2019-2020学年九年级上册(人教版)《Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!》单元检测英语试题

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2019-2020学年九年级上册(人教版)《Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!》单元检测英语试题_第1页
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2019-2020学年九年级上册(人教版)《Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!》单元检测英语试题_第2页
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2019-2020学年九年级上册(人教版)《Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!》单元检测英语试题_第3页
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2019-2020学年九年级上册(人教版)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Do you know how many colours _ in a rainbow?-Seven.Aare thereBthere areCis thereDthere is2 . Please ask him_ come here today.AnotBnot to C dontCisnt3 . -_ I have a look at your new e-book?-I am sorry. I cant find it. My mother _ have taken it. But I am not sure.AMust; canBMay; mustCMust; mustDMay; may4 . Nicka job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didnt take it.Ais offeredBofferedCwas offered5 . Without money in my pocket, I dont know _ for lunch.Awhat can I haveBwhat to haveCwhat havingDwhat to have it6 . How much does the ticket from Shanghai to Beijing _?AcostBtookCspendDpay7 . The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games are just two years away. How !Yes. I was to see the two mascots for the game on September, 17.Aexciting; excitingBexcited;excitedCexciting; excitedDexcited;exciting8 . Hello, Jack. Lets _basketball together.That_great. Lets go.Ato play; soundBplay; soundsCplay; sound9 . Dr. Smith working though he felt sick.AprovidedBcontinuedCofferedDstopped10 . Peter, where is your brother? He his English homework.Ais doingBdoesCwill doDdid11 . I wont have a trip to Mount Huang unless Amy _, either.Awill be invitedBinvitesCis invitedDwas invited12 . The police stop a car that has taken the wrong road. The driver gets a fine (罚款). Which sign might the driver have missed?ABCD13 . I wonder _ he is a young teacher or a student. Could you tell me?AwhatBthatCwhetherDif14 . They often email us to offer advice and we benefit a lot.AfinalBhelpfulCsillyDpatient15 . He usually helps me _the housework.AwithBto doCdoDA、B and C二、完型填空理性听取他人建议Long long ago, there was a fox. One day, this foxs_ was caught in a trap(捕捉器). When he was trying to get away from it, he lost his_ tail. Since then, he became a fox without a tail.At first, when he saw other foxes, he felt a sense of_. Because he didnt have a tail. But he decided to face his trouble.He_all the foxes to a meeting._they got together, the fox said that they all should do away with their tails. He said that it was very inconvenient(不方便) to run away with their tails when they_ their enemies. The tails didnt have_use.“You are right,” said one of the oldest foxes, “but I dont think you would advise us to do away with our tails if you hadnt_ yours first._ hearing the words of the old fox, the fox without a tail had nothing to say and ran away. So for us, we should think _ when others give us some advice.16 . AearBarmClegDtail17 . AwholeBperfectCnaturalDspecial18 . AfearBpityCshameDpleasure19 . AintroducedBcalledCdiscoveredDhelped20 . AThoughBBecauseCWhenDIf21 . Amet withBagreed withCtalked withDdealt with22 . AanyBSomeCmanyDmuch23 . AgotBlostCsoldDcaught24 . AAfterBBeforeCSinceDUntil25 . AonceBagoCeverDtwice三、阅读单选Last summer, my family and I went on a trip to the China Dinosaur Park in Changzhou by busThe journey took us about an hourWe arrived at the park at about 9 amThere were many fun places for us to choose fromWe first went to the Crazy Firedrake(喷火龙) DrillWhen I looked at the large yellow machine, I wasnt afraid at all, But when I was really on it, I felt a little nervousFirst, the machine took us to the highest pointWe all screamed “Ah” with our eyes closedThen the machine turned around fast and moved very quickly at the same timeI felt as if I would fall downI kept screaming through the whole rideIt only moved for only a few minutes, but it seemed to be manyhoursWhen the game ended, I was too afraid to walkLater we took part in the game called “Crossing Jurassic(侏罗纪)”We got into a boatThe boat went into a tall buildingIt was dark around usThere were many model dinosaurs on both sidesThey looked like the real onesSometimes the model dinosaurs made some frightening shouts, which sounded terribleThe game ended with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big poolWhat an exciting day!26 . When did the writer get on the bus?A9 a.mBAbout 8 a.mCAbout 9 a.mDAbout 10 a.m27 . When the writer looked at the large yellow machine, he was Anot afraidBtoo afraidCvery excitedDso nervous28 . What did the writer do when the machine took him to the highest point?AThe writer laughedBThe writer screamedCThe writer looked downDThe writer did nothing29 . From the text, we can know that the game called “Crossing Jurassic” is a tripAbusBtrainCcoachDboat30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe yellow machine turned around fast and moved quickly at the same timeBThe first game moved for a long timeCThere were many real dinosaurs in the parkDThe second game began with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big lakeThree students are talking about the New Year tradition of their own country.AChristina from SpainOn the last day of the year, the 31st of December, people wait till 12 pm.Everybody must have 12 grapes to eat at midnight.At each sound of the clock, we must eat a grape.But we cant ever finish eating the grapes on time! Usually when people still have some grapes in their mouths, they look at each other and start to laugh.This tradition started in Spain long ago.One year, when there were a lot of grapes, the king of Spain decided to give grapes to everybody to eat on New Years Eve.BCordon from BritainOn New Years Day in Britain, people have parties.At 12 oclock, the music stops, and we listen to the radio.On the radio we hear Big Ben, the famous clock in London.Then everybody sings a song about friendship and kisses their friends.We say “Happy New Year” to each other.Its lucky if a tall man with dark hair is the first person to come to the house in the New Year.So I go and visit as many friends as I can.They all give me a drink.CAngela from BrazilIn all cities in Brazil, we have a big party on New Years Eve, especially in Rio de Janeiro.People in this city go to the beaches to watch fireworks (焰火)We put flowers in the sea and think about things we want for ourselves or others.We usually wear white clothes for good luck during the New Year.31 . Which is NOT mentioned (被提到) in the passage?AHave 12 grapes to eat.BHave parties.CGive flowers to others.DWatch fireworks.32 . Who have parties during the New Year?A. People in Spain.B. People in Britain.C. People in BrazilD. Both B and C.33 . From the paragraph of “Cordon from Britain”, we know that _.ACordon cant drink muchBpeople hear Big Ben on the radioCpeople sing a song about good luckDeverybody in Britain goes to watch fireworks34 . On New Years Day, Brazilians usually wear white clothes because _.Athey hope that can bring them good luckBthat reminds them of their happy lifeCthey think that they look beautiful in whiteDthats what they have to do during the New Year35 . This article mainly tells us_.Awhat people in Britain do on New Years DayBwhen and where people have New Year partiesCwhat people in different countries do on New Years DayDwhy people around the world like the New YearWhat do you do in a situation like this? Youre eating dinner with friends at a nice restaurant. Youre having a great time when a phone rings at the table next to you. A man takes out his phone and starts talking loudly about his problems he latest met. He talks for almost ten minutes! This happens all the time on buses or metros, in restaurants or supermarkets, nearly everywhere!Many people find cell phones useful in their day-to-day lives. But all of us have ever sat next to someone talking too loudly on a cell phone. You may want to tell the loudmouth to end the conversation, but let the management take care of the noisy customers. You can only control your own behavior. Here are a few rules.Off means off!Respect the rules of restaurants and other public places. If a sign says turn off cell phones, dont use your phone.Keep private conversations private!Speak softly and for a short time. Try to move away from other people.Lights off, phone off!Never take calls in a theatre or at the movies.Pay attention!Talking on a cell phone while driving is dangerous. And watch where youre going when youre walking down the street and talking on the phone.As more and more people use cell phones, things are only going to get worse. So, the next time youre getting ready to make a call, consider the people around you.36 . How many rules about controlling your own behavior on cell phones mentioned in the passage?ANoneBTwoCThreeDFour37 . Many people think cell phones are _ in their daily lives.AhelpfulBuselessCunnecessaryDout-of-date38 . The underlined word loudmouth in the second paragraph means _.Asomeone who uses a cell phoneBsomeone who has a conversation with othersCsomeone who talks loudly on a cell phone in publicDsomeone who starts talking when having dinner next to you39 . Whats the best title for the passage?ACell Phone FactsBCell Phone MannersCCell Phone HistoryDCell Phone DevelopmentEating in space is different from eating on the earth. The food that astronauts carry with them does not look like the food you eat.Some food is carried in closed bags. It is cooked and frozen before the astronauts get it. All the water is removed from the food. In the spaceship, the astronaut puts the water back. He “shoots” hot or cold water into the food bag with a special gun. He eats the food through a small hole in the bag.Other foods come in bite sizes. The astronaut puts a whole piece in his mouth at once. There can be no crumbs. Crumbs would float around the spaceship and get in the way. Meat and cakes often come in bite-size pieces.Astronauts cannot drink water from open cups. The water would float in drops in the spaceship. The water is put in the special gun. The astronaut shoots the water into his mouth.40 . Some food carried in the closed bags by astronauts is _.A. cooked and frozen B. full of water C. raw41 . Astronauts cant drink from open cups because_.A. the water would float in drops around the spaceshipB. the water would spill all over their foodsC. crumbs would float in the cups42 . The main idea of the passage is that _.A. astronauts cannot eat or drink in a spaceship until they come back to the earthB. eating and drinking in the spaceship is a special problemC. there is more food and water in space than on the earth四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。43 . Do you know how our world was like _(世纪)ago?44 . Our _(生活)will become better and better in the future.45 . This question is so easy that _(任何人)can answer it.46 . How about _(解决)that problem in another way?47 . We should think about questions with _(头脑).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空48 . I usually get _ (dress) at half past six in the morning.49 . My friend Tony likes playing the guitar and he wants to be a _(music) in the future.50 . -Do I need _(call) Tom back? - I think so.51 . French fries are not _(health) food.52 . I usually eat breakfast very _(quick) because I have very little time in the morning.六、完成句子六、情景交际根据情景提示,完成下列各题.53 . 根据情景提示,完成下列各题你想知道该怎样准备英语考试,你可以这样问学霸:_54 . 根据情景提示,完成下列各题Clara购物时向服务员打听衬衫的材质是什么,她会这么问:_55 . 根据情景提示,完成下列各题你想知道电话是谁发明的,你会这样问:_56 . 根据情景提示,完成下列各题你认为青少年应该被允许选择自己的衣服,你会这样说:_57 . 根据情景提示,完成下列各题你想告诉朋友,那些产品是在上海生产的,你会说:_七、书信作文58 . 假设你是阳光中学的张红,你家将作为友好家庭接待来自美国的交流学生 Amy请根据Amy 的邮件内容,用英语给她写一封回信Dear Zhang Hong,Im so happy to have the chance to study and live with you I cant wait to leave for Nanjing I am curious about the study and life in Nanjing Would you please tell me about that?Is your school far from home? What is your school like? Are there any special courses for us to learn?Do you have any plans for our weekends?Im looking forward to hearing from you soonYoursAmy注意:1文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3词数 80左右,信的开头已经给出,不计入总词数Dear Amy,I am very glad to receive your email Welcome to my home and my schoolYours sincerely,Zhang Hong第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、书信作文1、

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