人教新目标版九年级英语Unit 14单元检测题(青岛专版)

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人教新目标版九年级英语Unit 14单元检测题(青岛专版)_第1页
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人教新目标版九年级英语Unit 14单元检测题(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . His eyes were _tears as he looked happily at her .Acovered withBagreed withCfilled withDtaken up2 . _we gave him something to play, he would give it to his little sister.AWhateverBHoweverCWheneverDWhichever3 . It is amazing that Mr. Guo sailed across the world by himself_ within about 130 days.AsuccessfulBsucceedCsuccessfullyDsuccess4 . 一Mom, may I drink the milk on the table?一No, you cant. It smells . It has gone bad.AgoodBwellCterriblyDterrible5 . This medicine(药) will make you _better soon. the nurse says to the _ boy.Ato feel; sickBfeel; sickCfeeling; illDfeels; ill6 . He_ his story, no one believed him then.Amade upBfelt likeCbrought out7 . We must pay attention _ the environment.People must _ dirty things everywhere.Afor;stop from throwingBto;be stopped from throwingCto;stop to throw8 . (题文)Well done,boy!Itake pride in youThank you,sirAam angry withBam kind toCam proud ofDam strict with9 . Are you going out with Jade tonight?Thats my _. Mind your own!AofferBbusinessCchanceDanswer10 . Old Mr. Green doesnt feel_because some students visit him regularly.AsadlyBgentlyClonelyDangrily二、补全短文7选5A:Hi, Gina. Your new scarf looks so nice.11 . B:On line. Its only 50 Yuan.A:50 Yuan? 12 . Tell me how to shop on line, please.B:No problem. Thats easy. Just enter Taobao.A:13 . B:Well, first, you need to apply for a user s name and passwords. Then you can go through the shopping list.A:And next?B:Choose one you like. 14 . The shopkeeper will send the goods to you and usually youll get them only in a couple of days.A:Thank you! 15 . AWhen did you get it?BAnd I I1 have a try myself.CThats really cheap.DCould you please tell me in details?E.Click on it and follow the instructions. F.Where did you buy it?G.How much is it?三、完型填空Memorizing class notes is a good way to learn EnglishBut what is the _ way for you to memorize class notes?The _ is difficult to answer,because different people learn in different ways and there are really too many waysIt also has _ to do with the material(材料)to be memorizedI _ a very good way to memorize class notes beforeI typed(打字)the whole terms hand-written notes into a computer_ it took a lot of time,it was a good wayIt made me _ the material againThis way of memorizing class notes could also make me feel _,because it was an easy wayI just needed to start at the beginning of my notes and type to the endThere are many other good ways to memorize class notes_,you can underline the important parts of your notes using different colored pensWhen you _ the notes,you will pay more attention to these partsYou can _ make an outline(概要)of your notes,and then you will have a better understanding of each lesson16 . AnewestBcheapestCsafestDbest17 . AproblemBquestionCphoneDpattern18 . AsomethingBsomebodyCnothingDnobody19 . AneededBforgotChatedDused20 . ABecauseBAlthoughCUntilDUnless21 . Aworry aboutBtalk aboutCthink aboutDcare about22 . AnervousBluckyCrelaxedDbored23 . AFor exampleBSo farCAll in allDIn the end24 . AreportBreviewCreturnDreceive25 . AagainBalreadyCalwaysDalso四、阅读单选Darling Kelli,Im so sorry I will not get to see you grow up as I so want to. Please dont blame(责备) people or the world for this. A lot of life is simply luck and mine is running out.I wish I had the words to make you feel better. I wish you didnt have to see me in pain as you often do now. I wish so many things were different but they are not.But while your old dad is still around, I thought Id try to give you some life advice in one go. I hope it gives you some comfort. I hope cancer never returns so that your life is long, fulfilled and happy.Everyone will say its of great importance to work hard at school. I hope youll always do your best. I did well at school but did it do me much good in life? Not really. Schoolwork is important, but make sure you have fun too.You and your mom will argue(争吵)at times, especially when youre a teenager. Please remember she loves you and wants the best for you. Give Mommy a hug when she is feeling sad. When youre a teenager you might think your friends are right and your mom is wrong. But she has to make hard decisions for you. Treat her well.Youll have boyfriends when youre older, so heres some advice. Its very hard to describe how it feels to really be in love. You might remember seeing your mom and I laughing together and cuddling(依偎)on the sofa, and once the love hearts and flowers fade(褪色) thats what real love looks like. Have fun finding it.Most important of all: Your laugh takes over your whole body. I hope you never lose that. There is no point in asking you not to be sad when I go. I know you will be, princess. And I wish I could be there to hug you until you smile again.And finally, thank you for being you, Kelli. Enjoy your life. Dont rush through it. All my love, always, goes to you, princess.26 . The father feels sorry because.Ahe is badly ill and in painBhe argues with his wife at timesChe wont get to see his daughter grow upDhis daughter is not willing to take his advice27 . The author wrote this letter to Kelli mainly to.Atell her more about his diseaseBsay sorry for leaving her aloneCgive advice thatll help her later in lifeDencourage her to realize her dream28 . Which of the following sayings can we take from Paragraph 4?AFailure is the mother of success.BWhere there is a will, there is a way.CAction speaks louder than words.DAll work and no play make Jack a dull boy.29 . The best title for the passage can be.AEnjoy Your LifeBKeep HealthyCTake Good Care of Your MomDLearn to love your family五、阅读判断Once upon a time, there lived a teacher in a small town. He often taught his students in special ways. Once he told four of his students to go to a small farm to see apple trees in different seasons. The first student went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the last in autumn. After the four students came back, the teacher called them together. They described their feelings to the teacher. The first student said that there were no leaves on the trees. It made him very disappointed. The second student said his eyes were full of light green. It made him feel hopeful. The third one disagreed. “What are you talking about? How pretty the trees were! The sweet smell of the beautiful flowers spread everywhere.”The last one shook his head. He only saw a lot of apples on the beautiful trees. The teacher smiled and told his students that none of them were wrong. They each just saw one season. He continued, “The trees are not the same in different seasons. You cant judge (判断) a tree by only one season. Dont let the regret of one season destroy the beauty of the rest.”Everything has different sides in our life. Dont hurry to make a conclusion (结论) before you see the whole of it.Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.30 . The teacher lived on a small farm.31 . The teacher told four students to see the apple trees.32 . The third student agreed with the second one.33 . None of the four students were wrong.34 . The teacher was very angry after he heard his students words.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词35 . Excuse me,is there a post office in f_ of the bank?36 . The centre of the _ (小镇)is a good place to shop.37 . Turn right at the second _(十字路口),and you will find the hotel.38 . In our country drivers must drive on the r_.39 . The girl gets l_ because its her first time to visit here.40 . Go along this street and you can find the post office a_ from the clothes store.41 . I see a bank at the _(第三)corner.42 . When you see the police station on your l_,please turn right.43 . Harbin is in the n_ of China.44 . Turn right a_ the second turning.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.( 选择正确的词或短语完成句子)45 . It will take us about 2 hours to _ (get, get to) Beijing by plane.46 . _ (More than, More over ) 100 countries will come to attend (出席) the Expo 2010.47 . Id like _ (to watch, watching) some cartoons.48 . They are _ (looking at, reading) some information about Thailand.49 . Lucy and Rebecca are going to visit Japan _. (take a plane, by sea)八、多任务混合问题阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。Learning to play an instrument (乐器) can be one of the most exciting ways to spend your free time. There are many different kinds of instruments to choose from: guitar (吉他), piano, violin . There is always one thats right for you.Make a choice.First, you need to choose an instrument that you would like to learn to play.You could also think about the kind of music youd like to play.This will probably be the kind of music that you also enjoy listening to.Get your instrument.When you know what instrument to choose, you need to buy one. If it is expensive, you can borrow (借入) one. Some schools will lend (借给) students instruments. Or you can buy a second-hand instrument and its usually much cheaper.Get ready to learn.After you have your instrument, you should then make a learning plan. You can have personal lessons with a music teacher or go to a music school. You can also choose to learn by yourself.Play for others.When you learn enough to play a song, you should start playing for people. It is a good idea to start with your family or friends.Then you can try to play for larger groups (群) of people.Keep going.To become a good musician, you have to keep playing.尽可能多地保持学习并且经常练习。As you learn more, you will get better and better.50 . 回答问题:How many kinds of instruments does the writer mention (提到)?_51 . 将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。_52 . 回答问题:What does the underlined word“it”refer to (指的是)?_53 . 回答问题:What should you do after you have your instrument?_54 . 将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。_We are students.We go to school (A) weekdays.We have no classes on Saturdays or Sundays.Classes begin at eight.We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.(B)我们在12:15吃午饭。(C)At three fifty we have sports.We study Chinese,maths,English,geography,physics,history,politics, PE and music.We like Chinese and English.Some of us are good (D)them.I go home at five oclock and have supper at six oclock.(E)I do my homework at seven every evening and go to bed at half past nine,but sometimes I go to sleep at about ten.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。55 . 在(A)(D)处填入合适的介词使句意通顺。(A)_ (D)_56 . 将(B)处画线句子译为英语。_57 . 将(C)处时间换一种方式表达。_58 . 将(E)处画线句子译为汉语。_59 . How many lessons do we have on every weekday?_九、讲稿60 . 假如你是李华,本周五下午你校将举办Teenagers Day的活动。请你根据以下提示和要求,写一篇发言稿,向你的同学们告知此次活动的安排。提示:(1)The date of this activity.(2) The specific activities.(3) Your expectation.要求:(1)发言稿中须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。(2)发言稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。(3)词数80个左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Hello, everyone!Im very happy to tell you that_Thanks for your attention.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、多任务混合问题1、2、九、讲稿1、

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