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九年级10月月考英语试题(word版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I sleep with the window open_ its really cold.AunlessBtillCorDso2 . They arrived_London_the evening of July 3rd.Ato; inBin; inCin; onDat; on3 . -Do you know _ for Shanghai last night?-At 9:00.Awhat time he leftBwhat time does he leaveCwhen he bought the carDwhere he bought the car4 . The doctor told me not to drink too much, but I cant help myself.The doctor is right. _ you drink, _ you will be.Athe less; the healthierBthe more; the healthierCthe less; the unhealthierDthe more; the healthiest5 . I heard that Mrs. While decided to talk to Johns parents.Oh, he isagain. He had a fight with his classmate.Ain silenceBin troubleCin personDin public6 . Please _ English in this class.AspeakBsayCtellDtalk7 . The young man seems _ to everyone.AangrilyBfriendlyCsadlyDhappily8 . You have made a, so you have to keep it.Sure.You can trust me.I wont tell others.ApromiseBlistCchoiceDdecision9 . 2018年上海金山二模Hawking wrote _ popular science books including A Brief History of Time.Aa littleBlittleCa fewDfew10 . Tom was _ that he couldnt understand _ difficult sentence.Aso stupid a boy;a suchBso stupid a boy;such aCso a stupid boy;suchDa so stupid boy;a such11 . (2017浙江温州 3)I have the _ of reading before sleeping. It has been part of my life.AcourageBchanceCspiritDhabit12 . If you me,please put up your right hand.Aagree withBagree toCagreeDagrees13 . Its snowing now and I can take you home in my car.What a great !AorderBachievementCnewsDoffer14 . This is my pet cat. I _ it Mimi.AcallBwriteCreadDcatch15 . The grapes are so _ that my teeth cant stand them.AcrispyBsourCsaltyDdelicious二、完型填空The perfect language learnerEvery language student wants to know the secret to making the post progress in the shortest time What does the perfect learner do to better acquire a foreign language? The following are some tips which may help you_your language skillsLearn every dayEven when you are really tired, do some learning, even if its only 510minutes Never miss a chance to increase your knowledge Use it,_lose it! Practice makes perfectMemorize new vocabularyTo really learn a new word, you have to remind yourself of it six times over hours, days and weeks Write down all your new vocabulary in a little book that you can always carry around with you, or keep a_in your mobileyou always have it with you, dont you? According to a recent study, 86percent of the participants believe that they are more likely to be successful in remembering new words with a vocabulary listBe_Dont worry about small mistakes! No one minds! When you learn new vocabulary or grammar, use it as soon as possible If you cant use them_, it is likely that someone will corrct you at once Challenge yourself! Go for it!_, you can use technology to improve your English such as listening to podcasts(播客)of native speakers, reading news in the language you are learning, watching videos etc Cheer up! You can be a perfect language learner!16 . AaffectBcreateCimproveDfollow17 . AandBorCbutDso18 . AdiaryBprogramCrecordDpromise19 . AseriousBactiveChonestDbrave20 . AaccuratelyBfreelyCcompletelyDeasily21 . AFor these reasonsBIn additionCIn other wordsDIn a wordSeveral train passengers have made people across the country angry in recent weeks. A video posted online showed Zhou took a window seat on a train from Yongzhou, Hunan to Shenzhen,Guangdong, on Wednesday. She was supposed to sit by the aisle (走道).Zhou _to move when the window seat passenger later got on the train and found her _already taken. Zhou remained in the window seat _she left the train at Guangzhou station. Videos of Zhou screaming at the officer quickly went hot on Weibo. On Thursday, Zhou was fined 200 yuan and banned (禁止)from taking trains in China for 180 _.Zhou was the second person in a month to be punished for her _.On Aug.21, a video posted online showed a man named Sun He sitting in the _seat on a train from Jinan to Beijing. When a train attendant asked him to move, he said he could not _and needed a wheelchair (轮椅).The China Railway Jinan Group later banned Sun from train travel for 180 days and he was also fined 200 yuan.A similar incident involving(涉及)a foreigner also _on Sept.23. A foreign woman took _persons seat on a train and would not leave. When passengers began taking videos of her with their phones, she shouted and threw water at them. The woman was then taken away. Later, she said sorry to the passengers she had attacked.They show that we need to behave in a more _way. If people dont follow laws and rules, they should be punished appropriately, the Paper noted.22 . AacceptedBrefusedCpromised23 . AseatBbagCmoney24 . AafterBuntilCwhen25 . AdaysBmonthsCweeks26 . AabilityBbehaviorChabit27 . ArightBcomfortableCwrong28 . AstandBsitCspeak29 . Atook placeBtook awayCtook off30 . Athe otherBanotherCothers31 . ApatientBcarefulCproper三、阅读单选Every kid wishes to be an adult. Do you remember playing house as a child pretending(假装) to be a grown-up like your parents? Did you imagine you were a doctor, a soldier or a teacher? At that time, anything seemed more exciting than being young.But now as grown-ups, some adults find they cannot leave childhood behind. They become “kidults”. Being a kidult has become a lifestyle choice among young people across Asia. Some kidults collect toys they once played with. Hello Kitty, Garfield, and Snoopy have many adult fans around the world. It is not unusual to see a 20-something woman with a big Garfield-shaped cushion on her sofa or a Hello Kitty mobile phone accessory.Other kidults still enjoy childrens stories and fairy tales. For example, the British publisher Bloomsbury even released an edition of the Harry Potter novels with an adult cover. That way, no one else on the subway will know that an adult is actually reading a childrens book.“Kidults can be like vitamins to society. Adults who love their childhood most and hold on to pure, child-like emotion(情感) may be needed in such a rough and dry society,” said Lee So-jung, a professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.He added that kidult culture may fill the generation gap(代沟) between adults and kids. It could give children and their parents books, movies, and cartoon shows to enjoy together.Tim Greenhalgh, an adviser in London explained that some kidults just refuse to grow up. They hold on to childhood because working life in a busy and stressful city frightens them. Kidults would like to forget their age and openly show their fear of society and adulthood.“So, they can escape from increasingly busy and stressful lives that are hard to deal with,” Greenhalgh said.32 . Why does a kid wish to be an adult?ABecause he wants to be independent.BBecause he doesnt want to be controlled by adults.CBecause he wants to experience the real world.DBecause he believes there will be more exciting life ahead.33 . What can we infer from the passage?ASome kidults refuse to grow up.BSome kidults in Britain like reading on the subway.CSome kidults think childhood is the best time of their life.DSome kidults want to escape from the busy and stressful life34 . One of the advantages of the kidult culture is that _.Ait can make adults face the real social lifeBit can make our society young and full of lifeCit can increase the sales of childrens booksDit can lead to harmonious(和谐的) relationship between adults and kids35 . Which of the following is the best title for the article?AKids or Grown-upsBHappy ChildhoodCFearful AdulthoodDKidult CultureMr. Shute was born in a poor family. He couldnt go to school when he was young.Now hes a strong porter (搬运工) and works at a station. He doesnt think he needs to know much about science. His son, Bill, began to go to school last year. The boy likes nothing except playing. He doesnt listen to the teachers in class and cant do his homework after class. Its the hardest thing for him to do maths exercises. And he wants to drop it.Last evening Mrs. Shute heard Bill crying in the next room while she and her husband were watching TV. She came up to him and asked, Whats the matter, Bill?I cant do my maths homework,” said the boy. I wont go to school tomorrow.No, no, dont do that! the woman said in a hurry. Maybe I can help you. The woman studied the exercises for a long time, but she didnt know how to do them. Then she asked her husband to help their son with his maths. Mr. Shute said, But I dont know maths, either. It doesnt matter, said his wife. Youll only fool him.Mr. Shute had to do as his wife said. This afternoon Bill came back and showed his exercise-book to his father. Having looked at it, the man was happy and shouted to his wife, Come and look at it! I got an A in maths!36 . Mr. Shute wasnt in school because _.Ahe wanted to be a porterBhis parents had no money to send him to schoolChe didnt need much about scienceDthere was no school in his hometown37 . Bill cant do his homework because _.Ahis father often helps himBhe doesnt listen to the teachersChe doesnt put his heart into his studiesDhe wants to be38 . _, so the boy cried in the next room.ABill couldnt do his maths exercisesBBill couldnt watch TV with his parentsCHis parents didnt help himDBill had no time to play outside39 . Mrs. Shute didnt help her son because _.AShe had lots of housework to doBshe was busy watching TV in her roomCshe was sure her husband could do itDshe didnt go to school, either40 . The word “fool” in the story means _.A欺骗B傻瓜C欺诈D愚蠢Linglings plan (计划)Monday: 5:30pm -play basketball with AliceTuesday: 11:00am-see a filmWednesday: 9:00am-watch a football matchThursday: 10:30am-go shoppingFriday: morning-go to the parkSaturday: evening-have dinner with TomDamings planMonday: 3:00pm -do homeworkTuesday: 5:30pm-play computer gamesWednesday: 2:00pm-meet some friendsThursday: 7:00am-have breakfastFriday: evening-read booksSaturday: 8:00pm-go to Jims birthday party根据所给材料,选择最佳答案。41 . On Thursday, Lingling wants(想)to _.Ahave dinner with TomBgo shoppingCplay basketball with AliceDgo to the park42 . Daming is going to _ on Tuesday.Ado his home workBread booksCplay computer gamesDplay football43 . Jims birthday party is on _.AWednesday morningBSaturday eveningCThursday afternoonDFriday morning44 . Going shopping is_ plan.ALinglingsBDamingsCTomsDLileis45 . Who has dinnner with Lingling?AAliceBDamingCTomDTonyFrom diaries to blogs, were all used to recording our lives with words.So why not take those words one step further? Its a great hobby that can produce something as simple as a 17-word poems, or as_as a 900-page novel. All you need is just a pen and a notebook.Types of WritingYou can jump into any type of creative writing-novels, poems, or something else. Start wherever you feel most inspired, and try a few different forms to see what you like. You can also plan a childrens book, write a song, or just write pages in your diary.Actually WritingCreative writing is a skill. If you own natural talents for writing, thats great! If not, you can improve yourself by writing something every clay, even if its just a few words. 100words. com and 750words. com can help you reach the goal.Getting Inspiration(灵感)No inspiration is one of the biggest problems that beginning writers face, and it can be hard to find until you know how to look. So, you have to practice looking. Look for the beauty in everyday life, start by reading everything, and see where it takes you.Really, just start writing. Get your thoughts on paper, express yourself, and have funbecause thats what creative writing is all about. As Ray Bradbury, the famous American writer said, May you live with hysteria(大惊小怪),and out of it make fine stories.46 . What does the underlined word complex probably mean in Chinese?A简单的B有趣的C复杂的D乏味的47 . What type of writing should a beginning writer choose?AThe easiest one.BThe most interesting one.CThe one he feels most inspired.DThe one he does worst in.48 . In the passage, the writer suggests that we get writing help from_.Athe teachersBthe radioCour pen palsDthe Internet49 . From the end of the passage we can learn that_.Awe cant put our thoughts into the writingBwriting is a way to feel bored without funCRay Bradbury used to be the greatest writerDfine stories are from our happy or hard life四、根据首字母、中文提示填空50 . Excuse _, can you help _carry the box? _am too busy.(我)51 . Where is Lily? _ is not here. I cant find _. Mother is looking for _.(她)52 . _ has many friends. They often help _.(他)53 . Thank _(你)for telling _(我们)the time.54 . Do you know _? _ are in Class 2.(他们)五、填写适当的句子补全对话转换句型,每空一词。55 . My brother is ill. I must take good care of her at home.(改为同义句)My brother is ill. I mustafter herat home.56 . Teachers teach students how to solve problems.(改写同义句 )Studentshow to solve problems by teachers57 . I can deal with itby asking the teacher for help.(对划线部分提问)you deal with it?58 . Whenever he comes back to Chongqing , he will visit his grandparents first .(同义句转换)_ _ when he comes back to Chongqing , he will visit his grandparents first .59 . Are there any new markets in Asia? The sales manager wants to know.(合并为一句)The sales manager wants to know _ there _ some new markets in Asia.60 . We dont know when we should arrive there. (保持句意基本不变)We dont know when _ _ there.61 . He spent an hour in finishing reading the comics( 改为同义句)It_ him an hour _ finish reading the comics62 . 能否把这做好取决于你的学习习惯。(完成译句)Whether or not you can do this well _ _ your learning habits .63 . 昨天我错拿了Lisa的雨伞。I took Lisas umbrella _ _ .64 . 乡下的环境如此好以致于我都想搬去那儿住。(完成译句)The environment of the countryside is _ good _ I want to move there .六、回答问题Canada, Mexico and the United States won their joint bid(联合申办) to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup at the 68th FIFA Congress. This is the first World Cup to be hosted in three countries. The joint bid, called United 2026, won 134 out of the total 203 votes.Football officials(官员) from the three countries cheered for the news. They said,“It is an important moment to show that we are all truly united through sport. And they are ready to welcome the world to North America and do everything they can for the largest FIFA World Cup in history.”Morocco also wished to host the 2026 World Cup. But the north African nation only got 65 votes, with a score of 2.7 out of 5.0 when checking their ability to host the World Cup while the United 2026 got 4.0 as they have more support from their countries and are better able to cover the cost.Among the four countries, the US hosted a World Cup in 1994 and Mexico held twice in 1970 and in 1986. The World Cup has never been held in Canada or Morocco. Unluckily, it was the fifth time that Morocco had failed to host a World Cup.There is also good news for all football fans The 2026 Word Cup will see more teams playing in it, with 48 teams and a total of 80 matches, compared to the 32 teams and 64 matches of the World Cup in Russia. Maybe the Chinese football team will make it in 2026!回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过6个词。65 . Who will hold the 2026 FIFA World Cup?66 . How many countries are mentioned in the passage?67 . How many more matches will be there in the 2026 World Cup, comparing with the last one?68 . How are the three Northern American countries united?69 . Will Chinese football team attend the 2026 World Cup?七、材料作文70 . (B)根据要求完成大作文九年级了,林涛感到学习英语非常困难,于是在英语周报网站发了如何学好英语的帖子。假如你是编辑史密斯,请给林涛一个满意的答复。答复内容必须包含以下要点:1、学习英语并不困难,但需要付出努力。2、给他提三条学好英语的建议或方法。3、鼓励他好好学习,不要放弃。词数:6080词要求:意思连贯,语句通顺,书写规范。Dear Lin Tao: I know you have some trouble studying English_Yours ,Mr Smith第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、回答问题1、七、材料作文1、

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