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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I was doing my homework yesterday evening, Mother was cooking dinner.AWhenBWhileCAsDSince2 . You neednt _all the new words in the dictionary while youre reading an article.Alook forBlook upClook atDlook after3 . This book is that one,but than that one.Aas difficult as;expensiveBas more difficult as;more expensiveCas difficult as;more expensiveDmore difficult as;as expensive4 . In order to keep healthy, we should eat _ vegetables and _ meat.Amore, moreBfewer, moreCmore, lessDmore, fewer5 . As we all know, _ number of people learning Chinese is increasing rapidly.AaBanCtheD6 . Volunteers from Lantian Saving Team have saved many travelers in the mountains. _ they are!AHow great a manBHow great menCWhat a great manDWhat great men7 . The police are going to charge him_ dangerous driving.AwithBaboutCfromDon8 . Is this school _ they visited the other day?AthatBwhichCwhereDthe one9 . We are not sure if it tomorrow. If it , we wont climb the hills.Awill snow;snowsBwill snow;will snowCsnows;snowsDsnows;will snow10 . -Who it be walking outside the classroom?-It _ be our headmaster. He is having a meeting.Amay; mustntBmight; may notCcould; cantDcould; mustnt二、完型填空In our life, it seems difficult to be polite to other people all the time. Many people become_ to other people very easily. Here are three pieces of _ to help you be a polite person.You should say hello to other people with a smile, _ it may be the first time you have met them. Nobody will feel strange or uncomfortable if _ smile at someone when you first meet them. A sweet smile is the best way to show your kindness and start a conversation. Whenever you need help _ someone, say “please” before asking him or her. If someone has helped you, dont _ to say “Thank you” in return. If you have done something wrong, be sure to say “Sorry”. Other people would be glad to help you in the future and these simple _will show how polite you are.In some situations, you may not _ on someones opinions, If you disagree on what someone says, its best to be calm and polite. _ the words carefully , and try to understand what the person is saying. If he becomes rude, keep quiet for a moment. When he calms down, tell him your idea more _. Lets be a polite person!11 . A. young B. old C. rude12 . A. advice B. news C. suggestion13 . A. if B. though C. until14 . A. you B. yourself C. your15 . A. off B. about C. from16 . A. forget B. remember C. require17 . A. texts B. notes C. words18 . A. check B. agree C. change19 . A. Look for B. Listen to C. See20 . A. quick B. sadly C. politely三、阅读单选It could almost be an act from a funny cartoon: A marmot (土拨鼠) jumps up with its mouth open in great surprise and stands on one foot. What was happening to the little one? A fox (狐狸) drew close silently from behind and was about to catch it!This amazing picture, named The Momentwas taken by Chinese photographer Yongqing Bao. It has won him the prize as Wildlife Photographer of the Year. He took the picture on a grassland in Chinas Qilian Mountains in early spring.People say its a powerful picture of both humor andhorror! It includes the fun and danger of nature. For a photograph, it is quite simply the perfect moment.In fact, Bao had watched the two animals for some time. Around an hour earlier before he caught the act, the marmot had noticed the fox. But it didnt find the fox lie low and still. Believing there was no risk of being seen, the marmot finally came out to find food. In a very short while, the fox ran forward. Thanks to his quick response (反应),Bao was able to record natures final matcha fight for living.21 . The fox in the photo was going to _.Arun awayBjump upCcatch the marmotDsurprise the marmot22 . The amazing photo _.Awon a great prizeBwas taken two years agoCwas named WildlifeDwas taken in early morning23 . The underlined word horror probably means _ in Chinese.A荒诞B疑惑C愤怒D恐惧24 . From the passage, we may know the photographer Yongqing Bao is _.Apatient and smartBclever but carelessCbrave and humorousDconfident but serious四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,完成下列句子,前四小题每空格限填一词)25 . A thief stole Mr. Lis purse in the bookstore. (改为一般疑问句)_ a thief _ Mr. Lis purse in the bookstore?26 . My father will come back in a week. (划线提问)_ will your father come back?27 . The children hardly have any eggs for breakfast every morning. (改为反意疑问句)The children hardly have any eggs for breakfast every morning, _?28 . The Wondering Earth is a very exciting film. (改为感叹句)_exciting film The Wondering Earth is29 . A robbery happened in the quiet street at midnight yesterday. (保持句意基本不变)A robbery _ in the quiet street at midnight yesterday.30 . be, is going to, next week, there, an art exhibition, in our school (连词成句)_.五、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标, 完成句子)31 . Can you play_ /tens/?32 . _ /drgnz/are not real animals.33 . Do you want to go to the_ /mjuzi: m/ with me today?34 . Pass me your photo_/ lbm/, please.35 . Im very_/lk /to win the lottery.(彩票).六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)36 . She told me she would visit her uncle _ a month.(two)37 . The sign means “No _”(eat)38 . Please put the _ bottle into the litter bin.(use)39 . Dont make so much _! Your father is writing an important e-mail to the manager.(noisy)40 . There is an old saying “_ is gold.”(silent)41 . Look up the two words in the dictionary, and you will get their _.(mean)42 . Linda is _ to get a chance to study in Beijing.(luck)43 . Nowadays few young people want to be a _ in the future.(fish)44 . What important _ you have told me!(inform).45 . _, Mike can pass the driving test.(lucky)七、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。pride mention without France boil46 . These silver chopsticks are very popular in_ .47 . Sally was the best swimmer in her school_ doubt.48 . The boss, Mr. Li, showed great_ in his company.49 . Joan has_ the idea to her father twice and he seems to like it.50 . The science teacher told us that water_ at a temperature of 100.八、单词填空综合填空。Complete the passage with proper words.Two friends were traveling together when they met with a bear. One of 51 . Was in great fear, and without a thought of his friend52 . Up into a tree, and hid himself. The other seeing that he had no chance, single-handed against the53 . , could do nothing but throw himself on the ground and pretended to be 54 . ; for he had heard that bears would never touch a dead body.As he thus lay down, the bear55 . to his head, nuzzling(用比掘)and snuffing(嗅)at his nose, ears, and heart, 56 . the man immovably held his breath, and the beast supposing him to be dead, walked57 . . When the bear was fairly out of sight, his companion came down out of the tree, and asked 58 . it was that the bear whispered to him. “For,” said he, “I saw he put his mouth very close to your ears.” “Why,” 59 . the other, “it is not a secret at all, it told me not to keep company with60 . who, when they get into a difficult, leave their friends in the trouble.”阅读下面短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格 (每空一词)。What is your favourite cartoon?It may be difficult for you to decide. But for pianist Lang Lang, TomandJerry is the best one.When Lang was two years old, he saw Tom playing the piano. This was his first time to enjoy western music and this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano.His talent (天资) at the keyboard has taken him from Shenyang to the world.Lang became a good piano student at three. Ever since, the boy has been doing better and better. In 1997,the 15yearold boy studied at a famous American music college.Langs performances are energetic (充满活力的)He is well known for making facial expressions and moving around while playing the piano.The road to success has never been easy. Langs father stopped his job to look after him, while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make money. But Lang considers himself lucky and believes he should give something back. He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.Personal 61 . CardAbout his personal lifeNameLang LangYear of birth62 . 63 . KeyboardFavourite 64 . TomandJerryThe reason for 65 . poor childrenHe believes himself lucky and should give something back.About his musical lifeThe 66 . for western music in his childhood encouraged him to learn the piano67 . .With the help of his parents and teachers, he was able to 68 . a famous American music college, where his success began.Famous for his69 . performances and70 . facial expressions and moving around while playing the piano.九、回答问题Most of us use alarm clocks to wake up at the right time for school or work. We look at our watches to know the right time for the bus or train. However, there is also a right time to eat, sleep, exercise, and take medicine, too. We cant look at a clock for the right time for these activities. We must listen to the clock inside our bodies: the biological clock(生物钟)Barbara Wells exercised every morning. She woke up at 6:00 am. She ran about two miles before she went to work. But Barbaras legs and back(后背) started to hurt. She did some exercises before she ran. But her legs and back still hurt. She ran slower, but the pain didnt stop. Barbara talked to her doctor. The doctor said,“Dont run in the morning. Try to exercise later in the day. That is the time when your body is at the right temperature for exercises after work.” Her legs and back dont hurt anymore.Today, doctors are learning more about chronobiology (时间生物学),the study of biology clocks. They are learning about the importance of time for our bodies. For example, it is best for people to go to sleep at the same time every night and to eat only when theyre hungry. Also, doctors discovered that some illness, such as heart attacks(心脏病), occur(发生)most often in the morning. This information tells them that the best time to take heart medication may be at night. When patients take heart medicine at night, they may prevent a heart attack in the morning.Many doctors believe chronobiology can help us live healthier lives. It may be the right time to listen to these doctors!71 . Do we all have a biological clock inside our bodies?72 . How far did Barbara Wells run every morning?73 . How did Barbara Wells legs and back get well?74 . What is the right time for a heart attack person to take heart medicine?75 . What can we learn from the passage?十、话题作文76 . 书面表达地球是我们唯一的家园,保护环境是我们的职责!我们应该做什么和不该做什么?请以“To Be a Greener Person”为题写一篇短文谈谈你的看法,词数不少于70词。要求:80词左右。不允许出现人名校名等信息。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、单词填空1、2、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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