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人教版2019-2020学年七年级(下)期中英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Steven Maraski _in our school since he came to China.AteachesBtaughtCwas teachingDhas taught2 . Jack is always so busy that he can hardly _a few minutes to talk to his family.AspendBspareCshare3 . -Excuse me, could I take this seat?-Sorry, _.Ahere you areBtake itCits takenDnever mind4 . We have worked for three hours. Now lets stop _ a rest.Ato haveBhadChaveDhaving5 . _ is your sons ID card number?Its 26638878.AWhatBHowCWhat colorDWho6 . You cannot burn the candle at both ends. This is not the right _ to go on to do another survey.AstepBchanceCplaceDmoment7 . - How can I get to the library?-Go straight, then.Aturn right at the bookstore, Its on your right.Bturn right at the bookstore. Its on your left.Cturn left at the post office. Its on your right.Dturn left at the post office. Its on your left.8 . He _his goal in the end and won the Nobel Prize_ his stamina and great efforts.Ahas achieved, becauseBhad achieved, becauseCachieved, because of9 . What are you going to do this weekend,Laura?I _ go to see the movie Coming Home,but Im not sure.AmightBcanCmustDwill10 . Lilys parents always encourage her _out her opinions.AspeakBspeakingCto speakDspoken11 . Eric, I will go running in 2020 Yangzhou International Half Marathon(2020国际半程马拉松) _!ABest wishesBHave a good timeCGood luckDThats OK12 . Linda with her mothershopping now.Ais goBare goingCis goingDare go13 . Which of the following signs cant usually be found in a hospital?ABCD14 . There _ a teacher and some students in the park.AamBisCareDbe15 . Taking a tech-free (零科技) holiday would be a good time to _ something new or _ hobbies which you never had time for.Aput up; get onBpick up; return toCtry on; come up toDchoose from; put on二、补全短文5选5A college in Central Chinas Henan Province had the yearly “Run for Breakfast” campaign(竞赛)on Monday.16 . Students in this college can get a free breakfast, including an egg, bread and a cup of soy milk, after running three laps(1, 200 meters)in the morning. Since the campaign started in 2010, more than 5,300 students have taken part in.17 . Running can build up ones body and theres a free breakfast. “I woke my roommates up this morning and we are happy after the run,” said Ren Tingting. 18 . “The breakfast food is paid for by businesses,” said Chen Pan, deputy head of the news agency(通讯社). “19 . At the same time, it will help them increase the interest for sports.”“The free breakfast for the morning exercisers will last for two weeks.” said Li Mengyuan, the organizer of the activity.20 . To have a partner exercising together helps students train harder. This campaign encouraged them to go outside with friends instead of sleeping in the morning. AShe was glad to see more people join in. BIts purpose is to encourage students to face the cold bravely and exercise. CThe activity is good for those who find it hard to get up in the morning. DWe organized this activity to encourage students to step out of the rooms. EThe campaign was initiated(发起)by the student news agency of the college.三、完型填空Dear Bill,Thank you _ all of your kindness. I really _ at your house for a month.Would you like _ me in China next August? My younger brother _ his holiday in France next summer, and you can _ his room! But _ be too surprised when you see it. Hes crazy(疯狂)about football, so he has many pictures of famous football players _ the wall. His room is very comfortable, and you will enjoy staying in it.In his room _ a colour TV. Its not a big one. You can use my brothers CD player, too. I _ sure you will like China. Say _ to everyone in your family for me. Write back soon. Your friend, Li Ling21 . Avery muchBwithCforDIn22 . Alike to stayBlike stayingCenjoyed to stayDenjoyed staying23 . AvisitBvisitedCvisitingDto visit24 . AhasBhadChaveDwill have25 . AuseBborrowCstayDlive26 . AdontBwontCmustntDneednt27 . AinBonCtoDup28 . AhaveBhasCthere isDthere are29 . AthinkBguessCamDwill30 . AyesBhelloCnoDgood四、阅读单选We surveyed (调查)300 young people about what they like to do on weekends. One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, one hundred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following chart (表格)shows their answers:31 . How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 11-18 group?A20.B50.C60.D75.32 . What do the people of 19-26 enjoy most?AThey enjoy taking a walk.BThey enjoy going to the movies.CThey enjoy watching TV.DThey enjoy playing computer games.33 . According to the survey, which two activities do most people enjoy doing?AWatching TV and going to the movies.BGoing to the movies and taking a walk.CPlaying computer games and taking a walk.DPlaying computer games and watching TV.34 . What do the people of 11-18 dislike doing?AWatching TV.BTaking a walk.CGoing to the movies.DPlaying computer games.35 . Which of the following is TRUE according to (根据)the chart?AFewest people like taking a walk.BAll the people of 11-18 like playing computer games.C90 people like watching TV in the 19-26 group.DThe people of 27-35 like playing computer games most.Dear Trudy,You are so sweet to remember my big day! I was trying to forget it but when your gift arrived, I was actually glad it really was my birthday. I love the cookbook. I have seen it in stores and always thought it looked interesting. And it is! Tonights dinner comes straight from it. Thanks again for thinking of me. MaryDear Heather,The scarf you gave me is gorgeous! I just cant believe you made it yourself. It looks like something from a high-end boutique(精品店)I could never afford, I know I will get lots of use out of it. With a gift like this, I almost dont mind getting another year older.NancyDear Friends,Just wanted to thank you again for dinner the other night. It was so thoughtful of you to turn our night out into a birthday celebration for me. Im certainly glad you did! Were very lucky to have you as friends and neighbors!Sincerely,Harry36 . What did Mary get on her birthday?AA scarfBA dinnerCA cookbookDA sweater37 . The three passages are all.AThank-you notesBInviting NotesCReportsDBirthday cards38 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AMary had a delicious dinner with Trudy on her birthday.BHeater bought a scarf for Nancy from a high-end boutique.CHarrys friends had a dinner to celebrate his birthday.DMary, Nancy and Harry were all good friends.Come to the library. Please come in. Are you a student? This is a good place to study. Please,close the door softly. Everyone is quiet here. Students study in quiet places.There are many books here. There are many different kinds. You can use them for your classes. There are books about other countries,like Japan and Mexico. You can find history books,too. Take one. Read about the old days. Or read a literature(文学) book. Read stories. Stories are one kind of literature. The library is a quiet place. So it is a good place to study. Many students come here. They use the computers. They read school books of all kinds. For example,they read science books. The students study their lessons. They find answers to questions in books. There is a big dictionary,too. It is on a special little table. Its in the corner. There is information at the library for students papers.There are librarians here. Librarians help students. They know all about books. They can find information fast. They help students with their work.One librarian is Bill Church. Bill is a quiet man. But you can talk to him. You can even call him on the telephone. You can ask him questions. He will help you. He finds answers to questions. He uses the computers in the library. He knows answers to many questions. He can find books and information fast.There are many things to do. You can read for fun. You can look at pictures. You can play on the computers. But dont talk loud! Libraries are quiet places for people to read. A person must not talk loud in a library. A person must whisper. Go to the library and enjoy it. But please,be quiet for other people.39 . Students come to the library _.Ato make friendsBto read for funCto make phone callsDto talk with librarians40 . What does the underlined word “whisper” mean?ATalk quietly.BSpeak loudly.CBe quiet.DRead fast.41 . What does a librarian do to help students?AHe reads books for students.BHe saves some documents for students.CHe finds books fast for students.DHe writes down the students names.42 . What is the best title?ALets Read TogetherBCome To The LibraryCA Good Place To Work AtDLibraries Have Big Dictionaries五、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词):Different maps tell us different things. A map of the world can teach us about different places. A r43 . map shows us how we can go from one place to another. It a44 . shows the towns and villages where people live. You can see where the station is in a town and where the mountains are. Lakes and rivers are coloured blue and when you see g45 . on a map, that means you can find trees there. Then you can learn to d46 . maps. They can tell your friends where your house is. Or you could do s47 . in the house or garden and make a treasure map. Maps can be very exciting!六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子看图说话48 . .beautiful,(how)_!(what)_!49 . . interested, collect_七、话题作文50 . 请根据提示以My classroom为题向你的朋友介绍一下你的教室,写一篇100左右的短文。提示: 1. 是个大教室。2. 墙上有块黑板和几幅画。3. 黑板上有十个数字。4. 教室内有29张课桌椅,都是新的。5. 我的桌子上有一本英语书、一支钢笔和一只铅笔盒,里面有一些铅笔和一把尺。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、单词填空1、六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、七、话题作文1、

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