2019-2020学年七年级英语下册(外研版)Module 9 Life history 过关测试

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2019-2020学年七年级英语下册(外研版)Module 9 Life history 过关测试_第1页
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2019-2020学年七年级英语下册(外研版)Module 9 Life history 过关测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This is Amys pen. Please _.OK.Agive her itBgive it to herCgive her to itDgive it her2 . I think it is _ of you to offer your seat to the old on the bus.AcorrectBdirectCpolite3 . Dont _ others when you are talking to them.Astare atBlook forClook afterDlook through4 . We like some fish and rice _ dinner.AinBatConDfor5 . You can have any of the hamburgers _ this big one.This is for our parents.AexceptBforCbesidesDbeside6 . He ate all the fish, _, his parents have no fish to eat.Ain order toBas a resultCfor exampleDmoreover7 . Autumn is also called _ in American English.AcookieBmovieCvacationDfall8 . E-mail English: Lets meet 4 dinner and then c a movie 2night.Formal English could be:_ALets meet at four for dinner and then see a movie two nights.BLets meet for dinner and then see a movie tonight.CLets have meat for dinner and then see a movie too night.DLets have a meeting for dinner and then say a movie tonight.9 . Children are very happy on June the first because it is _.ATeachers DayBChildrens DayCWomens DayDNew Years Day10 . - Who is she? - Shes my mothers _, my grandma.AdaughterBauntCcousinDmother11 . Tom found that the train _ when he _ at the station.Aleft;had arrivedBleft;arrivedChad left;had arrivedDhad left;arrived12 . John, its _ outside. Lets go out and make a snowman. That sounds great.ArainingBsnowingCwindyDcloudy13 . You should take the medicine _ twice a day.Aat lessBat leastCat lastDfor least14 . She knows that she _ young_.Ais; any longerBisnt;any longerCisnt; no longerDis; no longer二、补全对话7选5五、补全对话A. Hi,Peter. 15 . .AYes, I joined it last week.A: 16 . .B: I have read two books.A: 17 . .AI have read Tom Sawyer and Harry Potter.A:18 . .B: Well, I think Harry Potter is exciting, but Tom Sawyer is a little boring. By the way, what books have you rend recently?A: I have read Little Women. I think it is very interesting.B: Whats it about?A: 19 . . It is really good. You can read it when you are free.B: Ok, I will.AWhat books have you read?BIt is about four sisters growing up.CI hear that you have joined the book club. DHow long have you read the book?EHow many books have you read?FWhy do you like reading them?GHow do you like them?三、完型填空After supper Mrs. Bell felt hot and came out of the hotel. She got to_first time. Now she was walking along a quiet street when she saw a man working in a garden. She_to watch him carefully. The old man worked_and she was sure he was an able gardener. She liked to see him.“I have a garden, too.” The woman said to herself. “ I_such a gardener. Why dont you bring one to America?”So she went into the garden and said she would pay him much if he_to go to America with her.“ Ill pay for your fare(费用), too.” said the woman. “ Youll be able to get_soon in my country, I think.”“ Thanks a lot,” said the old man, “but its_that I already have another position(职位). I cant give it up. Ill have to work for you_they elect(选举) me next time.”“Oh?” the woman said in surprise. “_are you, then?”“The president of France.”20 . A. Toronto B. Paris C. Moscow21 . A. a B. / C. the22 . A. ended B. went on C. stopped23 . A. slowly B. hard C. badly24 . A. need B. hope C. hate25 . A. disliked B. agreed C. believed26 . A. lonely B. happy C. rich27 . A. glad B. unlucky C. lucky28 . A. until B. unless C. if29 . A. Whose B. How C. What四、阅读单选Yesterday afternoon Mr Brown wanted to catch the 1:30 flight to New York to have an important meeting.At 4:30,Mrs Brown,his wife,got his phone call and he said that he was still at the airport.“What happened to you?” Mrs Brown asked in surprise.“Well,”Mr Brown said.“Everything was fine at first.I got my ticket checked,took my bags and waited in line to get on the plane.While I was walking across the runway to the plane,I saw my friend Jack Scotthe was a flight attendant.I shouted to him and a policeman caught me.”“But why?”“I dont know.As soon as he heard my shout,he ran towards me and caught me.”“What did you shout to your friend?”“All I said was Hi,Jack;you know thats the usual way we say hello to our friend.”“But the sentence Hi,Jack also means to take control of a plane by force(武力).Dont you know?”30 . Mr Brown wanted to go to New York .Aby trainBby airCby bus31 . When did Mr Brown get to the airport yesterday?ABefore 1:30.BAfter 1:30.CAt about 4:30.32 . Why was Mr Brown still at the airport at 4:30?ABecause he was late for his flight.BBecause he didnt want to go to New York.CBecause the police stopped him.33 . What was Jack Scott in the passage?AHe was a pilot.BHe was a flight attendant.CHe was a policeman.34 . We know thatfrom the passage.AJack Scott asked Mr Brown not to fly to New YorkBMr Brown would take control of the plane by forceCthe policeman didnt understand what Mr Brown really meant五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示拼写单词35 . The old lady are very happy to play the game with one of her _(孙女).36 . The baby fell _(睡着的) when he was eating.37 . Dont be _( 紧张 ), we can help you at any time.38 . He went to see the doctor because of _(牙疼).39 . Its dangerous for people to take photos on _(铁路).六、完成句子40 . 像打篮球这样的锻炼是令人放松的。Exercise_ playing basketball is relaxing.41 . 我每天看电视不超过两个小时。I watch TV for _two hours a day.42 . 在这里游泳是危险的。Its dangerous_here.43 . 我认为最好的放松方法是进行锻炼。I think the best way_ is _.44 . 你明天有空吗?_ you _tomorrow?45 . 我每天读书至少两个小时。I read for_two hours every day.46 . 这位男士超过四十岁了。The man is_forty years old.47 . 在我们班,60%的学生喜欢用因特网.Sixty _ the students in our class like to use the Internet.48 . 我通常一周看两次电视。I usually watch TV_.49 . 喝牛奶对你的健康有好处。Drinking milk is_ your health.七、多任务混合问题阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。Zhuge Liang lived during the Three Kingdoms period. He was famous for his talent and loyalty (忠诚).When Zhuge Liang was young, he lived the life of a farmer in Nanyang . Liu Bei visited him three times. Finally, Zhuge Liang promised to do his best to help Liu Bei. A few years later, they built the state of Shu.After the death of Liu Bei, his son Liu Shan became the emperor of Shu. Zhuge Liang helped him rule the state. He was the prime minister, but he took care of everything, no matter how small it is. (3)Because of his hard work, the state became much stronger than before.At that time, the state of Wei was an enemy of Shu. Zhuge Liang led the army to fight Wei many times. Before he left,(4) Zhuge Liang wrote a letter to the emperor. At the end of the letter, he said, “I will give myself to the people and the country until the last day of my life.” The war between Shu and Wei lasted for a long time. Finally, Zhuge Liang became sick and died.It tells us (5)Zhuge Liang spent all his time working for his people and country. A great man like him will always be remembered.50 . Did Zhuge Liang live in the Spring and Autumn period?_51 . How many times did Liu Bei visit Zhuge Liang?_52 . 将(3)改为because引导的复合句。_53 . 将(4)改为被动语态。_54 . 将(5)用take改为同义句。_八、材料作文55 . 请根据下面所给的提示内容,写一篇60词左右的人物简介。贝多芬德国伟大的作曲家1770-1827自幼爱好音乐,钢琴弹得很好,28岁得了耳病,18年后完全聋了。在此期间他仍继续工作,他的大部分作品都出自这个时间。第九交响曲是他一生中最著名的作品之一。参考词汇:贝多芬Beethoven德国的German作曲家composer聋的deaf继续工作go on working作品works第九交响曲The Ninth Symphony第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、材料作文1、


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