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2019-2020学年七年级(人教版)英语下册培优测试卷:Unit10测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A year has four seasons and it _ twelve months.Adivides in toBdivided intoCis divided intoDis dividing into2 . There _ some food and some books in the bag.AhaveBhasCisDare3 . When the accident happened, many _were passing by. So they told a lot to the police about it.Oh, we should write a report about them.AwitnessesBenemiesCsuspectsDvictims4 . -How _ Jim? -He is OK. Thanks.AdoesBamCisDare5 . 一Is there a computer on Miss Lis desk?_There are only some books on itAYes,there is BNo,there isntCYes,it is DNo,it isnt6 . There _ an English Party in our class next week.Ais going to haveBis going to beCwill have7 . Its cold today. Take your with you when you go out.AcakeBcoatCcard8 . your cousin? Shes 12.AHowBWhereCWhat colorDHow old9 . you any apples?Yes, I _.ADo;have;doBAre;have;doCAre;having;amDDo;have;am10 . -Have you got any carrots? -No, I _.AhaveBhaventCdontDam not11 . Would you like to play King of Glory with me? Oh, no. Thats the _ thing in the world I want to do.AloudBlargeClastDlost12 . Is dinner ready,Mom?No,not_.AyetBalreadyCstillDready13 . -_?-Yes, Im looking for a watch for my son.ACan I help youBWhat are you doingCWhat do you wantDWhat do you like14 . -Do you mind turning down the radio a bit? Its too noisy.-_.AOf course notBYes, of courseCNever mindDAll right15 . They would like _ noodles.Atomatoes and muttonBtomatoes and muttonsCtomato and muttonDtomato and muttons二、补全对话7选5选择适当的句子补全下列对话,有两项多余A:Good afternoon. 16 . B:Yes.Id like a bowl of chicken noodles.A:17 . B:Small,please.A:What would you like to drink?B:18 . A:OK.Well,todays special is mapo tofu. 19 . B:Sure.One mapo tofu,please.A:I see.Please wait a minute. 20 . B:OK.Thanks.AWould you like it?BMay I take your order?CHow much is it?DIll bring your food soon.EWhat size would you like?FIs there any tofu in the restaurant?GId like orange juice.三、完型填空Tea is the most popular drink in the world besides plain water. There are thousands of _ types of tea available. All tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis bushalso _ as the Tea Plant. The leaves and buds of this plant are picked several times a year, usually by hand. After picking, the tea is processed into black tea, oolong tea, green tea or _ tea.Black tea was invented in China in the Ming Dynasty as a way to _ tea fresh when it was being transported long distances. As tea has to travel a long distance to reach places such as Britain, Canada and Australia, it is not _ that Westerners drink mostly black tea. However, the majority of the world drinks green tea.Herbal tea is prepared in the same way as regular tea but is not really tea. This is _ it contains herbs, fruits, spices, etc. but no leaves from the Tea Plant. To truly be tea, the leaves must come from this plant. All tea naturally_ caffeine, which comes from the tea leaves. Antioxidants are the properties found in some foods that reduce your risk of _cancer and heart disease. All regular tea has a lot of antioxidants.Decafieinated tea is regular tea(usually green or black)that has been processed to remove the caffeine. In recent years, organic tea has become _, too. This is tea that comes from plants that have been grown without the use of any chemicals. People believe that it tastes better and is healthier, but sometimes it costs more than non-organic tea. This is because the size of the crops is often _.21 . AsameBbeautifulCcolorfulDdifferent22 . AtakenBknownCspokenDnamed23 . AbadBsweetCwhiteDcold24 . AkeepBmakeCcarryDwash25 . AinterestingBfunnyCsurprisingDamazing26 . AsoBbecauseCwhyDunless27 . AcontainsBmakesCincludesDbrings28 . AtakingBpickingCgettingDremoving29 . AhotBcarefulCpopularDhorribly30 . AbiggerBshorterClongerDsmaller四、阅读单选Mary has four good friends at school. They are Jenny, Gina, Mark and Bob. Jenny and Gina are girls. Mark and Bob are boys. Jenny likes oranges and strawberries. She doesnt like tomatoes. Gina likes ice-cream. She doesnt like hamburgers. Mark likes tomatoes and broccoli(西兰花). He doesnt like French fries. Bob likes broccoli. He doesnt like French fries and hamburgers.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31 . Jenny likes _.AtomatoesBoranges and broccoliCice-creamDoranges and strawberries32 . Mark and Bob dont like _.Aice-creamBFrench friesCtomatoesDstrawberries33 . _ dont like hamburgers.AMary and JennyBJenny and GinaCMark and BobDGina and Bob34 . Mark and Bob like _.AtomatoesBFrench friesCbroccoliDFrench fries and hamburgers35 . What does Mary like?AOranges.BWe dont know.CTomatoes and broccoli.DFrench fries and broccoli.Emmas RestaurantTel: 765-8080Address: No. 28 Jinhai Street, next to White Tree ParkOpening time: 9:00 a.m. 9:30 p.m.You can eat here or take away the food.Ice-cream is free on Wednesday.Staples (主食)Beef hamburger:$5 (small) $7.5 (medium) $9 (large)Vegetable hamburger:$3 (small) $4.5 (medium) $6 (large)DessertIce-cream: $3Apple pie (馅饼): $5Banana pie: $5.5DrinksOrange juice: $5 (large)Green tea: $10 (large)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。36 . Emmas Restaurant _.Ais next to White Tree ParkBdoesnt have a telephoneCis a Chinese restaurantDis on Beihai Street37 . When can you buy food at Emmas Restaurant?AAt 7:30 a.m.BAt 8:00 a.m.CAt 3:00 p.m.DAt 10:00 p.m.38 . If Helen wants to buy a large beef hamburger and a large glass of orange juice, she needs _.A$8B$12.5C$14D$1939 . At Emmas Restaurant, there are NO _.Amutton piesBlarge cups of green teaCmedium beef hamburgersDsmall vegetable hamburgers40 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThree ice-creams are $15.BYou can only eat at the restaurant.CYou can eat noodles at the restaurant.DYou neednt pay for the ice-cream on Wednesday.ADVERTISEMENTS1.HOUSE FOR SALE Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of the town. Living room, kitchen, dining-room, bathroom and three bedrooms. Offers over $35,000.2.ASSISTANT WANTED FOR BUSY RESTAURANT Some evening and weekend work. All meals are free. Ring 332-0178. 3.JOIN OUR FOOTBALL TEAM Boys and girls who wanted to play in local football team. Aged 9-13. Meet in Greek Park at 3 p.m. on Friday. 4.ROOM TO RENT Small room to rent in an apartment above a restaurant in the city center. Newly painted with modern furniture(家具). Near to the railway station. Buses pass front door. Phone 332-2108. Mr. Brown wants to live near his workplace. Mrs. Brown wants a house with four bedrooms. The Browns children dont care what the house is like as long as the garden is big enough. Ann, their daughter has always wanted to work in a restaurant. She thinks it is an exciting place. Its hard work but she is diligent(勤奋的). She is ready to work on Sundays and Saturdays if she can get other days off. Its not very well paid. But who cares much about money?Tom is a middle school student. He is 12. He stops school at half past three, so he has plenty of time to finish his homework. Jack, Mr. Browns brother, is looking for a room to rent. He doesnt care what color the walls are or how old the furniture is. He is getting ready for his drawing. So the house must be restful. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。41 . Why cant the Browns buy the house in ADVERTISEMENT 1?AThe garden is too big.BThere is no dining room.CIt is on the north side of the city.DThe bedrooms fail to meet their requirements.42 . Why is Ann eager to be an clerk in a restaurant?AIts an easy work for her.BThe place can make her excited.CShe thinks it will be interesting.DShe needs to spend Saturdays and Sundays.43 . Why cant Tom play for the local football team?AHe isnt old enough.BHes in a different village.CSchool stops too late.DHe has to do his homework.44 . Whats wrong with the room for Jack in ADVERTISEMENT 4?AIts too small.BThe walls are the wrong color.CHe likes old furniture better.DIts too noisy in the city center.45 . What does the underlined sentence “All meals are free” mean?AAssistants can have the meals in the restaurant at any time.BAssistants can have the meals in the restaurant with the customers.CAssistants can have the meals in the restaurant without paying money.DThe customers can have meals in the restaurant without paying money.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空46 . My sister is a_ (导游)and she loves her job47 . The bus was too slowLets take a_ (快的)train48 . Alice is my good friend and she is a_ (可爱的)girl49 . The ring was too_ (昂贵的),so he didnt buy it50 . Im sure_ (所有事情)will be all right in the end六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空51 . My best friend has a good sense of _ (humorous).52 . Betty is _ (friend) to old people only.53 . We have_ (little) snowfall this year than last year.54 . I think Mary is _ (good) girl in our class.55 . Peter is _ (heavy) than Mille.七、完成句子IV. 完成下列句子。(15分)56 . 没有你的帮助,我不能做这件事。I _ do it _ your help.57 . 小汽车轰然相撞。The cars _ each other.58 . 你既然问,我就告诉你。_, I will tell you.59 . 我将尽力学好英语。Ill _ English well.60 . 海浪把游泳者卷走了。The waves had _.八、材料作文61 . 请根据以下提示,写一篇题为“Military Museum of the Chinese Peoples Revolution”的短文,80词左右。提示:1.它位于北京天安门附近,馆内有不同时期、不同地方的武器(weapon);2. 每年有来自世界各地成千上万的人来这里参观;3. 馆内禁止大声喧哗,严禁触摸展品,严禁拍照,不许吸烟,不许奔跑;4. 在馆内可以购买明信片。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、材料作文1、

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