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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A good student usually knows how to go over_ in good time.AcommunityBenergyCexhibitionDknowledge2 . These are _ e-dogs. Please give _ to _.Amine, them, meBher, them, hersChis, it, him Dmy, them, me3 . Sandy likes music.Ato listenBto listen toClisteningDlistening to4 . Would you like some rice?_.Id rather have a piece of bread.AYes, pleaseBNo problemCNo, thanksDThats OK5 . Look! Hes jumping so far!Hard to _ his legs were once broken.AknowBfindCimagineDrealize6 . Milk is good _ our _ .Aat; healthyBat; healthCfor; healthyDfor; health7 . Here are two _ and a _.Acup; keysBcup; keyCcups; keysDcups; key8 . Wu Ming _ Jacks favorite fruit in the garden.Alaid outBput upCturn upDpull down9 . - Do you have any good friends here, Jim?- No, thats why I always feel _ now.AlonelyBstrongCwrongDclever10 . Have you got any _ on what to do with the old clothes?Maybe we can send them to the poor people.AtestsBsuggestionsCinstructionsDsigns二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. When did you learn it? B. Sorry I cant.C. Yes, Id like to.D. Thats the main thing.E. In a week.F. Can you cook noodles? G. Thats wrong.A: Hi, Jason. Would you like to come over to my home this weekend? B: 11 . What are we going to do together?A: Were going to play chess on Saturday morning and I am going to cook noodles for you.B: Are you joking? 12 . A: Of course I can. I learned cooking on TV. B: 13 . A: Last week. My parents were away on business so I cook by myself. B: When will they come back?A: 14 . During these days, I have to do a lot of things alone. B: Im sure you will have a special experience.A: Yes. 15 . I like trying new things. B: You bet! See you then.A: See you.三、补全短文5选5Hank is an American boy. He is a middle school student now. He loves reading books very much. Today, his teacher says to the class. “There is something new in our school library.16 . ”Hank wants to borrow (借) a book from the library, so he comes to the library with his classmates after class.17 . They only see some robots (机器人) standing there.Hank says to a robot, “18 . ” But the robot doesnt move.Then one of his classmates tells Hank, “You must say Excuse me and Please first when you want some help.”19 . But Hank still (仍然) cant get the book from the robots hands. He thinks for a minute. and then he says “Please” to the robot. The robot gives him the book.20 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下面的方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。AWhy not go and have a look?BHey, give me a book on music.CHank gets the book and goes home happily.DHank does so and the robot brings the book.EThere arent any librarians (图书馆管理员) in it.四、完型填空It was a cold windy winter day and I was walking home from work. My head pointed down against the wind when I noticed an old lady. She _ on the sidewalk in her house slippers(拖鞋). As I passed her. I saw that she was probably _ her 80s, and she was holding some letters in her hands. I walked on to the traffic light. When the light turned green, I pretended(假装)to check my phone and waited for her to catch up with me. In this neighborhood, even crossing with the green light was _. Drivers often drove _ through red lights and stop signs.When she reached me, I turned to her and touched her gently on _ arm. She smiled and _ my hand in hers and held it. Hand-in-hand, we were waiting for the light _. _ the light turned green. We walked together slowly across the street, dropped the letters in the mailbox. Then I took _ back across the street.As I walked the rest of the way home, I could still feel the _ of her hand in my own. People say the first language of all humans is touch. A caring touch helps to make a bad situation hopeful. And even now, I can still feel the power of touch.21 . Ais walkingBwas walkingCwalksDwalked22 . AinBatConDby23 . AdangerBdangerousCdangerouslyDmore dangerous24 . AwildBwildestCwilderDwildly25 . AaBtheCanD26 . AtakeBtakesCtookDhad taken27 . Ato changeBchangedCchangesDchanging28 . AIfBThoughCWhenDSince29 . AherBhimCitDthem30 . AwarmBmore warmCwarmlyDwarmth五、阅读单选We all have happy memories of taking a few lazy months off after the stress of A-levels. So since summer has arrived, lets make full use. It goes without saying that summer vacations are the perfect time to go traveling.Tickets go up greatly when you turn 26, so make full use of cheaper prices while_Volunteering abroad wont surprise future employers(老板), but it can be very useful. Finding a reliable (可靠的) company is important, as is discovering a program that interests you. There are plenty of websites where you can see other peoples suggestions.Of course for most of us, money is tight. To avoid overspending you can combine(结合) employment(打工) and vacation. Hannah Warn, a psychology (心理学) student at the University of Winchester, is spending her summer at Camp America where students enjoy a good time on a summer camp. “Being thrown into something where I dont really know what to expect is exciting,” she says. “It gives me a chance to experience being away from home in a different way.”Those with a talent for languages might also consider working abroad as an au pair (互惠工人). The work may be a chance to involve yourself in a new culture while your employer pays most of the bill.If you have an idea of the type of career youd like, getting work experience is wise. In many careers, graduating with only your degree(学位) to show for your three or four years just wont make it. Send applications off early and to as many places as possible. Make sure you take a well-earned break this summer.31 . The underlined part “youre eligible” in Para. 2 means “”.Ayou have more free timeByoure tired of school lifeCyou enjoy traveling a lotDyoure of the right age32 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the example of Hannah Warn?ACamp America offers jobs to students.BPsychology students are good at saving money.CStudents had better choose a camp connected to their future job.DA camp is a good place to combine employment and vacation.33 . According to the passage, who is more likely(可能) to get a job after graduation?AJohn, who got excellent academic records during his university years.BLily, who worked abroad as an au pair during summer vacations.CTom, who got working experience connected to his future job in college.DMary, who got a degree after studying four years in a famous university.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文请跟进对话内容,从下列方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完全正确。For example activities hear from western cultures troubleDear Nick, Our school is holding an English reading festival this June. Im very interested in it. There are many different 34 . in the festival such as reading good English books, sharing good stories and so on. Its a good chance for us to learn more about 35 . . However, I have some problems. First, I dont have enough books. 36 . , I want to get some books about western history. Next, Im not so good at English, I have 37 . in reading. Would you please share some good books with me and give me some advice on reading?I expect to 38 . you soon.Best wishes!七、填空Tony: Hello! Are you Betty?Betty: Yes, I am. Whats your name, please?Tony: My name is Tony. Im in Class 3.Betty: Im in Class 4. How old are you?Tony: Im fourteen. And how old are you?Betty: Im thirteen. How do you spell “name”?Tony: NAME.Betty: Thank you.根据材料内容,用英语完成下面表格。NameClassAgeTony39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 八、信息匹配请阅读第15题中的五个人的信息,然后从A到F六个选项中为他们选择最适合的一个地方。(其中一项为多余选项)1). Joe comes from Moscow . He is studying in Beijing now . So he misses his hometown very much . He hopes to go to a city where he can find the feeling of home .2). Mary is an American girl . She likes going shopping . She is planning to travel to a city where she can find a job .3). Henry is from Canada . He is interested in the sea . But he lives far from the sea . He wants to go to a place where he can swim and eat bananas and -pineapples .4). Rose comes from Britain . She doesnt like hot weather . She wants to go somewhere cool , clean and wonderful .5). Timmy is a Japanese . He likes taking photos . He would like to stay close to nature . He even wants to take a boat while taking photos . However , he doesnt like hot food .ACity : LhasaTemperature in July : 1517Attractions : blue sky , fresh air , clean places and wonderful dancesBCity : HarbinTemperature in July : 2430Attractions : some old buildings in Russian styleCCity : ChongqingTemperature in July : 2830Attractions : tall mountains , hot food and friendly peopleDCity : Hong KongTemperature in July : 2930Attractions : nice and cheap clothes , all kinds of tasty food and people can find good jobs easilyECity : GuilinTemperature in July : 2930Attractions : Fantastic hills , clean rivers and many other natural sightsFCity : SanyaTemperature in July : 2732Attractions : exciting places for swimming , lovely beaches and great fruit like bananas and pineapples44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _九、多任务混合问题Travel is_1_to us in at least three ways.First,_2_We can see many places with our own eyes. We can visit some famous cities and scenic spots(风景区).Second, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people, taste different foods and local flavours(风味) if we like. In this way, we can understand how differently other people live. Third, travel will _ help us to get knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, _ help us keep healthy and make us broad-minded(心胸开阔).With all theseadvantagesof travel, it is no wonder that travel has now become more popular than ever in China.根据短文内容,按要求完成下列各题。49 . 在文中第一段的横线上填入一个恰当的词。_50 . 选择合适的句子填入第二段,使其语句通顺,符合逻辑。_Aby traveling we can see different people.Bby traveling we can make friends.Cby traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of different places.Dby traveling we can enjoy delicious food.51 . 在第四段的每条横线上填入两个恰当的连词,使句子完整。_52 . 请把第五段中的“advantage”译成汉语。_53 . Which is the best title of this passage? _ATravelingBPlaces of InterestCAdvantages of TravelingDDisadvantages of Traveling十、材料作文54 . 计算机在我们的生活、工作中的作用越来越大,你知道计算机的起源与发展吗?请结合计算机的发明时间(1946年)、外形(huge)用途等方面,写一篇80-120词的短文,谈一下它的发展变化,并说明你对未来计算机的畅想。(可适当发挥)。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填空1、八、信息匹配1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、

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