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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,使对话通顺、合理、意思完整。其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Helen. Your coat looks very nice.B: Thank you. I like it very much, too.A: 1 . B: It was made in Zhejiang.A: Really? 2 . B: Its made of cotton.A: 3 . B: I bought it online.A: Online? Thats cool! 4 . B: Sure. You can come to my house to learn this Sunday afternoon.A: Great! 5 . B: Youre welcome.AWhere did you buy it?BThank you very much.CIt costs me 20 dollars.DCan you teach me to shop online?EWhat is it made of?FI also want to buy one.GWhere was it made?二、完型填空Most of my day is full of lessons and homework. It is very _ to find time for myself. But when l get some _time,I have many _ to do, such as sleeping, going to the movies and listening to music.First, I _ sleeping very much. When I am at school, I try to make good use of the time during my _ and lunchtime to get a few minutes to sleep. It helps me _ awake (醒着的)all the way. If I do not get a good sleep, I will be _ the next day.Second, going to the movies can make me relax. When I am _ , it is _ a good idea to go out and watch a movie. Laughing, getting frightened and even _ are all good ways of relaxing.Listening to music is my hobby, _. I think music is very important in everyones life. Some parents think listening to music will make their children become _ students. So they _ them from listening to it. But I dont think so. When I am in a bad mood(心情), music can _ me cheer up. _ hobbies, there will be no colour in my life. I will keep my hobbies forever.6 . AimportantBhardCusefulDinteresting7 . AfreeBbusyCmoreDspecial8 . AsubjectsBcompetitionsCactivitiesDclubs9 . AfinishBpractiseClikeDdislike10 . AclassesBlessonsCbreaksDreading weeks11 . AstayBmeanCbecomeDhave12 . AsadBeasyCtiredDexcited13 . AboringBboredCunpopularDuninteresting14 . AneverBalwaysCseldomDsometimes15 . AeatingBdrinkingCbelievingDcrying16 . AalsoBeitherCtooDagain17 . AbestBtopCpoorDrich18 . AaskBsolveCstopDhelp19 . AmakeBstudyCbecomeDagree20 . AWithBWithoutCInDForOnce there was a little boy. He got angry easily. His father gave _some nails (钉子) and told him: When you get _, put a nail into the wall. On the first day, the boy _ some nails into the wall. The next day, he put in _ nails. A few days later, he found it much _not to get angry. After a while, the boy was happy every day. Then, his father asked him to _a nail each day if he didnt get angry. After some time, all the _ were gone. Then the father took the boy to the wall and said: Well done, son. But, look, the wall is full of holes (洞). It will_be the same. When you say things in anger(生气), they leave a scar (伤疤) in peoples hearts. No matter how many times you say _ , the scars will always be there. Its not nice to _scars in peoples hearts. So please hold back your anger. Think before you say angry things to friends and family.21 . AhimBhisCheDher22 . AhappyBsadCangryDoutgoing23 . AputsBputCputtingDputed24 . AlessBleastCfewerDfewest25 . AeasyBeasierCeasiestDhard26 . Atake outBtake inCtake offDtake over27 . ApeopleBwallsCboysDnails28 . AusuallyBoftenCsometimesDnever29 . Agood-byeBhelloCsorryDthank-you30 . AleaveBto leaveCleavingDleaves三、阅读单选LOST AND FOUNDFound: Found: lost:Is this your book? Is that your backpack? My pencil case.Please call John at Please call Mary. Blue and white.495-3456 Phone # 476-5939 Call Tom at 456-8700.Lost: Found: Found:My school ID card. A set of keys. A cat black and white.My name is Mike. Please call Lily at 498-2456. At the school gate.Please call me at Call Lisa at 412-9856.487-2349.31 . How many bulletin board notices(启事) are there in the LOST AND FOUND above?AThree.BFour.CSix.DSeven32 . Who lost the school ID card?AJohn.BMike.CMary.DTom.33 . If you lost your keys, you may call to find them.A487-2349B498-2456C412-9856D476-593934 . If you find a lost cat, it must be .Ablue and whiteBblack and whiteCMarysDLilys35 . You CANT find in the lost and found case.Aa blue and white pencil caseBa black backpackCa set of keysDa black and white catHave you heard about “Survival Holidays”? It is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.The reason why people like “Survival Holidays” is that they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change.Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults, which causes many problems. Children dont know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge(挑战). Children are not comfortable with danger. Even slight danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them.Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in dangerous times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.36 . What does “Survival Holidays” mean according to the passage? _.AHolidays to escape from dangerBWinter holidays for survival challengeCSummer holidays in the great outdoorsDHolidays in lonely places for exciting activities37 . Which children may take part in “Survival Holidays”?APoor children. B. Rich children.BChildren from cities. D. Children from the countryside.38 . In a “Survival Holidays” , children can NOT learn _.Ahow to get good gradesBhow to stay calm in different timesChow to keep safe when they meet dangerDhow to work in a team39 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ANo companies can hold “Survival Holidays”.BParents can take part in “Survival Holidays” with their children.CParents like to keep their children busy with activities controlled by adults.DChildren dont listen to their parents any more after “Survival Holidays”.Maybe you often have arguments with your parens about clothes , homework,friends and many other things. But whats going on when your parents fight with each other? Most teenagers feel sad or afraid when their parents fight. They might think their parents dont love each other any more and that their arguments will lead to a divorce(导致离婚).In fact, it is normal for parents to disagree and argue sometimes. They might disagree about important things like jobs and family decisions. They might even disagree about little things that dont seem important at all-like whats for dinner. Maybe sometimes parents feel so strongly about their differences that it may lead to arguments. However, these arguments are often over quickly. Parents may say sorry and_,and the family returns to normal.As a family member, you should find out what it really means when your parents fight. When your parents get angry with each other, they might say things they dont really mean.Most people may lose their cool, so if your parents are fighting, dont worry too much about it. Try to find a good way to solve it .If your parents fighting really bothers you, you might find it hard to sleep or go to school. If this happens, try talking to your parents about their behavior. They may not even realize it until you tell them how their arguments has affected you. You can also tell other relatives, a teacher or a close friend.Just remember that no family is perfect and arguments are common in every family.40 . Which is NOT mentioned about the arguments between parents and teenagers?AHomework.BFriends.CJobsDClothes41 . What does it mean when parents fight ?AThey arent happy with their family.BThey dont love each other any more.CThey disagree with each other about something.DThey will divorce because of family decisions.42 . The underlined part “make up” in Paragragh2 means “_” in Chinese.A弥补B化妆C组成D化解43 . What should we do when our parents fighting bothers us?ATalk to them about our feelings.BSay something we dont really mean.CKeep silent and do everything as usual.DShout at them to let them know we are angry.44 . What can we learn from the passage?AParentsfighting often lasts a long time.BParents might fight over small things.CTeenagers should never argue with parents.DTeenager shouldnt tell others about parents fighting.四、阅读判断What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, or red? If you do, you must be an active person who enjoys life. Do you like blue? Then youre probably quiet, shy, and would rather follow than lead.Colors do influence our moods(情绪). A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one, and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing(使人压抑的). There was a black bridge over the Thames River, near London. The number of people who killed themselves on that bridge used to be larger than on any other bridge in the area until it was repainted green.Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active. In the factory, the workers will work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的在答题卡上将“T”涂黑,错误的在答题卡上将“F”涂黑。45 . An active person may like yellow, orange, or red.46 . Colors do have an effect(影响) on our moods.47 . Most people feel more relaxed in a dark green room than in a yellow one.48 . More people killed themselves on the black bridge because the bridge was too crowded.49 . In the factory, when the machines are painted orange, the workers will work harder.五、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子。50 . The man who gives a talk seems to be in his _. (五十)51 . He Jiong became famous as a host in China in his _ (二十岁).52 . Recently, there are about 12 _(千) pet hospitals in China, and many people choose small animal treatment as a career.53 . 他们认为一天刷两次牙时一个好习惯。They think its a _ to brush teeth _.54 . He seems to have a _(第六)sense for knowing that his brother will win.55 . _(44%的学生)think that fees should be charged.56 . Iwasverygladtoreceiveyourletter_ .(6月7日的)57 . Alongthis_(800米长的)street,therearemorethan300shops.58 . Yesterdaythetemperaturedroppedto_.(零下8摄氏度)59 . Ivefailedsixtimes, butIdecidedtohavea _(七)try .六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,并将答案填到答题卷的相应位置,每个词限用一次。no,encouraged,besides,interview,success,what,glass,realize,invite,activeWhat do you think of a woman scientist? Perhaps you imagine a pair of thick60 . and messy(凌乱的)hair. However, Yan Ning is different from that.Named “the goddess scientist”, Yan Ning, 42, is a leading biology researcher at Princeton University in the US. On April 30, 2019, she was included among 100 new members and 25 foreign Associates(院士)into the National Academy of Sciences(美国国家科学院). You may not know Yans61 . in biology, but she is a rising star in the world of science and her experience is exciting. After graduating from Tsinghua University and Princeton University, she was62 . to set up her own laboratory at Tsinghua University in 2007. At age 30, she became one of Chinas youngest women professors. It was a long road to get where she is now. Yan likes to work at night. According to a(n)63 . with People magazine, she works at least 14 hours a day. But shes64 . , because research is the most “comfortable” job for her. 65 . scientific research, Yan enjoys watching TV and reading classic novels. Surprisingly, the novel Journey to the West66 . her to become a biologist. In the book, the Monkey King changes into other animals. She wondered67 . it would be like to change herself. Luckily, Yan is now working hard on it. As she68 . her own dreams, Yan tries to encourage more women to work for science. In her eyes, there is69 . difference between men and women in the scientific fields.七、回答问题根据短文内容回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。What foods are successful? Hamburgers and pizzas are popular. But instant noodles(方便面) have also become a world success. Now instant noodles are celebrating their 61st birthday!Instant noodles were invented by a Japanese named Momofuku Ando. To find a way to make noodles last longer, Ando began experimenting(实验) in 1955 and three years later, he made the first bag of instant noodles. Now, 61 years on, theyre eaten all over the world. In fact, theyre so popular that Japanese consider instant noodles as their best invention!Each year, 95 billion packets of instant noodles are eaten around the world. In the UK, people call instant noodles “pot noodles”. University students like them a lot. During the first term at college, you may be given a gift bag that includes instant noodles. Instant noodles are cheap and easy to eat. But watch out! People may think you are lazy if you are an instant noodle lover. The UN often sends instant noodles as part of its food aid. This is because of their long life and high fat, which makes people feel full for longer time.However, instant noodles arent totally innocent(无辜的). They are high in fat and salt. Health experts say they are bad for us and we shouldnt eat them too often.70 . How many years did Ando spend inventing instant noodles?_71 . What are instant noodles called in England?_72 . Why do people think instant noodle lovers are lazy?_73 . Are instant noodles high in fat and salt?_74 . What do you think of instant noodles?_八、话题作文75 . 良好的生活与学习习惯对我们的成长是非常重要的。请以“My good habits”为题,从以下的习惯中选择一个你以前做得不够好,但现在已具备的好习惯,谈一谈你养成这个习惯的过程及它的益处。要求:1. 不使用真实的校名、人名等相关信息;2. 内容完整,书写整齐;3. 不少于80词。Goodhabitssleeping habitseating habitslearning habits第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、补全对话7选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、阅读判断1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、回答问题1、八、话题作文1、


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