七年级仁爱版英语上册:Unit1Topic3 训练

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七年级仁爱版英语上册:Unit1Topic3 训练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 下列单词中划线的字母发音不同的选项是:AseeBlegCbeDthese2 . That is _ jacket. _ jacket is blue.Aa; TheBa; ACthe; ADan; The3 . Are these your pencils?Yes,_.AI amBit isCthese areDthey are4 . I am Alice Green. Alice is my _ name. Green is my _ name .Afamily, givenBfamily, giveCgiven, familyDgive, family5 . -Whats your name? -_.AIm fine.BIm Helen.CIts Helen6 . _ apples do we need to make salad?AHow manyBHow muchCHow long7 . -What do you think of Beijing Opera? -.AIts about the story of Beijing.BVery much.CIts interesting.DI like.8 . Whats your phone number? 7284587.AHesBImCItDIts9 . - they playing games over there?- Yes, they .ADo; do BAre; are CDo; are DAre; do10 . Everyone knows that a desk is madewood and paper is madewood, too.Aof , ofBof , fromCfrom , from二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A: Hello, Jingjing. 11 . B: Im fine, thanks. And you?A: 12 . Oh, whats that?B: Its a car.A: 13 . B: Yes, it is.A: How do you spell“orange”?B: 14 . A: Thank you.B: 15 . ALet me help you.BIm fine,too.CYoure welcome.DWhats that in English?EO-R-A-N-G-E, orange.FIs that an orange car?GHow are you?三、完型填空It was my first day at school and I felt nervous and afraid . I went to all my classes alone . I felt like_cared. I listened to all the lessons and patiently waited for the lunch break . Then finally the bell rang and it was time to talk and have_.While waiting_, I met a new friend who wore a headscarf. We got along_, and I was so happy when she said , “ Sit with us at our table .” She pointed to the one next to the door . I agreed, and took my_and was about to walk with her_the floor, when suddenly I felt someone_me . “ Hey, I saw you on the bus ,” said a tall girl in a long skirt. “ I see you wear a Jewish necklace. You_sit with us .”At that moment I_and , to my surprise , I found that it was like the nations of the world : the Spanish only sat with the Spanish , the Americans were only with the_, the Russians were always with the Russians , and_would the Arabs and the Jews sit together .It was then that I saw the_why so many wars begin . Everyone stayed with other people of_background . The lunchroom was like a map of the world . Why was everyone so blind ?So I_this girl, and returned to the first girl. They were all very friendly. That day Ibuilt a bridge between two worlds when I sat with those who were different from me .16 . AeveryoneBanyoneCno oneDsomeone17 . AfunBtroubleCsupperDrest18 . Aon lineBin lineCin classroomDin rain19 . AgoodBbadCwellDbadly20 . AbookBplateCpictureDdrink21 . AtoBalongCaroundDacross22 . AcallingBnoticingCmovingDtouching23 . Alooked aroundBlook upClook intoDLook after24 . AChineseBAmericanCRussiansDthe Spanish25 . AonceBsometimesCalwaysDnever26 . AreasonBstoryCmatterDduty27 . AdifferentBthe oppositeCthe sameDclosed28 . ArefusedBfollowedClistened toDfought against29 . AwalkedBwentCbuiltDbroke完形填空My name is Bill. Im an English boy. Im a student_a high school. Im in Class 4, Grade 8. Li Lei is my friend. We are in_class. He is thirteen. Here is a photo of_family(家庭). It is new. Please_it. His dad is an English_The one_is his mom. She is a doctor(医生). He has_sisters. Their names_Fangfang and Lingling. They look the same. They are junior high school students,_They_a nice cat. They like it very much.30 . AinBtoCand31 . Athe sameBdifferentCsame32 . AheBhimChis33 . Alook atBlookCgive34 . ApenBteacherCpencil35 . Aa redBin redCin a red36 . AfourBthreeCtwo37 . AisBareCam38 . AtoBandCtoo39 . AhaveBhasCare四、阅读单选Tom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs. One day, Tom tells Mike that Good Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers. They are both very glad to hearthis. Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Can they join the Summer Camp?40 . Tom and Mike want to.Ajoin the Summer CampBget help from the CampCmake friends in the Summer Camp41 . What does the Summer Camp need help with?AFlying kites.BDrawing pictures.CSports, music and computers.42 . Tom can play.AballBviolinCmusic43 . What does the underlined word “trumpet” mean?A喇叭,小号B保龄球C杂技44 . What do Tom and Mike like?ASportsBComputers.CSwimming.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项New Years DayHello,Im Cindy.Im in China.Its very cold here.Im making some cards for my family and friends.My parents are cooking in the kitchen.At night,we usually watch TV together.Im Oliver.Its sunny in Australia today.We will have a party in the evening.Now my parents and I are preparing(准备) for the party.My mother is cooking.My father is out to buy some drinks.Im cleaning the house.We are all busy but happy.Im Tony from Canada.Its snowing and cold outside.But people are happy and they go to visit their family and friends.I always go to visit my grandparents with my parents.45 . What is Cindy doing?AShe is writing to her friends.BShe is watching TV.CShe is making some cards.DShe is cleaning her room.46 . Hows the weather in Australia?AIts cold.BIts sunny.CIts rainy.DIts snowy.47 . Where is Tony from?AChina.BAustralia.CThe USA.DCanada.48 . Tony always goes to see his _ with his parents on New Years Day.AgrandparentsBteacherCfriendDuncle49 . Which of the following is TRUE?ACindy is an American girl.BOliver is doing his homework.CIts raining and cold in Canada.DOlivers father is not at home now.五、阅读判断My friend Mr. Smith is a famous doctor and has a hospital. So he has enough money to travel all over the world. And hes been to a lot of places of interest. He likes to play with children and has a lot of little friends. They often ask him to tell them all kinds of funny things he saw. It makes them happy and his room is always full of children when hes free.It was my little sons seventh birthday yesterday. The boy wanted to ask his old friend Mr. Smith to the party. He called Mr. Smith himself and told him about it. The doctor accepted his invitation happily.Mr. Smith came on time, with a nice present in his hand. After dinner the children sat around the traveler and asked him to tell them some funny stories. Mr. Smith agreed and his stories made them laugh again and again. At last he told them the funniest story. He said, Once I reached a city on a foggy day. The fog was the thickest in the world.Please wail a moment, Mr. Smith, said my son, Its said that the fog in London is the thickest in the world. Youre right, my clever boy. said the funny doctor. The city had much fog that dayWhats it, then? the boy couldnt wait to ask again.The fog was so thick that I couldnt see it at all. the funny doctor said with a smile.50 . Mr. Smith has been to a lot of places of interest.51 . Mr. Smith is good with children.52 . Mr. Smith turned down the invitation to my sons birthday party at first.53 . The stories Mr. Smith told were not interesting.54 . The funny doctor thought my son was clever.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示填词。55 . How do you s_it? C-A-R, car.56 . What are those i_ English? Theyre schoolbags.57 . Whats your t_ number? Its (010)8635-0908.58 . Bob is English. He is from E_.59 . H_ name is Julia. She is from the U.S.七、完成句子用英语写出下面的数字。60 . Jim is in Class _ (11), Grade Seven.61 . Those are _ (13) buses.62 . _ (15) is my lucky (幸运的) number.63 . Double nine is _ (18).64 . Jack is _ (20) years old.八、根据图画及所给单词写出句子看图写话81. morning82. nice, you83. my, yellow84. these, mine85. box, be65 . _.66 . _.67 . _.68 . _.69 . _.九、材料作文70 . 假如你是Lily King, 请根据表格内容简单介绍一下你自己和你的好友Bob Smith。要求书写规范,介绍英语名字必须分别介绍名和姓。提示句:I have a good friend.(我有一个好朋友)英文名年龄物品及颜色电话Lily King13杯子:棕色钢笔:蓝色63378568Bob Smith14夹克衫:绿色尺子:黄色棉被:紫色63389876Hello! My name is _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、2、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、完成句子1、八、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、九、材料作文1、

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