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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期9月月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I cant _ my pen. Where is it?Look! Its under the sofa.AsayBspellCfindDhelp2 . What do you plan _ on TV?I hope that I can _ whats going on around the world.Awatching; findBwatching; find outCto watch; find outDto watch; look for3 . There are vegetables, fruit, meat and many _things in the supermarket.AotherBthe othersCanotherDothers4 . Dear passengers, now you have 30 minutes to check _ at Gate 30.AinBforConDup5 . My sister was born_ a singing voice.AfromBinCwith6 . You _ return this book right now. You can _ it till next Wednesday. Aneednt; borrowBdont need to; keepCneednt to; keepDdont need to; borrow7 . Can heit in English?AspeakBsayCsays.8 . AwideBtouristCthick9 . How long can I keep the books?_AThree.BThree times.CThree days.DVery often.10 . I dont have _apple, but I have _ orange.Aan, an Bthe, an C a, an二、完型填空A Seeing Eye dog is very special. One_thing about having a Seeing Eye dog is the you can go anywhere in the city safely.I live in Barcelona, Spain. Its a big_, and there are many cars, but my dog Terra goes everywhere_me and doesnt let me get hit by a car. Terra also guides me to walk safely in the subway.I have a baby boy, so another good thing is that my dog watches out for_ , too. I can put the baby in his stroller, and Terra makes sure we are_okay. I have had Terra for ten years, and Im happy to have it.11 . AsmallBgoodCbadDunusual12 . AmountainBvillageCcityDroom13 . AlikeBforCbehindDwith14 . AhimBusCthemDher15 . AallBbothCstillDjust三、阅读单选Elephants are the largest land animals alive today.African elephants live in family groups called herds(群).All of the elephants in the herd take care of each other.The leader of the herd is an old mother elephant.She is the matriarch (族长).A herd may have as few as eight or as many as 100elephants.The other elephants follow the matriarch because she knows how to keep them safe from coming danger.Elephants learn by watching and copying other elephants, and also learn from life.Baby elephants stay with their mothers until they are fully grown at about ten years old.Elephants live to be 50or 60years old.Elephants are smart animals with long memories.In the dry season, a matriarch can remember where water was found in the past.The herd will follow her there.She can also remember the safest place for baby elephants to cross a fastmoving river.Elephants talk to each other with rumbling sounds.Some rumbling sounds are so low and deep that people are unable to hear them.Elephants hear sounds not only with their ears, but also with their feet, and even trunks (long noses of the elephants).They also greet each other by touching with their trunks and feet.If danger appears, mothers beat their ears to call their babies to them.Other animals dont usually attack(攻击) elephants.However, a lion might try to attack a sick elephant or a baby.If this happens, the adult elephants circle around the baby elephants.The adults make louder sounds and hit the ground with their trunks.The matriarch puts herself between the lion and the herd.She beats her ears out to make herself look even larger.Then she lowers her herd and attacks the enemy(敌人) in a big cloud of dust(灰尘).16 . According to Paragraph(段落) One, an elephant herd .Ahas a father elephant as the leaderBowns a matriarch who keeps it away from dangerCalways has several leaders and hundreds of elephants17 . Long memories help elephants to .Achoose their matriarchBcommunicate with each otherCfind water and cross the river18 . What does the underlined word rumbling mean?A低沉的B尖细的C高亢的19 . Why do the adult elephants circle around their babies?ATo keep their babies safe.BTo welcome their friends.CTo attack their enemies.20 . The passage mainly tells us about .Awhy the elephants live in herdsBwhat the elephants living habits areChow the elephants avoid being attacked四、句型转换.句型转换21 . Tom is a good student; he is a good player, too.(改为同义句)Tom is a good player _ a good student.22 . No matter what he thinks, we shouldnt forget him.(改为同义句)_ he thinks, we shouldnt forget him.23 . Mr. Smith stopped smoking last year.(改为同义句)Mr Smith _ smoking last year.24 . When she was five, she started playing table tennis.(改为同义句)_ of five, she started playing table tennis.25 . Tom works hard in order to go to college.(改为同义句)Tom works hard _ he can go to college.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子)26 . Joe will _ be a singer because he sings very well. (possible)27 . Fat people usually have some _ problems. (healthy)28 . Many children have _ because they have too many sweets. (tooth)29 . Mrs. Li is going to get her _ card as soon as possible. (board)30 . We got two _ and went into the supermarket. (trolley)31 . The fish in this river are in _ because the water is too dirty. (dangerous)32 . The dentist made the _ that Miss Ma should take care of her teeth. (suggest)词汇运用用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 ( 每空不限一词)。33 . What is _ (you) name? I am Jack.34 . Where _ (be) the teachers? They are in the office now.35 . My brother _ (do) homework every day.36 . This boy is a good student. We all like _(he).37 . Simon wants _ (have) lunch at school.38 . There are many _ (tomato) on the desk.39 . Lets _ (fly) kites after school.40 . It is _ (sun) today. We can go to the park.41 . Amy likes sports and is good at _ (swim).42 . Uncle Wang enjoys _ (listen) to music. His favourite singer is Wang Feng.43 . _ ( not watch)TV. Its time for lunch.44 . Look at this classroom _ (build). It is nice.45 . Whats your hobby? _ (dance) is my hobby.46 . Why not _ (come) to my birthday party?47 . My father and mother come to the _ (parent) meeting at three in my school.六、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences with proper words according to the given phoneticalphabet.(根据所给音标,用适当的单词完成下面的句子。每空限填一词)48 . We can find many _/pls/ / there.49 . You can_ /prkts/ swimming. It can make you fit.50 . He was very sad because his country lost the_ /btl/.51 . People in Bangkok love eating_ /spasi/ food.52 . I think John will _ /psbli/ work in a bakery in 10 years time.七、单词填空There is an Asian (亚裔的) American 53 . player in the NBA. Do you know who he is? Yes, he is Lin Shuhao. His English name is Jeremy Lin. He is another basketball star 54 . Yao Ming. So many people call 55 . the second Yao Ming. But he 56 . like it. In the 1970s, his family moved to 57 . from Taiwan, China. He is twenty-five years old. His elder brother is Josh and Joseph is his younger brother. He 58 . at Harvard University (哈佛大学) from the year 2006 to the year 2010. His father, a fan of the NBA, taught him to 59 . basketball when he was young. Now Lin Shuhao plays 60 . the Houston Rocket (休斯敦火箭队). He works hard and plays very 61 . . Now he is popular 62 . many people.八、回答问题According to new research,recently, some terrible events that teachers were abused(辱骂) on some websites by students happened in the UK. It had a bad influence on schools and the society. The British Teaching Union did a survey of 7,500 teachers. We can get some information from the following data(数据) and know how the teachers who were abused dealt with the problem.You know teachers are often destroyed by the terrible abuse. Some have lost their confidence to teach and have left school. The survey showed many of the bad comments related to teachers looks, abilities and behaviors. Weve got another data from it. It SHOWS the bad comments were made by not only students but their parents. Please look at the following chart.It is clear that we should take some methods to protect teachers from the abuse. We think that the way to solve the problem is the better understanding among teachers, students and parents. Besides good communication, respecting(尊敬) each other is very important. If so, they can get on well with each other.63 . What result did these terrible events lead to according to the passage?64 . From Chart One, how did 50% of the teachers deal with the abuse?65 . What percent of the bad comments were made by parents in total?66 . What is the way to solve the abuse problem according to the passage?67 . After reading the passage, what do you think of this kind of social phenomenon(现象)?九、材料作文68 . Jim 过去1. 功课好,积极参加学校的各项活动。2. Jim 现在1. 对学习没兴趣,上课不专心。2. 你的看法玩电脑游戏可能使你放松,但你的建议(至少发挥两点)81. 假如你是李华,你的笔友Jim最近沉溺于玩电脑游戏,为此你很担心。请根据下表提示给Jim 写一封信,谈谈你的看法及建议。要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数);4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Dear Jim,I really feel worried about you.Yours,Li Hua第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、根据音标写单词1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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