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七年级英语下学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ does it take you to get to school? About 15 _.AHow long; minutesBHow far; kilometersCHow long; kilometersDHow far; minutes2 . Could you _some things_ school for me?OK.Abring, forBbring, toCtake, forDtake, at3 . There is no bridge in the _. Its difficult for the villagers _ to school.Avillage; to getBvillager; to getCvillage; getDvillager; get4 . In order to show _ good discipline, Jenny wears _ uniform at school.Aa;anBa;aC/;anD/;a5 . My friend Frank sings well, and he is _ good at playing the guitar.AnotBalsoCyetDtoo6 . The boyblack and white is Alex. He isCanada.Ain; fromBof; inCfor; forDfrom; from7 . I have_homework on the weekend.Atoo muchBtoo manyCmuch too8 . - Do you know what SOHO means?- It means small office and home office. More and more people can work _ the Internet at home now.AwithBacrossCthroughDby9 . _ Nancy at home last weekend?No,she _.She was in the library with her friends.AIs;isntBWas;wasntCDid;didntDWas;isnt10 . The girl is good at football.AplayBto playCplaying11 . Please call us when you _.AarriveBarrive inCget toDreach12 . Ms. Liu is kind _ me, but sometimes she is kind _ strict with us.Awith; toBto; ofCfor; toDwith; of13 . _ does your school have sports meeting?Twice a year.AHow often BHow soon CHow long DHow far14 . Ice-cream tastes _, but it isnt good _ health.Awell, atBgood, forCwell, withDwell, for15 . Thismy sister and thosemy brothers.Ais, isBare, areCis, are二、补全对话7选5请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从方框中选择恰当的句子填入空白中,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整。Zhang Ji is chatting with his e-pal Tim on QQ.T: Hi, how is it going these days?Z: Pretty good! We celebrated our Dragon Boat Festival last week.T: Dragon Boat Festival?16 . Z: To remember an ancient Chinese poet. T:17 . Z: We usually eat rice dumplings on that day. But this year, we did something more interesting.T: What did you do?Z: Our school had a dragon boat race.T: 18 . Who won the race?Z:Our class.T: 19 . Z: Thanks a lot. I hope you can come to China sometime.T: I hope so. 20 . Tell me more about them next time.Z: OK, I will. See you.T: See you!AHow do you usually celebrate it?BWe had a good time.CWhat do you celebrate it for?DSounds interesting !EIm interested in Chinese traditions.FCongratulations !GWhere did you have the race?三、完型填空On October 3, 1918, more than 500 men from Major Charles Whittleseys battalion (营) were caught on a hillside in France. They had _ food or ammunition (弹药). Many were _ and injured on the first day. By the second day, only 194 men were still _ .Whittlesey used carrier pigeons (信鸽) to send messages to ask for _. The first pigeon carrying the message was shot down. A second bird was sent, but the pigeon was _ shot down. Only one pigeon was left Cher Ami. She was sent to finish the task.When Cher Ami tried to fly back home, the Germans _ her and tried to shoot her. Cher Ami was badly hurt, especially one of her legs, but she had_sent the message. Cher Amis message saved 194 men from Whittleseys battalion.Doctors tried long and hard to save Cher Amis life. They were unable to save her_, so they made a small wooden one for her. She_ a hero on her return to America.Cher Ami _ in New Jersey on June 13, 1919. Her body is now on display (展出) in the National Museum of American Historys “Price of Freedom” exhibit.21 . AsomeBnoCmostDmuch22 . AkilledBexpressedCintroducedDcheered23 . AawakeBaliveClostDdead24 . AhelpBmoneyCtroubleDadvice25 . AjustBeverCalsoDeven26 . AtrainedBfedCfoundDcooked27 . AsuddenlyBprobablyChardlyDsuccessfully28 . AlegBeyeCearDmouth29 . AmetBbecameCheardDplayed30 . AdiedBsleptCsmiledDfell四、阅读单选In England, traffic keeps on the left.Cars, buses and bikes all move on the left side of the road.But the traffic keeps on the right in China.So when you are in England, you must be very careful in the street.Before you cross a street you must stop and look both ways.Look right and look left and look right again.If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop.Then the people on foot can cross the road.If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go.People on foot mustnt cross.In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy.Traffic is very dangerous (危险的).When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too.Always remember(记住)the traffic moves on the left.If you dont have a look first, you will go the wrong way.In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors.You can sit on the second floor.From there you can see the city very well.Its very interesting.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。31 . When you are in England you must remember that _.Ayoud better go by busBthe traffic goes on the leftCthe streets are very busyDthere are many cars and buses on the road32 . When the traffic lights are _, the traffic must stop.AredByellowCgreenDwe dont know33 . When you go by bus in England, you must be careful because _.Ayou may go the wrong wayBthere are too many busesCthere are big buses with two floorsDthere are not any traffic lights34 . Some people like sitting on the second floor of a big bus because _.Ait is not dangerousBit can make roads safeCthey can have a good look at the cityDthere are no other people35 . The best title (标题) for this passage (短文) is _.ABuses in EnglandBTraffic in EnglandCDriving in EnglandDTraffic lights in EnglandDear Jane,I have to(必须) go to work (工作) now. I prepare(准备) these things for you. Your schoolbag is on the desk. Your pen, books, keys and your school card are in your schoolbag. Your clothes and hat are on the sofa. The shoes are under your bed. Dontforgetyour breakfast(早餐).Its in the microwave oven(微波炉)Mom36 . leaves(留下) the note(便条)AJane.BJanes fatherCJanes motherDJanes friend37 . Whats in the schoolbag?a. the pen b. the shoesc. the keys d. the school card e. the hatAb c dBa b dCa b eDa c d38 . The shoes are.Aon the bedBon the dresserCunder the bedDon the sofa39 . The schoolbag is.Aon the deskBon the bedCunder the deskDin the microwave oven40 . The underlined(划线的)“forget means(意思是)“”.A拿走B忘记C带来D记得(题文)41 . (小题1)How soon can you be fluent in your chosen language?A. In a weekB. In a monthC. In a year42 . (小题2)Which of the following is NOT true according to the advertisement?A. Parla is a method of learning languages.B. You will get CDs and books from the training center.C. Any trail must be paid.43 . (小题3)According to the rules, the residents(住宿者)can _ .A. make tea and cook mealsB. play loud music at 11 p.m.C. watch TV in their free time44 . (小题4)The rules above are made for _ .A. students B. workers C. patients45 . (小题5)We may learn from the rules that _ .A. visitors are welcome to spend the whole night in the roomsB. hanging clothes out of the window to dry isnt allowedC. each floor has a telephone for making international calls五、句型转换句型转换。46 . Millie likes Geography best. (改为同义句) Millies _is Geography.47 . There are two pieces of bread on the plate. (对划线部分提问)_ on the plate?48 . The old man swims in the river every morning. (用now做时间状语从句改写) The old man _in the river now.49 . Its about ten minutes walk from home to the shopping mall. (对划线部分提问)_ is it from your home to the shopping mall?50 . The students in our school do morning exercises at 8:45. (改为否定句)The students in our school _morning exercises at 8:45.六、单词填空Cindy is a middle school student. She 51 . (go) to school at 8: 00. Her favorite subjects 52 . (be) English and P.E. Some students think math is very boring, but Cindy 53 . (not think) it is boring. She thinks it is cool. For lunch, she likes 54 . (eat) vegetables and fruit, because she doesnt want 55 . (be) fat. So she looks really healthy. Her class 56 . (finish) at 4: 50. After class Cindy can 57 . (play) tennis with her friends. After that, she has a piano lesson. It is very relaxing.七、回答问题Dear Selina,I have some rules at my house. I have to stay at home on school nights. I have to do my homework and practice the violin. I cant watch TV. Well, I can go out with my friends on Saturday nights, but I have to be home before 9:30 p.m.What rules do you have at your house? Write and tell me about them.MollyDear Molly,I also have rules at my house. On school nights I usually cant go out. But sometimes I can do my homework at a friends house. Well, I can watch TV for half an hour before I go to bed. On Saturday afternoons, I can go shopping with my friends. I can buy my own clothes. Thats nice, right?Selina根据上面短文的内容回答问题(每题不超过5个单词)58 . Can Molly go out on school nights?_59 . What does Molly have to practice at home? _60 . What time does Molly have to be home on Saturday nights?_61 . How long can Selina watch TV at night? _62 . Who does Selina go shopping with on Saturday afternoons?_八、材料作文63 . 假设John是你的朋友,根据下列提示信息,写一篇英语短文,介绍一下他给自己制定的规则。要求:1.内容清楚,语句通顺,书写规范;2词数:60左右。Johns Rules1Get up at 6:00 am.2Go to school at 6:30 am.3Dont watch TV on school nights.4Finish homework on time.5Clean the room on weekends.6Do the dishes on weekends.7Go to bed before 10:30 pm.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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