骑行者事故过程1. 李先生2. 汤姆3. 医生如何避免交通事故1. 2. 参考词汇:crossing交口An accident happened_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、看图作文1、

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