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九年级下学期2月联考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My uncle is against wasting anythingNo wonder he would rather _ the old bike than _ a new oneArepair; to buyBto repair: buyCrepair; buy2 . Friends are the treasures in our lives.I agree. The more friends you have, _ you will feel.Athe happyBthe happierCthe happiestDthe happily3 . Before the news _ him, he _ to know about it.Areacheshas gotBreachedhad gotCreachedgotDhad reachedgot4 . Among these children,Jim has_life and he lives_.AThe most happy;most happilyBthe happiest;most happilyCthe happiest;happiestDthe happier; more happily5 . - Remember to return the book to the library in time, _ you will be fined.- Yeah, I know.AorBandCbutDthen6 . My sister is _.Ain Class Five, Grade SevenBin class five, grade sevenCin the Class Five, Grade SevenDin the class five, grade seven7 . Do you know?Ahow he is oldBHow is he oldChow old is heDhow old he is8 . Susan, why are you still here? They are all ready to start.Im sorry, but Iwhen to meet.Awasnt toldBdont tellCdidnt tellDhavent told二、补全对话7选5从方框中选出恰当的选项完成下列对话(其中有两项是多余的)。Paul: Hi, Lucy. Is this your schoolbag?Lucy:9 . Its Bobs.Paul: Bobs?10 . Lucy: Hes my English teachers son.Paul: Oh,11 . Lucy: He is twelve years old. His birthday is in March.Paul:12 . Lucy: He likes playing soccer very much.Paul: Does he want to play soccer with us?Lucy:13 . Lets play it now.Paul: That sounds good.Ahow old is he?BNo, it isnt.CWhos Bob?DIs Bob your English teachers son?EWhats his favorite sport?FWhen is his birthday?GYes, he does.三、补全短文7选5If you want to learn English well. You have to practice speaking English! Use these sentences to help you start interesting conversations in English.14 . . We should try to do things independently(独立的), rather than wait for help. Do you think our school stop us from thinking independently? How can we become more independent? Can we help our classmates to be more independent? How?15 . . I find this to be true with my student. If they only recite without understanding, they cannot use English well. Have you ever tried to recite many English words? What is the result? Do you know some people that only follow but never think? What is that person like? Do you know anyone who is a clear thinker? What is that person like?16 . . How can laughter help us in our daily life? Do you think humor is helpful, if we are really sick? Do you know anyone who laughs all the time? What is that person like? Do you know someone who never laughs? Do you enjoy being around that person?17 . . Do you have many friends or just a few very close friends? How did you meet your best friend? What advice would you give a newcomer to your school to help him or her meet new friends? What would you do to help your best friend?18 . . Do you keep writing diaries in English? Do you want to know what you will learn in the coming class? Do you listen carefully in class and take necessary notes? After class, do you sum up what you have got in class? Do you often do lots of listening practice or read English magazines? If yes, keep on trying and never give up. 阅读上面5段语言材料,从AG中找出与上面每一段落相应的标题,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。其中有两个选项是多余的。AA friend in need is a friend indeed.BLearning without thinking is a dangerous thing.CHe who laughs last laugh best.DGod helps those who help themselves.E. Laughter is the best medicine.F. Tow heads are better than one.G. A good learning habit makes your English learning easy.四、完型填空完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。It all started at the beginning of the ninth grade. Carmen found she couldnt see things_all the time. She became very worried, but she hoped_would know that. When her mother asked her to see the eye doctor, she didnt_. But her mothers mind was made up.Three days later, Carmen got new glasses and instructions from her doctor. “All of the kids will think Im_” Carmen said. Her mother_and shook her head. “You look just as beautiful as before”, she said. But Carmen didnt believe her.The next day, Carmen kept the_in her pocket as she walked into the schoolyard. She stood alone away from her friends, feeling_Suddenly, she heard her friend Theresa shout. Carmen ran over to the other girls. “Whats the_?” she asked.“My ring is gone!” Theresa cried. “My sister sent it to me from California. Its very_and I cant lose it.”Carmen and her friends began to_for the ring in the grassy area of the playground. Carmen realized that she could do better_she could see better. She took the glasses out and put them on. Everything looked so_! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a bright light caught her eyes. It was the_.“Here it is,” she shouted. She handed it to Theresa.“Thanks, Carmen,” she said. “I_thought wed find it.” she paused (停顿). “Hey, I didnt know you wore glasses. They look great!”Carmen had_that she was wearing the new glasses. “Thanks,” she replied.“Maybe wearing glasses wont be so bad after all.” Carmen thought.19 . AclearlyBcarefullyCfreelyDquickly20 . AeverybodyBanybodyCsomebodyDnobody21 . ArefuseBmindCagreeDunderstand22 . AcoolBsillyCproudDpretty23 . AnoddedBcheeredCsmiledDshouted24 . AwatchBkeysCgiftDglasses25 . AtiredBunhappyCangryDnervous26 . AmatterBreasonCquestionDsecret27 . AspecialBcommonCcheapDheavy28 . AaskBwaitClookDpay29 . AthoughBifCbecauseDuntil30 . AnaturalBnewCinterestingDdifferent31 . AballBringCpresentDglasses32 . AstillBeverCneverDoften33 . AheardBfoundCrememberedDforgotten五、阅读单选Have you ever lost your car on a parking lot? It happens when you park and go shopping. When you get back, you have no idea where your car is, Then you start wandering around and clicking on the panic button on your car keys so the alarm goes off.Now, you dont need to install(安装)a GPS system to look for your car. Thats too expensive. But is there away to find your car without doing so? Yes, there is!A company in California was able to make this a reality. They created a tiny device that works with your smart phone, and it could be cheap and exactly what youre looking for.What is it? Its called TrackR Bravo. It is a tracking device, Its changing the way we look for the important things in our lives.How does it work?Its easy! Install the free TrackR app on your smart phone, connect the app to your device and youre ready to go! Simply connect TrackR to whatever you want to track(追踪). The whole process of setting it up only takes5 minutes or less.You can connect it to your keys, bag, wallet and anything else you dont want to lose. Then use the TrackR app to locate your missing item in seconds “This device has saved me lots of time and money!” said an American engineer34 . What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?AIts not difficult to find your car on a parking lot.BHow bad you feel when you cant find your car.CIts easy to forget where you park your car on a parking lot.DPeople are used to losing their cars on a parking lot.35 . Where is the company from?AEngland.BAmerica.CFrance.DGermany36 . What can we infer after reading the passage?AIts convenient for people to use TrackR Bravo in their daily lives.BTrackR Bravo is now popular among peoples lives.CIf you use TrackR Bravo, it wont be possible to lose anything.DYou need to spend at least ten minutes setting up TrackR Bravo.37 . What is the passage mainly about?AA new invention.BA famous company.CThe way to create TrackR. BravoDHow to live a convenient life.New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival 2019Best time to go to New OrleansDates: April 26 - May 5, 2019Place: New Orleans, United StatesBuy ticket: online (2 months in advance), remember to sign up get more information.Website: http:/rove.me/to/new-orleansThe New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is one of the most important cultural events in North America. There is something for everyone at the Jazz Fest.38 . The poster includes the following EXCEPT _.AdateBplaceCprice39 . From the poster, we can know that _.Athe New Orleans Jazz Festival is one of the most important cultural events in AmericaBonly the jazz lovers may get something during the festivalCwe can buy the ticket online and get more information thereDo you like playing badminton? Today I will introduce a boy from the UK to you. His name is David. His favourite sport is playing badminton. He is thirteen years old now and he is living in London. I believe you can make friends with him.David plays badminton after school every afternoon, so he is very good at playing it. His dream is to win the gold medal(金牌)at the Olympics in the future.David is very clever. He takes the Mensa IQ test. His score is 162. He could be more clever than Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking.40 . When was David born?AIn 2007BIn 2006CIn 2005DIn 200441 . Where is David from?AAmericaBChinaCEnglandDFrance42 . What is Davids favourite sport?AHe likes badminton best.BHe likes soccer best.CHis favourite sport is playing basketball.DHis favourite sport is running.43 . The meaning of the underlined word “score” is _ in Chinese.A成就B机会C能力D分数All the people in Bens family want to have a pet (宠物). Ben wants to have a dog. He says that a dog is a friend of men. But Bens mother thinks that dogs need a lot of exercise. All the people in the family are very busy, so no one has time to help the dog take exercise. She wants to have a cat. She says that cats are clever and lovely(可爱的). Bens father wants to have some fish. He says that fish are clean and beautiful, and that they dont eat a lot. Bens sister likes birds. She says that birds can sing beautifully. There is a pet shop near their home and there are many pets there. Tomorrow will be Sunday. Ben and her family are going to buy some pets. What pets will they have? No one Knows.44 . Everyone in Bens family _.Awants to have petsBwants to have the same petsClikes the same animalsDlikes dogs a lot45 . Ben likes dogs because they _.Aare cleanBcan catch miceCare mens friendDneed a lot of exercise46 . Bens mother wants to have a cat because cats _.Aare clever and lovelyBcan sing beautifullyCcan take exercise with herDeat fish47 . Bens father likes fish because fish _.Adont eat a lot of foodBare beautifulCcan swimDboth A and B48 . How many kinds of animals are there in this passage?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文词语运用new, friendly, breakfast, do, so, stay, different, you,class,big,mealAnna comes from Russia. She is 17 years old. Shes going 49 . with the Black family for a year. Anna comes to England because she wants to study English. She helps Mrs Black 50 . housework in the house and goes to English 51 . every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.Anna is now in London. Everything is 52 . to her. She finds life is53 . from that in Moscow. Some things are nice in London, many things are not so nice. The shops in London are 54 . than those in Moscow. 55 . its very expensive to enjoy56 . in London. Its expensive to have a 57 . at a restaurant or go to a cinema. Now Anna has got used to (习惯) many things, but she cant get used to the 58 . in England. “You English eat so much in the morning,” she often says. “Fruits, porridge, eggs, tea and bread. How can you face(面对) all that food so early in the day?”七、材料作文59 . 时间飞逝,转眼间同学们快初中毕业了,在繁忙的学习生活中,我们有困惑、泪水;也有进步、喜悦。假设你是Daniel, 请根据以下提示,写一篇题为“My school life in junior middle school”的短文,介绍你初中阶段的学校生活,并适当发挥。注意:要点表达齐全,书写工整,词数100左右。学习生活老师:对自己要求严格,关心每个学生,学生:尊敬老师,互相帮助,课后按时完成作业课余生活电视:每周看电视一个半小时,最喜欢因为(举一例,说一个理由)音乐:在空闲时间,欣赏音乐,最喜欢因为(举一例,说一个理由)美术:有画画的天赋,总是鼓励自己不断努力,创作更多精美的图片愿望通过努力,能取得更多的进步,My School Life in Junior Middle SchoolHello, I am Daniel. I will graduate from junior middle school soon. Here is what my school life is like. At school, _Though I am busy with my study, I still live a colorful life. _As a junior middle school student, I hope _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文7选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、4、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、材料作文1、


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