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人教版2019-2020学年八年级3月月考试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Each of us makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can_ a lot from our mistakes.Donnie was a _ student and never answered questions in class. He was _ to make mistakes. He never finished his homework _ he didnt want to make any mistakes. Nothing changed _Marry Anne, a teacher, came to our _.One morning , Marry Anne asked Donnie to _ some questions. After a while Donnie was in tears because he made a mistake. _ Marry Anne got a box full of erasers from the desk.“Look, Donnie,” she said standing _ him. “Ive got something to show you.” She_the erasers, one at a time, and put them on the desk. “See these erasers, Donnie?” she continued. “Do you know _the erasers become smaller and smaller? Thats because we make mistakes. But we erase the mistakes and try _. Thats what you must learn.”“Here,” she said, “Ill _one eraser on your desk, so you will remember that_may make mistakes.” Donnie looked at Marry Anne and smiled. Donnie_ a lot from then on. He knew that everyone had the permission to make mistakes as long as you learned them and tried again.1 . AtakeBmakeCgetDbring2 . AgoodBshyCcleverDsmall3 . AgladBexcitedCsurprisedDafraid4 . AbecauseBsoCifDbut5 . AafterBwhileCuntilDwhen6 . ArowBclassCteamDclassroom7 . AanswerBaskCgiveDhave8 . ASuddenlyBQuicklyCLuckilyDCarefully9 . AonBwithCbesideDto10 . Aput outBtook awayCtook outDtook off11 . AwhenBhowCwhatDwhy12 . AmoreBagainCanotherDone13 . AforgetBcarryCleaveDgive14 . AnobodyBsomebodyCno oneDeverybody15 . AchangedBgotClearnedDThought二、阅读单选Most middle school students find it boring to learn Maths. But students in Hillbrook School in New York, US, dont think so. Why? Because they are in the school of One Program9 which asks students to work on their own or in small groups on computers to have Maths lessons.“The program gives the students a new learning style. No traditional classroom can compare(比较) with it. We give each lesson according to the students interest and their strong and weak points,”said Janis Bruce, the schools head teacher,“Were looking for a new way that interests students. ”Students enjoy these Maths lessons, especially lessons with video games. They must find out the answers to Maths problems to get through the game. One such game is Dimension M. As students move through mazes(迷宫)with their keyboards, some questions come up.Frank Lee had to answer the question: What is 5+(63)? He calculated on paper quickly because there was just a minute left to play.“I was right,”said Frank, 14, as he ended the game with a high score(高分).“This really makes maths lessons more exciting, since we are fighting to learn better. ”16 . Students in Hillbrook School like Maths because .Athey work in large groupBthey can learn Maths through working on computersCthe teachers are interestingDMath questions are easy there17 . Which is NOT true of the program?AIt is very successful.BIt is boring to most students.CIt makes learning Maths more interesting.DIt gives the students a new way to learn.18 . The underlined word “calculated in Paragraph 4 most probably means “_”.Aworked outBwrote downCthrew awayDgave up19 . Frank Lees story serves as an example to show _.Ahow students work in small groupsBhow to end a game with a high scoreChow the question 5+(6 3) should be solvedDhow students learn Maths through video games20 . This article is mainly about _.Ahow to learn Maths wellBan interesting Maths lessonCa new way to learn MathsDkids in Hillbrook SchoolAs students, you may have many dreams. They can be very big like becoming Superman, or they can be small, just like one of the ten best students in your class.If you find a dream, what do you do with it? How will you make your dream come true?Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams come true is lifes biggest challenge(挑战).“You may think youre not very good at some school subjects or you cant win in the end. The ideas stop you from getting your dream,” the book says.In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first important thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.Dont let it leave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want, step by step(一步一步地) and your dream will come true faster. A big dream is many small dreams.Never give up (放弃) your dream. There will be difficulties on the road. But the biggest problem comes from yourself. Studying instead of (代替) watching TV will bring you better exam points. Saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. When you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. Then you can learn more skills and find new interests.21 . Follow Your Heart is _.Athe first thing you must do to make your dream come trueBthe most important dream to have for studentsCthe name of a book by Andrew MatthewsDthe name of a famous Australian writer22 . The underlined word “it” in the sixth paragraph refers to _in the passage.Ayour ideasByour dreamCyour school subjectsDyour problems23 . What shouldnt you do to make your dream come true?AWatch TV to get better exam points.BDo what you should do step by step.CAlways remember what your dream is.DRead more books, learn more skills and find new interests24 . What is the best title (标题) of the text?AKeep Your Dream in Your HeartBHow to Find Your DreamCHow to Make Your Dream Come TrueDStudents Have Many Dreams25 . Who breaks records for the largest surface area 3D painting at present?AJoe Hill.BQi Xinghua.CTeotronico.DMatteo Suzzi.26 . How big was the last world record for the largest street 3D painting?A3,000 square meters.B1,120 square meters.C892.15 square meters.D1,940 square meters.27 . What cant the cool invention the special robot do?AHe can play the piano faster than any human.BHe can also sing.CHe can accompany himself on the violin.DHe can see those around him with video cameras set in his eyes.Mr. and Mrs. Mallard(野鸭) were looking for a place to live. But every time Mr. Mallard saw what looked like a nice place, Mrs. Mallard said it was no good. There were sure to be foxes in the woods, or turtles in the water, and she was not going to raise a family(养家)there. Because she didnt want foxes or turtles(乌龟)nearby. So they flew on and on.When they got to Boston, they felt too tired to fly any further. There was a nice pond(池塘) in the public garden with a little island on it. “The good place to spend the night!” said Mr. Mallard. So down they came down from the sky.Next morning they fished for their breakfast in the mud(泥地) at the bottom of the pond. But they didnt find much. Just as they were getting ready to start on their way, a strange large bird came by. It was pushing a boat full of people, and there was a man sitting on its back. “Good morning,” said Mr. Mallard. The big bird was too proud to answer. But the people on the boat threw peanuts into the water. So the Mallards followed them all round the pond, and got another breakfast, better than the first.“I like this place,” said Mrs. Mallard as they climbed out on the bank and waddled(蹒跚) along. Why dont we build a nest and raise our ducklings(小鸭子) right in this pond? There are no foxes and no turtles, and the people feed us peanuts. What could be better?”“Wonderful,” said Mr. Mallard. He felt happy that at last Mrs. Mallard had found a good place. But “Look out!” cried Mrs. Mallard. “Youll get run over!” And when she got her breath(呼吸), she said: “This is no place for babies, with all those terrible things around us. Well have to look somewhere else.”28 . Where did Mr. and Mrs. Mallard stop for the night?AIn the woods.BIn the river.CAt a nice place with foxes and turtles.DIn a nice pond with a little island on it.29 . What was does the underlined word “it” stand for?AMr. Mallard.BThe strange large bird.CThe fox.DThe turtle.30 . Why didnt Mr. and Mrs. Mallard choose the pond to raise babies?AThere were foxes and turtles.BThe people fed them peanuts.CTerrible things were around them.DThey had no food there.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子三用所给词或词组的适当形式填空。treat, lie, name, mean, example, the importance of, used to, taketotreat, lie, name, mean, example, the importance of, used to, taketo31 . A Christmas Carol is a famous novel about an old man _Scrooge.32 . If you dont _ others nicely, nobody will help you.33 . The boy _ be shy, but he is very outgoing now.34 . Some fiction movies can _ us _ the future.35 . Behind these things _ the true meaning of Christmas.36 . Lei Feng is a good _ to all of us.37 . Do you know _ love ?38 . He is _ and never helps others.四、单词填空Liu Mei has a h_ family. She lives w_ her grandparents and parents in Jiangyan.Her father is a doctor. He goes to work o_ foot every day. He is not very tall, b_ he is very strong. Her mother is a teacher. She goes to work by car. She loves h_ students. Liu Meis grandparents stay at home. In the morning, they go t_ the park. In the afternoon, they d_ tea with their friends. In the e_, they watch TV.Liu Mei is a student in No.1Middle School. Her school is beautiful. There are many tall b_ there. She likes to s_ at this school.39 . h_40 . w_41 . o_42 . b_43 . h_44 . t_45 . d_46 . e_47 . b_48 . s_五、多任务混合问题阅读表达Here are some suggestions on listening. We hope they can help you.Relax yourself Before you start to listen to something, you need to relax. (1) 这将有助于你的听力。Dont get nervous or excited.Listen carefully to the first sentenceThe first sentence tells you about the whole passage, so listen carefully to it.Think when youre listeningWhen youre listening, try to do some thinking. For example, you can think of the following questions: What happened? When, where and how? What was the result( 结果) and what does the speaker want to tell us? In this way, you may understand the passage better.Listen to important facts(2)Its important for you to remember some important facts. For example, if the passage is a science report, you should try to remember its findings, and how the scientists get the results. This is also helpful to your listening.49 . How many suggestions are there in the passage?_50 . What do you need to do before you start to listen to something?_51 . 把句子翻译成英语_.52 . 把句子翻译成汉语_53 . 给文章拟一个合适的标题。_.六、材料作文54 . 今年4月23日是第21个“世界读书日”,请你根据下面图表写一篇短文,呼吁同学们为创建“书香校园”而多读书、读好书,养成课外读书的好习惯。读书的好处(advantages)(1)增长知识,开阔视野;(2)丰富生活,带来快乐。你的读书状况及感受 你的建议(suggestions)(1)每学期至少读1-2本;(2) 要求:(1) 短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,省略号的地方请你发挥。(2) 词数:80词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3) 提示词:enrich (v.) 丰富;increase knowledge 增长知识Reading is important in our daily life.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、材料作文1、

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