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七年级下学期期中抽测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5John, a farmer, was riding his cart along the country road. He had to arrive at the market early so that he could sell his vegetables. It rained heavily the day before, so it was very difficult for the horse to move on in the mud(泥). 1 . It was more difficult for the horse to move the cart from the mud. John climbed down from his seat and stood beside his cart.2 . He felt really sad. But he didnt try to lift the wheels up by himself. Instead, he looked up at the sky and started shouting, I am unlucky! 3 . After some time, an old man walked by. Do you think you can move the cart by simply looking at it and shouting? he asked. Did you try to get the wheels out of the mud by yourself? 4 . Come on, put your shoulder to the wheels, and you will soon find the way out.John did as the old man said.5 . John learned his lesson. He thanked the man and went happily on his way.阅读短文,把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。AWhy has this happened to me?BSoon the wheels were out of the mud.CNobody will help you unless you help yourself.DHe looked around but couldnt find anyone to help him.EThen suddenly the wheels of the horse cart sank deep into the mud.二、完型填空I once had little passion(激情) in my life. But what happened the other day changed my mind. It was then that I learned how _ it is to have a passion in life.That day I went home in Moms car. When Mom _ at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my eye. It was a man dressed _ old clothes. He was homeless. That didnt interest me, because I had seen _ like him before. Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless.But this man was _ in some way. He was not sitting down _ but dancing happily to the music with a _ in his hand. The radio seemed to be the most important thing for him.“Mom, why does that man have a radio _ hes homeless?” I asked.“He _ it,” she answered.“_ why doesnt he use the money to buy food or clothes? He paid for something that he didnt need.”“Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes arent the most important.”That man must care more about _ than food or clothes. I soon realized that _ is the key to life.Since then I am always _ what is truly important in life. A home, a meal, clothesthese things are _ part of the life. What we often forget is that we all need a joy, a light in a_ day. We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness to keep going.6 . AstrangeBimportantCdangerousDdifficult7 . AstoodBstoppedCwalkedDexercised8 . AinBonCbyDfor9 . AnoneBfewCallDmany10 . ArudeBpoliteCcommonDdifferent11 . AsadlyBseriouslyCproudlyDhappily12 . AcoatBphoneCradioDscarf13 . AifBwhenCbecauseDalthough14 . AmadeBpickedCfoundDbought15 . ASoBOrCButDAnd16 . AlifeBmusicCnewsDstories17 . AmoneyBhealthChappinessDfriendship18 . Atalking aboutBthinking aboutCwaiting forDlooking for19 . AonlyBallCalsoDnever20 . AwarmBhotCdarkDbrightSometimes You Just Have to CryThere are a lot of things about parenthood that could make one cry: sleepless nights, or diaper(尿布) messes and so on. _, for me the worst had to be immunization shots(防疫针).At about two months into _, I learned the true meaning of the word heartbreak. There could not have been anything worse than _ helplessly as he receives his first round of immunization shots. I would rather have been run over by a truck than have to watch him _ through that. I kept thinking that surely medical science could have come up with a better way of doing this by now while listening to his _. As for comfort from the doctor, all he could say was, Ah, look at those healthy tears. As we left the office, I whispered into my sons ear, Its okay, Sam. Sometimes you just_to cry.In a way I guess it was only a matter of time before Sam was introduced to _ in his life. I remembered losing my _ to a sudden car accident a number of years ago. I tried to remain _ through it all. One day, when a song came on the radio that _ me of my father. It was the first time since the funeral that I just let go and cried. It felt _ to not hold back any more.The earliest _ I have of my father is one of me as a young boy holding his hand by his two last _ as we walked together. His hands seemed so _ that his fingers were all I could actually grip. He always took me with him to basketball games even at my young age. I will never _ that.21 . AAnywayBInsteadCMoreoverDHowever22 . AparenthoodBchildhoodCneighborhoodDadulthood23 . AstandingBwatchingCsittingDcomplaining24 . AlookBpullCgoDwalk25 . AscreamsBwordsCsongsDwhispers26 . AhaveBpreferCrefuseDremember27 . ApleasureBpainCsocietyDhospital28 . AmotherBgrandpaCgrandmaDfather29 . AactiveBcleverCstrongDpatient30 . AcuredBremindedCwarnedDrecalled31 . AunusualBterribleCfrighteningDgood32 . AideaBeffectCpictureDmemory33 . AarmsBlegsCfingersDhands34 . AlargeBsmallCdirtyDclean35 . AmindBforgetCdoDaccept三、阅读单选There were two fishermen named Tom and Jack. They were close pals. One day they went out to catch fish together and have a fish meal in the field.They sat at a distance and started hunting for fish. Tom got a big and beautiful fish in a few minutes. He was so happy and placed the fish in the ice box. He decided to cook the fish in the noon. He spent some more time and caught a few more fish. He decided to make a grand meal with the fish. Also, he froze a few fish to take them back home.After an hour or so, Tom went to Jack to see if he needed any help. Jack said no. In a few minutes, Jack caught a large fish. However, he put it back into the lake. Tom was surprised at his act, but he remained silent. Jack caught more big fish, and put them all back into the lake. Very frustrated, Tom angrily asked him, “Are you mad? Why do you put your fish back into the water? They are beautiful and big!” Jack replied, I know they are big, but I dont have the big pan(锅) to cook the big fish! So Im looking for a smaller fish that fits my cooking pan! God is troubling me today.”36 . What did Tom and Jack go out for?ATo catch fish.BTo have a joy ride.CTo eat out together.DTo feed the fish in the lake.37 . Why did Tom put his fish in an ice box?ATo keep it alive.BTo keep it fresh for his meal.CTo keep it from going away.DTo keep it away from his friend.38 . What did Tom want to do when he went to his friend?ATo give him some fish.BTo offer some help.CTo ask him to cook his fish.DTo take some of Jacks fish for himself.39 . Why was Tom angry with his friend?AHe couldnt understand his act.BHe was fond of eating big fish.CHe thought it was unfair for small fish.DHe didnt catch any big fish himself.40 . What would be Toms advice for his friend at the end of the story?AAsk God to send him only small fish,BTake a bigger pan with him next time.CChange his fishing pole to catch small fish.DCut the big fish into small pieces to fit his pan.When you have a dinner party,what should you do? The following will help you. Try to open the door for each guest (客人) .If someone else answers the door,go to welcome your guests as soon as you can. Always offer to take their coats and ask,Would you like me to take your coat?”People often bring gifts like flowers or chocolate to a dinner party. Be ready to receive (接受) the gifts. Get a vase so that you can put the flowers in water. Never leave a guest unattended (没人照顾的) ,especially when there is only one of them. If there is more than one,they can talk to each other.If the party is at home,a good idea is to have a toilet (洗手间)sign (指示牌)for people who dont know your house.If the party is somewhere else,like a restaurant,try not to be too loud,because not everyone in the restaurant is at your party.41 . If others answer the door, you should_.Ago to receive their presentsBleave them talk freelyCgo to welcome your guests as soon as possibleDclose the door for them42 . If people bring gilts to your dinner party, you should_.Ahelp them put the gifts on the tableBbe ready to receiveCget a vaseDput the flowers in water43 . If there is only one guest, you should_.Amake him/her sit at a tableBmake him/her wait until you are freeCnever leave him/her unattendedDnever talk to him/her44 . If you have the party at home, you shouldAinvite lots of peopleBtry to be loudCtalk with each otherDhave a toilet sign for people who dont know your house45 . If you have the party in a restaurant, you should_.Atry not to be too loudBhave a toilet sign for peopleCattend everyoneDtalk to everyoneThis weekend my sister Carla and I are going to see a new film The BFG(圆梦巨人). The story is from a book by the British writer Roald Dahl. I think it is fun!TonyIm looking forward to visiting my grandparents farm. Im happy that next weekend my father is going to take my sister Gina and me there. There are many kinds of animals, such as ducks and pigs. Im going to milk(挤奶) the cows. But Gina plans to take some photos with the animals.KateI dont like to stay at home all the weekend. So I plan to go hiking with my friends tomorrow. We are going hiking for 15 km in the country. Were going to visit some interesting places along the way.PaulAustralia is my favourite country. This summer Im going to Sydney with my parents. We are going to visit the Sydney Opera House, take a walk on the beach and eat good food there.Rosa46 . Tony is going to see the new film with his _.AfriendBsisterCfatherDclassmate47 . Kate is going to a _ next weekend.AfarmBparkCtheatreDbeach48 . Paul is going to _ at the weekend.Amilk cowsBvisit friendsCgo hikingDtake photos49 . _ is going to another country to take a holiday.ACarlaBKateCGinaDRosa50 . Which of the following is TRUE?ACarla is a writer.BPaul likes to stay at home.CGina is going to take photos.DRosa is going to visit the farm.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出每个单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)51 . My deskmate usually does some reading in s_ instead of reading aloud in the morning.52 . Mike can speak perfect German so he doesnt have any problem c_ with Germans.53 . I havent been to the new library. What about you?Me n_. Could you go there with me this Sunday?54 . She has made great p_ after years of hard work.55 . Though she h_ the key in the box, we finally found it.56 . My father was f_ my broken clock when my mother came home.57 . Do you think we will be able to beat Class Three?Believe in o_. We are the best.58 . Im one of the f_ of Jackson. He really dances well.59 . The ice is not t_. You cant skate on it.60 . You must c_ your test paper carefully before you hand it in.五、完成句子61 . 根据句意和汉语意思翻译句子【小题1】我每天帮我妈妈扫地。I help my mother_every day.【小题2】你能把那本书递给我吗?Could you please_?【小题3】我们不能一直依靠我们的父母。We cant_our parents_.【小题4】女孩经常把一些钱花在衣服上。Girls often_some money_clothes.【小题5】我给他打电话,为的是提醒他关于聚会的事情。I called him_remind him of the party.六、讲稿62 . 书面表达学校每年都要组织一次“Planting Trees for the Earth”植树活动。假设你是班长,你要动员你班同学参加这次活动,请完成你的发言稿。提示:1.简单介绍森林的现状并分析造成这种状况的原因。2.阐明植树的意义:至少从两个方面说明树木对环境保护的作用。3.提出参加植树活动的倡议。要求:1.表达准确,语句通顺,书写规范。2.词数100个左右。3.提示词forest.、cut down tree, human(s)人类,要求全部运用Dear students,Thats all .Thank you第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、讲稿1、


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