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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期3月月考英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jacks parents dont allow him to swim in the river because they think its too_.AdangerousBspecialCeasy2 . He_ me his name, but I cant remember it now.AtellsBwill tellCtoldDis telling3 . Jack, are you happy about this story? Yes, Mr. Li. I _ this story.AlookBam lovingCloveDam looking4 . _ is everything going? Not bad.AHowBWhenCWhere5 . Talking with my parents is _ difficult for me. They never understand me.Dont worry. Nothing is difficult if you try your best.AseldomBneverCalwaysDsometime6 . Is Alice your sister?Yes,Ait isBitsCshe isDshe isnt7 . If you have to catch the first bus tomorrow morning, choose this hotel. Its very_ the bus station.Aclose toBgood forCdifferent from8 . Excuse me, where is the post office? Its on the other side of the street, so you should go_the street.AthroughBalongCacross9 . After the terrible explosion(爆炸) in Xiangshui, Yancheng, many people from cities around came to hospitals _ blood.AdevoteBcreateCto donateDcelebrate10 . _! Well be late for the meeting. Sorry, but the traffic is so heavy now.ALook outBCome onCGo away11 . - Do you play_ piano in your free time?- No, I like sports. I often plays _ golf with my friends.A/; theBa; aCthe; theDthe; /12 . - _ is your jacket?- Its purple.AWhatBHowCWhereDWhat color13 . Im very busy these days. Last week I _the driving test. Now Im _take part in the coming sports meeting.Aprepared;preparingBprepared for;preparingCprepared for;preparing toDprepared;preparing to14 . Imagine how _ I felt when I was told that I could go to Peking University!AtiredBboredCexcitedDinterested15 . I was just going to_you and here you are.Alook atBlook afterClook for二、补全短文5选5Time passes by as usual, nothing is able to stop it. New term is going to start only five days away. 16 . The earliest wake-up was at 8:00am. But the only change I have made this vacation was my growing interest in movies. Perhaps I got mature(成熟).This vacation, I used to stay in balcony(阳台), humming an English song and enjoying a cup of tea. I liked wind to blow over my ears, to be bathed in the sunshine with my eyes closed. 17 . I thought I was no longer a child, but the idea was changed when a book said: The one who is able to think independently(独立地) and responsible for his future is no more a child. So, I am still a child seeking my way ahead in the dark.18 . Every baby is a condemned prisoner but on probation. But during your lifetime, you can make your life extraordinary(非凡的), or spend a common life and face death calmly. I hope my life will be different and meaningful.19 . Now I can take care of myself and in the future I am able to live on my own. Only through difficulties can an eagle fly as high as possible.In a sense, it will be my most common and unforgettable vacation in my lifetime. 20 . 根据材料内容将下列各句还原到文中,并将其标号填入题后横线上。AThis vacation, I liked to dream and recall things.BThis vacation, I also learnt to live and work independently.CThis vacation, I learnt too much, and understood a lot. DThis vacation, I had a deeper understanding of life and death.E. This vacation, I took neither any extra training courses nor hobby classes.三、完型填空Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang. He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight. “You need fortune(运气), ” his father said. “But_you work hard, no fortune will come.”What made him sad was that his piano teacher in Beijing didnt like him. “You have no_You will never be a pianist.” As an eight-year-old boy, Lang Lang was badly_He decided that he didnt want to be a pianist any more. For the next two weeks, he didnt touch the piano. Wisely, his father didnt_, but waited.Luckily the day came when his teacher asked him to play some holiday songs. He didnt want to, but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys, he_he could show other people that he had ability to do it well. That day he told his father that he wanted to_with a new teacher. From that point on, everything turned around.He started_competitions in the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition. When it was announced that Lang Lang had won, he was too_to hold back his tears. Soon it was clear that he couldnt stay in China foreverhe had to play on the worlds big stages. In 1997 Lang Lang_again, this time to Philadelphia, US. There he spent two years practicing and by 1999 he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over. After his_performance at Chicagos Ravinia Festival, gigs (演奏会) in Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall started pouring in. Lang Lang finally worked to reach the place where fortune spots(找到) him, and lets him shine.21 . AifBunlessCwhenDsince22 . ApianoBknowledgeCfortuneDtalent23 . AhurtBillCbrokenDscared24 . AhearBpushCeatDsleep25 . ArealizedBexplainedCforgotDnoticed26 . AargueBdanceCstudyDinterview27 . AwinningBbeatingCwatchingDrefusing28 . AannoyedBmadCtiredDexcited29 . AstartedBleftCmovedDperformed30 . AhelpfulBmeaningfulCsuccessfulDuseful四、阅读单选I have read plenty of articles about self-improvement these past few months, and most of them tell you that you need to wake up and keep positive(积极的). When you wake up, you need to think that something great is going to happen today, and that you are going to have a great day. This kind of positive attitude(态度) is supposed to change your whole day.So this morning I woke up and decided to give it a whirl. The sun was shining brightly through my bedroom window, and it immediately gave me this warm feeling inside. I thought to myself, ”Today is going to be a great day. One of the best days ever! I got out of bed, took my morning shower and began to get dressed. I put on a pair of dress pants I have not worn for a while, followed by my dress shirt and that is when it began. I reached into my left pocket and pulled out what felt like some paper.You know that feeling of finding a $20 bill in your pants and it feels like free money? Because you forgot all about it and thought you never did?I pulled out a $100 bill and a $50 bill in the same pocket. It seemed like the best thing that had happened to me these days. Yes, $150 starts off my day! Im sure if someone could have seen the smile on my face, they would have understood. I shouted in joy, with my poor dog looking at me like I was crazy!Start your morning off thinking you are going to have the best day ever and you just might! I really want to know what will happen next.31 . made the writer think in a positive way.AA person he knewBA message he receivedCThe articles he readDThe pants he wore32 . The meaning of the underlined phrase “give it a whirl” is probably similar to”.Aget dressedBhave a tryCread booksDmake money33 . The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 refers to.Afinding money in the pocketBreceiving help from othersCgetting up early in the morningDenjoying the morning sunshine34 . What does the passage mainly tell us?AIt is important to be honest.BConfidence leads us to success.CSharing with others brings us happiness.DA positive attitude may bring a good result.Make Your Own Leaf Collection RecordIts fun to collect things. Some kids collect coins, shells or stamps. One thing that is easy and free to collect is leaves. Leaves come in many shapes and colors. Every type of tree has its own special leaf. Willows (柳树) have narrow (细长的) leaves with edges like little saws (锯齿). Maple leaves have many sharp points and oak leaves have many rounded tips.Now you can use the following processing to make a Leaf Collection Record Book.1. Open a new file (文件) in your word processing program.2. Type “LEAF COLLECTION RECORD”and center it on the top of the page. Make it bold (黑体) and underline it.3.Type “Name:” and then press ENTER about three times. You will put the names of the trees you collect leaves from here.4. Now type “Description:” and press ENTER about ten times. This is where you will describe the tree that had the leaf. Be sure to leave plenty of room.5. Click the square tool. Make a box for your leaf. This is where you will show the leaves you collect.6. Print enough pages to begin your book.7. Save the file with a name such as Leaf Record. You may need to print more pages later!8. Punch holes in the left side of the pages, and put them in a three-ring binder (话页封面), or tie them together with string.9. There are two ways to put leaves in the box:Draw a picture of the leaf.Paste (粘贴) a real leaf in the center of the box.Happy collecting!35 . Why might a leaf be from an oak tree?ABecause it is narrow enough.BBecause it has edges like saws.CBecause it has rounded tips.DBecause it has many sharp points.36 . In Step 7 what is the reason to name the file?AMake sure you can find it later.BShow you the number of your collection.CHelp you decide what to do next.DRemind you to finish your work.37 . How is this text organized?ABy giving opinions.BFrom causes to effects.CIn the order of making.DFrom results to reasons.五、语法填空I was looking through my old photos last Sunday. One photo38 . (catch)my eyes. In the photo, I was sitting in a chair, hugging Duke, my, best friend in the world.Duke was an interesting name for such39 . little dog. But he was my friend from the moment I could walk. He stayed with me beside that chair when I read40 . (book). When I went outside to play games, he would drive41 . (we) cats up to the trees and then walk off feeling proud of himself. When I got home from work, he would wag his tail and jump onto my legs. He made me42 . (forget) all my problems. When I was sick, he never left my bed43 . I got better.I learned a lot from Duke, I learned that a short sleep at noon could be good44 . my health. I learned that even the45 . (simple) dinner can be delicious when I eat it with great enjoyment. I learned that life can be wonderful when I live it with love and joy. Sadly, I also learned that life is short, especially if you are a dog.To me, Duke is like a teacher46 . has taught me how to love and to be loved. Dogs are humans best friends and should47 . (treat)well in our daily life.六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。48 . now_49 . go to bed, every day_50 . well_51 . next to _52 . enjoy oneself , two days ago 七、材料作文53 . 假如你是Liu Bin,请用英语给笔友Bob回复邮件。注意:1.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2.要点齐全,语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3.词数100左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Bob,Im very glad to know that you will come to our school. Yours,Liu Bin八、其他根据情景提示,完成下列各题。54 . 你想问Susan美国的人口是多少,可知这样问:_, Susan?55 . 你想告诉别人不要吵闹,可以这样劝告:_, please!56 . 当别人询问你是否愿意帮忙,你很乐意时,可以这样应答:_57 . 你想通过电话订餐,可以这样问:May I_?58 . 教师节快到了,你想祝老师节日快乐,可以这样说:_!第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、语法填空1、六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、七、材料作文1、八、其他1、


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