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人教版2019-2020学年九年级下学期第一次月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If you always _ yourself with others, you may have tons of pressure.ACompareBcomplainCconnectDconsider2 . _ I walked into the classroom,the teacher had already started teaching.ABy the timeBAs soon asCAfterDBecause3 . _can live in very cold area.ACowsBSharksCZebrasDPolar bears4 . “Go home often”_into the Chinese law in 2013.Ahas writtenBis writtenCwill writeDwas written5 . Oh, _, if you see Lucy, tell her that I enjoy her Chinese paintings.Ain factBby the wayCin other words6 . -Alan, Id like to _a friend to you this afternoon. She is also interested in history. -Thats great.AremindBrecordCintroduce7 . -Excuse me,could you please tell me_?-Sure. Its about ten minuteswalk.Ahow long it takes to go to the zooBhow far it is from here to the zooChow far is it from here to the zooDhow long is it takes to go to the zoo8 . -Could you tell me _?-Until tomorrow morning.Ahow long you will stay thereBwhen you will stay thereChow soon will you stay thereDhow often you will stay there9 . -You play the piano so well. _ do you take piano lessons?-I go to piano lessons twice a week.AHow longBHow manyCHow oftenDHow much10 . Did Jack come to our party yesterday?No, he _.Adidnt inviteBwasnt invitedCisnt invitedDhasnt invited11 . Look out! Here_.Acomes the busBis the bus comingCthe bus comesDthe bus is coming12 . I had thought he wouldnt like to help me with my math problem. However,_he agreed_ me when I asked him for help.Ato my surprised, to helpBto my surprise, helpingCto my surprise, to help13 . The man_ the poor _food and clothes during the hard time.Aprovided; forBprovided; withCoffered; toDoffered: for14 . I have received _ e-mail from the company.AanBaC/Dthe15 . What a beautiful cup! Wow, it was _ France.Amade inBmade byCmade ofDmade from16 . Therea pond with fish in my garden in 2006.AisBareCwasDwere17 . Why do you think lions are _?Because they usually sleep all day.AlazyBscaryCcuteDbeautiful18 . WeChat Wallet is making our life more convenient than before.AmanyBmuchCvery19 . The temperature will be_ tomorrow. It will_ to -5.Alittle; fallBless fallClower; coverDlower; drop20 . My parents send me a book. I will share it with you after I _ it.AbuyBpostCreceiveDchange二、完型填空完形填空A well-dressed man goes _a restaurant a day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter comes up to_and says, Can I help you, sir? The man says, Can I see the menu? Certainly. The man orders a good meal. He wants a lot of_dishes. The waiter gets them for him. The man is having his meal._that time a boy comes in and sits down beside the man. He asks the waiter to give him an ice cream. The man does so. Now the boy is eating his ice cream. The man is saying, I go out_a newspaper.Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream up, the boy_and goes to the door. _, your father didnt_for the meal and your ice cream. The waiter stops him and says.Father? Youre_.He isnt my father. I dont_him. I meet him in the street. He says he will give me an ice cream if I come here at twelve oclock. 21 . AinBoutCintoDonto22 . AhimBitChisDthem23 . AtastyBcleanCbadDmany24 . AInBOnCAtDFor25 . AwithBforCtoDat26 . Asits downBgets upCstands upDcomes down27 . AExcuse meBSorryCHelloDHi28 . AspendBcostCtakeDpay29 . AgoodBrightCwellDwrong30 . AlikeBknowChelpDask三、阅读单选PartyIt is an English party. Date:December 9th,2019Place: Mr. Blacks home(家)Time:6:00 pm-7:30 pm Welcome and have a good time!Basketball Game Theres(有)a great basketball game in PEP Middle School.Date: December 13th,2019Place: P.E. Room Time:2:00 pm-4:00 pm Teams(队):Class 7B-Class 7E Class 7A-Class 7DCocos Clothes Store A great sale!Date: December 15th-21st,2019All our clothes are 25 dollars for one and 40 for two, if you pay more than 70dollars, you can get a hat for free.Place: No.108. Green Street31 . The Basketball Game is for_.A1 hourB1.5 hoursC2 hoursD2.5 hours32 . If I want to take 4 jackets and a hat, how much do I need to pay?A125 dollarsB100 dollarsC80 dollarsD105 dollars33 . Which of the following (下面的) is NOT TRUE?A.The English party is in the last month of the year.AStudents in Class 7D will play basketball with students in Class 7A.BCocos Clothes Store has a great sale for a week.CThe English party is at Mr. Blacks home,room No. 108, Green Street.Do you want to know how to learn English words? First, make a list of them. A word list is a group of words that have the same part of speech.Here are some examples.A list of verbs (be, go, do, have, like, etc.)A list of weather adjectives (rainy, sunny, snowy, windy, cloudy, etc.)A list of family nouns (mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, etc.)Now, how do you learn these word lists?There is something you can do:Write a short story with all of the words. The story is only to make it interesting!Lets say the verbs: be, go, do, have, and like.You can write a short story, such as:Sue is a student. She goes to school on foot. At school, the students have lots of homework every day. But she doesnt like doing homework at all.34 . _ is different from rainy.AAbilityBSunnyCSnowyDWindy35 . What does it in the sentence The story is only to make it interesting! mean?AThe story.BThe word list.CLearning the words.DWriting the story.36 . Whats the best title for the passage?AHow to make a word list.BHow to learn English words.CHow to make up a story.DHow to tell the part of speech.John is six years old. He can read and write well. But he cant tell the time. He says breakfast time, lunchtime, and teatime when it is eight oclock, twelve oclock and four oclock in the afternoon. His mother doesnt know how to help him.One day Johns aunt, Mary, comes to see his mother. His mother tells her about that. Let me help you. I think I can help him.When John gets home after school, Mary starts to teach him.Can you count, John? she asks him.Yes. One, two, three, four John says. Thats great. Now I put the long hand on twelve and the short hand on one that is one oclock. I put the short hand on two, what is the time?Two oclock.Good. And on three?Three oclock.It is then four oclock in the afternoon, and Johns aunt asks him, What time is it now, John?Teatime, Aunt. John looks at the clock and answers.37 . Johns mother cant help him to _ the time.AreadBwriteCtellDlisten to38 . When its twelve oclock, John says its _.Abreakfast timeBlunchtimeCsupper timeDteatime39 . Mary is Johns _.AmotherBauntCteacherDsister40 . The underlined word count means _ in Chinese.A认识B读C数D熟记41 . From the passage(短文) we know _.AJohn thinks breakfast time is eight in the morningBJohn thinks four oclock in the morning is teatimeCJohn cant countDJohn has a nice watch but it doesnt work四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词42 . Could you please e_ more clearly? I cant understand it well.43 . W_ you say, I wont change my idea.44 . I wont go shopping. Ill stay at home and do my chores i_.45 . Do you often feel _(紧张的) before the exam?46 . You can keep the book for two weeks. Please remember to r_ it to the library in time.47 . W_ your help, I couldnt have passed the exam.48 . Sorry, I cant go to the movies with you, because my parents dont a_ me to go out at night.49 . Please fill in the blanks with_ (正确的) information.50 . Im very sad because I a_ with my best friend last night.51 . The movie star _(拒绝) to answer any question about his personal life.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)52 . Dont you make a _. Im working! (noisy)53 . Animals in the sanctuary(保护区) all live in _. (free)54 . Time is up. Please hand in your _ papers. (finish)55 . The murderer(凶手) was _ caught by the police. (final)56 . The new couple were at odds(不和), so they did everything _ as if they were in a cold war. (silent)57 . School _ should be on the top of everyones mind. (safe)58 . Obviously, the engine is not _ enough to drive the machine. (power)59 . The courier company(运输公司) is responsible for the _ goods(货物). (damage)六、单词填空C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.Anxiety is the appropriate emotion when the personal terror of a volcano, an arrow, a stab(刺伤) in the back and other disasters, all directed against ones self d60 . .The kind of world that produces anxiety is actually a world of relative s61 . , a world in which no one feels that he himself is facing sudden death. The anxiety exists as an uneasy state of mind, in which one has a feeling that something unspecified(不具体的) and indeterminable may go wrong. If the world seems to be going well, this produces anxiety for good times may end. If the world is going badly it may get w62 . . Anxiety tends to be without f63 . ; the anxious person doesnt know whether to blame himself or other people. He isnt sure whether it is the current year of the administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.It is clear that we have developed a society which depends on having the right amount of anxiety to make it work. W64 . we agree that too much anxiety is harmful to mental health, we have come to rely on anxiety to push us into seeing a doctor about a symptom which may indicate cancer, into checking up on that old life insurance policy which may have out-of-date terms in it, into having a conference with our childs teacher even though his report card looks all right.People who are anxious enough keep their car insurance up, have the brakes checked, dont take a drink when they have to drive. People who are too anxious either r65 . to go into cars and so complicate the ordinary course of life or drive so tensely and carefully that they help avoid accidents. People who arent anxious enough take their c66 . , which increases the terrible accidents of the roads.七、填空67 . 阅读填空(共1小题)Every time we turn on the TV or take a ride in a car, we could be adding to a problem called acid rain(酸雨)In this article, well learn something important about acid rainThe formation of acid rainWhen people use fuels (燃料), such as coal and gasoline(汽油), poisonous(有毒的) gases are given offWhen these gases come together with rain, acid rain formsMany power stations burn fuels in order to create the electricity(电) that we use in our homes and offices every dayCars and trucks also send these gases into the air when they burn gasolineWhen rain meets these gases, harmful things called acids formThis is acid rainThe harm of acid rainAcid rain destroys(破坏) everythingIt poisons our rivers, ponds and lakes and oceans along with the life in themIt pollutes our soils and crops, harm trees, and can cause the death of fish and plantsAcid rain also eats away at our buildingsThe prevention of acid rainWe need to reduce and even stop the pollution that gets into our airTurn off lights, televisions and other electrical appliances(电器) if we are not using themWalk and take a bike whenever possibleIf we are travelling a long distance, take a bus or train to save fuelAs research shows, acid rain harms our environmentBut people everywhere can take small steps now to help protect our environment and make our children change八、回答问题Chinese Fancy KnotsChinese Fancy KnotChinese fancy knots, also called Chinese knots, refer to the traditional decorative knots in Chinese culture. They began as a form of traditional art in the Tang and Song Dynasties in China, and became popular in the Ming Dynasty. Long ago, they found their way to Japan and other Southeast Asian countries, and were well received there. Now they are taken as one of the most classic symbols (标志) of Chinese culture.As for the name itself, it is surely meaningful. The Chinese word for “knot”, jie, means “connection”. It is related to lots of cultural ideas marriage, brotherhood, reunion, etc. Meanwhile, the pronunciation of the Chinese word jie is very close to that of ji, “good luck”. As a result, Chinese knots perfectly serve as a way to express peoples strong wishes for good things like joy, love and good luck.Besides, the knots, widely existing in the everyday life of the Chinese culture, come in different sizes. Small ones are connected to jewellery (珠宝), clothes, gift-packages and furniture in order to attract peoples attention, while large ones are used to decorate a living room or study. Whether large or small, there are over a dozen basic knot patterns ( 图案 ), named according to their shapes, usages or origins. For example, Double Coin Knots are called shuangqian Jie because they are in the shape of two ancient Chinese coins, meaning “good things come in pairs”. However, almost all the main styles of Chinese fancy knots are made up of two exactly similar parts, and the patterns on the front and the back sides are also similar in every detail.In addition, Chinese knots are famous for their bright colours. Each of the Chinese knots is made of a single string of cotton, silk, gold or silver. But the colours of the strings are rich and have different traditional cultural meanings. Among the most commonly used base colours, red means good luck and happiness, green means health, and yellow, which was once known as a emperors colour, may means wealth and honour.In brief, the famous Chinese fancy knots fully reflect (反映) the depth of Chinese culture. These brightly coloured knots of different patterns, with their endless chains of knots, mean that life on earth will continue forever.68 . When did Chinese fancy knots become popular?_69 . What does the Chinese character for “knot” mean?_70 . Why do people express strong wishes with Chinese knots?_71 . What are the main points about Chinese knots in Paragraph 3?_72 . What do Chinese fancy knots fully reflect?_九、材料作文73 . 假如你是王玲, 你们学校正在开展“爱心传递, 从我做起”主题教育活动。请你根据所列提示问题谈谈你对这个活动的认识, 用英语写一篇短文给某英文网站投稿。提示问题:(1) Why do you show your kindness to others? (At least one reason)(2) What do you usually do when someone needs help? (At least two examples)(3) How do you feel after you help others?要求:(1) 表达清楚, 语法正确, 上下文连贯;(2) 必须包括提示中的所有信息, 并按要求适当发挥;(3) 词数:100左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数);(4) 不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。In our school, we are talking about what we can do in our daily life to help others in need._第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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