九年级英语Unit 11 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)

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九年级英语Unit 11 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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九年级英语Unit 11 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whats wrong with your computer?It doesnt work. I think there must be _with it.Anothing wrongBwrong nothingCsomething wrongDwrong something2 . Mr. Wang is _ good teacher _ all his pupils like him.Aso a, thatBsuch a, thatCso, thatDsuch, that3 . Our Maths teacher is a _ young man and he is kind to us.AhandsomeBprettyClovelyDbeautiful4 . Fruit and vegetables _healthy food.Ais bothBboth isCare bothDboth are5 . Sometimes hobbies can _ schoolwork.Aget in the wayBget in the way ofCget in the way onDget in the way with6 . Reading books _most of my free time and I learn a lot from that.Atakes upBasks forCdepends onDpoints out7 . What do you usually do at weekends?I often practice _ English.AspeakBto speakCspeakingDspoke二、补全短文6选5下面文中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A, B, C, D, E, F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。AStill not sure?BWhere to practice?CHow much can you afford?DAre you born with it?EWhat fits you well?FWhats a better choice?Many people would like to learn how to play a musical instrument, but they are put off by one big problem: What to play. Here are a few questions to help you decide.8 . _Many instruments are of different uses, but some are more fit for certain music. Some instruments may help you enjoy the music you like, so consider this before you start.9 . _If you want to play with other people, what kind of instrument would be better? Your first thought of playing the violin, for example, might disappear when too many people are competing with you!10 . _Many people live in flats and practicing the drums, for example, will drive your neighbors crazy. Think about where and when you are going to practice, as well as the feelings of the people you live with or near.11 . _This is quite true that many instruments can be bought at different prices. But this doesnt change the fact that many, such as the piano, are always pretty expensive. If you cant afford your chosen instrument,will you be able to borrow someone elses or hire one.12 . _Talk to people you know who already play instruments. They might even let you try theirs. Its also a good idea to find an experienced music teacher who can give you some advice and push you in the right direction.三、完型填空What do you do if youre left on a lonely island? Surely you need to find a way to _the outside world. Your best chance of doing this is to draw the attention of a passing plane. Body signals Pilots from different countries understand body signals if they have the correct _. When you wave your arms up and down in a straight line, it means yes. When you point downwards and swing your arm from side to side, it means no.Smoke signals The smoke from a fire can be seen from far away, so its a good way to draw attention. If the weather is dry, it isnt _ to start a fire. But remember that fires can be very dangerous if they get out of control. Never light a fire unless youre sure that it cant spread. If the ground is dark, light smoke can be seen more easily. Green grass and leaves produce light smoke. Ground-to-air signals Its a good idea to _some signals, too. Use large pieces of wood to make the symbols (标记). If you cant find any wood, use earth. Some useful symbols are: F-I need food and water. II-I need medicine. I-I am badly hurt. X-I am unable to move from here. Pilots replies If the pilot lowers the planes _ from side to side, this means message received and understood. If the pilots flies the plane in a clockwise (顺时针)circle, this means message received but not understood.13 . Akeep in touch withBmake friends withCget along withDshake hands with14 . AsightBtestCtrainingDflight15 . ApossibleBdifficultCnecessaryDimportant16 . AwarnBbuildCreadDwatch17 . AwindowsBchairsCdoorsDwings四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或中文提示写出单词。18 . We were walking on the street._(突然),it began to rain.19 . My bike is b_.Ill have it repaired.20 . In the city, you can see ancient(古代的) and m_ buildings.21 . In an h_,there are sixty minutes.22 . May I ask you some _(个人的)questions?五、用单词的正确形式完成句子. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空first of all;suchthat;find out;I covewith;have trouble23 . She is _ a respectful teacher _ all of us respect her very much.24 . Do you _ learning English? I can help you.25 . Please _ the baby _ a coat.26 . It takes her a lot of time to _ what she really wants to do at the weekend.27 . _ ,let me introduce myself to you.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、


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