2019-2020学年八年级下(牛津译林版)Unit 6单元练习英语试题A卷

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2019-2020学年八年级下(牛津译林版)Unit 6单元练习英语试题A卷_第1页
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2019-2020学年八年级下(牛津译林版)Unit 6单元练习英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We must _ our task until it is finished, no matter what difficulty we may face.Astick toBbelieve inCgive upDturn down2 . Why are you so excited today? We were told _ a picnic this weekend.Ato haveBhaveChasDhad3 . Its difficult for me _ my homework in such a short time. Come on! Im sure you can.AfinishedBto finishCwill finishDfinishes4 . Would you please _ me your photos?AshareBshowCdoDmake5 . We all know some of the polices duties are to keep order and _ the law.Agive outBfind outCcome outDcarry out6 . The TV program Keep Running is very popular_the middle school students.AamongBbetweenCoverDfor7 . It is_to cycle around GuilinAgreat funBa funCa great funDa great funny8 . What a lovely card! Where did you buy it?I made it by _.AmeBICmineDmyself9 . Mona suggests _ the mountain this weekend. I dont agree because of the terrible weather.Anot to climbBto climbCnot climbingDclimbing10 . - Where is my food, Tom? - Sorry, I just it.Ahave,eat, upBhas,ate ,upChave, eaten, upDwill ,eat ,up11 . Nancy enjoys light music. She thinks it can make her feel _.AscaredBexcitedCrelaxedDtired12 . Have a nice trip!_.AMe, tooBThe same to youCI dont think soDNo, thanks13 . _ visit the famous local theater and enjoy Beijing opera?AWhy dontBWhy notCWhy wontDWhy arent14 . To make our environment _ polluted, everyone needs to take more action.AlessBmoreCfewerDmost15 . The kite is broken. Please _.Atake it awayBtake them awayCtake away itDtake them away二、完型填空完形填空。Nancy is reading an e-mail from her friend Jack. She is very_to get the e-mail . Jack writes about his school_weekends. Jack likes his school very much. Nancy likes her school,_Jacks school is very big and he likes his classroom. The_and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures_the wall. They clean the classroom every day.Jack doesnt_to school at the weekend. He gets up_on Saturday. At six, he exercises in the park for half_Then he goes back home and eats his breakfast at about 7:00. He_his mother with the housework(家务). At eight he begins to do his homework. He has lunch in a fast-food restaurant. In the_, he goes shopping with Mum. Sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the Internet in the evening.He enjoys his weekends very much.16 . A. tall B. like C. happy D. good17 . A. but B. and C. or D. at18 . A. also B. again C. too D. hi19 . A. desks B. schoolbags C. pencils D. boys20 . A. at B. on C. near D. behind21 . A. like B. play C. go D. have22 . A. early B. late C. before D. here23 . A. a year B. a month C. an hour D. a day24 . A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help25 . A. day B. Sunday C. afternoon D. week三、阅读单选Lots of people like going to malls. Some people spend lots of time in malls and people call them “mall rats”. “Mall rats” shop for many hours a week. There are many reasons. One of them is that they feel comfortable in malls.The largest mall in our city is the mall called Meilianmei Shopping Mall. It has 286 shops, 6 nightclubs, 4 cinemas and a small modern park! There are parking places for 6,000 cars. About 60,000 people come into the mall and about 20,000 of them buy things there every day.People love doing all their shopping in one place. Many of them go to the same mall every time. There are many malls around the city. Now there are many things to do and see in malls. They can shop, eat and play in a mall. They also see films there. Some people go to malls to meet friends.26 . Why do people like going to malls?ABecause they can buy some cheap but nice clothes.BBecause they feel comfortable when they are in malls.CBecause they can eat and drink in malls.DBecause they can see some of their friends in malls.27 . What does “mall rats” mean in Chinese?A购物中心的老鼠B在购物中心偷东西的人C喜欢逛购物中心的人D喜欢购物的人28 . About Meilianmei Shopping Mall, which of the following is NOT true?AIt is the largest mall in the writers city.BIt has 286 shops and 6 nightclubs.CIt has 4 cinemas and a small park.DAbout six million people come into the mall and buy things.29 . Now people can _ in the shopping mall.AshopBeatCsee filmsDall of the above30 . Whats the main idea of the second paragraph?AIts about how “mall rats” came.BIts about what the local largest mall looks like.CIts about the things people can do in malls.DIts about why people like going to malls.Comfort. Safety. Favorite family memories. Future. Root. We asked our readers to share with us the keywords they thought of for their home. Here are some our favorite answers.“Home is a place, where you and your family can be safe, have all you need, and share your sadness and happiness, where you can help each other as a family. It does not matter how big or small. I live in a small room with my two sons, and we share our thoughts.” Honey“Since 2007, Ive built four homes with Habitat for Humanity families. The common point that each family has is: faith, hope, family, school, love, even future struggles. Home gave these four great families a safe place out of dangerous living conditions so they could think about the future as well as the present.” Chad“Home is a comfort place to live with our families and pets and enjoy with friends, a place to build memories as well as a way to build future wealth (财富). A place where we can truly just be ourselves. And whether our houses are big or small, they are our shelters.” Linda“Home is my root. When I was a little kid, my parents never had their own place. With 5 kids, my dad worked 7 days a week 12 hours a day; mom worked off and on, always running to get another job. We went from one place to another. I can remember one place we lived in had no bathroom, the windows were missing, and there were holes in the walls. So the first thing I did after I got a job was to buy an apartment where I could live forever.” Thomas“Home means a future. Once we had a stable home, we could think beyond where we were going to live from week to week, and we could begin to look ahead to where we wanted to go. Home is the base where everything begins.” Kelly31 . Where is the passage probably taken from?AA novel.BAn advertisement.CA magazine.DA diary.32 . How many people in the passage dont care about the size of their home?A1.B2.C3.D4.33 . Everyone is talking about their own family EXCEPT _.AHoneyBChadCLindaDKelly34 . Which of the following is TRUE about Thomas?AHe was born into a rich family.BHe liked travelling and moving.CHis parents were busy working.DHe bought an apartment without bathroom.35 . Which can be the best title of the passage?AEast or West, Home is BestBDifferent Home PatternsCFinding a New HomeDKeywords for HomeDear Li Na,Im really glad to receive your e-mail. You said you were learning to cook. Is it interesting? I think if you want to keep healthy, food is very important. Youll be better if you try all kinds of food, especially(特别是) vegetables and fruit. I eat them every day.You asked me how to make a milk shake. There are different kinds of milk shakes, such as apple milk shake, banana milk shake, carrot milk shake and watermelon milk shake. Apple milk shake is my favorite, because apples and milk are both good for our health. Before starting, we need an apple, a cup of milk, some ice-cream and two spoons of honey. Of course, you need a blender.Now, lets start. First, peel an apple and cut it up. Next, put the apple, the milk, some ice-cream and two spoons of honey into the blender. Then turn on the blender. Keep it going for only one minute. Finally, pour the apple milk shake into a glass and drink it. Its delicious!I want to learn how to make some Chinese food, such as dumplings, noodles and zongzi. Write soon!Yours, Could you teach me?Maria36 . What is the e-mail about?AGood eating habits.BA good lifestyle.CHow to look after your health.DHow to make a milk shake.37 . . In this e-mail, Maria mentioned (提到) _ kinds of milk shakes.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix38 . . Of all the milk shakes mentioned in the e-mail, Maria likes _ best.Abanana milk shakeBwatermelon milk shakeCcarrot milk shakeDapple milk shake39 . . Which of the following is TRUE?ALi Na is showing Maria how to make dumplings.BLi Na wants Maria to learn to make noodles from her.CMaria can cook Chinese food.DMaria may eat many different kinds of food, especially vegetables and fruit every day.40 . . Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the e-mail?AA blender and a glass.BNoodles and dumplings.CSugar and coffee.DWatermelon milk shake and apples.An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a lot of famous actors and actress got off. Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special things done to avoid possible fans gathering so that no one shod know them. But they soon discovered that the action making themselves unknown can sometimes be too perfect.“This is a wonderful place for a picnic,” said Gloria Gleam. “It couldnt be better, Gloria,” Brinksley Meers agreed. “No newspaper men, no film fans! Why dont we come more often?”Meanwhile, two other actors, Rockwall Slinger and Merlin Greeves, had carried two large food baskets to a right place under some trees. When they had all made themselves comfortable, a stranger appeared. He seemed to see red. “Now you get out of here, all of you!” he shouted. “Im sheriff(司法长官) here. Do you see that notice? It says No Camping - in case you cant read!”“Look, sheriff,” said Rockwall. “Dont be too hard on us. Im Rockwall Slinger and this is Merlin Greeves.”“Oh, is it?” said the sheriff with a smile as if we were fools. “Well, _, and my other name is Gloria Gleam. Now you get out of here fast!”根据短文内容选择最佳答案。41 . The underlined word “see red” most possibly means _.A. happy B. angry C. frightened42 . What did these famous actors and actresses do to make others not know them?A. They dressed in dark glasses and old clothes and took special things.B. They drive an ancient car.C. They visited some newspaper men.43 . When did the stranger appear according to the passage?A. When they stopped by a dry river bed.B. When they had all made themselves comfortable.C. When they carried two larger food baskets.44 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Rockwall Slinger and Meerlin Greeves cant read the notice.B. Gloria Gleam thought that they would come more often because the place is fit for picnic.C. The sheriff didnt find that they were famous actors.45 . “ _ ” can be the missing sentence in the passage.A. Im Brinksley Meers. B. I never go to the cinema. C. I saw the notice just now.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空46 . We always _(使满意)our customers with good service.47 . They spent over a thousand _(英镑)on the car.48 . Maybe _(人类)can live on mars one day49 . Itll be _(疯狂)to go out in this heavy rain.50 . Nothing is _(不可能的)if you try your best.51 . You are very brave and look like a real _(英雄)。52 . I am very_(口渴的).Could you please give me some water?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意用所给动词的适当形式填空Chat , come ,be ,rain ,lie53 . There _no people in the playground now .54 . Who _on the ground over there ? An old man is55 . Look ! Here_the bus56 . I dont want to go out because it _heavily outside .57 . Its 9 p.m. The twins _with each other in their room.六、单词填空As we all know, Nanjing will h 58 . the 2nd Youth Olympic Games, which is held every four years in s59 . and lasts about 12 days. It is a great honour (荣誉) for all the Chinese. The t 60 . of the Youth Olympic Games is Green Youth Olympic Games, Dynamic (充满活力的) Youth Olympic Games, and Cultural Youth Olympic Games.Green Youth Olympic Games calls on people to P61 . the environment so that we can breathe the f 62 . air and show the people c63 . from other countries beautiful scenery (风景) and give them a good impression (印象).Dynamic Youth Olympic Games. As a matter of fact, it calls the fair (公平) competition. Although all the players are the college s 64 . , this activity calls on all the citizens to be in it.Cultural Youth Olympic Games. More and more people p65 . great attention to the sports meeting. At the same time, there will be a lot of c66 . activities.As a student in Nanjing, I should learn English well so that I can be a v 67 . inthe Youth Olympic Games.七、填空68 . Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school, but not all children in the countryside are so luckily.There is a girl called Xiao Juan. She is ten years old and lives in a small village. When she was seven, she wanted to go to school. But she could not, because her family was too poor to afford the school fees(学费) for her, so her parents had to keep her at home. Instead of studying, Xiao Juan looked after her brother and worked in the fields every day. Then Hope Project heard about Xiao Juan. It agreed to help Xiao Juan to go to school. Her wish of study came true, and now she is studying in a school.Unluckily, there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. You can join in Hope Project and help these children. You know all the good work needs money. Hope Project needs your help.If you give Hope Project ¥300 each year, it can pay for one child to go school for a whole year. With more money, Hope Project can build new schools, buy good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. Lets help the children together and give them a chance to have a good start in life.根据短文内容,完成信息表(每空不超过5个单词)。Information CardThe girls name1. _Her age2. _The place where she lives3. _The reason she couldnt go to school4. Her parents _.Who helped the girl to go to school?5. _.八、讲稿69 . 书面表达。十月四日是世界动物日,你校组织以“I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals”为题的英语演讲比赛。假如李明参加比赛,请你以“李明”的名义写一篇英语演讲稿推荐自己,词数60个左右。内容如下:1. 善待动物,勤劳,做额外事。2. 组织慈善义演,为Save Chinas Tigers筹款;3. 动物是人类的朋友,保护动物就是保护我们自己。I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals.Hello, everyone. Im Li Ming. I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals. Im glad to make a speech here. _If I can be a volunteer, _Thank you for listening!第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、讲稿1、

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