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人教新目标版初中英语七年级下册unit8-unit9检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . , how can I get to the bus station? Go down this road and turn right at the second crossing. Youll find it easily.ABy the wayBOn the wayCIn a word2 . Thank you so much._.AThats rightBGood luckCNo problemDSounds great3 . I want to buy a house a big garden.AhaveBwithChasDfor4 . I cant stand _ in public.AsmokingBto smokeCsmokeDsmokes5 . He will show his new CD player to you as soon as he _ his letter.Afinishes writingBwill finish to writeCfinishes to write6 . Who is Amy?The girl _ a pink skirt is Amy.AofBfromCin7 . He wrote his phone number _ a piece of paper.AfromBforCinDon8 . Daniel isCanada,and hes good English.Ain; fromBfrom; atCin; inDat; from9 . Are there any birds in the zoo? Yes. I often go there because I like to hear the birds _.Ato singBsingCsingingDare singing10 . Can I the coat? It looks niceSure Heres the changing roomAtry onBthink aboutClook at11 . I have to go to work early tomorrow. Could you please _my daughter in the morning?Aput onBwearCdressDdress in12 . Millie, why _ you go camping with your classmates?I was too _ and I couldnt sleep all night.So I missed the bus this morning.Adid; excitingBdidnt; excitingCdid; excitedDdidnt; excited13 . 一Hey, do you want to refuse this goad job?一I have to give up. Im afraid its my ability.AbehindBbesideCbeyondDbetween14 . All of the football fans around the world are looking forward to _ the coming World Cup.AwatchedBwatchesCwatchingDwatch15 . Do you _ football matches on TV?No,I dont.AseeBlookCwatchDlook at16 . -_ we go to the zoo this weekend? -Good idea!AShallBAreCHow aboutDWhy17 . Tom doesnt feel _ today, so he cant play _in the match this afternoon.Awell; wellBwell; goodCgood; wellDgood; good18 . Is he thin heavy? He is thin.Aand.BbutCor19 . Whats the name of the song you sang just now?It is When Christmas Comes to Town.Awas soundedBsoundedCwas heardDheard20 . Have you looked _ todays newspaper?Yes, I have been looking for some information about tomorrows weather.AforBatCupDthrough21 . Do you need more people_ you_ the bird count?Ahelp; doBto help; doChelp; to doDto help; doing22 . We can get money in the _ and you can borrow (借) books in the _.Apost office; bankBbank; libraryClibrary; bankDbank; post office23 . You must ride your bike _ the right side of the road.AatBonCinDfor24 . -Whats _?-Its 0575-87983052.Ayour car numberBhis phone numberCyour nameDhis name25 . There _ some water in the glass.AamBisCareDbe26 . Children all over the world _ the Monkey King!AlovesBloveClovingDto love27 . _ are my pens, mom?Oh, look! They are on the sofa.AWhereBWhenCWhoDWhat28 . Bill,I am sorry to say that its rude to _ to your teacher.Atalk aboutBtalk backCtalk withDtalk to29 . Where _ your pen pal _?Ado;fromBdoes;come fromCare;fromDare;come from30 . In his familythree peopleAhaveBhasCthere isDthere are二、完型填空ItsSaturday.Jackdoesnthavetogotoschool_hegetsuplate.Itsnineoclockinthemorning.Heisstill_inhisroom.Inhisdreamhehears(听到)hissisterRosesay,“Lookatsnow!”Jackwakesup(醒来)andgetsup_Helooksoutofthehouse.Hesees_everywhere.“Letsgooutand_asnowman,Rose,”saysJack.“Youhavetowear_clothes,”saysMom.WithRose,Jackgoesout.Outside,allthe_arewhite.Theappletreewearsabig_hat.AndJacksbikeis_white.Inthewhiteworld,thetwo_sing,danceandplaygames.Wow,theyhaveagreattime.31 . AbecauseBorCsoDbut32 . AsleepingBsittingCworkingDplaying33 . AearlyBquicklyCfriendlyDagain34 . AcarsBrainCpeopleDsnow35 . AbuyBmakeCcookDkeep36 . AwarmBdryCcoldDtidy37 . AthingsBanimalsCclothesDfruit38 . AgreenBblackCyellowDwhite39 . AalwaysBstillCalsoDnever40 . AboysBgirlCchildrenDcousin三、阅读单选Good morning! Im Romeo Beckham. I am from England(英国). I have big eyes and short blond hair. My favourite colour is yellow. My cap is yellow. My T-shirt is yellow. And my shoes are yellow, too. Im in Canada now. Tom is my friend. He is from India. He has small eyes and long blond hair. His favourite colour is black. His cap is black. His coat is black, too. He looks cools in black. He is in China now.41 . What does Romeo Beckham look like?AHe is short with big eyes.BHe is tall with blond hair.CHe has big eyes and short blond hair.DHe has yellow eyes and short blond hair.42 . Where is Tom from?AEngland.BIndia.CChina.DCanada.43 . What does Romeo have?AA yellow T-shirt and a black coat.BA yellow T-shirt and yellow shoes.CA black cap and yellow shoes.DA black coat and a black T-shirt.44 . From the passage(文章)we can know.ARomeo looks cool in black.BRomeo is in China now.CTom is Romeos good friend.DToms favourite colour is blue.One evening Mr Green is driving his car in the country and looking for a small hotel. When he sees an old man on the side of the road. Mr Green stops his car and says to the old man, I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know how to get there? Yes, of course. the old man answers. I will show you the way. Please let me sit in your car, and I can go with you and tell you where to turn.He gets on Mr Greens car. They drive about twelve miles. When they come to a small house, the old man says, Stop here. Mr Green stops his car and says But this is not a hotel.No, the old man answers, this is my house. Thank you very much for driving me home, and I will show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn round and go back nine miles. Then you will get to the hotel.45 . - What is Mr Green doing one evening?- He is _.Adriving a car to go homeBgoing to look for a hotelChelping an old manDlooking for a car46 . -What does the old man ask Mr Green to do first?-He asks him to _.Aturn right at a small houseBlet him get into the carCdrive to the hotel firstDhave a rest in him house47 . Can you guess how Mr Green feels when he hears the old mans words at last(最后)?I think _.Ahe feels very happyBhe doesnt feel very angry (生气)Che is very angryDhe isnt very sad (悲伤)Hello! Im Lucy. Im thirteen. Im a middle school student now. Im in Class 2 Grade 7. I have a friend. Her name is Sandy. She is thirteen, too. She is a nice girl. She is in Class 3 Grade 7. This is my English teacher. He is also (也) my father. His name is Mark. My father has a new car (轿车). Its number is E68769. I like it very much.48 . Are Lucy and Sandy students?ANo, they arent.BNo, they are.CYes, they arent.DYes, they are.49 . What class is Sandy in?AClass 2 Grade 7.BClass 7 Grade 2.CClass 3 Grade 7.DClass 7 Grade 3.50 . How old is Sandy?AShe is 12.BShe is 13.CShe is 14.DShe is 15.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写51 . This is not a_ .(字典)52 . My parents d_ is my sister.53 . My uncles children are my c_.54 . My mother has a red_(戒指).55 . His favorite color is b_.56 . 根据句意或中英文提示写出句中所缺单词。(共5分)【小题1】Sandy doesnt go to school today b_ she is ill.【小题2】We will have supper at my _ (爷爷奶奶) home.【小题3】Those old men and women do morning _(锻炼)every day.【小题4】Our first lesson usually _(begin)at 7:25am every day.【小题5】_ comes before Thursday.五、完成句子完成句子根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空只写一词)57 . 我除了相信你的话,别无选择。I _ to believe what you have said58 . 有如此多的好电影要上映以至于我都不知道去看哪一部。There are _ many good films to be shown _ I dont know which one to see59 . 你准备好了一切了吗?Are you_ everything?60 . 这棵大树昨天被风吹倒了。The big tree _ the wind last night61 . 每天吃一个苹果对我们的身体有好处。_ every day is _ for our health六、信息匹配1. Mr. He likes to watch news in the morning, but he isnt interested in sports or games.2. Mrs. Brown is interested in swimming and she is eager to know the result (结果) of the Mens 100-meter Race Final of that day.3. Timmy likes cartoons very much, but he isnt allowed to watch them in the morning. He has to finish his homework.4. Mike wants to travel in China, so he would like to know more about China.5. Dashan is a student in Tsinghua(清华) University. He has great interest in the long history of China.AChannel(频道)17:30 Morning News9:30 TV Serial: Love Like a FlowerB. Channel 48:00 Arts and Cultures 16:30 Cartoon: G. G BondC. Channel 79:55 2011 World Swimming Championships: Mens 100-meter Race Final11:40 2011 World Swimming Championships: Special ReportD. Channel 118:30 Chinese History 10:30 Cartoon: CanonE. Channel 124:00 Traveling in China 18:00 Pop in SeoulF. Channel 218:00 Film: Harry Potter ()2:50 2011 FIBA Asia Championship For Men: China VS LebanonG. Channel 2514:00 Discovery 20:00 Asian Short Films62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . _七、看图作文67 . 假设你是Mary,你的朋友Rose想从北京到你居住的海滨城市来旅游。下面是一张示意图和你给她发的E-mail(电子邮件),告诉她怎样到你家,并且告诉她每天都能步行去海滨玩请把邮件补充完整。Dear Rose,Im very glad you are coming to visit me. Now I will tell you how to get to my 71 After you get off the 72 at the station, you can 73 a number 8 bus to Yingbin Road. The bus stop is near my home. Or you can take a taxi(出租车)if you like. Thats much easier.By the way, its not very far 74 my home to the beach(海滨). So we can go there 75 every day. I hope you will have a good time here. Write to me soon.Best wishes,MaryDear Rose,Im very glad you are coming to visit me. Now I will tell you how to get to my 71 After you get off the 72 at the station, you can 73 a number 8 bus to Yingbin Road. The bus stop is near my home. Or you can take a taxi(出租车)if you like. Thats much easier.By the way, its not very far 74 my home to the beach(海滨). So we can go there 75 every day. I hope you will have a good time here. Write to me soon.Best wishes,Mary第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、五、完成句子1、六、信息匹配1、七、看图作文1、

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